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>can't make high performance raytracing
>can't make upscaling that doesn't look ugly as sin
>can't make igpu transcoding
>can't make CPUs idle at low power consumption
>can't make substantial CPU performance improvement even on a more advanced node
>can't make security measures that don't shave off 30% fps on games and ruin performance stability on windows
>can't make CPUs and GPUs that are as good for productivity tasks as they are for gaming
What can they make?
moar coars
>What can they make?
Browns shills seethe
Ray tracing runs fine if you do it in a compute shader on AMD. Plenty of games that do it properly in a cross platform way and don't run like shit. >>102398103
They have hardware RT acceleration specific units, and RDNA4 has them doubled compared to RDNA3, and it puts them ahead of the RTX 4000 series.
FSR looks as about as good in motion as DLSS, and DLSS requires thousands of hours of model training, per game, just to still make text a garbled mess in tons of cases
Phoenix/Hawk Point and Strix Point have great support in their video decoders.
The monolithic APUs have very low idle power and are still some of the most power efficient chips ever made when you look at watts consumed vs frames generated with a discrete GPU.
N4 is just some tweaks over N5. Intel needs an actual full node (N3) advantage to BARELY outcompete AMD.
Why are you poopskins so dumb?
>>>can't make igpu transcoding
AMD having garbage media encoding/decoding makes zero sense
>R7 7800X3D in your path
Fuck off intel shilling faggot. AMD is far superior to Gayntel in the efficiency department
You forgot one
>cant make GPUs
AMD dont actually make GPUs and they wont until UDNA. Pic related.
Oh cool, wasted die space for something I won't use
>AMD dont actually make GPUs
>graphics processing unit is not a graphics processing unit
Cope and seethe Satan, AMD is a false economy. Go back to the shadow from whence you came GayMD devil.
They can make intel go bankrupt
more money than Intel lol
>pic unrel
>can't make security measures that don't shave off 30% fps on games and ruin performance stability on windows
afaik intel 13 & 14 gen cpus were the one crashing, does amd ones do the same?
This, AMDs market share oblierates Intel
>no argument
>AMD shill accidentally reveals himself to be Satan
Every time
It's a nothingburger. All that's happening is that they're killing off CDNA, which is just a die shrunk Vega modified for gluing multiple dies together, rather than developing a new architecture for it in parallel with RDNA. They'll just use multiple RDNA5 dies glued together for the UDNA datacenter parts.
This actually makes a lot of sense. I actually used to have an AMD system and Id have recurring dreams with a paralysis demon, when it was time to upgrade about 18 months ago and I went with a 13700k and sold the old system the paralysis demon has never come back,
Jesse what the fuck are you talking about
>>can't make high performance raytracing
Outside of shills, who honesty cares? Serious RT is still done with specialized ASICs or CPUs. RTX mode is just a crude hack trying to stave off the increasing irrelevancy of discrete GPUs to the masses.
>>can't make upscaling that doesn't look ugly as sin
Both forms of upscaling are shit, it is little more than a crutch that neither can handle RT without making massive compromises (assets, resolution)
>>can't make igpu transcoding
>>can't make CPUs idle at low power consumption
>>can't make substantial CPU performance improvement even on a more advanced node
>>can't make security measures that don't shave off 30% fps on games and ruin performance stability on windows
>>can't make CPUs and GPUs that are as good for productivity tasks as they are for gaming
>What can they make?
A vast number of solutions that go beyond silly gayming.
You are clearly somebody who is still pretending it is the early 2010s. Times have changed. Nvidia even doesn't much care for silly gayming. It is just a side hustle at best for them
>unifying datacenter and gaming architectures again
Worked great for GCN, right?
>can't make igpu transcoding
...why did you specify iGPU? their dedicated gpu encoders are just as shit
They have been making GPUs you dense idiot. You write it off just because it doesn't operate in your proprietary ecosystem of CUDA.
What about matrix cores? Highly efficient silicon for exactly the thing many of your customers want to do would be silly to get rid of.
The OP is just a poor-fag coping that AMD has no interest or incentive to do another price war. They are seething that good number of silly gayming SKUs are commanding north of $499 and are about to enter into the ~$1999 range in the next generation at high-end.
Radeon doesn't know what high end means
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>>can't make CPUs idle at low power consumption
What is with these brain dead comments today? When is 44+50W low idle power consumption?
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Extremely subtle voltage spikes, unobservable without special tools, causing instability and accelerated degradation in chips. Due to the subtleness and slow burn nature the issue went unnoticed for years, but has been mitigated with microcode.
the x3d wasn't supposed to run slightly slower and cooler (lower voltage) cause the extra stacked memory can't be efficiently cooled?
>The virgin 1.85v vs the Chad 3.0v
People who like their games more aesthetically pleasing when its done well
>what about the thing they now need to add to their gaming GPUs to keep up with Nvidia on the spec sheet?
You're not making a great case for keeping RDNA and CDNA separate.
>>can't make high performance raytracing
raytracing is a huge gimmick and lighting can easily be done better through traditional ways, it's just usually developer laziness
>>can't make upscaling that doesn't look ugly as sin
not that difficult of a problem to solve
rest is nonsense
>Radeon doesn't know what high end means
it doesn't exist, it's a graphics card they are all really the same except the ones that want to scam you to deliver performance below anything playable
The good case would be RDNA having only enough of them for upscaling and frame gen and use the rest of die space for rendering. DLSS uses only 30% of Tensor Cores.
Desktop systems idle at 30-50W (via extra controllers, perperhials on kitchen skin motherboards). You can tweak for some saving if you really care about it. The vast majority of this group do not care. Get a ultraportable or laptop if you are super concerned with idle power consumption.
Which isn't a thing under current implementations. The bigger problem there is no killer app for it. The vast majority of /v/tards care about super-fast FPS (most 4090 users are this)
>Extremely subtle voltage spikes, unobservable without special tools, causing instability and accelerated degradation in chips. Due to the subtleness and slow burn nature the issue went unnoticed for years, but has been mitigated with microcode.
Intel misbinned their Raptor Lake silicon. They push harder and through that their 7nm node could tank it. The microcode is just a band-aid trying to regress it back to have its binned but the damage for existing units is already irrevocable
Motherboard vendors being retard with suicide run-tier overvolting. Early XMP implementations by motherboard vendors did this non-sense back in Sandy Bridge-E/Ivy Bridge era, although it was fried chips.
>The vast majority of this group do not care
Yea they don't care but they feel obligated to shitpost and lie about power consumption. Imagine having to pay $0.15/hr just to run your PC.
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What's the probability that FSR 4 will be compatible with RDNA 3 thanks to the architecture's WMMA? Or are we SOL and will need to wait for Navi 48 to release instead?
That would been the easiest solution to the terrible generational improvements, bump ryzen 5 to 8/16, ryzen 7 to 10/20 and so on
Not a problem, even for poor-fags. This is only problem for businesses and datacenters. This is little more then feel good non-sense by retarded "environment-fags" who don't understand that far more energy is spend on transportation, construction and materials of their eToys.
I'm guessing that's how the consumer UDNA cards will be and the enterprise cards will have some SKUs with more. AMD can't continue to fail so hard on spec sheets, they're currently already losing sales before people even look at benchmarks. But they're also going to be focusing on the midrange market so they're not going to be pumping out cards with 20,000 tensor cores.

I think a big thing that people are missing with the whole UDNA thing is that it doesn't mean AMD won't have different core designs for consumer and enterprise, it just means that those different cores will use the same microarchitecture. Like Ryzen and Epyc are very different processors, but they both use the same Zen 5 microarchitecture.
I buy AMD out of principle. NVIDIA is too mainstream and gay
Depends on whether it needs new data types or instructions, but given that FSR 3.1 runs on pretty much any GPU including ancient, low-end, non-AMD cards like the GTX 1050 I'd say it's likely that future versions will work on recent AMD cards.
>it's ok for a CPU to idle at 40W despite the competition idling at 5W because... it just is okay?
>competition idling at 5W because... it just is okay?
More like 30-40W, read from the actual wall not silly digital probes. You think those bells and whistles on those kitchen sink motherboards come free? If you are really that anal about, just undervolt/underclock them like a laptop/ultraportable chip.
The big take is that vast majority of desktop users, don't know or don't care to make the effort.
AMD mobos with non APU systems have high idle power consumption because of the system chipset. It has virtually nothing to do with whatever extra features the mobo vendor chooses to include in the given SKU. APUs have very low idle power consumption.
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>What can they make
A business that isn't collapsing to the ground
It is just a few Ws at worse you brainlet. A non-factor outside of ultraportables/laptop because of battery life. Ergo, APUs are tailored for said such platforms.
The "mah idle power consumption" argument on desktop is very silly and little more retarded "environment-fags" trying to virtue signal.
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>can't make CPUs idle at low power consumption
no one can do that
>112 watts IDLE
what the fuck lmao
HEDT always needs more juice
Workstation platforms havetons of I/O connectivity and memory bandwidth nor its market care for idle as they are going mostly use for production.
I don't believe that level of power consumption matters in any practical sense, but I am an autist about technical accuracy. I care about facts. We have to be good stewards of information for future generations or the internet becomes totally worthless.
>Few Ws extra from the IF and chiplet overhead is "considered" to be high idle power consumption not the aggressive clockspeed and voltage profiles.
There's a reason why laptop/ultraportable SKUs are not clock as high nor require as much volts.
Clock speed has literally nothing to do with this. You can look at any HS/HX APU in a laptop, you can forcibly OC them depending on who made the board and what BIOS it ships with. These chips repackaged in the G series desktop chips are the same. It does not change idle power to anywhere near desktop CPU levels.
*launches a quad core in 2024*
Yes, clocksepeed is a large factor you dingus. You need more volts and power at clockspeed x. Most of the idle power consumption on desktop speeds comes from sustaining higher clockspeeds and voltages required for stability. Look at >>102400877 picture for example
That's why laptop/ultraportable SKUs are binned for lower clockspeeds and voltages and thier boost profiles are much more relax.
IF overhead is just several more watts which shaves off minutes of precious battery life.
clockspeed is a tiny factor
it's the io die
my desktop mobile cpu is static overclocked at dangerous voltage level and the idle draw is less than 10W
Linux drivers.
They have three times the market cap of Intel chud.
Those aren't made by AMD
He doesn't understand that the SOC is the problem because he's a retard. Let it go.
they are probably going dual route like xess, one version for RDNA3 cards that will be better than FSR3 but worse than DLSS3 and other more robust version for RDNA4 that will be on par with DLSS3.
Yes they are. AMD engineers are paid to develop AMDGPU and contribute upstream. It's not reverse engineered like Nouveau.
they cant do shit but still make better cpus than intel
>bloviating retard shit
Stop posting.
What clock speed do you think these processors are running at while idling?
This dipshit doesn't even know that pstates exist
no it can't faggot
gcn wasnt the problem, it was the atrocious software and poor technical decisions, notably with fiji, going heavy on shader and texture performance ,and not beefing up vertex performance , leading to bottlenecks in poorly optimized software(most software).
with vega , picking 14nm glofo over 16nm tsmc, leading to VERY high power consumption at higher frequencies, and using hbm instead of gddr , in an attempt to reduce power consumption.

these things probably would have happened regardless of architecture
Half width HBM should have been the future. HBM PHY in a couple pads on die is immensely superior to a numerous channel PHY design all around the perimeter of a die. Packaging cost is lower than the added cost of the numerous GDDR chips.
>DLSS requires thousands of hours of model training, per game
Really? I thought it was a general model using data from variety of games.
they just overvolted the shit out of vega
1.2V is ridiculous
you could drop 150mV and still hit advertised boost at half the power
Nvidia had a blog post about it when it came out, trying to shill it to developers. Don't care to search for it now.
DLSS is game specific.
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Interesting, my 14nm static OC intel is idling 30W (with Firefox open)
DLSS1 required that, the newer versions are general models.
>>can't make upscaling that doesn't look ugly as sin
well yeah, it's upscaling
upscaling can not look anything other than worse than native
DLSS looks as good as or better than native.

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