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How do you become an inventor? What do you need to study to be able to invent and/or create new things? Where do you start?
Install Gentoo.
Install OpenBSD
get an arduino kit and go from there
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You can't be one unless you're born one.
It helps if it runs in the family. Otherwise you're just a retarded monkey scamming people or learning how to use others' inventions.
what do you even want to invent? Usually inventions come either by necessity or because you’re so deep into some topic that it’s obvious to you that some machine or tool should exist.
Someone I know invented a type of compressor but he pretty much spent all his life fixing industrial machines and dealing with compressors all the time.

Or if you know what you want to invent you can just start working on it. Like those YouTubers who made self landing rockets, it makes no sense to beat around the bush, just get to work
You need to unlearn what society taught you and then see how things could be instead.
You start by complaining about things, and how much they suck, but instead of just complaining you write down your list of complaints and then build a version that fixes those issues.
pretty much. its simple things like this would work so much better if it was done this way instead and there you have your invention. so if you are a npc just scrolling tiktok all day you probably wont be in situations where this happens
Whatever you need? Just do what you think is needed and make patents when you find a new method, process, design or other invention. Being an inventor means you are doing a cutting edge research, not that you study something in particular.
all of the "easy" inventions are already claimed. there is a reason why we have no great scientific minds around anymore like they did in the past. the barrier to entry is absurdly high
You won't be saying that when I invent the suicide booth.
Sometimes inventions have to find themselves. Like, Facebook started out as an about me page for Ivy League college students, now it's a politics microblogging site. Twitter started out as a group chat SMS service, now it's a politics microblogging site. 4chan started out as an Anime community and now it's a politics microblogging site.
Lol no way you couldn’t be further from the truth
Most inventions are not cutting edge research lmao most inventions are a specific configuration of some industrial machine to automate some production pipeline
Not cutting edge at fucking all
This politics microblogging post is spot on.
Like, the bulk of all inventions is simple stuff like a new kind of ice cream mixing machine. Both the Pareto principle and power distributions model the complexity of inventions pretty well. The bulk of them are not cutting edge
Did it have to become one though?
Invent something, retard
Like what
The field you're looking for is industrial design. You can go to college for a degree in it or look at a few different programs' curricula to get a sense of what you should learn. Mostly it's a combination of design and engineering principles, some technical know-how, and rapid prototyping.
Tired frog
>Where do you start
By having an idea of what you want to invent.
First you need a concept, i.e “I want to levitate”, doesn’t matter if it seems possible or not. Meditate and search your brain for concepts. After you have a concept you can think of ways to make it happen.
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If you're white you invent something wacky and novel that might catch on and become a new paradigm. If you're asian you incrementally improve white inventions. If you're brown you use white and asian technology to scam other retards.
Just stop eating you fat fuck
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Already done anon
sadly, all the low hanging fruits have already been picked so you'd need some good funding to get anything done.
the company i am working at currently was 8 years in the red just doing research out passion until they figured out two groundbreaking algorithms that they are now monetizing for millions
canada loves suicide
i imagine it's kinda like programming where you just take things apart/loook into a code base and see how they work and them try to apply a combination of those ideas to a specific problem or use case
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"Inventors" are typically not "inventing" goal-driven. They are interest-driven. The "invention" is just a cool artifact.
"Inventors" are interested/fascinated by certain things and get so autistically obsessed with it that they start to create things, and sometimes these things are "novel" because these individuals have creative minds and think out of the box, but the goal isn't to make novel things. It's to have fun.

You are never going to "invent" anything interesting if your goal is to "invent" and "study". Your goal should be to have fun, to be stimulated, to learn.

You should be obsessed with the stimulation provided by learning certain things and reaching a level of mastery that enables creation, and after reaching a certain level of mastery with your creation perhaps you can start "inventing".

I find it funny how people only think like this with STEM.
Nobody says
>"how do I become a boxing inventor like Muhammad Ali?"
>"how do I become a gymnastics inventor like Simone Biles?"
>"how do I become a soccer inventor like Panenka?"
Ali's goal wasn't to invent Rope-a-dope. He just loved boxing and reached such an insane level of mastery with it, while also having a creative mind, that enabled him to come up with novel moves. But what was in his mind wasn't "I want to invent a boxing move!". It was to have fun while boxing.
Biles wasn't to invent the Biles II. She just reached such an insane level of gymnastics skills she could invent new moves people used to think were impossible.

Stop being so focused on your ego. Being focused on the ego never leads to true expertise, because you need to look beyond your ego and accept failure to grow into expertise. Expertise comes from genuine and immersed interest that is detached from the ego. Being too attached to one's ego stops one from having a growth mindset and developing true expertise. Focus on having fun with things that are interesting.

Anyway based on your OP's pic
Essentially >>102397154
The question is backward.
No "inventor" wants to be "an inventor".
They just are very interested in something and discover new things either by interest, extremely high levels of expertise, or necessity others couldn't see.
you will not "invent" anything if you start with the ego, with "I want to be an inventor".
That's why they told you to stand on the shoulders of giants
Good phrase.
Do something.
Netflix, but for Board Games
>netflix but for board games
How would that even work?
You pay $30/mo and they mail you a board game, and when you want a different one you mail it back and they send you a new one


And in my experience:

- Always write all ideas, or more important letters of ideas, or 'x' letters what only you know of you idea, for can remember later in the future.

- Drive for one big road for give ideas... When you drive you automatic brain help you in the drive, whit the time driving you go to be ideas...maibe not be fast, you must drive very much, 1500 km. for example or maibe very much more. This proccess its slowly or very slowly, maibe one month or more or very much more, its the bad in this proccess, and the money what you must pay, for not pay must be trucker for example.

- Can try others metod for example smoke weed, special for brain creative or eat weed (1/2 joint NOT MORE for not be very strong this not its a game... must be go the efect in 30 minuts + - or in 4 hours in make efect) before go to sleep and be the focus in the ideas, not in sleep (between the sleep, before in the night and later in the morninght when have trust of sleep... see the Albert Einstein metod of ideas for more information) ... if never try the weed better not touch the weed, if you need the weed, touch the weed under you responsability.

- The people say what the psylocibes help you at give ideas. I never try this.

- Open you eyes, put the focus in the world, explore.

- The loneliness help too, but one loneliness long for example 2 months, 6 months, one year or more or very much more... Not forget call and meet whit you important people for example one time in 2 months, its very important for have good the brain. Very much loneliness go to be one insane brain.

- Not try go fast if not have ideas, the time bring the ideas.

To be inventor its normaly difficult, normaly the people say 'you cant be inventor' or 'its very difficult' bla bla bla... Not ear at people and go to
be inventor whit conviction whit the feeds in the floor.

Good luck if its for good.
I what write mushrooms un the 4 option. Be carrefull.
Already exists, though not specialized in board games
They stopped because pieces get lost and they could order replacements without reordering the entire set.

Might as well ask how one becomes a hacker instead of just a software engineer
And if you have to ask you simply don't have the intuition to become one. As intuition is a large part of it.
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have you tried reading a book to learn how to visualize things that aren't real?
There's no point in telling the retard OP that the trophy doesn't grant the abilities needed to earn it in the first place.
That's a big book.
we prefer gastric band and smegma injections
That's not healthy.

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