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Who was in the wrong here?
No usecase for that.
everyone and their mother already weighed in on this matter retard, including nocoding windows/iTard zoomers who don't know what a filesystem is.
cniles can't accept that they're obsolete. They lash out in the most inappropriate places to try and kling on to their power.

They are the boomers of the dev world that can't pass on the baton to newer and better technologies. This isn't even necessarily about rust. These cnile boomers would attack anything that isn't C/C++ for the kernel as it threatens their positions in kernel development
so the conclusion was that the c people were autistic troons. Right
the conclusion is that this matter does not concern /g/tards or any other tards. and nothing written here will be of any real consequence.
This is the most reasonable post I've ever seen on this shit board
>any questions?
>five-minute rant that -may- have contained a few questions
Anything that uses something like that return type in the slide is garbage, but the C maintainer came off as a much more of a pissy baby despite the masculine voice.
but they had a point though that it might not be ideal for them to be concerned about rust and provide them with details about changes
i think about this shitshow every day
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kek the post was deleted because someone realized it was correct and got upset
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same energy
I'm not familiar with these runes.
This is a bad thing because...?
Yet you rust trannies are the ones swatting Linux developers when they don't subscribe to your peodphile religion.
The one who is getting emotional. It's always the clear sign of a nocoder.
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Yes, and?
No, that picture encapsulates the same energy of swatting a developer you disagree with.
yup he was a /g/tard who probably got called a chud that morning and needed to take it out 'on some trannies'. also doesnt even program in the kernel and can barely edit configs in vim and just showed up to the conf for hacker cred.
>it might not be ideal for them to be concerned about rust
No one has to be concerned with Rust. They only were asked about semantics of the C API.

>and provide them with details about changes
It you do breaking changes to API you will break all code that relied on previous semantics. Rust is just the first one to notice since it's very formal about it. The remaining client C code will just break in runtime.
in the end the situation is like this
they are asking for c devs to help out with rust by providing them with info. Some of them feel like its essentially asking
>help us out to replace you
like in the end all of this is just politics
when trump loses in 2 months will we finally retire c completely?
And the worst kind, american politics.
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Mind status: broken.
why does Result<T, E> brainfuck cniles so hard? the only type system their brains can handle is int and void* everywhere
the c version of that function has goto in it. cniles use goto and bitmasking for flags in 2024 and lose their shit when the government has to step in to depreciate their retardation.
do you have link for the source?
2/10 bait, have a pity (You)
The biggest problem with Rust syntax is that it's designed to look like C/C++. It should use . instead of :: and () instead of <> and {}.
dumb retard
>being afraid of goto
Post some code that uses all of them together with typical usecases of . And () and we will see if your idea makes any sense.
thats like saying
>being afraid to cut your dick off
come on bro transition already, you scared as fuck bro?
why are rustards always so combative when faced with the fact that not everyone likes their language?
it does seem like its relatively frequently used in all parts of kernel code
>hey I have idea
>show me your idea
>why are you so combative?
cniles start it every time and call us trannies while we're doing our own thing
yea, we're not going to stop until this disgusting shit is wiped out and rewritten in rust
>inode* ret type because the cnile type system can't do anything else and you're supposed to just deal with it by reading the comments
rust trannies are really insufferable
more like
>shit flinging post 1

>y-you started it!
you're in the same thread as I am?
what is an inode anyway
second reply >>102395710 they start it then delete their posts to make it look like we started it its the cnile playbook straight from the kgb
metadata structure
rtfm, dumb retard
nobody is eternal or irreplaceable. Unless you actually want the world to burn when you're gone -then say it out loud.
>Rustaceans want to rewrite literally everything into their language and demand from everyone to bend over for them.
>People tell them that rewriting everything is way too big task and some things, like all the damn file systems and kernel, are too much to feasibly rewrite them into special snowflake language.
>Rustaceans throw pissy fit because how dare someone tell them no.
I just think its rather humane thing, selfish, but still humane and understandable to kinda resist change because you are scared that you are essentially becoming useless
in the end these are all people issues and not coding issues

how can you solve it? Most likely just wait it out and just let things happen. Nothing is really gonna stop C-development from getting old and its gonna get replaced at some point. Its just going to, though if that is 10 years or 30 years remains to be a question
>not knowing your history
>Edsger W. Dijkstra. 1968. Letters to the editor: go to statement considered harmful. Commun. ACM 11, 3 (March 1968), 147-148
replace it agter its completely gone not hole its still here
Worse is Better.
cant really have transition be that sharp though. There needs to be projects for all parts of kernel space before C stops
>People tell them that rewriting everything is way too big task and some things, like all the damn file systems and kernel, are too much to feasibly rewrite them into special snowflake language.
>They do it anyway.
That's why you never tell a Chad he can't do something. He'll take it as a challenge.
then do it quitely not where everyone else hearts about it
that's feefees, and Rustaceans aren't the ones screaming.
see >>102398398
debunked, he is a kernel maintainer who made file systems
>No one sane ever thought that.
so how many unsafe blocks are required to implement a FS in r*st?
>They do it anyway and everything breaks. And they demand someone else fixes it.*
That image made me think of something:
Rust is supposed to be a replacement for C++, right?
Well, if Linus fucking hates C++, then why are they letting this abomination pass in the first place?
it reploaces java
>>They do it anyway and everything breaks. And they demand someone else fixes it.*
That's what C programmers do, which is why Linux needs Rust. Rust programmers are the "someone else" coming to fix it.
c programmers know what their doing
This was cringe as hell. Just remember that these are the people working on your "free and open operating system". There are hundreds more of those Russians guys.
>let's not confuse functions with methods
After the re-education that Torvalds had to go through he has not been the same man.
They are likely threatening his family.
>Patricia Torvalds
>call everyone cnile
>now i need your help cnile
>gets a clear fuck off
yep all as expected
>commit 34654 CVEs to the Linux kernel
>call every Rust user a tranny
>commit 56546 CVEs to the Linux kernel
>Linus Torvalds invites Rustchads to revert 453654765734 CVEs from the Linux kernel
>cniles get upset
you mad bro
Backdoors are being introduced in Linux
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Whats the usecase
That function signature is good and contains a ton of essential information.
kinda both. but the side that shouts the biggest is the rust side since they are younger and have social media.
If you ask me linux kernel should have waited for zig.
The way the linux kernel works internally with all 1000+ contributors and myriads of small groups focused on their own corner of it. Expecting the addition and work to support a secondary language most people in it do not even like is insane.
Go make a linux compatible kernel. I think it will work out better.
>the side that shouts the biggest is the rust side
see >>102398398
rust trannies are passive aggressive and backstabers
>Backdoors are being introduced in Linux
that memory unsafe language C (even tho compilers since the 90s will do it all for you) just has to go!! we can't come up with an LLM to scan your machine code for wrongthink becuase it token overflows after reading two instructions!! so use rust!! the memory streaming language so we can scan all your garbage data in the early 2020s to see if you wrongthinked on one compute!
what is so cool with zig though
its not rust
what problem is it solving
ansewered your own question
the problem it rust, zig solves it
I'm talking about twitter and mastodon anon.
Yes I am aware of the video.
You avoid a lot of the pitfalls of C, it is not completely memory safe however it does warn you and there are a lot of features of modern languages that help you, you also get C inter-op to the point where you can build a lot of C projects _with_ zig as the builder.
This eas 100% written by a woman. I don't even need to check.
>Go make a linux compatible kernel. I think it will work out better.
This. Why don't Rust devs start their own OS instead of trying to insert themselves into Linux?
Because they want the work done for them.
They read the code, they copy the code, they license under MIT. Adding a new feature? Only done if they can copy code from elsewhere.
It's like translating a book but claiming copyright and original authorship on the translation.
>Because they want the work done for them.
I just watched most of the video, and I think this is only the initial step. They actually want to overtake development. But they don't want to to it themselves, they insert themselves as if they were managers and architects, telling the kernel devs that Rust devs "need their help" when what they actually want is to convert them into their slaves.
Rust devs could make their own filesystems or whatever, prove that they work and THEN start submitting patches and stuff, but... They won't, because they don't actually care about that shit, they want power.
I'm not even a dev, but this is the impression this talk gave me.
Because the Linux devs want Rust. They fear that Rust will make Linux obsolete because it would raise the bar for software reliability and security too high. Rust programmers don't really want to work on Linux because it's a mess of C preprocessor macros and millions of lines of bloatware to support every architecture and hardware device produced in the last 30 years. Rust programmers don't really care about supporting ALPHA and PA-RISC. They want to spend their effort on something useful for people, not dead architectures only used by hipsters and trannies who buy obscure old computers on eBay.

>Because they want the work done for them.
>They read the code, they copy the code, they license under MIT. Adding a new feature? Only done if they can copy code from elsewhere.
>It's like translating a book but claiming copyright and original authorship on the translation.
You're describing C programmers, except translating Multics to Unix was more like hiring someone with 60 IQ to interpret a sign language version he doesn't understand.
Shit bait, 0/10
>this is the average cope and mental gymnastic a rustfag has to come up with to defend their argument
>we must ban butter knives because some people cut themselevs with it
The impression I got is that the C devs think that the Rust people are disingenuous imbeciles doing they do for shekels, and they know that once shekels are over the Rust devs will just disappear. I got the clear impression that C devs know exactly what is going to happen, they know that Rust people want to drop their shit, they know that encoding those details in the type system is going to be a big issue, they are aware that Linux won because the internal api isn’t stable, they know all of that and also that Rust devs won’t listen.

In fact, C devs are playing the long game while Rust people are just doing some damage
he's bending over for them. probably doesn't want to get canceled. if linus can't stand up to them it's literally fucking over.
>the people who are sperging out are actually le hecking based
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They know because this already happened like fifteen years ago with C++. It's hilarious how history repeats itself, just replace GC with RAII. Same pompous "I can't code so neither can you!" behavior, same "well it's more comfortable FOR ME" arguments, same disingenuous "ree, cnile! You fucking caveman!" bursts of outrage.
I know this it bait but I'll bite:
They are the maintainers responsible to make things work, not random people (which, btw, shows that you've never had a job in your life). They are not "sperging out", they are warning the Rust retards by telling them that this isn't a game, it's a reality, and that they have enough experience to know better than them.
In fact, the mere fact they the kernel devs are allowing these people to talk to them is proof they are not opposed to changing things. But that doesn't mean some random retard will have a free pass.
Rust devs could implement shit by themselves if they really cared, but they won't.
This time is worse, rust people are like “ oh please, why rejecting my wonderful zero users patch, give me the goddam details, tell me please the full life cycle of an inode type, please please please” and C people are like “it’s in the source code, figure that out yourself”. Yet Rust people won’t do it
The rustroons. I don't like change. That's why I use Debian.
>so in the old way you have to check for failure and call a function if it fails mmkay
>so in the new way you...do the same thing, but do it MY way:D um um uhm our lives are uhm going to be so much uhm easier
I'd sperg out too. He was 100% right in everything he said, and the only reason this is still a "discussion" is because the world is full of P-zombies ripe for troon brainwashing.
C programmers aren't the ones demanding that everyone else rewrite every single function so that they can introduce their own language into the project.
They did that for a long time, but now C is mainstream so they don't have to anymore.
The only thing being asked is to document your spaghetti code, dumbass cnile.
I think the Rust dev was all excited about his implementation that he just couldn’t figure out that everyone was very cold about it. Even when the Microsoft rust guy left kernel development, he still had to go away remarking he was amazing and everyone else wrong in disliking him
Unironically it is very easy to integrate C with assembly, but the same is not true between Rust and C
why would he be excited about it, is it a sex thing? like the rust butt vibrators? bet he made those too
the guys that built and maintain the entire infastructure you take for granted in your daily life are obsolete?
lmao you retards are so fucking stupid
this board really is shit

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