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>makes linux irrelevant
nothing personal kiddo
i'm not running your memescript faggot

I didn't even read further.
What a hack faggot this guy is
buy a fucking advert, chris.
chatgpt coding goes brrrrrr!
>no anime girl on UI
Easy pass, come to Linux.
>EXE Wrapper for $10 @ https://www.cttstore.......
>to run PS2EXE and make an executable
what a cunt. get a fucking job, chris.
>gibs me dat fo free
Eat shit nigger
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first time?
> plz give me moneys to run a tool anyone can get for free
once again american youtubers demonstrate to the world that they have as much credibility in the computing world as a group of pedophiles running daycare centers.
this already exists its called ninite
you're basically making a donation, what exactly is your problem?
just 2 more scripts
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He's scripts are open-source, but contain so much obfuscated code.
So this ytman reinvented the wheel? I already use picrel on windoze
nta but I didn't know aseprite was open source. I happen to own it but I'm pretty sure I got it as a bonus in a bundle or something because I don't buy software ever
>but contain so much obfuscated code.
so run it yourself then

the price is to support the retard
This shit has existed for free for over a decade.
He looks like he suffered twink death
My problem is that you don't support Linux. Like what the fuck is your problem Chris?
reminder that this thread proves the troonix copers who cry about windows bloat literally didnt know about clicking 2 buttons to run a foss script with 21.000+ stars on github to easily debloat 99.99% windows bullshit btw

What's embarrassing is asking $10 for a Windows script that you probably stole 99% of the code from.
don't care about bloat; windows just sucks ass and this chris guy is a faggot who should kill himself
Like I'm not going to reinstall Windows just to pay some jewtoober $10 for a hack when Fedora just works, is private, and does everything I need it to.
>paid software
>you must download untrusted script to make usuable
> windows updates the OS and delete all your pre configurations
> change the settings to avoid you run any script

WinIdiots really embarrass themselves everyday.
anon, I...
it's literally free on github retards, not like foss projects don't ask for donations.
whatever this is, I like it
holy shit i love this, ty
Based but I'm not watching your youtube.
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I don't know why, but this man looks like a retarded version of Mr. Incredible.
That script is fucking broken
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lol I remember this fucking fogy saying RAID 6 was pointless because it's just RAID 5 + a hot spare. I have no idea how he got something so simple so wrong.
>run as administrator
irm https://christitus.com/win | iex
teh grift is stronk with that one.

thing is, when noob runs into likes of him/xim/xer/them - lot of stupid things noob will do

in case one of new2loonix reads this - if some random tard provides 'tutorials' and 'desires to tech you and make your life easier'...be very careful; especially when they tell you to 'sudo su do the admin doodoo' on 'this helpful script, it is open sauce anyways, you can trust it'
kek good bait
Wtf did I miss?
I'm sorry I know I know it sucks.... I'm just not going to install Windows. I like Linux. Try again tomorrow champ! You'll surely get me next time!
His effort goes to waste with wintoddlers
I have never seen someone look that much like a child molester before
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>needing to tinkertranny shit
what's the use case of Microsoft Windows
Something interesting has happened in this thread.
nope just the usual schizo posting about some /g/ mod.
Since this thread is still getting bumped, I should warn anons not to post that mod's name as it is an automatic 30 day ban. Don't ask me how I know.
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>You need a third party tool to customize and debloat your OS

so many shills pushing his shit because they don't know how to use a computer
the absolute state of /g/
hes having a melty again

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