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Is this good or bad?
Why is Microsoft sabotaging itself so much?
I neither use windows nor play video games so I'm neutral
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I don't care. I only play indie pixelslop.
Obviously very bad. GNU/Linux gaining marketshare is literally the last thing this shit OS needs.
Don't care. Competitive games that require anti-cheats are only played by kids and mankids that still think they are kids.
you go sister! dialeted your wound today already?
this, if Linux became popular on desktop it would end up like pic related, not even funny
I'm sure being told that some bullshit that shut down the entire planet was your fault, when it had literally nothing to do with you, caused a rare moment of intense unified asshurt from the entire company which caused the solution to instantly reach consensus without the usual deliberation and backstabbing
I only play Genshin Impact on LTSC
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I am still butthurt about Vanguard and needing to literally emulate the phone version of TFT on my PC to play it. I have already been told 3 times to "stop playing shit games" by /v/ ang /g/, no need for you to add to that number, but still fuck Riot. So far in the 2-3 months it has been active only redditors have defended the system and we all know that this means only idiots.
i think microsoft is making shit up because glowniggers didnt want chink spyware at kernel level on millions of devices but it's a good thing overall
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kek which one of you was this?
literally any sane person who doesn't want to ride corpo dick
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uninformed opinion piece.

game devs want pic.
running games in VBS enclaves on Windows doesn't help Linux.
Corpo dick is good, though.
Will they not ban linux users anyways for using unsupported hardware?
Like destiny 2 devs said they would ban anyone running linux?
Does this braindead niggerfaggot monkey not know that xbox is a thing? If you want to have your all shit all locked down, release it on console
Will they also remove low-level access for video DRM solutions?
how did possession of cp go from totally legal to so insanely immoral it justifies planting a chip inside your mind to see if you get hard for kids
can you refresh my memory?
At what point in time was is cool to post videos of children getting raped?
It's never been cool, but legislation on CP possession hasn't been a real thing until the 1970s around the world.
Denmark literally had legal CP studios to film from. It wasn't anywhere near as black and white as it is now.

Also, I said nothing about children getting raped.
A lot of the stuff uploaded nowadays are self-generated because they're literally just from horny teens sending nudes to each other.
He was looking for that
unholy newfag posting in an ironic pedophile website that always was unironic pedophilie website full of child porn, like the rest of internet up until mid 2000's where suddenly it became a problem and it was shut diown
>At what point in time was is cool to post videos of children getting raped?
Why do Twitter tourists not even do the most basic research for the platforms they are invading?
I'd tell you to lurk moar, but you probably don't even know what that means.
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>third party update can destroy your system
>not your fault for making a shitty system
your fault for using a shitty system, on gentoo, it's always my fault if I install and run malware, there's no autoupdates of any kind, but people don't like taking responsibility for being retarded
And what are consoles? That's right, locked down PCs.
What if we had systems tailor made for gaming, a gaming console of sorts.
I can download whatever the fuck I want on my mac and nothing bad will happen
keep believing that
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I didn't know that i am on reddit here, sorry.
When did reddit change their interface to look like 4chan?

Anyway, so can you please answer the question?
At what point in time was it cool to post videos of little children getting raped?
I sure hope the date of that post is from 2003 and not from 2020
what if the child consensts
Elder ancientfag moment, he posted a pic from 2020. Respect.
The new generation that will or already has taken over the site is not looking very promising.
Hopefully I'll die early so that I won't have to witness the insane delusions that you guys will spin in the future.
So you say that 2003 the internet was full of videos of little children getting raped?
Which is before 4chan even existed?

What were the famous children-getting-raped platforms? SomethingAwful? Could you post a video of your raping the 2yo daughter of your neighbour on SomethingAwful?
>muh normies will ruin linux
>never explains how
what I really know is that you weren't born yet and should be banned off this site until you turn 18
So it was the same as today and you needed P2P share because no centralized platform would host it?
its good. fuck kernel anticheats.
normalfags are retarded, if a retard can use my distro then it's limited and shit, really simple, retard
Did internet even exist in 2003? I bet they used fax machines to send floppy disks or something.
I just don't want a kernel driver developed by a CCP owned company that runs at all times for some fucking reason.
Just answer the question.
Did SA allow you to post videos where you rape a baby?
It's a Yes or No question. Very simple to answer.
Then keep using your gentoo with a tiled wm, retard
I accept your concession.
>[property] wm
sorry but my wm is complex and can do tiling, floating, dilated and even seethed windows
You said Linux, and Linux is a kernel.
those were the days
>download Best_of_system_of_a_down.zip
>download finishes after 7 hours
the only thing worse than a normalfag obsessed with cp is an unironic autist obsessed with cp kek
Yeah, can you imagine the horror of not having to do everything through CLI?
and kernels aren't useful alone so you can stop coping tranny, without GNU, Linux wouldn't even be relevant
Newfags won't remember, but back in 2008 a post like this would trigger a meltie from the cp spammer and he'd flood the thread with gifs of kids having orgasms. Mods would sometimes come in and delete it after a couple of hours, sometimes they'd just let it autosage. Now we've gotten to the point where I'll probably need to reset my router just for mentioning something that used to happen on this very board.
no I unironically cannot imagine being so illiterate that I do anything in any other way than just typing to my computer what it should do
>tranny derangement syndrome
>still no good argument
Concession accepted
The unironic actual answer is that there wasn't any major occurance of pedo shit before reddit.
Reddit unironically brought it to the internet. The first and largest subreddit was jailbait.

Sure you had 17yo publishing retarded shit of themselves somewhere or they got baited on IRC for nudes or whatever, but that is far from what the pedophile here suggests.
There was no centralized platform that would allow you to distribute that because it was before social media, so people were more vary about real life content in general.

And before that, at the grand time of newsgroups, hunting down pedos was a common internet past time. And this was in the late 90s.
I also can't wait for a ChatGPT powered computers
maybe in 2 more weeks you will be able to write words words words to do what a single command could do back in 80's
>back in 2008 pedophiles would spam their shit and get banned
so nothing changed
I wonder when the pendulum will swing back, because surely when we've come to the point where people are being called "child porn producers" for drawing fictional 16 year old characters, there has to be an opportunity for pushback, sometime soon.
>Before social media
I can't believe aoomers don't even know about myspace
There are only two platforms in the grand history of the internet that coddled with pedos and allowed them to use their servers for distribution:

Reddit and Discord

And discord exists right now. So the pedophile complaining about being treated so mean is just full of shit. He just has to go to Discord.
4chan was never a place for them.
*might* get banned, and only after the mods finished jerking off.
what makes newfags stick out like this? it's something in their pose
the bright green border on their post?
Applications are now closed.
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of course a kym tranny would post this
naturally, a kymGOD made this post
why do people here pretend they aren't desensitized to everything
stop feigning moral indignation
It has never been about morals. You can't even say the n-word on fucking 4chan of all places, anymore, without getting banned.

People have become so pussified that their last remaining target for hatred has become pedophiles, so they will focus all their attention on them.
Society always needs a black sheep, it's just natural selection at work, but instead of weeding out non-tribe members, other races, faggots, trannies, etc. we have arrived at the final stage: pedophiles.
funny how you bring up (((tribes))), (((other races))), (((faggots))) and (((trannies))) as if all those aren't the same thing as just pedophiles
Which race is the pedophiles race?
Please don't say jews, I don't want to be a fucking jew.
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It's a mix I guess, less DRM at first, and more vidya availability for linux maybe but I bet their proposed solutions include a large model looking at everything you do on your computer. There's no way they'll give up spyware dominance, it'll only get worse.
everyone who isn't human
>Install Gentoo
>configure kernel
>happy wife happy life.
*ahem*... NIGGER
they still pretend you are free to write anything here but you will get banned or warned for wrong think on anything that matters, go mention about mishandling covid or any other subject which is against the mainstream narrative.
So what?
Is that really Him? what's the source of this pic?
haven't played multiplayer games in a decade but i used to play a lot of cs. i probably wouldn't mind dualbooting into a "gamer os" for playing something like that online if it actually worked, as i understand it cheating is even worse now too
When pornography was legalized in 50s-60s there wasn't initially made an exception for child porn.
US banned sale and production in 1977 and purchase and possession in 1984
but have you actually TRIED no playing shit games?
a 17.999 year old child is literally raping themself and you're talking so casually about it? I wonder what's in you're hard drive HMMMM
Ackschully, it's not that big of a problem, but for the first 6-8 months of cs2 valve just didn't combat cheating at all. Nowadays it's just the upper ranks in cs2, other games have far less of a cheating problem, it really isn't that big of an issue in most titles, but the issue is that whenever cheating *seems* widespread then people will inevitably suspect anyone of cheating even when you/they are clearly not.
Essentially, vanguard (and all other kernel level anti-chreats) are a bad solution to a complex but not actually that widespread problem, most definitely not something serious enough to compromise a computers integrity or security for - but that's exactly what this shit does, just remember the esea miner and remember that rito and other international operating companies with close ties to the US and China are also small indie companies that regularly fail at even the simplest of tasks, so trusting them with the security of your device is surely a good idea.
>User installs third party software that runs in the fucking kernel
>Third party software gets bricked due to an update
>Somehow it's the first party's fault
Good, I'd rather have cheaters than kernel level trojans on my computer.
This, these people literally spend thousands of hours playing literal garbage and then complain when someone tells them to not do so.
Fucking autism, for God's sake...
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Give it back, Jamal!
The point is they want to make gaming PCs like consoles, locked down.
>no more kernel anticheat
>now the only way to have anticheat is to used Proprietary™ Microsoft™ API™
>BTW if a dev port his anticheat to other OS, it constitute a TOS violation and they lose access to the API
How is that good for Linux?
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>people complaining about kernel-level anticheat for years because muh Chink AC solutions
>Mircrosoft gets rid of it
>somehow a bad thing now
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I don't want my kernel to prevent me from using cheats if I want to. What the fuck?
DMA still exists and is far superior anyway
> locking down the kernel
> will stop fucking retards fat fingering a keyboard to cause a global outage
any lies and excuses will do for this garbage corporation
>Is this good
it is good since it'll all be open source and you'll be free to remove these protections from the kernels and recompile them without such protections. even better: you could modify the routines to fool a game into doing whatever you like. microsoft is assuming that everyone is retarded except the street shitting failures at microsoft.
they can't get rid of it. assuming they can would require one to know absolutely fucking nothing about linux. and i'm 100% certain someone will just strip out any such features, recompile the kernel and redistribute it. what would have topped off this cringe article is if they added: JUST TWO MORE WEEKS, GUYS!
fake news
When billionaires decided it belonged to the rich alone.
They're not really. Microsoft has their tendrils in Linux already out of necessity. The more windows software that runs on Linux the more Microsoft can manipulate it.

There are short term downsides of course, but there is a reason MS has been pouring resources into Linux.
>move security measures out of kernel
Yeah sure. If anything, m$ soon will open "Secure Software Certification (tm)" program to cuck developers that want include kernel driver as part of their software. M$ will say some bullshit like "this certification program is created to keep our customers safe from unknown malicious software and enhancing user experience" (lmao) . M$ will """verify""" the """security""" module to make sure it is """safe""" and """work as intended""" before allowing them installed as kernel driver.
Though I bet after a moment some pajeet on m$ will forget to do the needful and the entire """certification""" program will fall apart.
Screencap this.
bait thread
nothing in the article says they're going to disable kernel access. they're only looking to implement possible alternatives that don't require it as well
I always knew George Orwell was onto something when he chose that specific year.
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>more gaymers on linux
>more normalization of spyware/malware ("if it's not in the kernel it's good" argument)
Not good.
>People have become so pussified that their last remaining target for hatred has become pedophiles, so they will focus all their attention on them.
This is the truth, in a society where the very concept of hate is demonized normalfags still need someone to hate so society has to produce a scapegoat.
Interestingly the concept of a "scapegoat" is part of hebraism and jewish culture yet /pol/ falls for it like the rest of the cattle, it used to be the jews that experienced pogroms, now that they rule they need someone else to take that role.
>there has to be an opportunity for pushback
I don't see that coming unless there is a broader pushback in current western culture against political (and not political) correctness, can counterculture even exist in current year?
Counter culture right now means accusing leftists of being pedophiles because they support trannies.
That's the nuance we're at right now.
thats just facts, Kyle Rittenhouse
shot 3 random leftoids and all happened to be pedophile and human scum with criminal record lmao
See? This is what I mean. All nuance is thrown out of the window.
Pro-tip, the kind of person who attacks participates at a riot and also charges someone with an automatic rifle either has a death wish (which the child sex offender did, he had attempted suicide in the past) or is mentally ill one way or another (which also applies to the "pedophile")
you are the one arguing man cutting his dick is completely normal and a real woman, its pretty obvious whos insane here
>trannies out of nowhere
>trannies out of nowhere
I've talked about all these things without a ban
the only thing topic I've seen directly banned (word filtered and everything) is the 'farms. That's because the tards sitewide couldn't shut up about it because of the massive scandal with Cloudflare.
>out of nowhere
go ahead read his original comment retard >>102411598
still out of nowhere, retard
you wanted to bitch about trannies for your own reasons when it was brought up in relation to pedophilia
Like most people who can't stop thinking about them, they're in the closet and not coming out for a while.
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>keeps doubling down after being exposed as a illiterate retard
no it wasnt out of nowhere, its nice to see you reaffirm my opinion on you as mentally ill freak
>all that projection
you are irrelevant, minuscule percentage of population used as a smoke screen by politicians, never seen a troon irl and probably never will, you might as well not exist
This isn't reddit, redditor. Go back
You realize Russian Empire used to have the highest Age of Consent in the whole world for 300 years, right?
Because crowdstrike sabotaged them even more, and are verifiably untrustworthy business parters.
is MS really this pathetic they pay shills defend them on 4chinz?
these people have the same iq

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