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>generates electricity by running steam through turbines
Why the fuck? Why don't they just extract the energy directly rather than use literal 300 year old technology?
sir that's real retarded sir.
>extract the energy directly
why yes, let me just get out my old God Console and write a script that will re-assign the pointers of all the energy scopes within this region to be pointed to my device instead of the Brownian motion dispersal queue they were previously allocated to
Just extract the heat from it directly

kys jeet
The real question is why they don't reuse the heat to generate electricity too.
How would you extract electricity from the heat, sir?
directly? as in directionally? then I choose the direction perpendicular to my turbine blade
>is such a newfag zoomer that zoom zoom doesn't remember the george zimmerman trial
i need to leave this shit hole
Well, it's simple really. Instead of wasting all that energy turning water into steam just to spin turbines, we could directly harness the thermal energy using some kind of advanced material that converts heat into electricity—like a massive thermoelectric converter, but scaled up to an industrial level. Think of it as tapping directly into the chaotic motion of the particles from the heat source and channeling that into electric current, bypassing all the mechanical nonsense.

Exactly! You’re catching on. The idea is to orient the energy collection perpendicular to the heat gradient, or maybe even at an angle to maximize the capture of heat energy. The turbine blades? Obsolete! Instead, we redirect that energy flow straight into some kind of hyper-efficient converter that grabs all that thermal energy and pushes it right into the grid. No more converting heat to motion first—it’s direct energy capture.
who the hell actually watched the zimmerman trials?
>omg, this is like totally this generations OJ Simpsons trials, omg, everyone's watching
>verdict happens
>no one cares
>this surprises no one but news addicts
There actually is a reactor deisgn that generates electricity directly from fusion without putting a steam engine in the middle its called helios or something
We don't have a better way or harnessing the energy at this scale
the simplest and most efficient way to harness kinetic energy is through a linear pipe/rail/whatever. but since in order to do that for a arbitrarily large amount of energy requires an arbitrarily long line and it should be obvious why that work, instead you accept the inefficiencies by diverting that line into a circle that can feed back into it and continue harnessing energy forever. it's really not that complicated

why is steam the medium and not something else? well, despite the "crazy water monkeys" meme, the truth is it actually is something else most of the time.
the amount of energy generated by turbines is much larger
youre not a genius
because thermodynamics hasn't been patched or updated yet, we're still on 1.0 and probably will be forever
steam trains are no longer the pinnacle of locomotion, so that's something
heat is kinetic energy, go back to school retarded zoomer
>some kind of advanced material that converts heat into electricity—like a massive thermoelectric converter
yeah, it's called water
>Just extract the heat from it directly
Ironically, direct thermal capture, like used in RTGs, is not as efficient as boiling water and using that steam to drive a turbine.
It also degrades faster.
>why is steam the medium
it's abundant
it's non-toxic
it's about as cheap as you can get
it has a massive specific heat capacity for what it is
what substance better than regular water?
ironically, boiling the water and letting it move is direct energy capture
great, now all that's left is to make a design for fusion that actually works
>forced to shut down because waste heat will boil the fishes living in the river or lake they use for cooling water
wind and photovoltics do not have this problem.
>Why don't we use something that's not invented, yet?
Most likely because it's not invented, yet.
>forced to shut down because angry cloud flew over my house
>some kind of advanced material that converts heat into electricity
youre retarded and cant even google stuff
still, why would we use anything that convoluted if by Faraday's law, movement of a magnetic field generates electric current
France had to shut down their nuclear reactors and import electricity from Germany of all places because they were running out of water.
country living near an ocean running out of water is funniest thing I ever read
They have so many power plants they could pump out entire world's ocean in a century
because nuclear fission reactors == steam punk
You can't use sea water, that will fuck up the reactor with time.
france sells most of its power to foreign countries, that power could be invested into desalination, France having water shortages is unironic non-white subhumn problem. The salt you get is free by the way.
Nuclear plants need a retarded amount of water.
And desalination needs a retarded amount of power.

The reactor wouldn't be able to produce power for anything else anymore.
of course you can, that's why most of nuclear power plants are near the sea
build more reactors specifically for water generation, think about future nigger, nobody else uses nuclear power anyway, the one to do it first will be the superpower in new world order
you need three loops then, first with pressurized reactor coolent, one with fresh water to run the turbines and another with salt water to cool the fresh water loop.
Nope. Even nuclear subs literally submerged in sea water don't let any sea water inside the reactor and use a closed loop of purified water instead.
Nuclear plants already struggle to pay back the construction cost. If you can't even sell most of the power and have to use it for water instead then you're just going to lose a lot of money on it.
ALL power is turbines. Hydroelectric is water moving turbines. Coal is water moving turbines. Nuclear is water moving turbines. Reflected solar arrays are water moving turbines. When we get meaningful fusion power, it will be water moving turbines. Wind is just air moving a turbine. The only grid-scale power generation that doesn't use a turbine is photovoltaic solar
>The only grid-scale power generation that doesn't use a turbine is photovoltaic solar
And it's shit
yes you don't use sea water for actual reactor but you use sea water to cool the whole nuclear power plant
just take a look where the nuclear plants are usually built
Enjoy corroding everything it comes in contact with
so do taxes, build more reactors faggot
Why? What's the point of building reactors that use all the power for themselves?
uhh yeah nigger, all the drinkable water is actually wasted..
That water is used by the plants too.
and? it doesn't disappear anywhere, only cooling towers lose some
Then you cycle around heated water from the plants, which gets too warm to be used for effective cooling.
that's where seawater comes in that doesn't need to be desalinated, retard
>hurr muh cooling tower corrosion
don't care, maintain it, important parts are safe, the only downside is high concentration of salt in sea near the plant, but that's also easily solvable if you're white
How do you convert heat directly into usable electrical energy? Honest question. Thermocouples aren't that good.
>shut down the plants for expensive repairs all the time
Yeah, that's a great solution.
Nuclear power is already extremely expensive.
maybe the politicians can live modestly instead of buying yachts and then nuclear power plants being expensive on commoner's dime won't be a problem
>bawww why don't politicians throw away even more billions for no good reason
Are you for real?
At least people are starting to wake the fuck up on the problems of nuclear. Thank you for this post.
How come they let precious water escape as vapor instead of capturing it? ?If submarines can do a closed loop why can't NPPs?
>no reason
sorry for assuming that you are white just like myself, for a moment I thought that we could find common ground in a necessary part of life being worth paying for with taxes no matter how much it costs, but I guess private jets are more important
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don't be retarded
why do you think almost all Chinese plants are built near the sea?
because the heat energy produced from the chemical energy -> kinetic energy -> electrical energy process is waste, and other than something like small-scale local heating district heating systems, there's no benefit to be gained by doing so.
you don't need cooling tower if you have access to the sea
you do if you're white and care about not destroying local ecosystems, letting some water evaporate and releasing hypersaline water back into sea does a lot of harm, it should be one way street from sea to evaporation, salt should be used somewhere
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The number of people who think a nuclear plant is akin to a pair of giant jumper cables attached to a massive nuclear material obelisk or otherwise somehow directly converts radiation to electricity with no intermediary stage is genuinely staggering.
wtf are you talking about?
why would water by hypersaline?
nuclear plants built near the sea don't need cooling towers, it's the same also in the west

how difficult it to understand? you take seawater and use it to cool steam that is running turbines in a separate loop
seawater don't get contaminated in the process
chemical energy (natural gas)
burn the gas (heat energy)
heat energy boils water
water turns into steam
steam expands & turns a turbine (kinetic energy)
turbine generates usable electricity.
>we could directly harness the thermal energy using some kind of advanced material that converts heat into electricity—like a massive thermoelectric converter
Those exist and are used on space crafts.
Very reliable, compact and light, but less efficient than a steam turbine.

Steam turbines are very efficient, something like 85% of what the 2nd law of thermodynamics allows.
nuclear power plant seawater is at least x3 more saline than seawater, it's bad for any lifeform not adjusted to this
>>forced to shut down because waste heat will boil the fishes living in the river or lake they use for cooling water
Nope. They don't use stagnant ponds for cooling.
that's because the talking heads on social media say it's the FUTURE, therefore things should be different because flying cars and a AI robit. Iphone
That isn't thermoelectric like OP is implying exists.
but there are regulations on thermal waste and it affects ecosystems anyway, whitest solution is to evaporate seawater and dispose of salt like not a nigger
i realised that after posting. still, that's largely how the grid-scale power generation process works, jsut change in different ways of producing the heat (gas, coal, ATOMS) or skipping straight to kinetic energy (wind, tidal, hydro)
Subs have tiny reactors that produce a tiny amount of power and aren't economically viable.
Their purpose is not to produce a lot of power for cheap to sell it, but to run a healthily funded military vessel.
In France's case they need to conserve water so surely it would make sense to have some method to collect the steam and return it to the starting water source? I mean there are geothermal power plants so it can be done.
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Morning /g/. Here's a dashboard, correct as of about ten minutes ago.
France's problem was that the heatwaves heated up the water in the rivers too much to be used for cooling.
the same should be done with electricity, electricity and water should be "free" to taxpayers, taxpayers money should fund vital infrastructure
>inb4 paying taxes is communism
rather communism than straight up theft as is done now
Everything is energy.
what a load of shit, if it's water and not steam it can be used for cooling
Oh yeah then what about dark matter and quantum mechanics smart guy
this is the kind of thread I'd expect from schizophrenic (the cringe type of schizophrenia) redneck boomers on /pol/
think about it, anon. if the water is relatively warm already, it's useless. like trying to dry yourself with a wet towel.

The generator efficiency is higher the higher the temperature differences are. Cooler water -> more efficient power generation. Warmer water -> less efficient power generation.
Additionally you can't run the nuclear power plant at full capacity when the water is too warm and the condenser pressure would exceed design limits.
wtf? what is "nuclear power plant seawater"?
pic related is French nuclear power plant built near the sea, where are the cooling towers?
>meaningful fusion power
That'll likely be the proton-boron reaction. Unlike the deuterium-tritium reaction, which releases most of its energy as fast neutrons, proton-boron fusion produces alpha particles. And moving charged particles is literally electricity.
I worked out in 93% humidity yesterday in the evening, I could see the mist everywhere, my sweating was less efficient but if it didn't work I would be dead now because I jog for 2 hours straight.
french aren't white so of course they pollute
and turning it off drops efficiency to 0
That looks massive - how many people would be working there?
The plant in the picture has never been in full operation and is a huge money pit with countless delays and is 5 times over budget already.
There are regulations, yes. So what you do is pump water through quickly so it doesn't heat up very much.
They pump in sea water, pump it through the cooling heat exchanger and pump it back out 2~3 degrees above what they pumped in.
doesn't matter, few degree increase is enough, why do you think communal hot water has chemicals in it? It would be a bioweapon otherwise just because it's warm.
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but one schizo claims it's impossible or causes huge amount of "pollution"
oh no, seawater will be 1-2 degrees warmer! all the fish will be boiled away
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Reminded me of Russian floating nuclear power plant.
Because Fusion generation plasma and that's a lot closer to electricity than a hot bundle of rods.
All reactors have on site desalination. They have a lot of energy.
You don't cool a reactor directly with sea water unless everything's gone tits up and you're flooding containment like Fukushima.
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just build a whole bunch of microwave power plants in the corner of the map until you unlock Fusion in 2050. not difficult

i don't think you know very much about marine ecology
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...and an update, a few hours later.
what the operators of nuclear power plants don't know?
please enlighten use
>why don't they just capture the energy of lightning bolts
The atmosphere generates infinite power for free and humans refuse to utilize it, can you believe it?
I want nuclear, district heating. Hook us right up to the cooling loop.
For those of us too far from the plant, let's take some of that hot-decaying radioactive waste, bury it a few tens of metres underground, and treat it like bonus-geothermal.
>Can't get into heat engines, let alone thermodynamics
no it's not
are you a flat earther by any chance..?
>dark matter and quantum mechanics
you mean meme physics?
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I can suggest an equation that has the potential to impact the future.
Where's the CO2 tanks holding over a 1000t of gas?
Peltier effect
Is it pseud day on /g/ today?
Trick question, that's every day. Hey OP, maybe finish undergrad before you start pitching your genius ideas.
>what about muh piezoelectric superconductor!?
Smarter people than you already tried this.
If you know what that term means then you probably also know why it isn't used.
so that if it explodes, it explodes beautifully
I do, but people claiming it's impossible to harvest electricity directly from thermal differentials are brainlets.
Temperature is directly related to the kinetic energy (velocity) of the molecules. Its what you are measuring with a thermometer. Is why pressure rises in a closed container of gas when you raise the temperature.
Why don't they use the remaining heat to heat hot houses or preheat water for hot water tanks?
perhaps in that sense, but thermal energy (thing hot/cold!!) and kinetic energy (thing move!!) are different concepts in the context of power generation, where you make thing hot to make other thing move
because of stupid regulations that don't allow nuclear power plants to be built near the cities
but there are some projects where the cooling water is to be used for heating
>not energy independent
>90% of your nuclear power output set to close by 2028
Is your nation even trying?
Those things can only suck dick
This. Thermoelectric is only ~10% efficient. There's also thermophotovoltaic generation, but that's still an emerging technology and only ~40% efficient.
>forced to shut down because a bird flew into it
how viable is home scale wind -> compressed air?
Most cities/municipalities don't have the spare water to handle localized power generation in general. It is not just nuclear plants (BWR/PWR) that have this problem.
it works.
you arent a scientist or engineer who knows anything about this so let it be
Thanks for answering OP's stuff with a good answer. Actually learned something.
not tech, off topic
once you get past 3rd grade they'll teach you these kind of things
until then stay the fuck off 4chan you child
Nobody here knows how to look stuff up. This technology actually exists and is in use in spacecraft. Russia actually has a bunch of these Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generators (RTGs), mostly in remote locations. The problem is you need to have a lump of something hot and very radioactive to produce a meaningful amount of electricity. the russian ones used strontium 90 and were engineered to last about 10 years. the ones we put in space use plutonium which lasts 80 years.
RTGs are not efficient either. They only make sense if you need low-power output that will slowly diminish for long periods of time.
>just use unobtanium bro
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trying too hard zoomie
>reality is... LE COMPUTATION
i hate computers so much it's unreal
practical magnetohydrodynamic converters don't exist
Holy shit did you even complete high school? This level of knowledge is middle school at most
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Converting heat directly to electric energy is not possible, you could use Peltier effect but it's about the difference of heat instead

Heat is too entropic to be useful without some middleman like a piston expanding or a turbine moving

You can't turn "@¥@*×*(29#€#,××*×*£@£@*iwijsjkswiissjsjkskw9qp*#**" into text, unless you grab that mess and shape it like letters
So if they ran out of water despite having literal oceans of it, what do you think would happen much sooner if they used a less abundant liquid?
>tapping directly into the chaotic motion of the particles from the heat source and channeling that into electric current

And how do you reorder molecules without consuming energy dumbass, by letting them freely move into a container
what's the most viable method of harvesting energy from hot sibling sex?
Why don't they make a real life maxwell's engine then
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Even if OP wasn't fucking retarded, how would you convert the extracted energy into high voltage AC?
>is directly related
holy goalpost moving
i'm not good at physics but i'm fairly certain potential energy is also directly related to it
Pretty much, even a maxwell engine would be more viable, as it's just about separating molecules compared to make them somehow be ordered enough for electric current
Probably the same way photovoltaics do it? I think they make DC. Everything else I can think of uses turbines so it'll make AC directly.
NTA but photovoltaic converts low entropy energy (light waves) into DC

Light is like aAaAaAaAaAaAaAaAaAaAa, heat is like 929kako1o9@¥(×*+89!NIGGER9QQKKAK
it is invented, but kinda sucks. thermoelectric generators have an efficiency of maybe 8% tops and steam is a bit over 50%
Inverter technology is not there yet. We would need GaN or SiC inverters to have about 500x more W/mm2 to make it work.
/sci/ tier thread desu
I'm talking about cities where district heating is used, hooking that to nuclear power plant wouldn't require extra water
Atoms are made of energy right? Why don't scientists just take random objects and convert them into raw energy to use? Are they stupid?
geothermal energy already exists dumbass
>Why the fuck? Why don't they just extract the energy directly rather than use literal 300 year old technology?
Look up Nikola Tesla v. The Galactic Council of Nelbo where the Honorable Supreme Court of Sector D-93689 upheld the Second Law of Thermodynamics as enshrined in the Universal Simulation Charter. What part of "Shall not be infringed" do you not understand you pink skinned meatsacks?
>thing bad because it's old
When are they going to replace wheels with something else like triangles
Why do germanic people hate those?
Because they want no Jew magic near them.
Take an Air Conditioner and run it in reverse like you would with a DC motor, turning it into a Dynamo that takes in hot air, extracts the energy in the form of electricity, then blows out the cool air.
How would you move air?
You can't use heat energy like that. God I wish CS people had to take actual physics classes.
Converting thermal energy to electrical energy is a non-trivial task
>why convert the thermal energy @ 40% efficiency when we could convert it @ 12% efficiency for 10x the price?!?
Zoom zooms were a mistake.
The Simpsons is the #1 reason why people think nuclear energy is dangerous.
They didn't run out of water, they're just lazy frogs that couldn't be bothered to install a larger pipe

CHYNA is using them.
Desalination can be powered from low grade waste heat, you are clearly brown, kindly fuck off
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>Brownian motion dispersal queue
>And it's shit
We've driven the cost so low it doesn't matter that it's shit
>Brownian motion
lol diarrhea
cha-cha-cha!! haha :D
>building things that need to last 30+ years out of materials that can't be exposed to water, air, or salt
Shoo shoo goblin
Because that's where the population is?
>Mining fuels
Why don't they just pay some guys to push the turbine directly, rather than use literal millennia old technology
Fucking nothing. Total area effected is meaningless. You are brown. Kindly kill yourself. Thx
>i hate computers so much it's unreal
why are you on /g/ay then? go outside look at the sky or read a book
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A humorous post, friend. ;D
because i'm a terminally online fa/g/got
'Peltier effect' isn't a 'term' retard. Kill yourself, unironically
there's your problem, find a solution to that
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electromagnetic induction is the most efficient way compared to any other method like photovoltaic, thermoelectric or piezoelectric

Fusion reactors will spin a turbine and extract energy using electromagnetic induction like hydro and nuclear reactors
Thermoelectric converters are not easily scalable and aren't as efficient at converting energy compared to steam turbines.
For example RTGs do this but they're a more specific usecase where lifetime is the most important thing.
Wheels have no sides, we should replace them in something with infinite sides!
mmm hot rock
Doing it with half-decent efficiency is a royal PITA.
Because the smart people who actually designed and built these things ran the numbers and found that literal 300 year old technology was the best solution
Do you not know how engineering works? This shit isn't arbitrary. If you have a better idea you're welcome to build something, though I kinda get the feeling your input won't be required at any level of the engineering process.
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our only 'energy' is electricity. our ideas about electricity emerged from Maxwell and his formulas about electromagnetism. all electricity requires magnets to generate. turbines move magnets around really fast.
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>Containment building
no use case
I thought you were baiting holy shit man life's gotta be hard with a sub 2 digit IQ
it's to keep the chinks out. Or to keep the nuclear radiation in. I don't know. I'm not legally required to look it up.
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why do I see a soijak in this picture
because you have terminal brainrot and what's worse, it's the lame anti-humor kind
>If you have a better idea you're welcome to build something, though I kinda get the feeling your input won't be required at any level of the engineering process.
That doesn't really make sense anon.
>Why don't they just extract the energy directly
Real life is not like Star Trek. Then again, maybe we will have the tech to do that by 2400.
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>because you have terminal brainrot and what's worse, it's the lame anti-humor kind
top kek
because all their cities are also built near the Sea?

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