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File: 1716657719415655.png (48 KB, 1024x1024)
48 KB
When will Raymond Hill make an updater for uBlock chromium? There is this extension for Ungoogled Chromium that updates all other extensions by clicking on a icon. Raymond could do something like this to update his extension since Chrome Web Store is fucked.
File: 1722590820179956.webm (2.76 MB, 1024x1024)
2.76 MB
2.76 MB WEBM
I recommend you do the same.
where's your PR?
are you saying you cannot even copy & paste code from Ungoogled Chromium?
what are you doing on /g/?
YouTube makes Firefox unusable here and I'm not using some Invidious faggot instance.

>the extension is not yours, but you do the job, okay?
Firefox lost all its funding when U.S. courts ruled Google's search deal a monopoly.
>>the extension is not yours, but you do the job, okay?
do you not even know what a PR is?
that's a long bead dildo
For you.
Originality is needed, or you'll never leave the mud.
>YouTube makes Firefox unusable here
I've noticed recently it's gotten much worse, videos just buffer indefinitely or skips at random, and it manages to crash my GPU at least once.
And those problems don't appear on embeds.
It would solve my problems if Firefox had a 'special tab' where I could use Chrome in it. Then I would open YouTube in that tab and the rest of the browser would continue to be Firefox.
A modular browser, I think people would call it.
>Not switching user agent to get around Google's shady anti-competitive practices to convince users that they should use Chrome
Couldn't you just do open in mpv?
>another hwaccel sucker bites the dust
turn it off and watch videos in 480p OR in mpv, moron. get out.
>switch user agent to Chrome's
>websites publish stats about visitors' user agents
>web devs look at stats and see that all the user agents say Chrome
>web devs decide to only target Chrome
>more shit is broken in FF as a result
good plan, retard.
That's not YouTube making Firefox unusable, that's Firefox making Firefox unusable. It's not like YouTube is running `if (isFirefox) crashGPU()`, Firefox is just buggy as fuck and not everyone is willing to work around its bugs.
I hate Google as much as the next guy, and Firefox might be the next best option if we take Chrome off the table, but that doesn't make it particularly good as a browser.

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