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peak of technology
wrong board, this thread is being moved to /toy/
this is technology too chuds
I remember holding that box in my arms
Technology that has a separate board dedicated to it's discussion
>The Microsoft Xbox, Nintendo GameCube, Nintendo Game Boy Advance, and Sony PlayStation 2 will now be considered "retro".
Grandpa cant accept hes old frfr only in ohio
I used to hide my cigarettes in the expansion port back in my youth lol, no woman brain would ever think to check there
I gave away my scph 30000 model (with two usbs and iLink) to a friend. It's fine, the only game I ever play is ff12 (still trying to max out mc to lvl 99 before others join party) is it works even better on an emulator
you run linux on your ps2, right /g/?
Wtf and they fitted there? You cant hide the smell tho
People hid(e) weed too
Sealable bags
who fucking asked
>Sealable bags
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wrong pic
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I wouldnt have the balls to try and hide some skunk weed in my room lol
fpbp /thread
Fat ps2 was amazing
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Sorry my folder is messy. Here's the only one that matters
Let's not kid ourselves, it all went downhill after we discovered fire.
here's some more info about me your mom sucked my dick bong faggot
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Best console design, for sure.
Back when games were actual games instead of movies.
First PS2 I had the disk censor died on me. Shitty tech.
wrong, pic related was peak technology
Consoles lost the plot as soon as they added internet connection in the 360/PS3 era for the sole purpose of selling you more shit while also making you pay for multiplayer. World is fucked
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They literally just bought the design from Atari
PS2 already had tons of interactive movies, it's where the trend started
Holy shit I remember that theme, feeling nostalgic now
Hmm, technically excellent in some respects, but far too fucking annoying to code for
But still OK I think, even by today's standards, if you just wanna play some games. More games than the other platforms of the period, it's past the uncanny valley of PS1 or mid-to-late 90s PC stuff, and as per >>102389799 there's none of that fucking online shit
The 360 and PS3 are already considered retro.
Macintosh Quadra 700
Sharp X68K
That was like the only bit that would die. It became infamous. The rest still soldiers on 20 years later.
Last time I went to /toy/, I was told there was a 2 week autosage, established after a shitter kept making spam tsunamis.
That is of course terrible. No other board gets that ugly treatment.
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Pretty you can actually run Linux on this
yes you can
Go back
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It was really cool when Sony processors were hyped up and had their own unique branding like the Emotion Engine, Graphics Synthesizer, Reality Synthesizer, and Cell Broadband Engine now they're just boring stock shit.
The Cell processor was impressive but we have the network on a chip now and we'll be moving to 3-dimensional chips soon.

I don't see how this is peak tech.
Just a shame that the official VGA cable was only made for this kit, and thus is rare as shit. Just as well though, since very few games ran at 480p.
I have bad news. Other than the GS, which had the least interesting name, those were all marketing stunts. EE was mostly a licensed MIPS chip, with Sony at best doing some additional coprocessor work. GS was fully custom and actually interesting, but went in a completely different direction from where video cards were going and made lots of "special snowflake" decisions that weren't just dumb in retrospect. RSX is rebadged nvidia crap they were willing to license out because its architecture was being completely thrown out for their next series of chips. Cell was mostly IBM, and was made from rejected dies that couldn't be used for their original intended purpose.
but it never was a good linux box unfortunately.
it's always been a shit linux machine, even when it was just released
at least it was a different hardware
>code for main CPU
>code for VU0
>code for VU1
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*dabs on your 32mb ram*
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*dabs on your 294MHz cpu*
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What's he doing there?
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installing an off the shelf pentium 3
But why?
>pawnshoped it
>took it to base
>rolled a fat joint
>gta 3

peak ngl
yeah but most games are crapped out of unreal or unity, it doesn't make sense having specialised hardware that is more powerful on paper, but requires non-existent expertise from the developers to utilise
do dev kits still exist? I imagine they're just stock consoles with unlocked firmware now
the PS2 is actually omega overrated. dont get me wrong i still have a lot of nostalgia for it, but the library was trash and any multiplat it had was better played on other consoles
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>not the PS2 slim
the ps2 had over 4000 games, I'm pretty sure there were a few decent ones in there
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good joke
PS1 had a better library overall and I'm tired of pretending otherwise.
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>when the meme blurriness reflects its age
Jesus Christ we're old
where else do you have a mips computer you can run actual linux on
(if you do have a mips router props to you)
cool foreign arch
The devkits use soul RedHat 6-8 (forgot which sorry), which has great Gnome2 theme by default.
There even were Linux commandline dev tools.
The PSX by comparison was all Windows95, while N64 was Windows/Irix.
Imagine buying a case clone and making a sleeper pc build...
gayniggerstation have consistently had the most boring goyslop games.
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took me 30 seconds to get it
I bet you don't care about that when it comes to anime brainrot? And you are wrong too, nigger. /v/ and /vg/ is about GAMES where as OP posted a gaming console.
i tried to find the original, it doesnt seem to exist anymore, even on archive
it exists only on neckbeard consolekid boomer hdds now
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>anime brainrot
Anime site.
>>102384949 showed /vr/, not /v/ and /vg/. Nowhere were they even mentioned. You may be a bot
>Underperforming, RAM-starved, fault-prone, overengineered piece of shit that produces blurred interlaced garbage graphics
wow so amaze
no, it's not an anime site you absolute pedo retard. there are dedicated tranime boards for a reason but the brainrot has gotten too deep into your pea
>no, it's not an anime site
Yeah it is. Feel free to fuck off.
>how to be the coolest guy in class
I miss those days
don't make me beat up a weeb, just apologize for your brain damage and we can stop it there
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anime website
>The site was launched as 4chan.net on October 1, 2003, by Christopher Poole, a then-15-year-old student from New York City using the online handle "moot".[25]

>Poole had been a regular participant on Something Awful's subforum "Anime Death Tentacle Rape Whorehouse" (ADTRW), where many users were familiar with the Japanese imageboard format and Futaba Channel ("2chan.net").[16]

When creating 4chan, Poole obtained Futaba Channel's open source code and translated the Japanese text into English using AltaVista's Babel Fish online translator.[note 2][26] After the site's creation, Poole invited users from the ADTRW subforum, many of whom were dissatisfied with the site's moderation, to visit 4chan, which he advertised as an English-language counterpart to Futaba Channel
>and a place for Western fans to discuss anime and manga.[7][27][28]

>At its founding, the site only hosted one board: /b/ (Anime/Random).[note 2]

>Before the end of 2003, several new anime-related boards were added, including /h/ (Hentai), /c/ (Anime/Cute), /d/ (Hentai/Alternative), /w/ (Wallpapers/Anime), /y/ (Yaoi), and /a/ (Anime).
>In the early days of the website, Poole hosted meetings from 2005 to 2008 in various locations to promote it, such as Otakon,[30] that popularized some of the first 4chan-related memes.
Founder likes anime
Anime original userbase
Anime original boards
First board was anime
Promoted at anime zones
You are a nigger
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ram starved? how do you figure?
dreamcast: 16MiB
gamecube: 24MiB
ps2: 32MiB
xbox: 64MiB*

*shared with gpu as vram
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PS2 Emotion Engine and PS3 CELL were nightmares for programmers. the only people who actually got to use it to its full potential were Naughty Dog. People also forget that the reason Sony was so insistent on pushing their custom in the PS2 and PS3 was because they had plans to license out the Emotion Engine and Cell technology for other uses beyond video game consoles.

Kutaragi wanted the PS3 to ship with 1 cell as a cpu and 1 cell as a gpu. Mark Cerny is fucking insane for STILL having only himself know exactly how the PS3 worked and never sharing it with anyone aside from those secret CELL developers at Sony.

They were either falling behind in development, or realized that this was utter fucking stupidity, so they went plan B and asked Nvidia to give PS3's GeForce 7800 was also kind of old, being a pre-unified shaders design that was absolutely obsoleted within a year of the console's release by the 8800, bolted it on, and shipped it.

Mark Cerny wanted PS4 and PS5 to be AMD APUs because it was cheapest and easiest for programmers. any optimizations done for PS4 will just help PC get further ahead

>He points to an amusing video by Linus Tech Tips, which attempted to 'kill' the PlayStation 5 by building a $500 gaming PC that outperformed the console.

>"They had to get a used motherboard," he says. "That was the only way that they could build a PlayStation 5 equivalent for a PlayStation 5 price. And if you're using used parts… well you can get a used PlayStation 5 for eBay for $300-something.

FX-8350 @2GHz, a HD 7850 and a 5000 RPM hard drive are roughly equivalent to a PS4.

Ryzen 7 3700X and an RX5700 which are roughly equivalent to a PS5.

ps4 and ps5 are basically AMD PCs
>EE was mostly a licensed MIPS chip, with Sony at best doing some additional coprocessor work.
far as I heard they basically did what AVX is and that's how the PS2 really remained relevant at all next to the gamecube and xbox. same shit why the PPC G4 mogged x86 in some tasks.
360 went PPC probably because of vector extensions too
>(if you do have a mips router props to you)
literally every current router under $50 is MIPS and ARM cores are a relatively recent development
my EuroDOCSIS 3.0 home gateway has a dualcore MIPS SOC as does my cheap router (AP/switch duty only as the HGW insists on fucking routing too)
>*shared with gpu as vram
so did the PS2 didnt it?
>FX-8350 @2GHz
not really there is no PC equivalent to 8c Jaguar
imagine two Athlon 5350 glued together, it's the closest we'll ever get
>HD 7850
it was more of a 7770 I think but I may be wrong
>Ryzen 7 3700X
not even close. the consoles are closer to laptop chips with shit cache and ram bandwidth so... 4800H
the new consoles are RDNA2
RX 6600
no, it had 4MiB of separate vram, so did the other 6th gen consoles
imagine being this retarded
Ah. But it could access the main 32MB as well right?
hl2 on xbox is surely an outlier here
in most games they'll either be capped at 30 and run at 30 most of the time, or capped at 60 and run at 60 most of the time
not many games on 6th gen consoles really struggled to hit their target framerate, it was mainly just some of the from-pc ports, like hl2
i don't think so, but the ps2's ram was insanely fast so it wasn't a big deal outside of certain video-specific things like pushing 480p, many games only did 480i to keep vram usage down, which was hardly an issue back in 2000 since nobody had ed/hd tv's that could do 480p anyway
it's an annoying detail nowadays but what can you do. the xbox is not far off 2 years newer than the ps2, and back then that was a long time in terms of technology development, it's not terribly fair to say the ps2 was slow, when it came out it most certainly was not slow
like to give an idea, the xbox uses a modified GeForce 3 gpu. when the ps2 came out, the original geforce (256) had only been out some months, it was never going to be a fair comparison
>i don't think so
of course it could
>I bet
stopped reading here
you're an actual subhuman
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I love that design. Will Apple ever have the balls to put their rainbow logo on anything again?
Zoomers will never know what it's like to pay for the game once and get the whole thing, no dlcs, no microtransacions, no subscriptions, physical media you actually own, we need to go back
>it was never going to be a fair comparison
balls? the only people that would care are faggot rightoids that don't realize that used to be their logo
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Fuck the PeeShit 2. GameCube mogged it hard.
>circumcised discs
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That color logo was only made because Wozniak came up with doing digital color after working for 3 days straight and hallucinating, before that it was always analog color. Everyone copied him afterwards. He really doesn't get enough credit for his innovations.
compare Chaos Theory for ps2 and xbox. that made my decision very easy.
mogged in what way exactly? it didn't mog it in sales or amount of good games and those are the only 2 that matter
Mogged it in exclusives.
Mogged it in overall quality of games.
Mogged it in hardware.
Mogged it in graphics.
Mogged it in controller design.
Yep, fully fucking MOGGED.
It had a much better collection of games and less shovelware titles. PS2 was only so successful because it was a dvd player.
Nah. Was just a purple lunchbox with games for little kids.
>nintendies have to resort to just making up lies
Still to this day the most retarded controller design. La creatura
It is unbelievably comfortable if you have tiny hands. Dual shock was an abomination that didn't have large enough palm grips and they finally and thankfully started making controllers for human hands by ps4. PS3 was one of the worst controllers of all time. They kept their shitty ergonomics and then made them worse with shitty triggers and larger analog sticks with CONVEX tips that were too close together to the point that if you have large hands your thumbs hit one another. The only problem with the gamecube in terms of ergonomics is they are made for child sized hands.
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*blocks your path*
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>peak of technology
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the absolute state of nintendrones
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>here's your controller bro
It’s just the natural progression of capitalism. Which means it’s the right thing.
You’re just old. Or a communist.
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why i never thought of that
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behold, peak of tech is here
I could never afford a memory card as a kid so i kept playing the first few levels of every game over and over and i loved it. I wish i was that content with shit to this day kek
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>the ps2 had a 128 bit cpu in the year 2000
>we're still using 64 bit cpus in 2024
It was really ahead of it's time.
It can run linux, it belongs here. Unlike you.
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Think anyone daily-ed this shit back in the day?
Its expensive to get the disc. I just mod my PS2 in other ways like Hard drive upgrade, fan swaps and some re-soldering to fix the power connector. One day i will get it, that or figure out how to install it with a burned copy.
If you put it in glass jars or good tupperware it would be fine. Then you just have to make sure your little brother doesnt jack it with his little goons.
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the difference between slim and fat is amazing
basically like programming for the saturn. Not as bad as for the PS3 though. Images writing AI scripts or game logic in what is effectively AV-128 because the Cell was 1 PPC core and 7 SMID accelerators. Thats exactly what NaughtyDog did in Uncharted and the Last of Cucks.
PS5 when? They released a PS5 Pro bfore they dropped any fucking games.
wait there are actually people who dont know this is a actual Taiwanese chinkman-hat crafting fourm?
Gamecaube controller are almost perfect, that dam C stick is so useless for 3rd part games.
>Just evolve bro
maybe if you like being killed as a child by bacterial infections
Fat PS2 had a whole-ass PS1 laser unit in it, that's why it's so thicc.
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literally half of the ps2 fat size comes from the psu and and the expansion bay, and the slim contains neither inside.
9000x later model slims contain PSU on the inside thoughbeit
Also PCs don't have unified RAM/GRAM
Is it me or console devs were high tier devs compared to the "rest" since they had to deal with those specific architecture, do multithread when cpp didn't even support it?
I'm already struggling a bit with CUDA/GPGPU, I can't even imagine building an engine supporting multi threading on the CPU when CPP isn't even doing it natively.
>Is it me or console devs were high tier devs compared to the "rest"
They were, yes.
>multithread when cpp didn't even support it?
It's not about cpp itself but rather the OS, libraries and tool chain supporting MT. Keep in mind that multithreading is provided by the actual OS/kernel that has a process scheduler that allocates processing time to multiple processes. 6th gen consoles had the last OS/kernels that were barely minimal allowing only one process to run (spoiler: the game), I remember reading this in the OG Xbox's developer manual. As you might have guessed, implementing a full fledged multithreaded kernel for a very limited and specialized device doesn't make sense at all.

Now, on top of that, "multicore" consoles like Saturn, PS2, PS3 didn't have actual multithreading capabilities but instead developers had to create independent pieces of microcode to load into VU0 and VU1, making matters even more complicated.

From a developing standpoint, the OG Xbox was MILES way better/easier than PS2, and with just a little bit of optimizations developers could make games that seemed impossible to run on a freaking Coppermine-128, NV2A and 64MB of mem. Ex.: DOOM 3
the dreamcast ran 480p perfectly time and a lot of early ps2 games don't even do full 480i having to rely on the equivalent of today's dynamic resolution faggotry with field rendering, the ps2 was always shit and if it wasn't for dvds for normalfags, the brand and its hype it would have rightfully flopped in its first year when all it had was bad ps1/dreamcast ports and shitty tech demos

OG came cube controllers are hand down the must durable things on the planet. My brother's and I have the same ones we have had since childhood and unlike every other controller on the planet they have never had an issue.
the ps2 couldn't have competed if it just went with pc hardware available in 1999 when it was finalised
the ps3's original design i would agree didn't need to be so custom given pc hardware had gotten very good, but that kind of custom design still made sense when the ps2 was made and released
the dreamcast went for a simpler, more pc-like architecture (not x86, but outside of assembly programming that doesn't really matter, and that era of console was really more about C). if the dreamcast survived, how many cross-platform games do you think that would have had? it competed with early ps2 game graphics, but once devs started really using the vector processors, there's no way the dreamcast could have kept up
the gamecube and xbox are newer than the ps2, and both made use of the extremely rapid progress of pc hardware, namely they used gpus with programmable shaders, which weren't a thing when the ps2 was made, that didn't exist until 2001. the ps2 was the best it could have been at the time
You mean as a baby? I've never had any of my injuries treated.
Thanks! So he puts down an interposer after removing the original BGA CPU, right? And then he puts another BGA CPU on top of that interposer, right?
>Console then
Put disk in, play game.
>Console today
Web browser, Netflix, media center, game store front, advertising, avatards, social media, hard drive, amazon, spyware, missile fire control system, electronic flight bag, crab fishing mapping software, weather simulation and prediction software, astrophysics simulator, oh yeah and you can play games, too.

What happened to simplicity? Why so much bloat?
Does the interposer hold any logic or is it just a "dumb" ball grid pin re-router?
Unironically true. Society has gone downhill hard ever since the PS2 was the latest and greatest in gaming hardware.
Slim version was the peak
Fat version was bloated
kek, feeling that. I played the Diablo 1 demo maybe 10 times, kek
Ads. That's literally it.
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during the psx era i couldn't afford many games, i probably spent as much time playing demos than full games
like for example i played Vigilante 8 pretty often, i put several hours into it... but i didn't own the full game
The absolute fucking copium in this post
STFU gamecube kiddie
I miss when consoles felt like consoles
At least Series X/S tried
PS5 was retarded
the ps2 had a single cpu core, like all the other consoles of that generation
the ps2 also had two custom vector co-processors, but they're closer to shader units in gpu parlance than cpu cores
Nobody cares you double nigger
Game consoles are technology
PS2 Emotion Engine wasn't a nightmare for anyone
PS3 CELL wasn't an issue either, the truth is that MS paid westcuck devs and publishers to sabotage the PS3
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i never really liked how the 90k looked, though i do appreciate the integrated power supply
Console gaming has always been where the money was
PC was filled with hentai games and garbage ass nerd shit
>From a developing standpoint, the OG Xbox was MILES way better/easier than PS2
It was also way more boring and had fucking 0 surprises unlike with PS2 where devs would do creative shit and pull off the unexpected
I remember PS2 having USB, which allowed for EyeToy and that other shit.
>Console then
>Put disk in, play game.
I pity zoomers who never experienced this
The strip in your pic is just classier sleakier looking
that was the older design, the SCPH-7000X and SCPH-7500X looked like that, the one without the strip is the SCPH-9000X, the last revision of the ps2, the 90k is notable for having an internal power supply like the phat models, but also notable for later revisions (date codes/bios versions) closing the exploit that allows freemcboot to work, since those came out after freemcboot was made
>Macintosh TV
>Composite Video-In
Unlike the new iMac this actually had video input. It would go nicely with a PS2.

is that composite or s video
>where devs would do creative shit and pull off the unexpected
imagine being this retarded
fuck you
Sony developed Linux on PS2 for the sole purpose of dodging EU tax.
yeah like field rendering eye aids
Had one back in the day. It was a cool system but the battery life sucked and it struggled with SNES emulation.
>look at all the cope and bullshit hoops and thousands of hours of dev work we had to waste to do anisotropic filtering on ps2's 4mb vram instead of actually working on the game!
>flip 1 switch on xbox to enable on all games until the end of time on 64mb unified vram
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Unified RAM was the best thing to happen to consoles, Xbox was decades ahead of its time. Literally no game is ever going to need more system RAM than VRAM, yet retards at Snoy decided to hard cap PS3 at 256MB/256MB. And of that only 64MB/32MB was reserved for OS so only 192MB/224MB was available for games, whereas 360 OS only took 32MB and had 480MB available for games.
Just imagine if PS2 was as easy to develop for as it was the Xbox.
PS2 was well known for being a pain to program for. Devs dealt with it because it was the largest market by far.
Could be Component
Tax evasion is based, though

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