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Previous Thread: >>102366745
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>Contract over at work
>No one has responded yet to applications
It's ogre. At least I have time to brush up on my skills maybe, haha.
we just got the new M3 macbook pros and holy shit these things are nice. they actually make me actively want to do work. my old intel one with 16 gigs was crying and stuttering running docker.
Fair, more money is always nice, but I don't think I can swing it
I just ask to not be run into the ground, I like afternoons and evenings in a moody office reading network related stuff
We are all here for the same reason, dont deny it...
charge your battery. Jealous though.
what a gay OP
the M1 mac is no different mr. basedboy
the newfag is u, my friend
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To help me get some internships what certs do you recommend? I was thinking AZ-900 and AWS CCP. I already got CompTIA Tech+ and CCST Networking. I want to cover all my bases and get a networking/cloud internship. thanx.
i didn't say anything about the M1s dillweed
last week I was forced to switch back from my Linux work laptop to a M2 macbook pro because the 2 guys who maintained linux laptops both got laid off recently. also there was only about 20 of us linux users out of about 10000 employees so we aren't important enough lol

I've used macOS a bit before, but it still is and will always be dogshit. Finder is probably the shittiest file manager out there, there's no sort of native window tiling hotkeys nor clipboard manager so you have install 3rd party apps. macOS overall feels like a shitty locked down linux distro with little to no customization available.

at least the hardware is decent, but so are most other modern laptops that cost probably half as much. I miss using linux on my 4 year old dell latitude bros...
you can get work done on a macbook with its closed as fuck eco system
very true. most employed ppl dont have time to rice their window manager and just need something that works ootb. even Linus uses macbook!
>there's no sort of native window tiling hotkeys
I think fn+shift+ctrl and arrow keys lets you switch through the tiling options on sequoia.
>macOS overall feels like a shitty locked down linux distro with little to no customization available.
beats wasting hours of your life debugging linux problems
your work laptop's os doesn't matter
there's 99% likelihood that you're a webshit anyway, so who cares
Tell that to the people who complain about Docker Desktop on Windows
Or the people who have trouble getting proper brew installs on Mac
How’s the job market in your area anons?
better than elsewhere but not great. the housing market's horrible though. (miami greater metro area)
it genuinely annoys me how impatient everyone is there. everyone i have worked with from there without fail goes into panic impatient mode when something needs to be done, regardless of the fact that it usually isnt actually that urgent or isnt even actually an issue.
all the women ive met there who are under 30 are terrible people. i have yet to meet one that did not reveal how terrible of a person they actually are, even if it was almost a year later in some cases due to them thinking they could finally put away the fake bubbly happy facade that they use around most other people. not exactly sure why
keep in mind I said greater area (covers Miami, Ft Lauderdale and West Palm). Miami proper is a right mad house. fake plastic women, drug addicts looking like they shambled off the set of White Zombie, coked up businessmen thinking it's still the 80s, Hattian gang violence, horrible traffic. I haven't been to Miami in 8 years and now that good Cuban food places started popping up everywhere not just there I have no desire to go back

not that up here's much better. just your typical "fake suburban"' with a little more New York influence
Having a windows manager on macos is just a matter of typing brew install rectangle
Its default hotkeys work well enough
if there's a tech job opening, it's either here or hyderabad
t. silicon valley
My vacation starts today. :-)
ywnbav (you will never be a vacationer)
Sounds nonetheless better than my lcol wigger hellscape.
Not great on paper, and terrible for me in particular
Trucking along as if nothing happened, but it's a generic Deep South shithole that didn't have a strong IT industry to begin with. But it also didn't get hit that hard.
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The Gautam Brothers and Akshay Kumar mog everyone in this thread
>Miami proper is a right mad house. fake plastic women, drug addicts looking like they shambled off the set of White Zombie, coked up businessmen thinking it's still the 80s, Hattian gang violence, horrible traffic.
yes its kino
just got to tokyo myself
any plans?
>purebred Brahmin names
as a white man I kneel sars
Looks AI-generated.
Looks phallic.
Looks like it's intended to get screwed at both ends.
Just like a model employee.

Ah! The "surgical team".
I see that book more of a time capsule of how things were made in the 60s/70s.
Have you gotten to the part, where he recommends, that documentation should be stored on microfilm?
>documentation should be stored on microfilm
Makes sense, nobody will read it anyway
i have one of those but the OS is just utter trash
i genuinely would rather use linux just so i can have sane key bindings and ctrl on the right place
it's unreal how much better windows is at everything than mac os
Should i study 1 hour of odin project or 1 hour of unity gamedev after dinner.
it's morning already
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Too anxious today, my contract ends in two weeks, people have shown interest in extending it but they're not sure yet because of budget reasons. I wish they had flat out told me it wouldn't happen instead of constantly hearing "we really want to keep you, HR hasn't contacted you yet? We told the bosses we wanted you to stay, it doesn't depend on us anymore but we really hope you'll stay".
i said all that shit to the last outsourcing guy we dropped. he sucked but i didn't care to confront him about it because he was getting dropped anyway.
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Torontoanon here.
It's bad and somehow getting worse. I can't imagine any new grads that aren't from Waterloo getting a job.
I know a 10 YOE guy who have been unemployed for 6 months now.
I'm unironically job stacking 3 jobs right now because this could be a long term bear job market, and I want to be employed during the great crash of 2025 so I can buy the dip.
>he was getting dropped anyway
why were you being a pussy then? too scared of his reaction?
Lmao and this is why I'm stacking 3 of em.
telling someone they suck is actually doing them a favor. you aren't owed anything you know.
i spent my entire day trying to recursively reverse a linked list on leetcode and i still dont understand the solution. 3 yoe as dev btw
is there still hope for me or should i go flip burgers instead?
you are a coward and a sociopath
most probably a good goy corpo drone
if you're a contractor then literally just don't suck, it's not my problem if you do (except for as long as it takes me to get rid of you)

if you send me embarrassing jeet-tier garbage that i have to clean up then you are dead to me
nigga just say you were scared
>you are dead to me
>"y-yes sir we will extend your contract p-please lower your voice sir"
not telling people they suck is a completely different thing than telling them they are good when you think they are not.
>yeah sure rajesh you're doing great, now go away
minimum amount of my time wasted
>no rajesh you're doing terrible
>rajesh becomes super needy and wants feedback
>suddenly get asked to set up """alignment""" meetings
nope not my problem
Honestly do you have a job or are you just LARPing? Normally people do confront other people who don't do their work properly and I'm positive this is a very basic thing we're expected to do since it will impact everybody in a team.
Hey friends, finished first week of work at my new job. Team is awesome, there's anime, vidya and warhammer figurines. There's three roasties but they're chill, one is an older mom like woman and the other is a cringe nerd midget. There's a cutie tho that wears leggings every day with her thong showing but she's a single mom and gives out so many whore vibes that it's a turn off but she's cool. HR roastie is a Disney adult with cats and nightmare before Christmas shit but she's full Maga so that's cool. Most of my coworkers are white and Latino except for two black dudes in another office but they're based from what I hear. Overall 9/10, I'm happy in this company. I get my own desk area on the 30th for now, I'm just jumping around desks. After one year it's two days wfh or a day depending on the task.
>what do you do?
I can't say specifically because I'd dox myself but we work in the ML industry in a super niche field.
as the other anon said, you are just scared of telling people the truth.
not only that, you lie to them to avoid conflict. and you don't even see the problem with that. again, you are a COWARD and a SOCIOPATH. you get their hopes high for no good reason, as if they didn't have a life to worry about.
you are mentally ill. your actions are not justified. there is no need to justify them here. just say you don't care about other human beings, that would be more honest than these dumb, desperate attempts
i literally saw the latter example happen to another lead this year

you're probably a bad dev, i assume you know it since you're having a panic attack
>have a decent* wfh job while in college
>get an internship at another company, probably the best one to work for in my area
>said company typically hires their interns straight out of school
>know a few people working there, they all love it
>current job started hiring mostly women (it's started to become really noticeable)
>* = wfh as long as you maximize your availability for unstable hours
>started giving less of a fuck about that wfh job due to lots of bs, toxic work environment, and competitiveness between coworkers for hours
>genuinely enjoying the internship stuff
>one guy that was training me talked about his old jobs that he quit, sounded a lot like my current job
obviously i should quit my job and just go back to enjoying life, but a part of me wants to stay at least until i can jump ship out of pettiness because i know some of my coworkers want me gone
and i guess stay for the money too, but i've saved enough to coast and focus on school once it's all said and done, but it's like a matter of when that i'm still figuring out
>panic attack
You're the guy who don't have the balls to confront anyone to tell them the truth, I know you're leaking shit when someone wants to directly talk to you
>you're probably a bad dev, i assume
I'm not even a dev lmao. again, mental illness and desperation.
just be honest with the people you work with, or at least omit information. no need to lie, no need to justify your stupid, damaging behavior, you sad drone.
I have 4 years of experience and I want to change jobs, but I never get past the first non-HR job interview. I have spent hours studying job interview guide videos online, but I still get the "we have decided to move forward with another candidate" response. I only apply to jobs in the city where I live, so you'd think they would want someone that will have no problem starting quickly. I try to supress my sperg levels and try to appear as much as an NPC as possible, but I guess they see through me. What do I do wrong?
Can confirm, I have been using my MacPro for school and projects for the past 3 years.
>after a year it’s two days wfh
Wuohhh wowie! If you’re a good boy do you get extra treats and potty breaks?
>t. wfh
Actually, They're sensitive about working from home due to the contracts they have with defense and other industries that require us to sign NDAs and some of us have active top secret clearances. The schedule is a bit grueling but it's big boy rules and the office is pretty chill.
while the other guy wraps up his panic attack over getting laid off soon, allow me to generalize even more.
>do not train contractors
>do not coach contractors
>if a contractor is bad, minimize interaction and give them the least important work until you can drop them
>if a contractor is good, hire them on full time (my corp usually does this business cycle permitting)
i have a hard time believing any experienced lead would do it any other way. unless you want a second full-time job as a life coach for jeet retards.
Think I might try writing a VSCode extension for fun
>he keeps trying to justify himself
pathetic and really fucking sad lmao
>bosses and other people "above" us make us do pointless exercises, ask questions that make no sense and aren't relevant to us, and get angry when we try explain this is not at all relevant to our team
Is it time to start looking for something else? What's to say it won't be just as bad or worse elsewhere?
it's okay patel i'm sure you'll find another job, didn't someone post a link to a $20k job in utah the other day?
I should note this is on top of still having to get our actual work done.
this is normal when you start getting too many middle managers. they have to invent work to look busy.
by the way do not try to convince anyone that it's useless. management already bought into whatever bullshit you're being told to do, so they will close ranks to save face. at BEST you can have an understanding with your direct manager that it's bullshit so you only have to give it token attention.
We're being asked questions like "Why hasn't your team followed up on this?" when it isn't even on our team, it's a bug report on another team's product. We can't explain that we don't know and can't do anything about it, even though the product is there on the bug ticket and the other team is assigned to that ticket.
and yes, it is retarded middle managers, some of whom are pajeets
oh different kind of bullshit than i thought. good luck this is a level of retardation beyond my experience.
I actually have pushed back against it and made some of the middle manager retards look bad before. I'm in europe so they can't just fire you on the spot like in muttland, maybe there could be some other consequences.

having fun this weekend?

nice, nice

quick call?
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Thanks anon, I'm salivating for that >50% salary increase from what I have seen the company tends to offer.
sorry pradeep i'm busy but you're doing great! i look forward to renewing your contract next month :D
>ackshually it’s because I have a sekrit job

Wuohhhh wowieeee! Sam Fisher out here! So do you clean your own litter box or do you have a guy for that?
How's everyone living it up this weekend? Anyone go clubbing on Friday? Anybody have plans with their friends? Surfing maybe, or mountain biking? Taking the girlfriend out to dinner? There's only a day and a half left bros.
Yes I will go mountain biking tomorrow actually, this sounds good. Otherwise I just graduated and I'm exhausted so I wanted to take it easy today. I'm looking forward to seeing some of my coworkers on Monday.
Can /g/ suggest me a skill that I must learn to get a job in IT. I have no interest in coding but I do like tinkering with linux. It's so over, I'm in existential crisis now. I'm in my late 20s, people of age and friends are already secured a good job where I live and I feel like a fucking loser.
"Skill" and "Credential" are different things. Skill doesn't get you hired anymore.
what should I do then? kms.
Get a credential. However please understand:
>It's over
>It never even began
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>programmed for 10 years
>computer science degree
>portfolio with like 20 solid projects
>1000 commits in the last year
and i still cant get an interview for an entry level job
im gonna kms

Can we please make a fucking sticky already to answer this same genre of moron
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I have two interviews this coming week. Just locked down a second interview for a company I don't even know for Monday morning and another interview for a company I do remember applying to on Wednesday.

Seems like the first company is fast to hire and full remote. Second one is hybrid and will require me to move. Finally, I'm getting some options in my life.
i am tired of churning out consoomer e-waste year after year.
i want to either contribute to putting man in space or producing stuff in defense of the west.
how competitive is the hiring process for these newfangled companies? do i actually need TS/SCI for any roles related to them? i have ongoing experience working as a firmware dev for radio-related shit if that'd help rig the scale in my favor.
you're going to be moving to California for that company so expect to eat shit and live in shit
defense is cozy. i work in mechanical and my cousin works in RF, both are laid back and full of lazy midwits. don't think you'll actually be helping spread democracy to the hohols or defend israel or anything like that, mostly you'll be sabotaging what's left of our industrial base with worthless paperwork.
too late for that
well i don’t plan on joining boeing sooo
it's like that more or less everywhere in defense, i work for one of the less fucked up companies
is defense embedded on par with commercial embedded in terms of pay at the very least? not that commercial pays decently to begin with
>t. has never used windows
i'm mechanical, 130k after 7yoe which is bad compared to software but i think embedded gets paid less even in the commercial world right? so maybe not that different.
>7 yoe
pls tell me you’re in midwest
fucking c-suites always memeing about onshoring manufacturing and yet they’re paying you 20k less than me at half the yoe
i'm in the south but that's actually a coastal salary for mech engs. we just get paid less. many mech engs are fucking retarded though to be fair.
i’m in silicon valley but i imagine COL isnt too different depending on where in the south you are
i guess COL might be similar in atlanta or south florida or something but afaik rent and house prices here are half of what they are there
Georgia is horrifically expensive but not as bad as California.
>Georgia is horrifically expensive
you know shit's getting bad when someone can credibly say this
It's the one state in the country that didn't see any house prices decline when interest rates went up. I bought a 1200 square foot house a year ago, 90 miles from Atlanta in a town of 700, for 230k.
Welcome to mechanical engineering salaries. Yes, there are plenty of dumbasses in it just like software but we genuinely get underpaid like shit. Productivity is through the roof in the field due to software programs and etc. but salaries remained stagnant and the suits refuse to acknowledge it. There's a reason why MEs tend to leave the field and go into management. Only way to make some real money.
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>programmed for 6 months
>liberal arts degree
>4 meme projects on github
>4 commits total
>spammed apps every day
got 1 interview and 1 offer after a year kek
in my experience looking majority are ts/sci which can take more than 2 years to be cleared for, and they can disqualify you for anything

i got hyped on the idea of working in defense for a minute but the clearance process just seems absurd and pay too shitty. way too many negatives to work on cool tech
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>I deserve a software developer job even though I can't develop software because I have Asperger's and it's the closest thing to an adult daycare
why are you online during the weekend?
Literally me
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might hit up chick fil a tonight.
haha, i look like this and say this
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Any FSEs (Field Service Engineer) here? Should I change from software development to one? Pros and cons?
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Job market is shit for everybody, but especially for juniors.

t. Helsinki metro
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Literally me. I fucking hate how most developers are turbo normalfags and force me to use this crap.
Never happened to me. Seems like only morons who try out meme distros and then go back to windows/mac suffer from this.
You have no idea what you're talking about.
Perfect for seniors.
>20 solid projects
Pure garbage. Why don't you maintain or contribute to open source software that are widely used?
it's a good setting for a GTA game, I'll give it that
>West Palm is now part of the "miami greater metro area"
I hate how overwhelming DevSecOps is. There's just too many tools, too many best practices, too many security compliance standards. It's all so tiresome.
it's just a weird term for population tracking. I'm not sure why I used it
it's increasingly true though. white civilization retreats a few miles northward every year in south florida.
yeah, it's fascinating. it's actually the largest (physical) section of dense urban and suburban population in the world. even the California tri-county has gaps in it
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Security consists in being able to modulate the risk surface in function to the risk appetite of the C-Suite.

There is a point in production where the issue of safety ceases to be a technical problem and becomes a conscious executive decision.
>Make a copy of my resume
>Just change my name to something a white dude would have
>Get way more interview requests than my fucking resume
>the portfolio website linked on the fake resume doesn't even fucking exists and I literally linked to an empty github account.

I'm going to change my name soon, this is bullshit.
as an institution ages risk tolerance decreases. your job is already halfway to being safety theater.
I remember reading an article on Linkedin about this. Having English-sounding names does increases your chances.
>cram C# for 2 weeks
>get an offer after two interviews
Why do you do that requires Linux?
Programming and regular computing without having the OS get in my way or make my life miserable.
jews also did this after soviets kicked them out to great success.
> Why don't you maintain or contribute to open source software that are widely used?

Personal projects are usually good seen, however it depends on the kind of project. He probably made either a todo app, some AI powered chatbot or a unity shit game. You need something unique and personal even if it’s simple
I'm a late 30s Boomer and when I started all you needed to know was some HTML, CSS, JS, PHP, and MySQL. Doing a release was literally just using an FTP client to upload files to your web host.

I feel bad for new devs who have to learn so much stuff just to create a basic web app.
Late 30s boomer here as well. I've taken the CI/CD and cloudpill. Life is far better with version control, unit tests, and automated deployments.
Does anyone still not use ChatGPT for small things at work? It's completely replaced stackoverflow for me and it's correct 95% of the time.
like what, emails? powerpoint filer text? comments?
I never used Stack Overflow.
What would I use it for? Coding is the easy part. Will it attend meetings for me?
I've adapted to living on minimum wage so well that I'm just taking my career as a lottery, if I get a job I will maybe keep it for a year or two and save enough to be a NEET for 4 years while I search for the next gig.
spam foundations
foundation cube
also remember to buy ladders asap
uh wrong tab
>it's a good setting for a GTA game, I'll give it that
I lived there most my life and I guarentee you thqt GTA is too PC to accurate represent half the shit I personally saw there.
Why do you need ladders
to get into the cube
hadnt really thought about it because verifying whether the information it spits out is bullshit or not seems like as much effort as googling it
you're right, it's not useful
I need advice to escape help desk hell, soon to hit my 2 year mark in the role. I've started learning programming on the job, thinking of grinding leetcode once I'm comfy then apply to data eng jobs
go to Walmart, get some fabric, some ping ping balls, some hot glue, and become a ventriloquist. Tech is dead.
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You know who has union representation? Puppeteers. You know who doesn't? Devs.

comp sci
there is nothing you can do other than optimize your resume, get good at coding, and applying to every position on linkedin
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on vacation fucking jav idols fuck yeah
I quit FAGMAN for a job that pays less than half as much and my life is so much better.
enjoy good times while they last. agile will eventually spread to every white collar job.
no i dont use it. i just dont care. i used it once or twice and it was retarded. only use case is for cheating in school that i can tell.
Have any anons worked as a software/devops engineer for a US state government? I recently had an in-person programming assessment, then in-person round table interview -- HR contacted me and said they were moving to the "background check stage". Must mean the list of final candidates is small as background checking services aren't free

The last time I went through similar, I received a job offer contingent on background check
same deal you're getting an offer contingent on the background check.
good luck
Is it a bad idea to ask to transfer back to my old role after 3 months? For what it's worth, I left that team on very good terms, but I've been struggling a lot in my new role and haven't gotten much done.
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>go on vacation
>sign off mail and slack on phone, turn off work laptop

Expect a low salary

Thanks anon

The highest end of their salary range is still lower than my last salary. I'm fine with that though. It seems comfy and not very stressful, comparatively
>stalks your socials to find out what hotel you're at
>call the front desk to get your number
I'm fucking quitting on Monday
bros, I graduated on Jan and I cant get a job
I may get an opportunity at getting a SAP consultant job, should I do it?
will I be able to get a codemonkey job later on after having some muh personal projects on github?
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>SAP consultant
hmu at anonisburtsbees@proton.me with ur resume and github

might have a gig for u
what yoe position? and how many apps exaclty?
how bad is it
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cats and dogs are physical controls inside the defense-in-depth doctrine.
>there's no sort of native window tiling hotkeys nor clipboard manager so you have install 3rd party apps
and the devs of these apps all want money
fuck you, i wont get reimbursed for this shit, so stop demanding a handout
also the existence of displaylink is pathetic - apple intentionally gimped displayport in software (on an intel mac, you dont need displaylink if you run windows) to push their $$$$$$$ thunderbolt displays
why does apple need this kind of handout? is tim apple really that much of a fucking poorfag?
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>Several weeks back, work friend who became manager has a problem with me
>We sit down and I explain my situation, and he agrees to a compromise
>Yesterday during our weekly meeting he got pissed and bitches at me over the thing we personally agreed to, brings up other things as problems, and starts personally insulting me
Surprisingly I didn't have this problem in my previous wagie jobs. Am I going to have to end up quitting before this gets worse?
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Seattle and just as good as it was in 2020/2021.

Had recruiter reach out for TikTok, Snap, Meta, and Microsoft but all meme GenAI stuff which I’m already doing at a startup.

3 yoe and set linkedin to open to work but I probably make more than E5@meta and they want to interview for E4…
>/wdg/ is dead
>most of /twg/ is just unemployed losers (me) and low level IT wagies now
>absolutely none of the shitposts are funny anymore, no gems
what's going on? yet another brain drain? is the tech job market bust lowering interest in tech?
better than nothing. I want to start applying to gubmint gigs but I kinda need remote due to health problems
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just bee yourself.
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notice the prefrontal cortex mog
getting bored of my .net job and all the microsoft slop
wish i could get a go job so bad bros...
Why not rust? There is a lot of hiring for rust devs
Do companies expect me to dump all my PTO on their retarded 5+ round interview process?
Don't wanna make a new thread so I'll ask here.

Am I correct in saying that working as a frontend/backend/fullstack dev doesn't mean that you sit in a chair all day and write code? Isn't it mostly meetings, testing shit and brainstorming?
where? i haven't seen anything except crypto scam companies who want gigaseniors
welcome to the Application Production Line ™.
Testing, designing, documenting, and analyzing logs are all part of the development process. Yeeting code as soon as it's compiled into production servers might be fine for personal projects, but simply doesn't work at scale. Bullshit meetings are a part of all jobs, but if it's more than 10% of your time then you're in an unhealthy organization.
unhealthy as in "high in fat, sugars and other carbohydrates".
All healthy companies are alike; each unhealthy company is shitty in its own way.
The people who code all day are mostly juniors. The more experience you get, the more you get roped into meetings, production issues, testing, and so on.
you fantasize that someone's going to look at your code and your demonstrated success and say "this is amazing, here's all the autonomy, please solve everything in the way you think is best, I have complete faith in you"
but that's not how it goes. instead, you explain a problem and demonstrate a solution really well and they say "you're good at explaining problems. here are 20 other problems we have. can you please explain them to us so we can understand them and decide how you should solve them? oh, also here are some solutions for problems that don't exist that management says you need to make sure get done"
Depends on the company. Bad employees are usually promoted or assigned mundane tasks.
What was the problem?
What should I put as my github picture
I don't use profile pictures. I let the default from the system where I am storing my code.
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What's the point of working if it will never get me a wife, children, or happiness? Working hard only gets me more work. I spend all my time working. I'm tired.
Please help me make a career choice guys.

job offer 1:
>cloud engineer
>first time being cloud engineer, only studied it
>workers union so i can almost never be fired
>fully remote in EU

Job offer 2:
>network engineer
>been a network engineer for 15 years
>fully on site 100%
>city is a shithole to live in

I’m tired of being a network engineer but that salary is too high to turn down. What would you do anons?
>salary is too high to turn down
you already decided
nice larp
no company in europe pays 250k to some regular employee
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took annual leave to go hunting and help at my kids school and both events got postponed for weather

Guess I'll spend my "tech break" studying CCNA and doing CTF's like I do on the days where I don't take leave.
The problem with taking a SAP, or any ERP, role is that you'll get pigeon holed into it and find it hard to escape because every other role requires cloud experience, which you aren't going to get
My schedule goes as follows

30 minutes of barbell exercises
Python leetcode + 1 hour of interview practice
Every Wednesday, i apply to 10 jobs

After lunch:
Webdev for monday to Wednesday
Software testing for friday to saturday
Review 16.00 to 16.40
30 minutes of barbell exercises

What should i do after dinner and on sundays?
Start a blog?
What's a CTF

The fuck did you do for the last 8 months

Pivot to gamedev

Use the money for bitches whose pits you can lick
Maybe start some "game studio" and hire unpaid interns.
Cardio and goon
>have a few bowls on my desk as im eating a few snacks in between tasks
>realize that dropping my phone on the table the bowls make a sound that sounds like the microsoft teams connecting call
>get mini ptsd everytime I put my phone down
wow. that shit raises my anxiety so hard outta nowhere lol
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I work in enterprise/corporate environment.
How do I decide on which skills I should focus and which ones are just one-off projects that I can setup and forget?
My first project was some ancient propetiary git alternative. I spent 2 months and loads of notes were taken, but few months later it was moved into life-support. The effort was not equal to usefulness of these skills.
>I mastered config file format of abandonware git and some niche java server

How to avoid that in future, and focus only on useful skills?
Unironically any books or courses to help soft skills? My mind gets so frozen in office politics situations.
Did any of you actually teach themselves to code and land a job with it? If so, what job?

I always see people say "learn 2 code", but I rarely hear of people actually doing it and finding success
>but I rarely hear of people actually doing it and finding success
People who say learn2code are liberal art and English major graduates that see skills as something below them. The 2nd group who say that are grifter teachers that get money from gullible people.

If you never picked computers on your own because you find it fun, then it's not for you.
It's a skill based profession like doctor, lawyer, engineer. If you aren't formally taught you need to enjoy it. And learning will never end look my previous post >>102396575.

Literally the worst profession for 90-110 iq normies who "want money".
What if I'm an electronics repairfag but I dunno how to code
Then you are in tech, but why do you want to code? Literally the normiest monkey field of tech?

If you really were repair-fag you'd probably know other tech fields and know if coding is for you or not seeing how most repair people know at least arduino.
If you think being a programmer is the lowest possible position then you've never been a repairmonkey.
>then you've never been a repairmonkey
Sorry, no.
Maybe really try arduino, automate few things and see if it sticks with you. That's what repair people at my company do. But I assume you repair like Rossman, or printers and phones "squad" guys, not like the people who fix electric stuff and do building conservation.
>focus in useful skills
you can't if it's not a part of your job, but everything you learn is generally universal (code, architecture, communication, version control)
fill knowledge gaps with personal projects
do you know electrical engineering concepts or do you just know how to poke things with a multimeter until you get the number you want, or scan for a cracked solder joint?
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It's a career that used to have no barrier to entry because at a certain point in time it was full of people who ran on
>I wish <thing> existed
>Wait, I know how to build <thing>, I'll go do that

but now it's full of skinwalkers who think
>of all the possible jobs I could do, this one has the best salary to effort ratio
and carry this style of min-maxing to solve every problem they come across. If you ask them their favorite color they'll have to survey the entire human race and average them together.
I can read a circuit diagram but I've never like designed one myself
Germany: bad but not US level bad
If I ever have to learn leetcode because of you Americans I will start supporting CHYNA.
it's over
can't get a job
sui time
Focus as in; I can go full autism on that git thing, or simply configure it.

>everything you learn is generally universal
70% of my job are config files for things that don't exist in google and have 1 book from 2003 that covers the most basic configuration, and not the enterprise network hell, like sso adding, if I'm lucky.
>but now it's full of skinwalkers who think
>>of all the possible jobs I could do, this one has the best salary to effort ratio
>and carry this style of min-maxing to solve every problem they come across. If you ask them their favorite color they'll have to survey the entire human race and average them together.
literally me, keep seething autist
>3 face to face meetings with possible clients tomorrow about project offers
>need to give them work estimate
I hate programming so fucking much
What are some examples of good portfolio pieces? If I can’t move to silicon valley I’m killing myself.
Lmao better buy a rope now.
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The job actually gave me depression.
At first I was so eager to get the job to start my career as a young and aspiring professional expecting to find a vibrant, energetic and inspiring place, just like the place I did my internship in.
After Uni my friend group scattered as we found jobs all over the place, some of us wisely got into military service to be done with it asap so that we can have our entire life ahead of us. Naturally I expected to find new friends on my new workplace but everything about it is so antisocial.
Get the task, write the update, submit the code, leave.
Most just get there, punch in, do the 8 hours and leave. The nature of the job itself discourages communication and collaboration but holly fuck man.
I tried so hard at first to get us together, go out, go play basketball. At first I had some success but everyone involved was so heavy and unmotivated that it was a burden that I had exclusively to carry. At some point I just gave up.
Now I am alone with virtually no prospect of improvement.
I should look for other activities elsewhere.
I already have 12 gauge slugs loaded
I’m not fucking around nigger
>military service
Are you Korean? If so, that might be part of why you are depressed. Being born Korean is the anti-lottery
kys extrovert, I will never willingly interact with you outside a work context
Thankfully I am not a bug person.
>Ask boss to let me login Saturdays to finish weekly deliveries
>Login yesterday
>Nobody is there, I can fully concentrate in my work.
>Just drink some coffee and listen to music while finishing work
>With nobody bothering me I literally get half of my week work done in 2.5 hours

I never noticed how much people bothering me for every single thing was delaying the actual work I was being paid to do, its laughable. Any tips on ignoring people at work? I'm tired of people reaching out to me instead of the actual person they should reach out, or reaching out to me for questions that a simple web search could answer.
>>Yesterday during our weekly meeting he got pissed and bitches at me over the thing we personally agreed to, brings up other things as problems, and starts personally insulting me
Did you record it? You should talk to a lawyer about that, because that's harassment.
>responding to a "tough day at work" story with bad advice, instead of emotional support
Your wife hates it when you do this.
Maybe she should shut the fuck up then
>>have a few bowls on my desk as im eating a few snacks in between tasks
Ask me how I know you are fat

Just start learning you retard.
I suggest googling "python tutorial pdf" and starting from that
This is reasonable
I'm somewhere in the middle. I used to really love programming and still do occasionally but the work I do is for a corporate entity that imparts negative value on the world. I think I might quit, turn my house into an airbnb, get a normie job, and just do open source development as a hobby.
>work "friend" becomes manager, and almost as soon as that happens, starts insulting ex-coworker
The new manager might have been a convenient "friend" of that anon, and now that he gained power, he's showing his true face. Anon will have to wait to confirm this, but if he waits for too long, he might find himself fired. IMO he should talk to a lawyer to know what actions he might be able to take before that happens.
But hey, if you care more about your reputation than about your mental health and your paycheck, you can endure the degrading treatment from your manager for as long as you please.
i'm overweight but im bulking right now. what's your 4 lifts at?
Are kamen riders techworkers?
I shall return to teach people about flutter
Why the fuck are you abusing your phone faggot

What about her feelings and screen integrity
Go do machine learning stuff with raspberry pi and arduino just like what the other guy said
Don't waste your knowledge on webshitting
Pretend that you'll get fired if you don't buddy buddy with your peers every single day
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The only thing i gave a shit about is gamedev, but just like every other place in the world, gamedev pays like shit and with insane hours

Guess I'll keep applying toreact and node jobs then, perhaps even QA since i graduated a year late and I'm turning 24 in May next year. I did have a 12 months of unpaid internship experience though, as a fucking mobile tester at one of the national banks in my country
I am sick of swe. Do you think I can retire with 600k in savings?
you can only retire with a bullet or a heart attack
>sunday evening
>feel tired as if it's friday
this is gonna be a fun week

Why do we still bother to keep up with webdev again?
>WASM cope in 2024
Get a job before posting here.
CTF = capture the flag, pentesting exercises to discover and retrieve a pre-generated key value.v04x
It's more like I just put my phone down and the two bowls wiggle on each other to make that teams sound effect and it's like WHOA
you can retire with half of that
how bad are the jeets there anon?
i constantly see postings from east coast military contracting firms looking for people who can program an FPGA
Is it true that the data from my resume is harvested whenever I submit it to a job? Data which should be privy to anyone who isn't me or the employer.
have you ever wondered why you're getting a shit ton of spam calls?
stupid finn
Currently filling my boots in sales, want to move to tech, the only thing I have a knack for and I do mean the only thing I've ever cared to code in my free time is automating tasks, CLI, GUI never cared, so long as it reduces time and streamlines something I then want to code.
What kind of programmer should I go into? DevOps?
Really ESL'd it up on that post, far too tired to be posting. State of me.
>fake plastic women
You're hanging out with the wrong women.

No such thing and the city does a good job in enforcing shit

Nothing can beat NYC for how shitty it is to live there
Thought about going into IT instead of programming/software dev?
Oh boy.
Good luck, whoever-that-character-is anon
So long as I don't have to be on the phones and I can automate or streamline the software I'm given I'll be happy basically.
>there's no such thing as people from Haiti living in Miami
I guess you have to be this delusional the believe paying a high premium to live an urban hovel is a fulfilling life. urbanites who tie their identity to their city are no different than megachurch goers
Tomorrow is Monday!
Back to the office, anon!
I know it's funny but your posts actually get to me sometimes.
sounds like DevOps/sysadmin is a good fit, but if you're in the US and don't live in a rural flyover state forget about getting into tech, it's fucked
Hatians have been in Miami for at least 60 years now, probably even longer.
so what IS a good city for tech workers rn?
the entirety of Florida is full of lunatics.
Texas has plenty of jobs but has shit weather, shit power grid. AFAIK not very good urban planning. Same with Phoenix AZ.
the comfy college towns have almost 0 tech jobs.
SF only has jobs if you can solve leetcode hards in 3 seconds and went to a target school

so what is there for the rest of us? Chicago? DC? Mexico City?
Tech companies should not be hiring jeets. Whites and Asians only.
where do you think jeets are from retard
anyway nothing's gonna happen both parties just let them come in droves and steal our jobs
How long will it take me to memorize all the beginner stuff for Java and to be able to write them without needing to look at an example? I need to know to get ready for potential interviews I may have.
Saaar pls gibs me job visa i am working for the $40,000 if can be hiring. I am proud canadian

It's already over. Sys admins make like $50k a year now. You have to be a cloudfag or a securityfag now
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another day another burger.
Calligraphy, The Taxonomy of land mammals in Central South America, Basic Shipwright skills, the crystalline structure of various metals when exposed to different pressures and temperatures, How to pass a few CompTIA exams, the topology of numbers on the complex plane
Is there a comprehensive list of all certs that are relevant to programming?
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I want to see an Eric Andre bit where he goes in for a coding interview and says
>You GOTTA hire me dude, I'm a 10 year GitHub veteran. I'm Crashlytics certified. I'm Agile Essentials certified.
>have interview, goes well
>salary is 75k
>okay that's awful but I'm desperate
>6 more interviews needed
How can they be this blatant with H1B fishing? I'm going to punch a wall. I should go into HVAC.
I accepted an offer in Idaho. Will I adapt well if I'm from Seattle? Only planning staying there for 1-2 years.
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Live in East Bay/Lamorinda area of California. Want a new job that pays more than what I currently earn, but I only had one interview and can't get further with anything else right now. Thankful that I at least get to work 100% from home and be comfy.
This shit is insufferable as an employed job seeker. I'm not taking several days of PTO so you can tell me at the end that you went with another candidate.
Chicago is underrated but very underpaid. Awesome city for dating and activities. I was a virgin until 31 when I moved here after living in Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Seattle,
Seattle is nice but expensive and you will legitimately be an incel there no matter what. Not even joking, every other attractive, rich guy I met was single and had trouble dating. The gender ratio is fucked there.
LA is ass and people suck ass, best food though
San Francisco is the single worst place I've ever lived in. Evil place.
Boise? I lived in Washington the past ~10 years and honestly I prefer the rockies, but Idaho is filled with so many outsiders now you won't feel out of place.
Please not again. Please don't make me do it again. Please let me rest a little longer I'm so tired.
>hate job
>get laid off
>hate being broke
>hate job hunt
>find job
>remember how much work sucks
it never ends
What were your experiences like in San Francisco? I grew up in the Bay Area and still live here after 29 years of life; I don’t really have any perspective of what it’s like to live outside of here.
Not him but live here too, it depends on your lifestyle
The punjabi students are all crushingly poor and live in crummy areas that are almost all student housing. If you have upper middle class money you don't intersect with them much. But get on a bus and I guarantee you can count the non-Indians on one hand
They're also completely unskilled and enrolled in diploma mills so they've only ruined the low end of the labor market. Kids here don't even bother trying to find cashier jobs anymore because there are just none left
I look exactly like this when I say that. It's uncanny.
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I use it all the time. It is perfect for boilerplates and it completely replaced reading any docs. I abandoned all my cheatsheets as well. Hell I even use it for personal stuff.
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How many lines of code is the product you work on?
what button do i press in visual studio or rider to tell me
should i learn haskell, lisp, or rust? realistically, rust will have the best career impact (especially in my field), but it's just so god damn ugly
My side project is 22k lines (27k if including blanks).
My open source project is 5k lines (8k with blanks).
>visual studio or rider
don't bother, it's .NET so it's at least 10 trillion lines of code for a basic CRUD
all that code and still unemployed that's crazy
If any standalone program is over 5k lines it is too large :)
you must be employed to post in this thread
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I'm unemployed but monitor this thread (one day I'll grow the balls to self-improov, I swear (probably not, I'm already old and life has passed me by))
if you get a job, here's some key tips

1. always look busy, not on your phone, not in lala land, not out of your desk for half the day. you're going to get barely any work but at least put some effort in trying to learn something rather than wasting your time. do something.

2. help your seniors with their projects. don't be straight up "spoonfeed me" but try to stay somewhat interested, know when to politely leave if they're stressed and busy though. nobody wants an annoying rat.
3. stay away from work gossip. don't take sides on the first week, that's how you get shot in the foot

4. ask smart questions, a couple of times in the first month for spoonfeeding questions but anything after that and you're just going to end up being the annoying one. don't just send a part of your code to your senior with no context and be like "it doesn't work".

5. When you pass an interview, you do not get a lifetime tenured position: You get a job with heavy scrutiny in the first couple of months. This is to check that you can do the job, not just pass interview questions.
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>1 year experience in mostly webshit but some database work
>3.5 years of straight webshit get ordered by Star Command to make a button I slap that shit down deposit hits thank you
When I look at actual software my brain melts
Good times create weak men
Coding is not for you then.
This is some pretty useless advice. Every piece of it is either really obvious or entirely context dependent
rust a jonnie old hunk of shit
zoomers don't know how to present themselves in professional setting. this should be ingrained over and over in their dumb little heads if they want to "make it"
>I am dumb and a bad programmer
>I can only do brain-dead webshit
Thanks for letting us know?
>>3.5 years of straight webshit get ordered by Star Command to make a button I slap that shit down deposit hits thank you
i don't understand this part
> "it's now the engineers' problem"
how much do I have to drink to not wake up tomorrow
My burner still has a subscription to a few 'learn programming' subreddits from a year ago when I was first learning. Every time I ever check the sit e, there is a post being there like 'I want to learn to code, how do I do that?'. But brother there's a big FAQ list of a bajillion resources. Or you can just search 'how to learn to code' and get even more. I feel like if you have to go through the trouble of making a whole reddit post (a miserable process) in order to ask that question, maybe you're not cut out.

I am being needlessly cruel and realistically, learning to seek out answers by yourself is a skill, and it's very possible they will learn that skill as they go. But every time I see one of those posts I'm like damn, what are you gonna do when you run into problems, make another reddit post?
If you don't wake up tomorrow you'd be missing daily standup, and you'd miss a chance to burn points off of your sprint tasks, and that would ruin our team's burndown chart. How could you be so selfish?
there's no escape. numbing yourself is the best you can do without inviting worse consequences.
Waking up is not to tough, anon, with Folgers in your cup!
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Those who don't gamedev won't survive!
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any blockers?
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I'm going to take tomorrow off sick and masturbate all day.
If you are skilled and European, I can strongly recommend you to apply for a job at CERN. Fun place to be and a lot of smart, skilled and motivated people. It is a fun place to be.

People at work don't want to socialize with you, that's fine, find a social group outside of work, or possibly a friend or two from your office. From my experience, as long as my colleagues are somewhat interested in doing a good job and bring a positive energy, the office can be nice. But it is hell when people just hate their job and/or just do the bare minimum and drag the energy down and just tolerate the job until the weekend comes. I found it the best when I work with people who have some pride in their work. Find social fulfillment outside of work, it is the only way.
You know, that's what we need more of. Gamification of software. Turn Microsoft word into an RPG.
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>Saw what I worked on for my job posted on another board
feels good
Fellow 29 year old who shay has lived in the bay area their entire life reporting in. San Francisco is not for me. They ran out of space for things and now everything is over crammed.
Whole product is in the millions. Lots of tech debt from throughout the years. The features I work on I think comes out to be around 50k lines.


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