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Hi /hsrg/ I don't want /g/ to laugh at me so I wanna ask you about my computer issue.
How can I make windows update become unable to turn my computer on? I remember finding some menu a long time ago where I was able to (might have been regedit but idr) but google is literally useless now and I'm unable to find that option again.
I'm tired of my PC turning on in the middle of the night because of the botnet please help me.
*laffs @ u*
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He doesn't know?
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This a W11 thing? Never encountered it on W10.
>open Windows start menu and type ' control panel ' and press enter.
>on top right, select " view by: Category "
>select “System and Security”
>under "Power Options," click the "Change When the Computer Sleeps" link.
>select the "Change Advanced Power Settings".
>expand " Sleep " and " Allow Wake Timers " .
>click this setting and select “Disable” in the drop-down menu.
>same thing with " Plugged In. " Both must be turned off.
LITERALLY the first google result. are you stupid?
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I weep for the retarded
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Say hi to /g/
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I kek'd
like nigga just pull the power plug
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>How can I make windows update become unable to turn my computer on?
This can't be possible unless you have a LapTop that enters sleep mode instead of turning off completely.
Anyway try disabling "FastBoot":
>Control Panel>PowerOption>Choose what buttons do>Remove Fastboot checkmark
In 80% of situations regarding W10/W11 problems this helps.
Kek look at this grampa
Acheron owes me sex
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This is suppose to be a nice board, yet here you are... BULLIES
Get ye gone!
why do people capitalize every word like this?

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