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Homescreen thread
That is so fucking ugly.
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I never bothered changing the default pape
i wish all turks a very happy egglaying day
If it works it works. Could do worse
dude that is a woman font. I'm convinced you're an actual woman. WTF
Get well soon
bro lives in Manchester United
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rate mine
Is game enhancer some kind of performance tweaker? Use Lspeed instead
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The most useful feature is letting you use direct charging current
I didnt ask but ok if you are just going to ignore my comment then whatever I'm just tying to help it let's you tune a ton more variables for speed and stuff
>root access
pretty sure any phone manufactured within last 10 years supports that by default
Good day Taşkın, how's Ankara? You're a dumb nigger that's what you are Taşkın.
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I love my wife
pic one
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For me it's Niagara
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inb4 >iphone
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Oi, u goat a loisense for those apps
why are you british
Turks are a special breed of retarded.
Too poor to afford an iPhone.
>hides weather location
> fishing app gives it away
we get it: you're in washington state.
I'm able to afford an iphone, and I did buy one and returned it within the return period because of how utterly garbage the UX and applel monopolistic practices are.
Haven't had an issue with my pixel 9 pro xl.
Wealth =\= wisdom. I dont like having to 0day my phone to install apps I want
>utterly garbage the UX
Google makes phones for pajeets. So, of course, an iPhone is too hard to use for you.
Every app you need can be found in the App Store. A phone is used for calling, texting, and browsing the internet. It's not your computer.
you're lying
Theres a reason all villains are utilitarian. Such a sad mindset. Enjoy your iToy
>Every app you need can be found in the App Store. A phone is used for calling, texting, and browsing the internet. It's not your computer.
Yeah that's right I totally need a 1500 dollar phone with three cameras to call and text and browse the web. Lol ok bud
>an iPhone is too hard to use for you.
Anon, an aifon is too hard for me to use because it has shit UX because of applels limitations, not because I'm too retarded to use it.
And my skin is whiter than yours, mudskin murican.
>an aifon is too hard for me to use because it has shit UX because of applels limitations, not because I'm too retarded to use it.
If you can't operate a device with a UX that literal children can use, then, yes, you are retarded.
Anon, I could operate it, the problem is that I didn't put up with it, that's why I returned the phone.
If it doesn't have the apps and emulators I use on my android, then what's the point of me having it?
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Practical white man, here.
Foldchads where you at?
And folded
Do you guys like it?
no i hate sheeps
Iphone UI is so ugly, Jesus
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Secondary phone I don't keep any of my work shit on
mine is boring for now
>dude weed
Just works for me
yam launcher rocks
one of the worst I've seen on any thread, congrats!
based niagarachad
those widgets really suit that wallpaper, good job!
based wallpaper
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First Android since the Nexus 5. Kinda want to make my own icon pack from scratch now

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