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what went wrong?
chromebooks happened
but chromebooks don't have the same form factor
January 27, 2010 happened.
iPads suck
>cpus equivalent to a down clocked Pentium 4 (no 64bit, no out of order execution, dual cores only on higher end skus)
>only 1-2GB of RAM
>vista and 7 performed so poorly they had XP as an option and often shipped with the intentionally crippled win7 starter
The only thing I can really say is being giant hunks of plastic even the off brand ultra poverty ones stood up to abuse.
Am so glad he's gone.
Pretty much.
nothing. my 901 is still running EasyPeasy
I wish they still existed, iPads just don't suit my use cases really. Just give me like a 10 inch bezel-less model with an i3/ryzen3 PLEASE.
To protect sales of more lucrative laptops manufacturers cleaved to Microsoft's imposed constraints on the hardware of their netbooks, which had the effect of pushing netbooks into a market niche where they had few distinctive advantages over traditional laptops. -Wikipedia
They're admittedly hard to type on for people with fat hands. 13" is small enough.
Nothing? I created and edited an entire 1:30 animated video using one with a 1280x1024 display attached to it, miss my AOA150
It's in your pic. Look at that disgusting screen.
>>102391927 (me)
I think my main problem with iPad is ios desu.
Tablets happened.
And companies being kinda assblasted when they realized that selling cute, small and cheap laptops means that their bigger and more expensive products just don't sell that well. They wanted Netbooks to die.
They do, just buy one on AliExpress
People realized they can everything that thought they'd need a netbook for thry can actually do their phones
a phone can't multitask the same app (try navigating two google maps routes at the same time or opening two apple notes at the same time)
skill issue. works on my phone.
Asus had a good thing going but they fucked with their product lineup.
Technically you are looking at your own screen anon. Hope that helps.
>what went wrong?

Sabotage resulting in extremely weak CPU and too little RAM. Something to do with the Microsoft conditions of providing the OS, but that knifed the netbook baby in the crib.
Lack of multitasking is an iPhone "problem". Android phones have split screen mode and floating windows. They can multitask just fine.
They never made any sense and become obsolete as soon as mobile phones got fast enough to handle full internet webpages.
Ultrabooks competed for weight and outcompeted in thickness and performance.
Abysmally slow CPUs and low RAM amounts (that you can't even really upgrade).
But with how low powered CPUs have evolved it's strange no one (not even chinks) thought of bringing netbooks back. Personally I'd love to have one of these with something like Intel N100 or Ryzen Embedded.
Phones and tablets.
The softwares for those tiny screens are the problem.
Antiviruses, for example.
They kind came back with the windows 10 ewaste craptops that had the bare minimum specs to run it. Some of them even had shitty EMMCs that were so small windows update would just fill up the entire storage
some do
>what went wrong?
They targeted normalfaggots instead of tech savvy people who valued portability but still had the technical know-how to get a low spec machine to do everything they wanted
What's the best OS for these little cocksuckers? Haiku or still XP?
literally nothing has changed
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>what if netbooks didn't have inch wide bezels all the way around the screen
>what if netbooks were slim and sleek
>what if netbooks were actually capable of running contemporary software
Ultrabooks made them obsolete
Chromebooks fill the niche of manufacturers selling tech trash straight from the factory
replaced by thinkpad X series
Good one
The Great Maid Genocide of 2010 happened
>Sabotage resulting in extremely weak CPU and too little RAM.
This. I owned an ASUS chromebook for about 4 months before I broke it and threw it out. Screen was nearly unusable and had a very specific viewing angle. The keyboard was tiny and nearly unusable as an adult. The processor was clearly from the early 00's being a decades old pentium design. Dual core, and packing about as much power as a TI86 calculator. The hard drive was actually just an SD card but you're not likely to bring terabytes let alone hundreds of gigabytes on a tiny basic computer so understandable however a 1tb SD card is like $20 now. So why the handicap? Ram was (I think) 2 or 4gb. So just barely enough to open a browser and discord. Good fucking luck if you wanted to do more like play solitaire.

ChromeOS was good enough, but it clearly felt barebones to work with the anemic hardware. It was usable as [literally] babby's first computer, but if you're an adult with greater than room temp IQ it was clearly junk. ~$200 for something that struggled to open facebook and play music at the same time it simply didn't make sense as a "computer". $200 is a lot of money for some people, but doubling that to $400 would easily get you a computer that was 50x better.

tl;dr bad hardware priced down to an arbitrary level is why they failed commercially.
>what went wrong?
one word, bezzle, lmao
they were 64bit, just had a 32bit BIOS. everything since the Intel Core Duo was 64bit
They still exist, it's just that they are not super small, as the smallest one have 10 inch displays. The main demographic was to have a PC for shitposting, go to Xitter or watch videos while being cheap,
so what phones for now but smaller and actually portable.
The line itself still exist as Chromebooks or the lower end machines with Clerons. They are very popular with children as they don't need anything powerful. You will be surprised how many Celeron based systems Intel sells per year.
The smartphone + ipad + terrible hardware and software.
>that you can't even really upgrade
Skill issue
As far as I know 99% of Atoms are 64-bit.
The Asians are still building them.
Sent from my GDP win mini
I haven't seen any.
Linux works great.
All phones are good for is texting and porn.
i just want something small i can use in bed while i play steam deck games on my tv. considering a tablet because im not seeing many netbook options past the GPD's which are a bit expensive.
I use a Dell Latitude 3140 with an N200 and it's basically a modern netbook with a much tougher exterior. Legitimately the best laptop I've ever used for travel. Remarkably powerful for a fanless system.
I would kill for an ARM netbook like an M1 11/12in macbook or something
But apple are bunch of lazy faggots because microjeets cant compete
It was a shit market segment that was stuck between phones, chromebooks, and Windows XP.
They made sense for like 2 years at best and then iPads ate the high-end lunch, Chromebooks ate the middle and lower ends, and Windows 7 system requirements decimated the ultra shitbox end.
got links? my friend had a netbook that in the day that I thought was cool. Was considering getting a used chromebook, but they might be a little too big.
I had a netbook with Windows XP and by the end it ran out of storage for OS itself and it's patches lmao
I tried cleaning it up, but there's was just not enough space
>Dell Latitude 3140
YES, netbooks have been rebranded as education laptops. Look for something with n100/n200. Asus has the BR series. I got a BR1100C on closeout for $100 and added an m2 to it, currently running fedora 40 and it's great. I'm hoping lenovo revives the 11e series because I prefer the keyboard, but they've been "available soon" for a long time now.
stallman don't you have some foot cheese to eat

he's right
Anon, even with soldering skills you can't put a better CPU and more than 2 gigs of RAM (CPU limitation) in any of those netbooks. At best you can find a motherboard with discrete Nvidia ION graphics, but that's not much help when the CPUs are shit.

These are pretty nice, but a bit larger than a netbook. Still it's better than nothing.
They were garbage novelty marketed to retards, suckered in the maximum market of said gullible retards possible, disappeared.
My laptop in college was an Acer Aspire One. It was OK but ditching it for a Macbook Air was such a ridiculously huge upgrade.
I still have the thing somewhere.
>no out of order execution
P4 actually had this
>dual cores only on higher end skus
worse yet they were all effectively dual CPU shitboxes considering the atom 330 was a dual die and the later atoms just shoved this and the northbridge onto 1 die and retained the fucking FSB
>even with soldering skills you can't put a better CPU
but only the Pentium M ones could have anything worthwhile swapped in
>more than 2 gigs of RAM (CPU limitation)
>At best you can find a motherboard with discrete Nvidia ION graphics
this chipset can handle 8GB I believe
>but that's not much help when the CPUs are shit.
macbooks had ION and C2Ds
get an x220/x230 its the closest you can go but carry actual power

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