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How to request advice:
>Intended use (media, source, environment)
>Frequency response preference and music examples
>Past gear and your thoughts on them

>Where do I buy IEMs?
Amazon, Aliexpress, Linsoul, Hifigo, Shenzhenaudio

>Shopping Guide (IEMs, Cables, Ear Tips, etc.):

>EQ Guide (Measurements, Targets, Equalizer, etc.):

>Frequency Response Graph Tool

>Budget Wire Over-Ear IEMs:
• EPZ Q1 Pro / G10 (Harman) - $35
• TRN Conch (bright V) - $35
• Kefine Delci (bassy neutral) - $75
• Simgot EA500LM (bright V) - $90

>Bullet IEMs:
• Final E500 (dark) - $25
• Tanchjim One DSP (neutral) - $30

>Flathead Earbuds:
• Blue Vido (warm) - $5
• Faaeal Iris 2.0 (warm) - $10

• Moondrop Dawn Pro - $50
• Tanchjim Space - $90
• Tempotec Sonata BHD Pro - $90
• Qudelix 5K - $110

• Shanling M0s - $100
• Hifi Walker H2 / Surfans F20 (Rockbox) - $120
• HiBy M300 - $200
• Hidizs AP80 Pro-X - $200
• Tempotec V3 - $200

Previous thread: >>102369154
The canonical reference, from the guy who actually made it. When people ask about the "new meta", please just send them this
Anyone own a supermix 4 here? Im looking some eq to boost the bass and lower the treble.
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finally good news for this general! after years of hearing intense treble peaks from chifi iems you can recover a bit back of your hearing
recently I've been into the most cheesy cliches and fads that made the 90's music and apparently died along with that decade, which makes it even more special and unique
>nu-italo dance (Eiffel65, Gigi d'Agostino etc.)
>Enya/Enigma-style new age
>new jack swing
>whatever this is: https://youtu.be/UmDK21_tz0U (probably some kind of techno, maybe some anon knows the name of this genre)
what would be some of the best IEMs for this feel under $100? not a formal advice request, it's more for an exchange of opinions due to quite diverse set of genres
do I get the truthear novas or something else
something else
>or something else
okay but what do I get then
what's your budget
Nova. Unless you have small ears
under $200 would be preferable but it's whatever, just trying not to resort to totl pos or kilobuck stuff
for me, it's the dunu falcon ultra
wait for a 11.11 sale
Thank you, that video was very informative. Not have watched this video should be a new entry on the list of sins. Btw the list should be added to the gazette.
If I put the tone generator at squig.link at 2 kHz and set the volume so that the tone is loud but comfortable, i.e. it's not ear-piercing; then an IEM sounds good if I can press the right arrow key to increase the frequency until 20 kHz without the tone getting uncomfortable at any point.

It works with Etymotics without any EQ applied (there's only some minor bump at 14.4 kHz); all other pos that I tried will sound too loud at some frequencies. If I apply an EQ to make the sine sweep sound good, then 100% of the time (so far) the pos also sounded better when listening to music.

The only difficult thing about this is to find the right Q value for the peaking filters, but there is the formula Q = center_frequency / frequency_range, so by estimating the frequency range it's possible to find a good q value.
Supermix 4
you mean Superhearingdamage 4
tl;dr it's bad
just got a set of KBEAR 07s and Tri Clarions on a sale, can't go wrong with those for tip rolling, right?
no that's divinus velvet
then do it

there is no seeking out a "perfect" sound for such variety of genres. you get a generalist, well-tuned pair to serve as your jack-of-all

sure they're fine. tip autism is near infinite but as someone who has a lot including "premoum" priced tips, kbear07 style works like a charm 80% of the time
S12 Pro is goated.
what is the chan review on Hifiman Svanar Wireless IEMs?
general rules for the comparison database have been updated
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>new meta is jm-1 tilted
>E500 is (almost) exactly this
Are bullets superior?
If you can get them for 100 or less get the novapos. They might ravage your ears if they're small.
Many bullets graph well but then you put them on and hear pure ass. Chuzo started with tanchjim bullets, a complete waste of time.
aren't these a meme? they seem like they have a harsh treble and are inverted polarity (?)
>mfw when cringable now has a proper squig.link-powered pos database instead of relying on his paid shit
Lord Greyrat and Chuzo were right all this time, you can be content with a $20 pos, while everything more expensive is mainly for those who are adventurous in this hobby/consumption cycle/whatever
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Opinions on Japanese IEMs like Acoustune and Intime? I can barely find reviews on their IEMs.
some intime stuff is tuned half decent. acoustune is undampened resonating overpriced meme with beyblade design
Reminder to go to the final audio store in Japan and get your HRTF scanned and measured
You can be "content" or you can realize paying for massive shells and distorting drivers is a scam.
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I'm a normie retard who doesn't know shit about this stuff. Recommend me some IEMs for casual usage.

>want to spend under $100
>will use for listening to music from my FiiO chinkpod, playing games on my emulation handheld, light laptop usage
>prefer all around neutral sound. just as long as it isnt shitty
>I use AirPods (gen 3) almost every day and they sound okay-ish. have some old Bose QCs that I'm fine with but they're clunky and make my ears hurt after a while
forgot to add the most important thing: I really need an actual headphone jack again. fuck wireless (((bluetooth))).
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Oy vey
pick something from op. most can be ordered from amazon, ez return if you dont like it. delci or ea500lm
Truthear Gate; they are cheap and have a fairly neutral sound, i.e. not overly warm or v-shaped. Can be a bit hot in the upper mid/lower treble area, but it's only 20 bucks. The cable is very nice and they come with a bag that isn't too bad.
I feel like such a fucking boomer saying this but it's really incredible to me how refined technology has gotten these days. A decade ago $20 sound gear would be destitute nigger tier.
only if they offer their pos in versions that are tuned to my individual response of 5128 diffuse field with room curve, a.k.a. the Meta target
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I hope one day OP will fix the shitty reccs and labels since none can be called "neutral" following this video and the EPZs aren't even Harman.
harman ie is a shit target
Kefine delci or simgot em6l
I have a white Gato and they sound incredibly boring, but that indeed might mean it's neutral and I just don't enjoy that.
NO! It's bullshit! Techs=price! You can't have better IEMs for lower price EVER!! Today's $20 IEMs are equally shitty as what was $20 decades ago!! It's ABSOLUTE! Techs are measured in USD, is the definite measuring unit!! Go buy Thieaudio prestige LTD!!!!1
that would leave only Lan and Hexa, maybe Salnotes Zero 1 for a brighter flavor for cheap
KZ EDC Pro + EQ is all you need
ok but why label it harman
probably cause it follows the general outline of the curve and is not trying to match some other common target. not saying that the recs in the op are good, but that frequency response looks like something people would generally consider harman tuning, just a bad implementation of it that most likely sounds even worse
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Actually techs are measured in hiss. Holy hissblaster, worst hiss I've heard in years on a dedicated audio device. It's still not that bad but you get what you pay for. Most of my other daps are less hissy, only the agptek rocker was worse, that thing was legitimately unusable. I'm gonna 3D print a 4.4mm adapter for this thing, I'll probably just toss a few resistors inline while I'm at it to get rid of the hiss.
Glad I lucked out with the USB C version unlike that other anon, if the micro usb version has a worse dac I hesitate to imagine how bad the hiss would be.
for wireless ultimately disposable cheap earbuds what are my options that dont sound completely shit, something moondrop space travel tier but not that cause the shallow fit sucks for me
>overpriced gear
>shit tier music
the stars align once again
>the shallow fit sucks for me
most tws suffer from this bs for some reason
>xe can't appreciate good music
skill issue 2bh
it's true only if hiss is euphonic, because by definition, techs = euphonic distortion
mfw headpos show still doesn't use squig because it can't show their retarded preference bounds meme.
Saw a post on leddit showcasing tanchjim kara. It looks nice, but how does it sound? Thoughts on that iem?
Inverted polarity is a sharur meme. Fixable by inverting the cable.
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listener's tool (the ugly fag from hp.com) has a bunch of tweaks that allow it so it's def a weird decision to make their own tool from the ground up
Anything with midbass above Harman will sound incredibly boring.
Nobody else has ever said it had inverted polarity. Nor does it say so on the produxct page so I really dont know whether it is an actual issue or if he got a broken pair.
Also why is everyone here allergic to EQ?
Friendly reminder, the Kara is the best hybrid, S12 pro is the best planar, and origin is the best dynamic
Hi-Fri sometimes pointed out inverted polarity and said that it's a deliberate and valid tuning choice
All obsoleted by fox IEM.
>Kara is the best hybrid
Hexa is the best hybrid, it had new meta tuning when it wasn't even meta
>New meta ear rape
>more mid-bass and less upper mid/lower treble is earrape
Boring flat garbage
In a couple month you won't even find anything that's not JM-1 tuned, neutral won
Sorry I mixed up the Nova and Hexa, I have the Hexa and Kara's and like both a lot
jm1 is the exact opposite of shartman, where shartman is thin and shouty jm1 is bloated and muddy
Even if it is inverted and if you can hear the difference there's no "correct" polarity, not for every track. And even if you know the correct polarity for every track you can fix it by inverting the cable. If the cable has earhooks you can remove the earhooks. If you don't want to remove the earhooks you can invert it in software. A complete and utter non-issue fixable for $0 in 5 minutes.
What if not all drivers are inverted?
Sharur target is the best of both worlds unironically.
Hexa has terrible drivers, borderline unfixable IEM.
shartur target is the worst of both worlds because its made by a stinking jeet
Then you use the bass driver as the reference because absolute polarity above bass is inaudible.
>Hexa has terrible drivers
it's because it's a hybrid with BAs
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Sold my Hexa cause that shit was hot garbage.
>after years of argument and Harman shout tuned POS the meta returned to neutral tuning
Ety autists winning as usual
I made it two years before sharur, you can borrow it.
Hexa is just a shit Kara, worse design, worse drivers
iirc the dd in the hexa has correct polarity, and only a couple ba's are inverted. That means all the 'Hexa bad because inverted polarity' is just a meme?
then why did you name it after a street shitter
The problem is that I also saw some reviewer say there isnt anything wrong with the polarity (when asked about it by someone talking about sharur's video). So I'm not sure if Simgot just made two versions or it's a qc issue on their reviewer pairs.
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he can't even match channels or tune either, useless opinion
>S12 pro
Aren't Letshuoers metal shells? Won't they get fucked by moisture like most metal shells would?
Hexa is bad because the BA is not high-passed. The polarity is irrelevant.
To gatekeep.
There is an interesing comment under that new meta video by the creator of the JM-1 target:
>Because Etymotic's target was also based on the 711 measurements, you end up with a result that is quite far off from what their actual design goal was. Additionally, because a lot of Etymotic IEMs use a single BA driver, we now know they roll-off in the bass significantly more than you'd see in a 711 measurement. If you like the bright signature of the Etymotic target, I'd try JM-1 with less of a slope and bass shelf than is normally used.
Ety sisters, we lost, too...
well you succeeded in gatekeeping people who don't shit on streets, congrats
Shuoer puts a hydrophobic coating inside of it, only Moondrop struggles with moisture because they're retarded
Speaking of S12, what's the difference between S12, S12 Pro and S12 2024? Hard to tell desu
slight tuning differences
none are worth it anyway cause they are all trebly messes
S12 Pro is just S12 with medium density tuning foams inside nozzles and the fancy Chimera cable instead of the basic one, not sure about what exact changes were made to 2024ed. aside from new titanium shells, which by itself has some impact on the sound for sure
is Hifiman's Svanar LE Wireless IEM any good?

i generally don't trust Reddit reviews but this pair looks good and they are on clearance ATM

can i get cheaper better wireless iems for less elsewhere?
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Got this for my dad a month back. Got some flaws in its sound but it's still great as a whole package.

Small metal housing, decent cable and tips. V-shape sound sig done tastefully.

One major con is that its bass comes across a bit poofy with less than ideal impact. The treble is also a bit bright for my taste but it's much more tolerable than say the 7hz zero (which had a nasty spike around 12khz to my ears).

Good one from moondrop.
Terrible. Doesn't even have wires.
it has batteries that will die in a few years though, excellent way to get a bit of a thrill to your life and an opportunity to show filthy poorfags the power of your wallet when you buy a new pair
What did he say about the waifu box?
Vouching for kbears as well, they're well-made, fit nicely (even my freakishly large ear canals) and don't change the sound too much compared to average silicone tips. Well, I haven't A/B them directly but holy shit, if there's no immediate and noticable change in sound then I don't care.
Kbear is just rebranded KZ slop
i just wanted something without the tangle and for easy listening on the go

i don't really need em as i have trp60s at home and some momentum iems and momentum two headphones at home for when I'm in bed using my phone

wireless sounds nice but for like $500 cad, I want 4chan's approval before i spend it on some China made nice lookin IEMs with a fancy name

just cuz it's on clearance, I figured it wouldn't hurt to ask
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I was taking about EAR TIPS you FUCKING GORILLA
> KZ slop
This is a 2$ pair of SILICONE EAR FUCKING TIPS, what do (You) even mean by this, RETARD
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Here it is correctly normalized. Still measures mediocre thoughbeit
Their IEMs are usually kinda weird and wonky (aside from RE400, and even those are absolutely MOGGED by any of the 2023-2024 offerings under $20). I'd rather grab new airpods pro or galaxy buds 3 pro, depends on what phone you're using, they're both around $250, sound decent-to-good and have a shitton of features.
final audio e3000 should i take it or not
so they are basically same as KZ planars but at 5x the price?
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>Got some flaws in its sound but it's still great as a whole package.

Hahahaha what a troll. Your dad will need to deal with the channel dying from moisture build-up clogging the filter up, green oxidated nozzle, paint flaking...

Chuzo was a bad faith troll...
with EQ? sure, very comfy and smooth
without EQ? too bloated, there are better options
QC and matching are concerning tho, only buy it from amazon
not the same but they are unrefined, S08 seemingly has got his shit together in that department
Not everyone is living in a humid third-world country
your ears are a humid third world country chud
zero vs zero 2?
getting raped vs getting murdered
>Moondrop Dawn Pro - $50
Is this still the go to recommendation for USB c dac in this price range? My apple dongle shit out a couple months ago and I'm tired of using these shitty bt headphones my sister gave me.
Why not Abigail or other no name cx31993 dong?
I want to say Zero 2 and buy myself a pair, but worse treble extension than the first one killed it for me
The build quality is ass. If you don't use balanced cable or want something cheap, jcally jm12 or fiio ja11. If you use planar or other hard to drive pos, just get something with a dual cs43131 setup like epz tp20 pro or dunu dtc480
The reasons why Etys stand out have nothing to do with FR
Impatience, I want something I can get off Amazon. Which also goes for >>102402764, too. Why is none of this shit on Amazon >:( No name chinkshit sure, but fiio???
after sufficient amount knowledge about the actual perception of neutral audio gets gathered and stops being a moving target like it is now after introducing the room curve and recently JM-1, etymotic might make new ERs with whatever meta there would be and more bass than their current XR line, it's not a company to cash on FOTMs but at some moment it will have to react
what we need is the new studio reference, because ER4SR with its old flatbass neutral tuning is pretty much obsolete and holds up only because it's the reference model everyone picks
Nothing showed up when you search alc5686, cx31993, or cs43131 dac?
Yeah I figured it out, I found one with a CX31993 but apparently ali is having some fall sale and the fiio was six bucks so I just figured I'd order that and be patient. When I googled it I read a lot of glowing reviews, including the built in PEQ which is very attractive for that price.
I just ordered the Moondrop May instead, reviews seem to be positive and the waifu box looks great
The hiss.
Interesting information, but for me preference is definitely not the same as neutral.
actually if we take majority of people into account, neutral is not the most preferred tonality for sure, maybe for audio enthusiasts this is the case but there's a reason most consumer-oriented earphones are strongly V-shaped, it's what most people like, the instant big wow effect made by the emphasis on bass and treble to listen to EDM, pop-rock and other radio-friendly songs with jumpy, bouncy, dynamic sound, while mids, which are underappreciated and thought of as boring, can be safely recessed
even shartman right after discovering the room curve outright stopped caring about being neutral at all and opted for getting somewhere between V-shape and U-shape only to appeal to the wide audience
the speaker research is pretty clear on this; neutrality and preference are essentially the same.
until there's a better, more thorough and widespread study, all of these statements are simply conjectures and anecdotes that do not carry nearly the same weight.

Youd think the "neutral" curve would've been solved something like you first having speakers that simply produce a flat sound, you measure it and see yep the computer says the amount of energy at these fq are correct.
Then use that speaker to play a file of all frequencies and theres a mic in your ear next to your eardrum, and since the speaker plays a flat sound that distortion from the head must be the headphone target curve.
And for iems that skip the outer ear you just play a sound inside the ear canal.

idk, is asking thousands of people for their preference really the only way to get the data?
only for those who know what good speakers sound like at all, what most people know is speakers built into their TVs, laptops and smartphones and aren't tech- or audio-savvy enough (or at all) to change this, therefore preferred doesn't inherently mean neutral and for most people this is not the case
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not exactly an iem question but i dont know where else to ask
should i get the sennheiser cx plus true wireless or the galaxy buds FE? both cost the same and i cant buy chinkshit so these seem like the only two contenders for wireless earbuds in my price range
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get the FE, much better sound and repairable
The problem is we don't have good measurements at the eardrum and that the brain subtracts "the room" from the sound and leaves raw tonality and sense of direction. There's no sense of direction in headphones(and in speakers in an anechoic chamber) so we must figure out what that raw tonality is. The best guess currently is DF since it's the kind of sound you get when the sound comes equally from every direction but it needs so many adjustments to sound good that it's probably not it.
those people are considered noise because their judgements and ratings are too inconsistent. it's been shown that as people are trained in their analytical listening skills, their preference converge towards neutrality
what anon said is pretty much it
diffuse field is for now the best sound field approximation for iems and headphones, not too dissimilar to measuring speakers anechoically. for both systems, adjustments are necessary; for speakers, this comes in the form of room tilt, and for headphones/iems, in the form of similar tilts combined with varying levels of bass amplification.
only if you use a samsung (phone)
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Got me fucked up listening to weeb shit, you gay as hell nigga, you got no shame
or have a way to activate SBC-XQ which is as good as AptX HD and SSC
I'm talking about IEMs and headphones. It's easy to EQ to neutral and see if you like it or not, so I don't care what you say the research is.
define neutral
the position of the gears in a vehicle when they are not connected to the engine
nigga you retarded
nvm he uploaded a new one already fuckin kek
bros playing 4D chess
Neutral is when speakers. IEMs and headphones can't be neutral.
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Wrong. Just use EQ.
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I been preaching late pinna gain like the one in Hype 4 for years and now its "the new meta"

Yall should listen to the techs guy when he speaks
hype4 = tinnitus
>>Flathead Earbuds:
>• Blue Vido (warm) - $5
>• Faaeal Iris 2.0 (warm) - $10
Are these recs up to date? Anything take the flathead world by storm the past 2 years?
>OP reccs
they are all outdated and mislabeled you better off going to the head-fi earbuds round-up thread
damn, and i take it there's generally not much flathead discussion around here?
no, the people here are all sinners
just use whatever
impressions and measurements of earbuds are for the most part useless because a) the listener is retarded, and b) the measurer is retarded
oh i see. might go with the yincrow x6 and hope the mic's not unusable.
thanks anon
the new meta is retarded shit for mudsharks
editor here with a few updates

im testing the "POS Series", short for Person/Photo of Significance, where important/hallmark persons/photos from /iemg/ are immortalized. think of it like a museum.
for the photo category, any photo bearing significant history is valid, after which the photo will be placed in a permanent section of the gazette.
for the person category, a timestamped pic bearing a notable and unique trait of their presence in /iemg/ is required; the photo and the accompanying post message will be placed in a permanent section of the gazette.
let me know if this idea is pos or pos.
>looking for anything

the archive is now up and running in a mega folder for now. file organization is in "beta" for now. better to get it going when there are few pics in case feedback demands change. the /hpg/ papers/books archive will also be included soon.
>looking for the "squig scrape" that someone did a while back
>looking for more measurements, especially the earbuds one with different seals
>looking for the "List of sins"

alright thats it, i hope the few of you that are actually interested enjoy!
new idea... canjam meet up
please dont
so we all getting together to beat the shit out of s*int right?
even better idea: /iemg/ meetup at Crinacle's hangout
>headpos sucks
>so I downloaded some shitware and dialed fidelity up to 11 and it sounds great
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this subwoofer with truthear gate is so good :3
You only have 2 ears sir. Where does that plug into?
ask s*int or fox anon
>looking for the "List of sins"
Saw it last posted on 25 Jun 2024. Here it is:

/iemg/'s threadly sins:
>being a retard
>making any list other than this one
>believing in driver type and source memes, reviews/reviewers, ranking lists, etc.
>not understanding science
>asking imprecise, general, idiotic questions
>frogposting and/or replying to bait/shilling/schizoposts
>commenting on objective sound quality without owning/experiencing a calibrated 2.1 speaker setup in a properly treated room
>not being a Harman trained listener
>using AutoEQ and/or not using EQ by ear
>doing flawed listening tests
>confusing music creation with reproduction
>arguing over two completely different audio experiences
>thinking that anything other than fit/comfort, distortion, and FR matters in terms of sound quality
>believing more expensive = better, or that there is a correlation between price and sound quality
>debating for the sake of debating
>consuming without purpose
>buying badly engineered, expensive sets for sound quality
>talking about highly subjective topics (some aspects of comfort, sound localization, etc)
>making bad analogies
>using vague terms to describe quantifiable phenomena
>idolizing schizos
>using improper, "general" surround sound virtualization
>not knowing how to use the Internet in 2023
>talking about IEMs you have never used/owned (exception for broad statements about sound quality with graphs for reference)
>thinking a headpos can be anywhere as good as a properly EQed pos
>listening to formats above 48 kHz / 16 bit
>not enjoying your music
>misspelling words (Harmon, timber, etc)
>watching sound demos (can't believe I actually have to include this one)
>not reading the OP
>making unnecessary changes to the OP
>posting pics without cleaning the pos/tips (are you retards this fucking stupid?)
>not owning an Etymotic model*
>giving thoughts/impressions on an IEM without pictures showcasing its dimensions and possible size comparisons*
Actually I updated the 'listening to formats above...' from '44.1/16 CD' to '48 kHz / 16 bit' because there is nothing wrong with it, and downsampling from 96 kHz to 48 kHz should be preferred to downsampling to 44.1 kHz afaik, at least this is how I handle it.
wow that was quick, thanks a lot
thats a reasonable change, i dont think whoever wrote this would be against it
i do all of this thoughbeit
I think the idea of archiving valuable information from iemg is a good idea. I agree with a lot of things from the list, so I thought it might be a good idea to add it. Maybe we could have the list in the gazette and update it there, instead of posting a new version once in a blue moon in iemg directly.

For the first entry of 'Person of Significance' I vote for Chuzo. Someone needs to search the archive for his best posts and then immortalize him in the gazette.
truthear hexa still good for price?
Using Boom 3D's fidelity setting turned to maximum completely transforms headphone listening and presents music with similar timbre as an amazing speaker system
I think it is. For me, its biggest flaw is that it's rather bright at around 6 to 8 kHz. If you don't use eq and don't like a bright sound signature, then you should probably look elsewhere. When attenuating this area with eq you get a really great sounding pos.

Some anons call this sound boring, so maybe there are better choices for pop/rock type of music (?), but for real music the Hexa is still a good pick. I also really like the build and feel of the shell and the cable.
Also, I created the best IEM target. Forget the JM-1 POS incompetent people from Headphones.com created with zero listening comparisons to a reference speaker system.
Thanks, anon.
>new meta is neutral
I'm never going to find something that clicks as well for me as my OH10 huh. If I missed something good over the past couple years please let me know but this is what I landed on after trying 10+ recommended IEMs at the time
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someone save this poor soul from 2019...
>>new meta is neutral
Come on, it's not as simple as that, as explained in that youtube video. The preferred sound of IEMs always was neutral, it's just that the idea what neutral actually is has changed. So the new meta is more mid-bass, less lower treble (simplified) than the previous thing we thought was neutral.
What POS do you have sir
this level of autism never ceases to impress me
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let's gooo
44.1kHz means the Nyquist frequency is comfortably above the extension of your POS and probably your hearing too. If you have an unnaturally good treble extension above 20kHz then and only then could it be worth going to 48kHz.
Also you're better off downloading a proper 44.1kHz (or 48kHz) master than whatever schizo tier 96-384kHz master you find online. Probably just change it to
>CD quality is more than enough

Just don't forget to change your DAC settings to match whatever quality you're playing!
I should add that quality or performance of a good quality downsample won't really be reduced if your factor is a rational instead of an integer.
Based. S tier tips
ill take that as a compliment lol
I don't know too much about this topic. I found this article to be very helpful:
You are probably right that it's not worth it going from 44.1 to 48 for audio quality alone, but I feel like 48 kHz will be the standard for music (if it isn't already) because much digitally distributed music already uses 48 kHz as the sample rate.
Like I said, it's not about audio quality, it's more about what is widely used, and according to the above article there is no loss of playback fidelity when using 48 over 44.1.
So whenever I have music with a 96 kHz sample rate (for whatever reason), I will downsample it to 48 instead of 44.1, not because I need that extra headroom (I don't hear anything above 16 kHz anyway, I could do with mp3!), but because it divides the original sample rate without remainder, and there is no real disadvantage to 44.1 (apart from a bit hdd space...).
A potentially worthwhile reason to use 48 kHz over 44.1 kHz is using an imperfect DAC filter which begins rolling off before the Nyquist frequency.
Alright that may be the case, I don't really know why I thought it would be the case; maybe it's just because I'm a nerd and like simple ratios or something.
>bickering over formats when a 1tb sd card is less than $70
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I bought the Tangzu Wan'er SG but now I realized I sometimes use the mic.
Should I return them and buy ones with a mic?
Real music.
If returning is a hassle for you, then just order the mic version for yourself and keep the ones w/o mic as a Christmas present for someone.
Real music.
Nevermind I just realized the mic comes from the cable, so I just need to buy a cable with mic.
Any good 0.78 2 pin with mic that /iemg/ and, why not, /pmpg/ recommends.
Only the realest music
I have never been in the audio industry so that was still a nice read.
>If you hear anything, your system has a nonlinearity causing audible intermodulation of the ultrasonics.
I would like to hope that this isn't a problem anymore, 12 years on from this article (its not like we haven't had the technology for decades) but perhaps I am being overly confident in the quality of audio stacks.
It will affect the performance, certainly a naïve implementation because you essentially have to upsample then downsample (by integer ratios) to get your desired rate. However this can still be done in a single step along with your filtering so the actual impact on modern hardware is basically negligible. I would be more worried about that 20 band PEQ you've got going.
There's a couple in rentry.
Any suggestions for something relatively (physically) flat that would be good to wear under a motorcycles helmet? I don’t want to go in for helmet comms set, and taking on/off a helmet usually rips my current earbuds out of my ears
tinhifi t1s, artti r2, letshuoer soloist, kefine delci
Etymotic sucks
>The preferred sound of IEMs always was neutral

>I would be more worried about that 20 band PEQ you've got going.
I don't know who this is referring to or what do you mean by it
I wanted to snatch a pair of smabat m2 pro but they sold out on aliexpress before I could grab them. Any suggestion for similar flat earbuds?
is this nigga retarded (*looks at music choice*)
it's the amp that produces the hiss, not the dac.
I got your memedrops, and they work great at home. but as soon as i step outside, everything becomes a garbled, disjointed mess.
>it's the amp that produces the hiss, not the dac
Could be either
>Person/Photo of Significance
put Shartur in there, he clearly lurks this thread
>rather bright at around 6 to 8 kHz
it's the resonance of your ear canal, dialate your earussy with those >6mm chunkers and shove it deeper inside to make the infamous wandering peak go into higher frequencies
spinshit really went from mid-good to the top tier with this new generation of its tips, even stickiness is on point to grip the ear canal well but not attract dust
It might be retarded, but any suggestion for an IEM that I could use for sleeping?
Got a ton of noises with apartments being renovated, and ear plugs aren't doing anything.

I'm looking for something with ANC that could last a night, preferably something "flat" (I rest my head on my arms).
There are no IEMs with ANC.
Galaxy buds pro
So you're not getting them for subliminal gay sissy hypno audio?
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My living situation has been turned upside down recently, thankfully I'm set for the most part except for the (literally) little things
This may not be the place to ask for it, but this thread is the closest topic-wise to at least one half of my need
That's besides the anons here seemingly possessing the necessary expertise regardless, so I'll shoot my shot

>I need a combination of either in ear monitors or earphones and a clip-on attachable microphone
>Either in one package or as separate devices; I have access to one standard connection jack and multiple USB ports
>Under 150€ for both, the cheaper the better, while minimally undermining the other aspects
>Both must be reasonably portable with reasonable cable length, I'll be connecting them to a laptop and may need to lean away or duck in my seat
>I'll be using the two frequently and mainly for communication either indoors or out of crowds, I care little for noise insulation or filtration, I'll need to hear it if something loud goes off nearby while still wearing them
>I do make an effort to be careful with my electronics, but the two mustn't be delicate or prone to damage from things like shaking during transport
>clip on mic and earbuds; <160$; portable; used mainly for voice; durable
Thank you in advance
wanna buy a more professional headphone but i have no idea about those dacs and amps
does it work without it?
>it's the resonance of your ear canal

The problem with the Hexa is (at least for me), that it's not only it. Ear canal resonances are usually quite narrow, I'd say if there's a peak at 8 kHz because of ear canal resonance, then it has a width of approx. 2 kHz, going from 7 to 9 kHz. So you'd need a peaking filter with a q value of around 4 to fix it. This is how I handle it with other pos, like the Truthear Gate.

But in the case of the Hexa, in addition to this, the pos itself seems to be quite hot in this area, but already starting around 5 kHz. This is why I think it must be the Hexa itself in addition to the resonance. I must use a lower Q value and higher attenuation to make the Hexa work for me, killing two birds with one stone. Tricky little pos.
Just get something from budget section in OP that you like the sound of with a mic and one of the $10-20 dongles. For podcasts and things get something warmer. Get a $5-10 lavalier mic if you want something decent but without directionality.
>tfw just read new op
Probably browse the rentry instead then. There's no need to spend more than $30 on an entry level pos.
Just a comment that a decent PEQ will eat up more resources than any downsample.
Kinera celest wyvern abyss pro
Alright, didn't quite get that. I use sox for this task and it's indeed very fast.
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would be better if the keyboard was wireless
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Bit silly to ask, but:
How do I know which ones have a microphone?
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If it explicitly says it has a mic.
I can't believe hpg is dead. Who's gonna save us from wireless retards now.
>uh bestest tws under 10 rupees??
it's that easy bro, fear not the rushing wave of water with the strength of a ripple.
No mic is expected so with a mic is quite explicit. Not every set is sold with mic as an option though many of the budget options are. If you want a particular IEM then you can always just buy a mic cable for it separately.
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What am I in for?
whay did she mean by this?
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*KZ Saga*

You are an alchemist, a cosmic wizard, a star child, an arcane architect, an astral adventurer, an accidental arsonist, an awkward astrologer, and an absolute anomaly. Your mission? Unlock your absurd array of ancient abilities, aim your aura at the abyss, and avoid accidentally annihilating all of existence before the (2012 CERN) EVENT.
The parody is better than the original.
Xhe is saying that you are in for tinnitus, specifically the kind that makes you comtemplate suicide.
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How to avoid clear resin yellowing?
it's letshuoer, not cca cra
holy shit, to think that Lord Greyrat was the real Saint (not Taint) all along
it'll be known as Moondrop PISS8 from now on
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How do we avoid the tube getting full of ear wax and yellowing?
by practicing basic hygiene
joyce fucks with tea pro. god i hope i can hear it at canjam
use devices that dont go in ears
Even keeping it clean my glands won't stop producing earwax with the thing inside my ears and I wear them for 8 hours a day... add up months, years, and things stop looking pristine for clear stuff.
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Clean them once in a while BEFORE this becomes a problem. Now pic is your only hope.
Use a q tip to clean your pos every week or so, like you do with your ears. Lots of shit gets into the eartips before it clogs the pos.
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Does anyone else have gotten sensitive to high frequencies? I feel like I hear them everywhere now. It's not tinnitus, I believe, since the sounds come from somewhere and I don't hear the eeeee sound when it's silent.
q tip too blunt an instrument. use needles / the end of cleaning tool
u hav tinnitus pos ESLkun
(hearing is variable by your condition, environment, etc.)
Listen to some kzs and you wont be able to hear high frequencies anymore.
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nice so i have new meta tuning before it was cool and a marketing fluffy term
Looks decent, why is this not in the rentry?
its been stealth revised
Where are the before/after measurements?
I've been looking for a while and I just can't find shit
Toss me a recc for some earbuds or whatever that includes a mic in the same box that the thing transmitting audio Into my cranium comes in
Mic and audio that's all I need
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Truthear Gate has a microphone version
>retards: new meta!
>graph: deviating from target in numerous ways
many such cases
Origami Kozinaki, anon
CCA Polaris with mic
enjoy new meta
stealth revised
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How do I eq the world? I want to snap 16k+ out of existence.
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>Supermix 4 for 130€
Anything better for the price?
How much better than my Wankers can I expect those to be?
NTA but I have an inflamed jaw muscle thanks to clenching in my sleep (not TMJ) which on a good day doesn't affect hearing at all but on a bad day all I get is EEEEEEEEEEEE.
Went to doctor and all they did was give me a low strength steroid instead of even trying to work out why it was inflamed. Worst part is these ChiFi earussy dilators make it worse :(
better for what?
for sound quality, any pos + eq will be better. for build quality the sm4 is just a normal resin pos. for qc it seems to be above average. fit will probably be a mixed bag, but will probably not be better than the wankers
I found upgrading didn't ruin the waners but I also wouldn't ever actually choose them. The biggest reason to upgrade is for a silky smooth treble

thoughts on FiiO FT1?
headpos, bad
go to /hpg/
>inb4 complaints from lazy bums
new fox dropped?
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seconding this, i cant sleep without asmr
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Who is spending a couple of hundred dollars on a resistor ladder DAC and taking it seriously in a headpos review in 2024?
By avoiding the sun. But they will yellow overtime anyway.
>plugging for extended periods
Gate with eq until you eq the supermix 4.
Name the cable
I always assumed dacs literally dont matter
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fuck i'll take it
Uh oh whiteboi alert thirdie melty in 3...2...1
which ones? there are at least 5 afters
>shartman pos
Are they finally dropping the switch meme?
how does it sound? is the planar sheen in treble still there in the 2024 Ed.?
They matter when they're intentionally made bad(R2R) or when it's a DAC+amp combo(99% of cases).
i want a good cable with a mic
too busy to listen atm, will post impressions later
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best iem for picrel song? i need BASS tight as a jar of pickles
64 audio volur
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Gate meta EQ, what do you think?
people graph them once when they release, they are not gonna regraph them every few months
what do YOU think? you're the one who's listening to them
I'm looking for community validation
you're a faggot double nigger and you should kill yourself immediately tranny freak
did that help?
I simply enjoy them anon. I have tried other things but OH10 are best for me. If you can point out a newer set that hits as hard as those be my guest
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Hey fellas I'm looking for a budget IEM for noise isolation. I live next to a pool so I'm planning on getting a pair of noise isolating headphones and IEMs underneath those. I'm also into gaming so take that in mind.

Thanks in advance.
Looks like an AutoEQ to JM-1 yep
etymotic rapes my ear into too much pain. I can handle truthear girth, not etymotic length.
epz q1 pro. the metal iems in OP frankly aren't great at noise isolation
>How do we avoid the tube getting full of ear wax and yellowing?

by using these

or these (more expensive)

or these (foam)
Looking for 2DD less than 40 USD
why 2dd?
I want to experiment more than a single DD. 4 if they're cheap enough.
experiment with eq instead
KZ castor black for 2DD
CCA Trio for 3DD
basically endgame
Who is gonna tell him?
>hurr durr KZ changed the nozzle filter for their gutter oil $5 IEM in the past therefore all KZ IEMs have stealth revision
>hurr durr KZ mocked western lesbian looking reviewers and made a rap song for krilla the kilobuck killa therefore they are bad
more like dead drivers lmao
new bread >>102420751

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