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> According to data storage experts at Iron Mountain, around 20 percent of drives from the era are now unreadable. The company is raising concerns that, due to deteriorating formats, insufficient metadata, and increasing disk failures, a significant portion of these historic recordings could be lost forever if urgent action is not taken.
> Hard drives from the 1990s, even those stored according to best practices and appearing pristine on the outside, are increasingly failing.
>Even if drives fire up they are often filled with proprietary software no longer available or proprietary cables or power adapters no longer made
>Many disks also lack metadata

This is what they get for closing down OiNK

And closing down what.cd

And waffles and libble and all the other ones that fell to the wayside

>storing data in some obscure proprietary format
What did they expect
what.cd was such a wonderful place. Part of me died when they took the site down and never recovered.
Glad that they are shitting themselves.
Just use AWS Glacier.
fake bullshit, they probably use some sort dedicated HA storage system, like netapp or dell whatever the fuck its called. who writes this bullshit?
>didn't swap out aging drives
Musicians do not deserve this bullshit from these greedy and excessively incompetent record labels.
this article is on techspot, wired, and ars technica, and I wouldn't put it past these greedy, incompetent companies to do such exaggeratedly stupid shit as to try and retain ancient HDDs forever without ever moving data to newer drives and trashing the old hardware, they ultimately don't care as the main losers are the unfortunate musicians involved with the records lost
>greedy, incompetent
I hope they have backups of the backups at least.
4chan, is this real? sounds too retarded
It's real

Whatever they are, they are gone. Songs lost forever.
Maybe this will incentivize them to let people keep private trackers, soulseek and etc going
>What.CD was a private, invitation-only tracker

So nothing of value was lost. Just as bad of a place to store data as those proprietary hard drives.
Hearing the difference now isn't the reason to encode to FLAC. FLAC uses lossless compression, while MP3 is 'lossy'. What this means is that for each year the MP3 sits on your hard drive, it will lose roughly 12kbps, assuming you have SATA - it's about 15kbps on IDE, but only 7kbps on SCSI, due to rotational velocidensity. You don't want to know how much worse it is on CD-ROM or other optical media. I started collecting MP3s in about 2001, and if I try to play any of the tracks I downloaded back then, even the stuff I grabbed at 320kbps, they just sound like crap. The bass is terrible, the midrange...well don't get me started. Some of those albums have degraded down to 32 or even 16kbps. FLAC rips from the same period still sound great, even if they weren't stored correctly, in a cool, dry place. Seriously, stick to FLAC, you may not be able to hear the difference now, but in a year or two, you'll be glad you did.
This is unbelievable levels of retarded. Considering the internet exists and the 90's was only 10 years ago.
It had high standards for uploading torrents. I just connected to their IRC server, did the interview, and I was in. Public trackers are not suited for archiving purposes.
It probably won't
Can't they just download FLACs people uploaded to the internet and call it a day? They may not be masters, but fuck it, better than nothing.
>Didn't replace a drive for 30 yes
Yeah no shit they're failing, surprised it took that long.
The FLAC files are created from the final product. Pre-production is usually very different.
They say they follow the recommendation of replacing the hard drivers after 10 year, but even that wasn't enough.
Having to lick some janny's balls as a part of a humiliation ritual just to get access to 50MB FLACS that barely sound any different from a high bitrate mp3 isn't suited for archiving either.
just move them to new drives lol why is this news
>Even if drives fire up they are often filled with proprietary software no longer available or proprietary cables or power adapters no longer made
Open sores autists were right...
If its not public its not preserved, the less people have access is the same as saving a proprietary format that less software can read especially into the future the number will reach 0 at one point.
uhhh anon it was like 20 years ago
20% is not that bad considering one doesn't know how well the drives were cared for or how hard they were used and not all brands were created equal, some worse than others. if it was a lemon from the factory (Seagate and lemon can be used interchangeably here) it will shit itself no matter how well it's stored.
You are right. This is what happened with all the music private trackers.
MP3 was the preferred format but you are right.
they were stored in a well-controlled environment and never used. anyone who has ever seen a youtuber open new old stock know that devices devices tend to not like never being used
>or proprietary cables or power adapters no longer made
ok this is bunk. 99% of 90s PCs had an absolutely bog standard power connector and IDE interface.
Wait how the fuck could music data have gotten on the drives if they were never used NOS?
they wrote them once and then sealed them away the same way the would seal up an analog recording's master. they're obviously morons so I don't know if they stress-tested the drive before putting them away. but they did write each set of files to two drives. that was their "backup", but at a 20% failure rate I'm sure you know what happened to 4% of the file sets
Huh? It says in the OPs pic that the hdds from the 90s are failing. If they really replaced them every 10 years they wouldn't have this problem
I don't care.
Who in the fuck uses HDDs for archiving? The music industry can afford tape libraries of the big IBM kind.
Copying the files would degrade the audio quality
My mistake, but check this out:

>drives that fail tend to fail within three years, that no drive was totally exempt

>Optical media rots, magnetic media rots and loses magnetic charge, bearings seize, flash storage loses charge, etc
It's an interesting world we live in
Gotta put it on tapes
Oh my sweet summer Zoomie.
This is the only reasonable solution.
gat dang Brownian motion. why can't particles just stand still or at least move in a predictable way
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music industry? don't they just keep everything on these?
Beethoven didnt have any hard drives whatsoever
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Music notation is useless for the Rap industry, as it all looks like this.
gotta get dat shit down on tape bro
>Oboe Concerto in F major, (lost)
>Romance for Violin and Orchestra No. 3, (lost)
>Six minuets for orchestra (original version lost, only an arrangement for piano is extant)
>Seven Ländler for two violins and cello (original version lost, only an arrangement for piano is extant)
>Twelve German Dances for orchestra (original version lost, only an arrangement for piano is extant)
>Silvio amante disperato (lost)
>Oboe Concerto in F major (lost; only incipits and draft of 2nd movement extant)
>Kriegslied für die verbündeten Heere (lost)
>String Quintet in F major (lost)
dammit, if only beethoven had saved them on hard drive they surely would have lasted 200 years for us to enjoy today
>unfortunate musicians
We all know a majority of musicians are also retarded for not keeping their own copies of their music, regardless of the legality.
I sure as hell wouldn't trust some idiot, talentless suits with preserving my work.
They can barely keep their own asses out of the fire as the embezzle as much of the profits as they can before going bankrupt.
We're talking about a group of "people" that will buy out of print records on ebay just to destroy them so no one can digitally copy and share the copies online.
lots of musicians used lots of apple products
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found an old meme
That's not the issue. Nothing Apple did is THAT proprietary. And what they have done is popular enough that there's still ample supply in the second-hand market or aftermarket replacements. This is some niche industry bullshit
who gives a shit. It's literally just a particular arrangement of bits
What are these? Some type of early 90s flash or ssd? Harddrives don't fail unless you are shaking them.
>What this means is that for each year the MP3 sits on your hard drive, it will lose roughly 12kbps
>They hated JESUS, for he told them the TRUTH
Who cares all his shit sounds the same. Just throw it in an ai generator, and give whatever shit it spits out the name and say you found it. Big Woooopp
That's not quite true. Drives lubricant can dry up over time, especially when cold stored. Especially when talking about legacy hardware. I've also heard about server drives that ran fine with years of concurrent uptime but when spun down for a reboot never spun up again (I don't think that's the case here but still, example 2)
>he doesn't lube his drive
Migrate archive media every 10 years to a new support and using up to date software
>NOOOOO that costs too much!!
Your brain gymnastics are impressive. What a funny way of retardness.
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>HDD life

My PC's internal backup HDD is six years old (supposedly the mean lifespan), would it be a good idea to replace it?

Flash drives and external SSD's should be plugged in every few months to restore the charge right?
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theyre penny pinchers i wouldnt be surprised if they used picrel exclusively
this is not a tehnology problem, this is a technician and corporate shitstains that wont pay for needed equipment and maintenance problem.
now they have a much bigger problem.
funny how that works eh?
Its the master tapes so they can remix and edit the files in the future
>Harddrives don't fail unless you are shaking them.
Rotational velocidensity is part of the bit rot problem, but it's gotten better with the popularization of solid state drives.
Well yeah I figured that, but I would have asked they transferred it to something else
>buy new drives
>move old shit on to new drives
>recycle old drives
the jew who owned the record company just didn't want to pay to do this, is all
>do not deserve
if you support the j*ws you deserve everything that will eventually come your way
>even those stored according to best practices
Best practices are to routinely swap old drives.
Maybe they should spend a little on IT instead of just lawyers.
>palworld devs be like
Damn if only there was some way to copy data from one drive to a another
Good. Entertainment is the lowest profession.
>implying musicians aren't greedy and incompetent
why do you think they are signing contracts with record labels, retard
>Musicians do not deserve this bullshit
Entertainers of every medium deserve all the "bullshit" that could possibly be thrown at them.
>t. AI "artist" that thinks his soulless slop is better than the mona lisa
>AI "artist"
Did I stutter?
proprietary cables and power adapters is trivial to reverse engineer


>A key part of that legacy — the originals of some of the company’s most culturally significant assets — went up in smoke in 2008.

>The vault fire was not, as UMG suggested, a minor mishap, a matter of a few tapes stuck in a musty warehouse. It was the biggest disaster in the history of the music business. UMG’s internal assessment of the event stands in contrast to its public statements. In a document prepared for a March 2009 “Vault Loss Meeting,” the company described the damage in apocalyptic terms. “The West Coast Vault perished, in its entirety,” the document read. “Lost in the fire was, undoubtedly, a huge musical heritage.”

yeah about that....
>put your music online as torrents
>everyone archives it
>free backups
Of only they weren't so greedy.
Apple used SCSI back in the 90s, also not a proprietary interface.
>And closing down what.cd
this is what happens when you allow your
street shitting userbase to sell invites to police officers.

> no link
absolutely 100% kill yourself, you incompetent fucking idiot.
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Copying a digital file doesn't affect its content, retard. This is not an analog cassette.
you try telling that to music engineers and audiophools
How the fuck do torrents fix this?

>everyone archives it
Do you think 90% of your favorite artists are still going to have seeders fifty years from now? A hundred?

Average torrent tracker has a shorter lifespan than an HDD. Torrents are not some sort of permaweb.
>everyone archives it
can you read?

fucking deserved and all private trackers had it coming.
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Do they really not turn on from time to time in a cold storage (no power) RAID array to see if the drives need to be replaced?
Should they be keeping this stuff on tape?
Everyone archives it where exactly? On their own systems, which have even shorter lifespans because they're not in cold storage? Into cloud storage, where they'll be wiped or lost once the account holder dies or stops using it?

Even if somebody did manage to preserve some obscure album for more than a hundred years, how is that of use to anyone? How is anybody supposed to locate this person and retrieve the files, or know that they have them?
Fiction often needs to make some degree of sense, due to audience reaction considerations.
Reality has no such restriction.
>We all know a majority of musicians are also retarded
*are also retarded sheep
Just like humanity in general tend to be retarded sheep.
There's no point in bringing this matter up.
Obviously, but use google and you'll see how retarded are those people. They think that copying an MP3 would degrade it because it's 'lossy compression'. I'm not talking about re encoding, just copying the file.
this is why copywrite will be the end of us, we're one corrupt hard drive away from losing the blueprints to how medical equipment worked and then you're fucked.
god, when you kill me make sure I don't respawn for at least 1000 years and no copywrite.
Has nothing to do with customer cds. They are losing the stem tracks that are used to mix songs. This means sheckelstein can no longer get some nigger to do a diverse resample of an old pop song that people forgot about.
You are right, it's all about the remaster and remixing sheckels.
they can just use AI to make the stems
It wouldn't cost even 1% of profits to do yearly backups. There's also the untapped revenue from using the masters to create infinite "ai" generated songs.
There's also the infinite incompetence and jewery of the studios.
Seagate was considered premium until the late 00s, zoomer
I'd torch it all to the ground if I could
erase every bit
enough remakes and remixes and nostalgia baiting
1% of the profits? What do you mean we need to waste 0.5% of the profits? These things aren't even in use there's no need to use 0.25% on the profit on this. Why are we even paying the warehousing costs to store this and you want to use 0.1% of our profits on it? Unthinkable to even spent 0.000000000001% of the profits on this you're fired!
I didn't consider them premium in the '90s, in fact, I avoided Seagate hard drives.
What did you buy?
The music industry can eat a jar of donkey cum
She aint shy no more
That's why you also make back-ups and copies onto newer media. That's how life itself is able to endure.
All data storage has finite shelf life. That's you have to make copies especially onto newer and more current media.
Maybe they are subject to their own rules. Don't copy that floppy?
I'm being silly, the elite class obviously lives on another level of governing.
I hate that this makes me laugh every time I see it
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I can confirm this is true, that's why I converted all my 128kbps MP3 files to FLAC.
T. That asshole from Metallica
And nothing of value was lost
...but they are actively bullying, suing and destroying any people that dare to archive their shit, lmao.
nobody cares.
>have you ever heard of tape archives, mr. clickbait poster?
How old are you? 12? 16?
would it be a good idea to replace it?
why on earth would anybody still have stuff archived on hdd's from the '90s?
you could fit a warehouse full of '90s hdd's worth of data on a small stack of modern hdd's, or tapes for that matter, who does long-term storage on hdd's?
what do you expect them to do? use the then foetal GNU shit?
should have stuck with master tape dorks
I wonder what the progress on that crystal based storage medium is like, last I heard MS was putting a lot of money into it.
I just memorized the songs I like. Easy peasy
Transfer it to some kind of maintainable format. Not random meme shit.
Yeah but that would cost like, thousands of dollars! Would you really deny a poor penniless music industry exec his 14th yacht that year?
Told you storing everything on zip disks wouldn't pan out anon.
>proprietary format
>special snowflake interfaces
should have just used a consumer IDE disk, idiots
so the dumbfucks never migrated to new storage arrays? i guarantee a boomer was behind that decision
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oh no! all that precious 90's music
Tapes last forever... unless they catch fire and burn down, which they really like to do, so warehouses storing them still have AC and controlled humidity for good measures.
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>it's about 15kbps on IDE, but only 7kbps on SCSI

this is making me want to build a few period "retro" PCs for shits and giggles.
>what.cd was such a wonderful place
Not when someone "fixed" the tracklisting on your upload and stole all your points. Fuck that place.
Was everything from What.CD opened when it shut down? If no, it's the same as OP. Lost because of being closed.
IMO, private trackers should not exist.
Recently one guy was boasting how he's waiting for a record that's not digital, because it's made from a tape from the 90s.
Those people are retarded.
Good. Nonfree cucks deserve worse. They've been warned their NIH, undocumented data formats are a literal critical risk to the business and will now suffer the cost of not understanding them.
What I don't understand is what music companies even fucking do. There are no career openings, the people that work there are only sales NPCs and then they do stupid shit like this.
cool it with the antisemitism
vinyl record >>>> ALL
>According to data storage experts at Iron Mountain, around 20 percent of drives from the era are now unreadable. The company is raising concerns that, due to deteriorating formats, insufficient metadata, and increasing disk failures, a significant portion of these historic recordings could be lost forever if urgent action is not taken.
How retarded are these people? Do they not make regular backups to newer drives?
>I'm being silly, the elite class obviously lives on another level of governing.
Of incompetence and complacency because spending a small portion of their ill-gained profits to prevent something like this is a bridge is a too far.
Mostly copyright trolling and some marketing. They are already obsolete, and only live on sheer momentum thanks to the corrupted copyright system a.k.a basically a pseudo-fief.
Archiving is unironically the biggest argument in favour of piracy.
Why would they? If people pirate they can't make money, if recordings are lost forever they can't make money, it makes no difference to them.
no surprise there. these are very complex devices probably not even meant to be used like this
pretty sure they aren't talking about the consumer release which certainly is widely available but the masters and work files which would explain the proprietary format
Tapes are also not suitable for cold storage, they will lose their charge over time and need to be read and rewritten. Ironically, the best way to handle this task is with optical media. They just made the mistake of only putting fully mixed tracks on CDs and not the stuff they were trying to archive.
they should have made scans of the papers and lossless backups of any media
Meanwhile wax cylinders from 120 years ago are still playable.
thats assuming no errors happened during transfer. im pretty sure that to this day there is no integrity checks for basic file operations and it would slow down things a lot too. you can use something like rsync if you care but most people wont be doing this and rely on luck
Just how much data do they have? If it fit on 90s hard drives it can't be that much. Can't they just just a couple of 20TB HDDs for a couple hundred bucks and dump it all on there? People living on welfare do more to preserve anime than megacorporations do preserving their own product.
carve your data on a gold disc. probably expensive but i heard its something that can stand time
Is over for those parasites.
Good riddance.
CDs also degrade, at least the consumer grade ones are not fit to store information for several decades, but it should be cheaper to rewrite those every 5 years and only discard the oldest copies to be on the safe side.
This, people sometimes forget that cds aren’t the best for their physical quality, at least not consistently.
I’ve got CDs from the 80’s which are pristine and show no signs of failure in any way, right alongside them are others from the 80’s which have shown to be delaminating over the years and will fail soon.
And then even modern released discs from the last few years, I have some releases that are on really nice CDs or use new old stock high end discs, but then I have some which are under 5 years old and also show delaminating layers or oxidization, or just signs of bad material quality and will fail soon.

My personal music library involves a lot of CDs but it’s also mirrored as a digital back up across multiple drives and I make a new one every few years.
>listening to music
Grow up, trannies.
how many threads do we need
how many threads has it been now
Gold is too soft, but platinum and iridium are good options.

The vast majority of CDs from the 90s that aren't physically damaged still work. If you were to store them in a vacuum sealed case they'd last practically forever.
>buy a new thinkpad
>hdd lottery gives me a seagate
>6 months later it dies
>meanwhile my gf has migrated her HDD to several computers and after more than 10 years it passes every single test

she once spilled coca cola on that btw
yeah pressed cds are doing well. its the writable ones that people used to burn that are more of a gamble
idk about windows but in linux you have automatic checking in some filesystems. Besides the fact that the disk firmware + linux changing the metadata if something went wrong is enough to not loosing data. Bit rot (even in HDD) is a far worse problem than copying errors that are automatically detected and fixed without prompting a warning.

Why didn't they just upload them to the cloud ?
buy an ad
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buy a rope for urself
>So nothing of value was lost. Just as bad of a place to store data as those proprietary hard drives.
much worse. huge archives of audio vanished overnight.

>It had high standards for uploading torrents.
>invites the french police and copyright trolls to monitor their website for several years
wow. those are some high standards you got there.
seethe on shortbus
>m pretty sure that to this day there is no integrity checks for basic file operations
Not for windows, macOS, or linux. There are third party software you can use that does check for errors of copies though.

It seems crazy to me that they don't check for errors but whatever. It would double transfer speeds but that doesn't seem like that big of a deal.
You are old
>IMO, private trackers should not exist.
Based. I seed on public trackers.
Just stop spinning them you retards, take what you want and unhook it
I have about 4TB of data for my artwork and photography. 4TB doesn't seem like a lot but that's like 300 painting .PSDs averaging about 1gig each and about 500 RAW and NEF photos I've had from professional models I use as reference for my art. I also have 20 years of random photos I've been sent from girls and images I've saved from the internet. It's something like 500k images.

I buy new backups every 5 years. Back in the day I would have to buy multiple external drives because storage was like 1TB each but now you can get a single 5TB drive for less than $150. I was just about to buy a new one this month I would die if I lost all my work.

All my old backups still work, so I have like 4 sets of backups. Keeping track of all the right cables and power adapters is a big pain in the ass though.
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>500 RAW and NEF photos I've had from professional "models" I use as "reference" for my "art"
freaky ass nigga
last 100 years okay drives don't so enjoy your unreadable disc
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I use to use model mayhem but that site has been dead for a few years now. It's harder to find models in the area. it's awkward just cold walking up to a girl you think is pretty and asking if they will model for you. I just give them my business card with my site and contact info on it and sometimes they reply. Most even do nude once they see my work and like it.

A lot of my models are just my better looking friends but still. Losing all those photo would suck. I still use some I took 10 years ago.

(I'm a concept art in the video game industry but my personal art is all pinup art of sexy ladies)
You sell any of that art?
Not my problem.
I use to but my plotter died so I can't print any of it. That was like 2 years ago. Once I get a new printer I'll start selling prints again. I have thousands of paintings hanging on people's walls all around the world, which I think is pretty neat. I probably make around $7k off of prints a year. Which really isn't that much. My real job is doing concept art for studios like EA and Gameloft.

And no, I don't have sex with the models during a session. Though I have gone on dates with girls I've met that have modeled for me. Girls really, really like to be painted nude. It makes them feel especially pretty and good. It's pretty much how I've met all my girlfriends. I'll just message a girl I think is cute with "I think you're really pretty, can I paint you?" It works like, every time.
Lol, and how long do you think those units last, anon? That's enterprise online hot storage. You buy one of those units, you get warranty for 3 years, pay out your ass if you want to extend that to 5 years, and after that point the spares simply aren't available because they're not manufacturing them any more.
Plus with online hot storage you have a slew of issues to handle with long-term data preservation - bit rot in it's various forms, array failures, active corruption, malicious access.
This is why cold offline storage is used for long-term preservation. The only lesson here really is you need to be bringing that cold offline storage back online periodically to test for robustness, and have succession planning in place for moving your cold stored data onto newer cold storage mediums as time moves on.
Tape is a better choice if you have the amount of data and the budget for it. You still need to periodically bring it all back online and shift across to new tape formats though. For example, LTO drives only support read and write for the current generation of tapes minus one, and only support read only for one generation earlier than that. So if you're on LTO7 drives and your cold media is on LTO5 tapes, you need to pull all of that out and start moving it up to LTO7 because the next time you refresh your drives you won't be able to read the old media at all. In that regard it's worse than hard drives, because HDD interfaces (SATA, IDE, SCSI) are stable over a much longer period and finding ways to interface with them is much simpler and ubiquitous.
You FLACtards need to kys
linux does as btrfs supports this, by default. data is checksummed on write, and those checksums are verified on on read, so you can be sure that a succcessful read actually means you have the original data
with the relatively low volume of data they had they should have just contracted with a cloud long term storage provider. tape drives are for archiving truly massive amounts of data
>everyone archives it
Kek no
The files would be huge
Torrentniggers only download mp3 garbage
and somehow (((archeologists))) will tell you some bones are millions years old.....

If everything degrades...... !?!?!?
I don't know if you're retarded on purpose but fossils aren't bones. The oldest *actual* bones we've found are from a mammoth that's 41,000 years old.
sensible answer and I never considered this was cold storage, now that I think about it I can't remember the number of times I had to deal with some guy at the other side of the line demanding support on an array that went EOL 10 years ago, god I hated that job but it was interesting.
>hds from 90's
that was like 1 gb drives. you could backup ten thausands to one modern 10tb drive.
what if the read fails then?
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Why don't they just go on youtube?
The horrors of audiophilia. I deal with them all the time, and they're usually hopelessly lost. Yes, even the ones that "follow the science!".
in the case of a single (non-raid) filesystem, if the checksum doesn't match, you get an I/O error similar to if there was a hardware fault. this way you know the data is corrupted (not silent)
in the case of a multiple-device (raid) filesystem, which btrfs also supports, a checksum mismatch will silently be corrected using the redundant copy and the read will succeed
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Ahhhh, the rotating velociraptor
>Who cares all his shit sounds the same.
Lol, there are plenty of musicians you could say that for and be on the mark, but Beethoven wrote in a range of styles and did tons of shit that basically sounded like nothing else.
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>proprietary software

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