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>too dumb to either enable MV2 via policy or switch browsers
>inb4 le shill lion
just use firefox, wheres the issue?
works on my machine
cumtoddlers BTFO
Le shill lion just werks
what's the usecase of ublock origin?
I decide which scripts get to run on my PC.
Installing 1000 million backdoors into your browser chrome
Hiding ads.
Works fine on ungoogled chromium. Stop using meme browsers
kys faggot
No way, did they finally disable it?
i always used firefox but shill lion is faster and the adblock works ootb with zero issues. i don't even do the crypto or vpn/tor shit, i just like how fast and ad-free it is.
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>still thinks he owns shit
keep sleeping darling
how is this based? Are you some parasite who relies on youtube shekels for your drinking money?
no annoyance and malware ads

nice demoralization psyop but you're wrong
*intel ME phones home*
You retards left auto update enabled on chrome after the warning signs that ublock would be disabled?

>uses chrome
>calls others retards
Completely natural sounding post.
It's the best.
As long as Google doesn't remove my add-ons then why not?
Just use Google Chrome + uBlock Origin Lite, or switch to Brave if Lite doesn't suffice. Nobody cares.
Does lite block yt ads
It should, as long as you set it to strict or whatever in settings and turn on all the extra filter lists available. Only issue in the long run is that the way it works is more secure, but it takes longer for updates to come through. So if YouTube goes on another anti ad-blocking rampage then something like original uBO or Brave Shields will update for it much faster than Lite will which requires a full extension update iirc.
brave search can't find shit
fuck off
*installs non-intel network card*
what now?
its on your cpu too
I want to fuck those two, both ways.
How will it call home if it doesn't know how to talk to the network card?
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werks on my machine
What makes you think it wont know how to do that
Knowing what is a driver.
This had to be done so we can all migrate to Firefox
>blud unironically thinks firefox will get users
It's not great, but it's many times less useless than DDG. I hate to say it but Google is still far and away the best search provider, as much as it's a shadow of its former self. Just to remember to use it through an aggregator to protect your privacy.
Youtube videos that stop a couple of minutes in
People like you are the reason we are here
nope now you are just handwaving
I'm using Zen now. What does /g/ think?
are...are you under the impression that the browser forces you to use brave search
is this the mental quality of people who call it shill lion
Go fuck yourself
For me Firefox just ran worse than Chrome and Edge
You're the one handwaving. Tell me more about your theory. Is it that Intel ME has a way to talk to network cards without a driver? Maybe it can it phone home without needing a network card at all? Perhaps it has an universal driver that works even with newer cards or cards from other brands?
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Are you Brave enough? It just werks. Commies need not apply
>enable MV2 via policy
How do I do this?
Still not watching your ads, schlomo.
It's a band-aid solution that will only work up to june 2025 at the lastest. Check:
Used and still use brave, even preach brave at times. enough to know that's approx 2-3 months just by looking at the time saved if that's all that's used. however it might be the alcohol that asks, are those numbers honest?
Vivaldi just werks
Modern javascripts are bloated as hell and can be in few MBs. And if you dont load, you're basically saving those GBs with constant usage.

Ofc there's caching and stuff so it might not take that into account. But 2.58GB isn't that much
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>every other ad blocker easily created mv3 version
>they all work flawlessly still
>gorhill claims this is impossible
This dumb fuck is going to get rid of 90% of the people that use his addon because he's autistic
ublock is not an ad blocker
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they unironically install that bloat. fucking cattle.
>too retarded to do some bullshit configuration he read in a jeetblog instead of using a functional browser that doesn't do that
its going to bite you in the ass nigger exactly like winshit is doing to its users since 2010
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>There are people who consider themselves "technology enthusiasts" and they are using Chrome as their main browser.

it's brain damage from seed oils and the closed source gene therapy vaccine, isn't it?
>he didn't ungoogle his chromium
all chromium browsers are affected by manifest v3.
>he updooted
eventually webpages are going to start using css functions that your outdated browser cannot handle.

what then?
>This dumb fuck is going to get rid of 90% of the people that use his addon because he's autistic
he already did this once when he sold ublock.
now the same spiel with ublock origin.
"technology enthusiasts" is a slur.
/g/ totally expects "technology enthusiasts" to have no deeper understanding of technology and use Chrome..
>This dumb fuck is going to get rid of 90% of the people that use his addon
Oh no, whatever will the developers do without parasites filling up bug reports with "hello sar I am see advertisement on youtube here is link: <link to daler mehndi music video> you must fix today'
>he was under the illusion that /g/ was ever a ebin elite h4xx0r collective
fucking lol. 4chan gets millions of visitors a day, most of which only know about its existence because of youtube.
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Buy 1 less yhatt and cry me a river faggot. Alphabet/google could have a complete loss from youtube, and purely provide it out of pocket, and they still wouldn't feel a thing. "Everyone has a price" also means you sold my sympathy for profits, I don't fucking care.
>he updooted
go back
>what is ublock origin lite?
>what is adguard mv3?
>limited rules and lists
enjoy malware and ads up the ass
I wish jewgle made using any type of adblock impossible. Or just removed them from store. More people would abandon chrome dumpster fire.
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These are the top 10 most expensive YouTube Premium countries.
Have those idiots at Google ever bother to look at the minimum wage in Portugal?
it's because british/european pensioners move to portugal to live cheaply. They don't show up in wage statistics, and often don't even officially live there to avoid taxes.
There’s not a significant amount of those European pensioners living there to fuck everyone else in the ass like that.
works for me still thoughbut
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why does it still work on mine?
Replace Portugal with Great Britain.
I looked up Latvia with an even lower 10.7€ minimum wage and they pay the same as Portugal. Romania pays less with a very similar 10.4€ minimum wage.
>paying a hour worth of minimum wage salary to google for a month to get ad free shits is expensive
You live in luxury. Google charges a whole day worth of salary per month for youtube premium in my country.
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I wouldve moved to Firefox if 4chanX works there
They don't "install" it, they buy a new computer and Windows 11 is already there.
this here is better and actually maintained: https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/489508-4chan-xt
It does though. I have it with Violentmonkey.
The problem is that corpos insist on chrome and even forbid Firefox internally. At the place I work everyone forced onto chrome with some shitty sso extension they use. This behavior means that nothing is optimized for Firefox and if bugs only exist in Firefox they will never get fixed.

About the only practical solution for adblockers is brave since it has decent built in Adblock support while also being mostly bug-for-bug compatible with chrome.
I don't understand how people have been complaining for months about chrome shutting down ublock but I've been using it all this time with no interruption and no messages like in the OP whatsoever. What am I doing differently?
like pottery
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Got it installed thx
No one has ever posted any proof that this has happened.
>this is deprecated now.
Just downgrade and disable auto updates.

because op just saved that from reddit
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>google search for regular windows
>brave search for incognito
the correct setting
Works on my machine. Haven't updated firefox for a year
thats not an hour, thats 2~3 hours for most people in this country, even less if you are retired.
Who told you that it didn't work?
>installing a literal who made malware written in javascript
You fags should stay with google chrome. lol
weird cause im up to date and mine is still on and still supported. Why lie?
I checked all the code and saw no malware :)
It does?
>Wah wah wah
stop whining about things man
Some guy in Denmark gets 3x more the minimum wage of Portugal and only has to pay $1.14 more a month.
reminder that google slows down youtube to ubo users
use this and see the difference https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/461341-youtube-mute-and-skip-ads
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werks on my (chromium) machine
Ah... so it wasn't just a me problem then. Fucking shittube.
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>trust jews
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>As reported by Bleeping Computer, security researcher Zach Edwards posted on Twitter that “while DuckDuckGo blocks Google and Facebook trackers, it allowed Microsoft trackers to continue running.” The company explains that “this issue is occurring on browsers and only pertains to non-DuckDuckGo websites.”
>Tests showed that the browser allowed trackers related to Bing and LinkedIn domains while blocking all other trackers.
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Any way to migrate to chromium from chrome wth all the settings/extensions/history etc.?
i use firefox because I dont care if its .004 mil seconds slower than chrome, im guessing this affects chromium too
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except it's 45% slower
youtube randomly breaks itself on firefox
Idk why
>You WILL stop using adblockers
>You WILL switch from Invidious back to JewTube
>You WILL be a slave to the algorithm
>You WILL use a Google account everywhere
>You WILL adopt Chrome's policies to your own browser
>You WILL have your synced bookmarks moderated
>You WILL use a Chromebook at school
Yeah, I found very disgusting. But I prefer this than being part of the botnet.
is broken
uh, that was the point? ESL?
>>You WILL use a Google account everywhere

From the perspective of Security, it's good idea. Like AD in a corpo environment.
lite blocks everything that regular ublock origin blocks, all of this is a nothing burger
i've been using ublock lite for the last two months and retarded threads like this are the only thing that reminds me that i'm not using regular ublock anymore
>inb4 no zapper
just press f12 and manually delete the stuff, pretty much the same thing
ok retard
poo loo sirs
cope, retard
Adguard works fine ublock lite doesn't
kill yourself faggot
over a post? no thanks
They dont "work flawlessly" they are now extremely gimped in functionality.

Not to mention the filters no longer update independently, there are times when filters have to be updated multiple times a day to get around site-breaking changes, those won't work anymore, you'll have to wait a day or so to get new filters.

And that's just ONE example of how mv3 limits what scripts can do.
Start using Edge if you give a shit about any kind of productivity.
I switched to firefox a month ago and have never seen this happen.
Because Google does controlled rollouts for some of their features, so only a certain percentage of users get the new ones (like what they did with privacy sandbox)
YouTube is the only Google product left with no good replacement.
Odysee is a good replacement.
But of couse it's meaningless without the creators and videos.
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>Owned by jewgle
>Breaks on competitor's platform
>Idk why
Do you really need someone to spell it for you?
this happens on my tower but not my laptop
I disabled ublock and the videos worked again, but only for a day
strangely, this only happens on the video page
using the embed or music pages the video works fine, some weird jewglery going on
chromium is open source, it can be kept around forever.
what is an ublock origin?
That's not true. You can update the filters just fine with mv3. Stop falling for gorhill bullshit
Brave search is great.
It automatically shotguns you with 4 or 5 Reddit answers about niche stuff.
No need to even go onto the site, it just snips the answer from that one helpful redditor and presents it as is.

So it already beats googlel where you’d have to do your question + reddit then scroll through 3 ad listings to arrive at the 1 (one) Reddit thread they have for you.
Then you have to scroll through seven other SEO slop blogs to get to the next reddit thread.
Super unhelpful experience.
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>you'll have to wait a day or so to get new filters.
Not only you can update the filters whenever you want but you can also add any custom filter you want to AdGuard
These bullshit lies is why I don't take anything that gorhill says seriously.
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And before you even try to start "oh but you have to go there and click the update instead of just getting automatically".
Here you can set it to auto update your filters every 1 hour
Oh and lastly fuck you for forcing me to install chrome and adguard just to prove you wrong.
I wish gorhill would just be honest and say he doesn't give a fuck about working around mv3 ACTUAL limitations so he's not putting any effort into Lite instead of making up bullshit that just isn't true.
Firefox + ubo werks for me. Then again, I don't use a google account for youtube and I clear the site data every week or two. Can't stand their algorithm spewing pol shit at the slightest click of anything remotely related.
It's impossible to state our preference for Brave without some shithead believing we're astroturfing.
Yeah, it sucks. Just use Bing.
Where do I find that option in firefox

oh wait
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come home, white man
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you know it's the only answer
That must be an ancient pic, Brave search exists and its a million times better than CukCukGo
Just set Brave search for both, and just prefix your search with !g if you need to use google.
How many critical CVEs do you think Google has in store to force people to move to mv3? Kills the
>just don't update
i absolutely love (hate) that zoomers have been groomed into believing that 'no longer supported' means 'no longer works, now throw it in the trash'
how do i get rid of my autism about browser sync so i can get off brave?
>average salary 30.5€ finland
Lol not even close. Its 10€ unironically
hello guys
That has never happened to me.
>This browser has been uninstalled because it is no longer necessary.
Thanks but I'm sticking with firefox chromejeet :)
That malware is nothing but bloat and grift.
>but shill lion is faster
It's not in any metric.
>lite blocks everything that regular ublock origin blocks
It doesn't, shut the fuck up.

Filter lists update only when the extension updates (no fetching up to date lists from servers)
Many filters are dropped at conversion time due to MV3's limited filter syntax
No crafting your own filters (thus no element picker)
No strict-blocked pages
No per-site switches
No dynamic filtering
No importing external lists
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uBlock Origin works great on Ungoogled Chromium (because it doesn't autoupdate, lol).
Since when did it not work? I've been using it on FF for years with no problems.
No it cannot, that's part of the spec of mv3 is it the limitation that it cannot load lists dynamically and independently of the extension itself, if you want an updated list, you must update the ENTIRE EXTENSION and reload it.

go ahead, invalidate a list in a MV3 adblocker and redownload it.

protip: you can't.
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no, fuck YOU for being full of shit; adguard with independent filter updating is STILL a manifest v2 extension, show me the manifest v3 version with independent filter updating or GTFO.

not to mention how much less processing can be done to loaded pages now, with so many limitations on what CAN be processed by an extension.
Same, op is probably a firefox shill.
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SHUT the fuck up you GIGAMORON, you have no idea what you're talking about.
This made me move to edge. Microsoft tries it's own Jewish tricks but not as Jewish as this one
Even if I set ublock to whitelist youtube, the site still throws a fit and continues buffering/lagging over half the time, dumb shit.
Use an extension to change your user agent to chrome and it stops happening
Stop watching YouTube.
>but muh music!
Rutracker, soulseek, etc.
>but muh YouTubers!
All worthwhile ones upload to Odysee.
>but muh funny meme videos!
/wsg/, Odysee, Bitchute, VidLii....
>but muh educational content!
Read books, nigger.
At first, I used Invidious or yt-dlp, but now, I no longer care to consume any YouTube videos, no matter what the method is. Stop feeding the beast that is FAGMAN. Boycott all FAGMAN products.
>not using Brave
>show me the manifest v3 version with independent filter updating
After numerous betas, it’s finally time for a release candidate for the MV3 extension. Besides the usual bug fixes, this RC comes with a new feature: support for the AdGuard Quick Fixes filter.

This feature brings more agility to the update process: if a fix needs to be implemented ASAP, there’s no need for a full extension update – AdGuard Quick Fixes applies adjustments in real-time using dynamic rules without a significant impact in the user’s dynamic rules limit. It’s fast, efficient, and exactly what you need for seamless filtering on the go in the harsh environment of MV3.
>and just prefix your search with !g
but then you don't get google search suggestions
i guess the ungoogled dev did their magic because it werks on muh machine
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lost Google billions
No independent filter updating; as gorhill and many others have already said, you can only update the filters and lists along with the extension itself, it must be BUNDLED with the extension.

you've yet to disprove my original point.
stop believing in gorshill's lies, it can update the lists without an extension update
>Unironically using Chrome in <current year>
That's what Ghostery is for retard.
yeah except
99% of people, including me, never needed that stuff, or at least, it's not a dealbreaker
ads always get blocked without filter lists or anything, the zapper tool is literally only useful for additional annoyances that have nothing to do with ads, retard
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>you can only update the filters and lists along with the extension itself, it must be BUNDLED with the extension
that's not a problem.
dnr filter updates to extensions are fast-tracked. just needs to pass automated tests.
No tab groups.
>b-but muh random extension
Not real tab groups like it's done on chrome and edge
also no pwa and vertical tabs
Swallow the Ungoogled Chromium pill
This is genius, shitting up their databases
What's the use case for tab groups?
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$7k after a month of using it. Ads is the new gold.
if anyone else has a problem with youtube embeds in discord playing ads
install vencord, it has a plugin that blocks them
I have it set to medium mode (no external frames, no external JavaScript) and it barely picks up any ads.
I feel like I'm doing something wrong because it will block ads even when not on medium mode, but I still don't get many clicks.
grouping my tabs
google think that they own the internet, and they are right, they do own the internet lmao.
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come home white man
What's the difference with bookmarks?
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>EU's average salary
norway isnt in the eu, they only included them to up the average
tabfags don't seem to know about it
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Yeah, have to drop quality to 240p to get shit to consistently load. Fuck google.
I already proved you wrong.
And then someone else also did it.
But you prefer believing gorhill bullshit instead of literally all the other add-ons in the market that are still doing the same thing they were doing before mv3.
>Stop watching YouTube.
No. Also only complete fuckups use youtube for music, the quality is most of the time deliberately degraded to avoid copyright strikes.
There is no use case for that piece of shit.
>99% of people, including me, never needed that stuff
99% of the people don't use ad blockers. There's no imaginary normie crowd you can pretend to belong to, tubby. Adding custom filters and rules is fundamental for an ad blocker.
More like come upstairs wide man, am I right, butterball?
>shilling for the snakeoil adnauseam again
kek kill yourself retard
It's designed to be a solution friendly to corporation KYS
>99% of the people don't use ad blockers
that doesn't change the fact that 99% of people that do use ad blockers, install and forget it, maybe disabling it on some sites where it causes issue but that's about it
using custom filters and rules is definitely not something most adblock users do, you seem to be very out of touch
show me, because that beta doesn't let me update the scripts independently, only batched
was meant for >>102402008
Saar I have been using Edge since before it was a Chrome reskin because Micropoops does SOMETHING that makes it run way better on dogs with only 4 or 8 GiB RAM. But MV3 is coming there too.

Fuck me I'm going to have to switch back to Firefox aiiiiiiiii
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oh look, it's full-of-shit-o'clock!

you can't independently update lists, which means it has to download an entire extension update and restart the extension every time the lists are updated.

it's now also extremely limited in what it can do, cname unmasking is out, as are a lot of rule-based content processing of pages, and so on...

you're basically handing off work and processing what was usually handled by the logic of the extension to the browser and HOPING chrome does it the way it's supposed to.

this also means that, in the future, google can simply make carve-outs to ignore any kind of processing when it comes to its own domains and services, in the name of "SECURITY".

yeah, keep telling yourself that the LIMITATIONS of MV3 are just as necessary as the genuine advantages, drink that google kool aid.
No webGPU
>that doesn't change the fact that 99% of people that do use ad blockers, install and forget it
I think that might be just you, hence the confusion.
Wouldn't it be better to just use their DNS?
That's a good thing, though. A web browser doesn't need 3D rendering.
>no pwa
>no vertical tabs
>shit performance
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Cant you just re enable it?
You're fat, lol!
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I'm fitter, taller and have a bigger dick than you
seethe Ranjit
I thought I was brown! Make up your damn mind, you diabetic menace! Lol!
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you all look the same to me
you must redeem the brave browser saar
trailer trash having a meltie, lmao
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Why are your reaction images all artifacted? Are you getting them from your shared media folder, Alenka?
By "EU" they meant "Europe" only, not "European Union"
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>no pwa
If an application is worth using, it has a dedicated desktop application.
>no vertical tabs
Install Tree Style Tabs, you fucking moron.
>shit performance
Disable the accessibility services. If you're not blind, you don't need it, and it will improve performance.
You don't even speak English, do you?
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>have to play all yt videos in 360p now or else theyll constantly buffer and freeze
thank you google very cool
I want to impregnate crim.
>using a browser that tells you how to think
no, you are definitely the only retard that thinks everyone using an adblocker is some sort of schizomaniac that has custom filter lists and shit
again, you are so out of touch it's not even funny
works on my machine
>chromium is open source, it can be kept around forever.
it can but nobody is going to maintain it while backporting security fixes from upstream so you are left with a vulnerable mess of a browser
Then why uk not on there?
I've been using Firefox for several years straight now and the vast majority of shit I watch is Youtube and I've never seen any of the shit retards bitch about. What the fuck are you people doing?
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>words words words
dunno why you niggas talk so much when there's nothing to debate.
First off:
2 of the 3 creators are jewish.
It's not open source
This doesn't make anyone lose any money at all. In fact it might make Google even more money because some ad deals pay per click, so the companies buying ads have to pay Google for the fake clicks.
Some people are just hoarders with a messy desk, messy room, messy car and messy life. They can't be helped, it's a brain defect developed in the womb.
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at this point, yeah. because the MV3 version is so fucking gimped and crippled that it's barely a dns request blocker.
>>i absolutely love (hate) that zoomers have been groomed into believing that 'no longer supported' means 'no longer works, now throw it in the trash'
chrome delete extensions after a format, which means UBO is gone forever
With me it's either the video freezing while the audio continues to play, or I get infinite booofering about 15 seconds in.
Brave doesn't have that issue
>Google is still far and away the best search provider
No. Bing atleast gives me what i search, while google provides me with a crappy reddit thread and a payed article.
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I thought you troons were good at programming, how about instead of dilating you dipshit start working on a solution.
hate the modern web simple as
Why then are Britain and Switzerland not included?

Norway and Iceland both are not in the EU.

Bruh I fucking wish
My window manager handles that.
bloody bitch will shut the big mouth
I would use firefox to browse 4chan but if you fail that captcha bot task, it just nukes your long, long post
what if firefox does that shit too
why would it, and there are forks
even in the worst case, we are still years before ublock in unusable
I'm not a jeet who needs to be play wincuck games when I can just switch to firefox like a cis white linux using male.
I've been using Firefox on mobile for some time as well and it mostly works fine. I won't be playing these fake and gay screwgle games anymore.
frogposter-san? are you ok?
then community forks will win.
firefucks is doing other inhumane shit because Pozilla is evil as well, just less powerful.
Stop watching YouTube, tranny.
>learn how one anon defeated a trillion dollar company with this one simple trick!
I have never had that happen and I've been using Firefox as main since 2006
is this only a Chrome problem?
image using chrome btw
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still works on my Win7 machine :)
Use windows XP internet explorer
adblock extension that was relevant 8 years ago that boomers still install for some reason
it finally reached end of life and those same boomers are schizing out
Brave's adblock is fucking trash
How so? I haven't seen any ads and it even blocks YT ads more effectively than uBO.
breaks website formatting
cant inject custom scripts like in ublock
many ad and privacy lists dont even work
doesn't block ads on many smaller less know websites
blocks less ads in general compared to ublock
>breaks website formatting
Haven't encountered any issues like this.
>cant inject custom scripts like in ublock
Never needed this feature.
>many ad and privacy lists dont even work
I've had no problem adding additional lists.
>doesn't block ads on many smaller less know websites
I doubt that, especially if you add the extra uBO and AdGuard lists.
>blocks less ads in general compared to ublock
You can add any list to Shields that is in uBO, so this is definitely not true.
to be fair i haven't used brave in 3 years, maybe they fixed their shit by now
all the problems i mention were 100% real
I switched to Brave last year, so that's entirely possible. All I can say is it's been very smooth and I hear that Shields is now written in Rust which is very fast.
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>slider solver
Poisoning the well
>it's no longer supported
why are corporation allowed to blatantly lie ? they spent years making sure their "update" would break adblockers
What is the easiest way to migrate from chrome to firefox? Is there some sort of one-click solution to move over all my bookmarks, logins, open tabs, and installed extensions?
I use Edge
You will get a prompt to import all your bookmarks/history/logins for extensions you will need to install them yourself
you'll need to get some HRT prescribed, some long socks, maybe some cat ears if you want to be thorough and you should be good to transition
imagine not owning a pi hole

all of your are plebs and retards
Just click Yes when it asks you if you want to import your shit, not sure about tabs, you can probably export those to bookmarks with an extension
>Disable the accessibility services. If you're not blind, you don't need it, and it will improve performance.
fake news https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1726887#c53
>he uses chrome
>he keeps his passwords in chrome
>he doesnt know how to import to another browser

i swear to god this boards IQ has fallen down by 20 points because of newfag zoomers
Mostly because of googol
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ublock origin works for both ungoogled chromium and librewolf on my pc
have you tried using actually decent browsers instead of mainstream slop?
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I cant understand why people keep using chrome
it won't. meanwhile you have most used chromium browser that does it. What should you do? Just accept that you must use LITE (read: cuk'd) version? Or just use mozilla firefox.
Google got too used to eating its cake and having it too. To running a massive influence operation for its own ends, and getting paid by society for doing so. The free market can't allow this to continue forever.
Besides on the other end of things we have China with TikTok. Their technique of extending the filter bubble to comments is genius. Google's become a slow dinosaur and their new technique is partnering with government/government-adjacent censorship czars. So China is the one who stands to win this next phase of the propaganda war. The medium is the message and all that. Maybe AI to extend the reach of the censorship czars can help catch up but even then someone has to pay for that AI compute and we're back to Google crying because they want more money.
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The layout and features are fucking garbage like always with these copycat services. It is unbelievable how bad people are at design.
Not only that but it also lacks the people to make the platforms interesting to use. It's hopeless
now that's malware
good job retard
>tab groups.
if you have more than 10 tabs open at once you suffer from tremendous brainrot
works on my machine
I've figured out it only happens on big channels like LTT or ones that are sponsored/checkmarked
Actually it helped me stop using YouTube altogether so I'm enjoying it as a plus
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oh yeah? whats the mal part about it? nigger!
What is the best firefox extension that is equivalent to SessionBuddy? It's the only chrome extension I can't find for Firefox.

Being able to export my current stuff and import it in the new extension would be ideal.

Right click -> Select all tabs -> Right click -> Bookmark these tabs
I'm 10x you
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more like cuckcuckglow, amirite?
unironically is to 4chan what literally is to reddit
Didn't this include a furry porn easter egg at some point?
>Not downloading your videos
>Make sure to by our monthly aduard subscription for 20 a month, down from 79
LMAO shills are so annoying.
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>>102383656 https://alternativeto.net/software/ublock-origin/
>unchecking a box once is hard
Works on Brave.

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