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Discussion of free and open source text-to-image models

Previous /ldg/ bread : >>102367811

>Beginner UI
EasyDiffusion: https://easydiffusion.github.io
Fooocus: https://github.com/lllyasviel/fooocus
Metastable: https://metastable.studio

>Advanced UI
Automatic1111: https://github.com/automatic1111/stable-diffusion-webui
ComfyUI: https://github.com/comfyanonymous/ComfyUI
Forge: https://github.com/lllyasviel/stable-diffusion-webui-forge
InvokeAI: https://github.com/invoke-ai/InvokeAI
SD.Next: https://github.com/vladmandic/automatic
SwarmUI: https://github.com/mcmonkeyprojects/SwarmUI

>Use a VAE if your images look washed out

>Model Ranking

>Models, LoRAs & training


>Pixart Sigma & Hunyuan DIT
Nodes: https://github.com/city96/ComfyUI_ExtraModels

>Index of guides and other tools

>Try online without registration
txt2img: https://www.mage.space
img2img: https://huggingface.co/spaces/huggingface/diffuse-the-rest
sd3: https://huggingface.co/spaces/stabilityai/stable-diffusion-3-medium

>Maintain thread quality

>Related boards
Blessed thread of frenship
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Anyone got links to all the flux loras anon has created / posted?


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1girlying in flux
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Diffussy is born
that's a pretty good looking sd1.5 gen
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alright. I'll throw an image out then.
what in the fuck is wrong with her face? what race is she?
>what race is she?
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you guys flatter me.
I spent 2k buzz on the new fast LoRA training on civitai and it's fucking shitty, oh well -2$
I hadn't realized the currency was so inflated.

Did it just not work? Lacks settings?
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you can't use setting on the fast trainer, apparently it just runs a single epoch in 5 minutes. Don't care though, I have my 3090 to train at home.
The results are very bad, this was using the same dataset I used for my succesful averi lora.
Averi is great
close enough
>No settings
>A single epoch
What the fuck is the point, are they trying to make their site content even worse somehow
Post the link to the lora, you get 50 buzz each time some posts a picture to the lora
that's a good deal
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>he hears you saying she has a big head
what are you doing anon? lools interesting
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is it possible to tell a1111 to output the image before doing adetailer or highres fix? so i have an image at each step to make it easier to photoshop and blend errors
Anyone tried playing around with clip and t5xxl modifiers?
blending errors is a thing
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I am willing to try anything to get better styling out of Flux, but in the video Van Gogh is in the prompt and the images he gets don't seem to change in any meaningful form towards VG style. Are styles (as in artist recognition) hidden in clip? or the model just doesn't know artists' names?
It's just cornmeal and vitamin E.
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flux doesn't understand styles or artists. use a style lora.

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yes. It is in the settings. You might need an upscaler add-on for it though. I am pretty sure ultimate SD upscale does it.
Bigma? Can you hear me, Bigma?
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I was sure there was a Ultimate option. Anyways, here are the base settings ones.
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This technology is useless if it’s cannot generate high quality porn images
yes, that's bait
thanks, i also found the option to save before detailer but looks like it only saves before all detailers, not after each detailer is applied. im using a body then face detailer. but not really a big deal
>tfw lull in new developments
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>the model just doesn't know artists' names?
yeah it doesn't know a lot of stuff, that's the biggest thing that should be fixed if someone decided to make a finetune of it
With loras trained on civiati, I have to bump the strength up a ton to see any meaningful change. I don't know if that's due to the settings or the way the dataset was tagged however.
NTA but I uploaded my local trained lora to Civit and I noticed if I try to gen on Civit it looks really weak, but gens as intended with local. No special WF or anything on my end either. It's weird.
I was referencing a model trained on civitai used locally. I've never used that website to actually generate an image. It may very well be that I'm misreading the reply chain.
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>What the fuck is the point,
money? profiting off retards will always be the best tactic for companies
>With loras trained on civiati, I have to bump the strength up a ton to see any meaningful change.
that's because it's undertrained as fuck, a good lora should work on every prompt but that's not the case for those sloptunes
Flux seems to have trouble learning certain concepts regardless of learning rate and other settings.
cozy bred desu
I'm interested
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>a car made out of clam shells and cardboard pasted together
wheres that prompt adherence?
It comes at the cost of requiring verbose prompting
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>wheres that prompt adherence?
at CFG 6 my dude
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Using easy training script doing 1024x1024 training on a 3090.


It maxes out my gpu and doesn't go a single step am I doing something wrong here? I havn't trained since the 1.5 days and i know 1024x1024 is more vram intensive but i feel like it should be able to handle this
I still don't guy why the Flux guys decided to ditch CFG all together, it's obvious that this shit gives way better prompt adherance than their Distilled Guidance meme, is it because Flux dev is a distilled model that it can't do CFG > 1 naturally? That means that flux pro can do CFGmaxxing right?
>flux doesn't understand styles or artists. use a style lora.
Terrible bait
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Absolute nonsense
I'm sorry you were called out
if you literally max out the VRAM and get into RAM/CPU mode it will take forever per step
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looks worse than CogVideoX... and god knows how much I love to clown Cog kek
Its maxing out at a batch of 1. 24gb of vram
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I tried training a lora on ~8k booru images, think this is worth exploring more? It doesn't seem to change flux much...
>~8k booru images
Has to take forever to train
>realtime flux
What is the state of 6gb vram mafia?
I don't think you were/are able to avoid that with other model types either. Training is difficult.

I don't think it really worked. Maybe if you also train CLIP? But I'd probably reduce the dataset at least for now. The training settings or pre-training processing need to be different IMO.
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>get in on the action with the novelAI leak 2 years ago, 4gb VRAM with 16GB ram
>slowish but decent results
>try it again now, same specs
what??? is it the model? im using ponydiffusionxl but back then i used the NAI leak, that's probably it right?
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One possibility is that you hit the memory limit of your GPU and the Nvidia drivers now use your system RAM which is SLOW.
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Could it be that you're just a little dense in general, anon?
entirely possible. please explain to me like a retard what i'm missing, other than a brain, hurr durr
you clearly know what you're doing then
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hello, I am with Netflix and we would like to give you millions of dollars to make these happen, how can I contact you?
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my nai model is about 4 giggy. but the pony models are all 6 and a half so its probably overflowing harder. but hey, why not play with a lightning model in the meantime while you figure out what to do? it generates images in less steps if you dont mind a couple extra fingers. just remember to adjust cfg and sampler too.
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>lightning model
not sure where i'd find that or what it is, i assume some scaled-down model or something.
i know it's kind of retarded to assume a checkpoint from now would have the same hardware reqs as one from 2 years ago but i figured there's something out there that's far more efficient than anything that used to exist that utilizes low-end hardware like mine. just don't know where to find one unless anyone has any recommendations.
>indians instead of Jews
I think I want to cheer the black nazis
go to civit and look for lightning models. some of them are ponyxl if thats what youre after.
its not silly to assume things get more efficient over time. supposedly there is some text encoder logic from flux that might be compatible with xl which might mean speedier xl models at some point.
what are some webzones that allow ai art? is pixiv the main one? twitter sucks
I understood that, I was offering my similar but reverse experience.
This thread looks like a good enough place desu
A lot of social media sites allow it.
You need to use the split mode extra arg like it says on kohyas GitHub if you're making flux Loras
Ignore me just looked and saw it's pony
Post imgs
>buzz beggars board on the front page of Civitai
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working on a lora to make those hyper realistic ball jointed dolls like ringdoll desu
Doesn't fooocus already come with python/anaconda? I used it on windows just fine without having to install those things. Yet linux guides keep saying to download them?
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you wastrels, you <insert invective here>! how dare you even exist? i am very angry! this is my """)))grrr(((""" face
I want a model like autismmix (pony anime model) that can do almost any character even without loras

loras are fine, but it's nice when a model can do a lot of stuff without a lora too
the computer says no.
you could even make something with pony and img2img it in flux, but that's not quite the same
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is there some crucial setting i can only reach in comfyui?
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whey hey me hearties
no, it hinges on how much you love connecting nodes together and figuring out absolutely everything, from scratch, on your own. comfyui is a misnomer. it's not bad, but it's not very comfy, either.
>I want
Good for you
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well it's not really necessary, for anime stuff I have sdxl/pony, but flux is getting a shitload of loras daily and can also do anime. The most creativity is possible with flux prompting.
I didnt ask
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well i wonder what to do about blurry images then. im sure this looks nice under the vaseline.
comfy does look more futuristic, which combined with the nature of this computer progam could bring about a sense of optimism.
i feel like a wizard, but maybe feeling like a mad scientist would be fun too.
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the blurriness is not caused by your choice of UI. it's something else. i mean, i guess it could be caused by some systemic ineptness in piloting of said UI, but that seems unlikely. either ur prompt is bad, or your settings are bad, and all of that applies to auto1111 and comfy.
should have said
> mean, i guess it could be caused by some systemic ineptness in piloting of said UI, but that seems likely
but still, it's not a UI problem. PEBCAK, yeah?
long story short: your gens look like shit because you are shit. ipso facto. qed
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ever have monsters pop up in your gen for no reason? i've noticed it with skibidi mix and pixel mix.
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Her pelvic region is so wide it must whistle like a jug in the wind when she walks
how are you generating booba that big with Flux?
>ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'mediapipe'
Using comfyui. Installed via manager the impact pack. What am I doing wrong?
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I haven't found Loras for a lot of artists I would want to try, but even with the few I have found, Loras have been underwhelming, specially because mixing style Loras degrades the model a lot. I am back to img2img Flux gens with SDXL.
You dont know how whistling works apparently
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It's pony. I'm using pixelmix.
and I'm using pixelization node
put toy, doll, in the negatives.
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didn't work chief
use negpip
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I used crowded in the negative this time around idk if it'll stick with the next gens
can't post catbox there's a problem with uploads rn
I'll try that
Where do I go to learn the more technical aspects of this tech? I know how to use it but I don't know how it works. I'd like to change that by learning things such as how the models are trained, how training even works, and how the models turn latent vector spaces into images.
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well no more issues it seems thanks everyone
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and a retro 90s Kagefusa before I go
>well i wonder what to do about blurry images then.
that's because you need to add the AutomaticCFG node to make it work at CFG > 1
nta but what settings do you use for cfg and positive/negative cfg guidance?
Anons, is local diffusion inferior? I'm coming to a sad realization all the "awesome things" we can do with ComfyUI pale in comparison to what these Japanese people on X are able to do with Midjourney. I try to replicate the high resolution, clear, ultra stylish, highly detailed anime pictures I see on X using ComfyUI, and fail miserably with these lousy Flux dev upscales
cfg 6
positic/negatie cfg guidance 3.5
Midjourney is trash. I can use Flux on huggingface that is trained on a Realism LoRa and it is far better than anything I have seen on Midjourney. Also the prompts aren't censored and I can generate girls with big booba
You got memed
care to show an example on what MJ can do that SD/Flux can't?
>Japanese people on X
you mean anyone using Niji
Precisely. How do we make stuff as good as Niji with local diffusion. Is it a hardware limitation and upscale limits
How do you know how expensive it is to train on Flux?
>How do we make stuff as good as Niji with local diffusion. Is it a hardware limitation and upscale limits
Mj is the only non cucked entity with NAI, they train on every single copyrighted artist drawing to get the quality, the rest of the group (Flux, SD, Pony) are cucks to artist and will only train on generic shit, you get your answer
You don't necessarily know but
>initial gen + photoshop fixes
>upscale with sd15 using specific artist tags
Flux isn't end all be all, you'll need to find your workflow for what do you want.
well, what we know is that to make pony-v6, it cost more than 10k dollars, that was for a 2.7b SDXL model, now imagine doing the same thing for a 12b model
Which 1.5 model/workflow to upscale? I dont like ult upscale because it's slow, I use a plain upscale node
The blurry is a prompt issue, there's some tricks to remove it completely, you need to use tags on clip and boomer prompting on t5
How the hell do i use GGUF flux models on my forge? It's not appearing on my checkpoint dropdown.
English must not be your first language if you think that the use of the word whistling was incorrect.
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I think Pixtral is free on OpenRouter, it's a captioning model from Mistral
You could not havw made a more ironic post. Thats literally not even what he said lol.
Just copied that workflow. Let's see if it improves anything.
Can I use negative prompts with that?
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>Sign in to OpenRouter
No thanks
>Doesn't get she's eating with her foot
to the trash it goes I guess

>Can I use negative prompts with that?
I think so, but it's not consistant at all, sometimes it work sometimes not
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damn those mosquito bites showing up through the leather bikini
ALL the major local pretrains use extremely safety cucked datasets
Good. People are too addicted to porn
desu I agree with that, still trying to get rid of that addiction, it's fucking unhealthy and makes me tired all the time
What do you do all day. Most times people use porn as a stopgap for other activities.
nothing special lol, I fap to sleep and that's the issue, yeah I sleep well but when I wake up it's horrible
yes because the difference in datasets between mj and local is clearly porn and not the exclusion of artists
Show a midjourney image you could not make in flux
I'm sorry you are so upset
>nothing special lol, I fap to sleep
Here's the issue. You have energy because you haven't done anything all day. Try having an engaging hobby or volunteering if you are a NEET or something that will use your energy and entertain you
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What's the fastest way to do flux inference on cpu?
You open your browser quickly to https://www.fastflux.ai/ because nvidia is worth so much for a reason.
Is it just me or do you get blank image output with comfyui when you have characters like comma in the prompt
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anon, you really think Nvdia would be worth trillions if cpu was fast enough for inference??
Maybe a better phrasing would have been "least slow."
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does this work?
Yeah, probably but why do this? It's more difficult to control the prompt this way. What are you trying to achieve?
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Yes but why not just use this? Also if we're talking flux it's pretty much useless. SDXL can somewhat benefit with splitting tokens, just like with using BREAK in Forge, but not flux.
Thanks I didn't see that one. Yeah, it's Pony.
I'm trying to give equal weight to both Character Description and Action regardless of their length.
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What does ModelSamplingFlux do? (max_shift,base_shift)
if the resolution ratio is 1:1 (like 1024x1024) then base_shift does nothing, max_shift on the other hand seems to deal with luminosity and contrast, that's how I experienced it
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how to make flux do crying expressions, like bawling her eyes out
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Anyone tried this yet?

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Looks like a generic sd1.5/sdxl slop mix.
>1,500 carefully curated, high-quality aesthetic anime images
That's, like, nothing, it needs much more images from various artists for any interesting results. Also kekd at the schizo in the comments
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Some schizo from 4chan escaped the containement board to comment in there it seems kek
looks very slopped, he probably used synethtic pictures to make this finetune
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>all the images are sameface/samestyle
I suspect this is a base model with a lora baked in
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So I wanted to replace my old A1111 install with forge (I was using Comfy for a long while) and was following steps from https://github.com/Panchovix/stable-diffusion-webui-reForge
but when I'm trying to launch I get:
CUDA Stream Activated: False
D:\SD MASTER\stable-diffusion-webui\venv\lib\site-packages\transformers\utils\hub.py:127: FutureWarning: Using `TRANSFORMERS_CACHE` is deprecated and will be removed in v5 of Transformers. Use `HF_HOME` instead.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "D:\SD MASTER\stable-diffusion-webui\launch.py", line 51, in <module>
[bunch of other file calls]
File "D:\SD MASTER\stable-diffusion-webui\ldm_patched\modules\model_base.py", line 6, in <module>
from ldm_patched.ldm.modules.diffusionmodules.openaimodel import UNetModel, Timestep
File "D:\SD MASTER\stable-diffusion-webui\ldm_patched\ldm\modules\diffusionmodules\openaimodel.py", line 22, in <module>
from ..attention import SpatialTransformer, SpatialVideoTransformer, default
File "D:\SD MASTER\stable-diffusion-webui\ldm_patched\ldm\modules\attention.py", line 21, in <module>
import xformers
ModuleNotFoundError: import of xformers halted; None in sys.modules
Press any key to continue . . .
what do?
>day 15 of pixart pride month
If you have tried the whole "switch with git" method i would recommend a clean full new install
Saves a lot of hassle, especially when you have an old install and dont update frequently
Google the line above Press any key to continue and you will have your answer
>hint: run with --xformers
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very nice
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Is it possible to undervolt a laptop GPU or limit the amount of resources stable-diffusion uses to a safe limit so the device doesn't burn down with excessive prompting?
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I post my effortgens (animation or lots of inpainting) on deviantart. Mainly because I used to post my fanart there a long time ago.
I want to believe
NTA but either concat or combine is the equivalent of BREAK in Comfy AFAIK.
is there a new meta for training LORAs locally? I trained an xl on my 8gb card months back and COMPLETELY alzheimer'd all the details, i don't even remember what particular program i used to do it and cant find the fucker on any of my 6 drives..
Im finding you don't really need a lot of images to get something really good trained for xl and pony if you're just doing likeness so i want to try a few again, fucked up last time because my dataset was r tarded and inconsistently sized.
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Pixelization node gives me weird artifacts, can i see your workflow?
It looks like Mastodon. That's normal.
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So which one is the best for creating real life human and some kind of tacticool stuff?

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