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I see lots of things have extra screens for retarded shit like cpu/ssd% or BTC price. Is there any actual function to them that a single screen or a notification wouldn't be better for?
more porn videos for stimmaxxing
scat porn
mainly it is the vagina magnet, the babe puller.
women enter my room and they stroke the second monitor
as though it's a giant penis helmet and they say things like
Oh I like men with a second monitor, It's so manly
then inevitably they grab my donga and rub it while they say things like
go on, do anything you want
So I normally do it doggy style with them while on the second monitor
A video of me setting up the monitor plays
it drives them wild
multiple screens are for adhd riddled retards
what if you want to watch a movie fullscreen and also do something else
Look at your phone
>just watch a movie on a 5" screen
yah, so cool
I work in healthcare - radiology viewer on left, electronic health record (epic) centre, email / teams on right
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maybe you should use them to display visually appealing user interface.
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im doing some fpga design right now
one vivado window on each screen looking at design sources
VHDL reference / google on another screen

not everyone is a gaming neet like you

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