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retard here who browses normie spaces

places like reddit have become completely unusable, and have just turned into propaganda reposts with bots doing ~1/2 of the posting.

An example of this is this shit hole subreddit here:

ALL the posts are about how trump is bad and you shouldn't vote for trump (in a place about 2000s memes), and if you question why political stuff keeps getting posted you get automatically downvoted to oblivion. Same goes for questioning Ukraine or any US based interests globally, and is usually a crap shoot of who supports israel / who doesn't depending on what cesspool you look at on that site.

Is this really acceptable to normies? They don't seem bothered by it, but also they are unable to discuss it at all because their only means of communication is being censored by whatever interest group doesn't want them talking.
Really I don't like people, these places just reinforce that and make me feel worse and worse about people. I'm also mentally ill like Kaczynski. His manifesto is accurate about people.
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Are these people's only Identity just politics or are they bots?

Like what compels a person to just constantly post about trump and only trump
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What is so bad in having sex with a 31 old grandma
I only fuck 16 to 24 yo max with my 43 years
The trick is to use the site to see what they want you to think and now you can focus on why. For example, the obvious baseline desire to divide groups who are getting fucked economically and making them fight.
The mongolian basket weaving forum isn't much better.
no because I don't go to fucking reddit
remember these articles?

Subreddits being totally consumed by propaganda is just one of many things that big donor money pays for
Reddit is mostly bots these days. The admins don't care any more. They's just raking in as much money as they can before the whole thing collapses.
>ingest propaganda so you can do the opposite of what (((they))) want you to
>somehow have no moral compass to guide you to these conclusions without this strategy
Nobody is immune to propaganda.
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>gets taken over by Jews
>outsources moderation to Indian Hindu invaders, who immediately abuse it to censor anyone exposing Indian/Hindu savagery
>the only content allowed is Muslims bad, Christians bad, Russia bad

It's the same shit happening to every single site.
and this shithole hasn't?
face it man the fucking internet is gone
I don't even read (((news))) anymore. I just jump to the comments section to analyze what the golems have to say.
There's a pol containment board so I don't have to see the shit throwing that is American politics
>right wing dumbass doesn't understand that most people don't like him because he's an annoying 80 iq tard
>complains that he's being silenced because polite people believe muzzling dipshits make their spaces more enjoyable.
You go to a place you obey the standards set down, if you don't want to do that you get kicked out. It's called freedom of association which includes the freedom to be free of you.
Perhaps the most egregious example was during the Biden debate when it was obvious to all that his mind was mush and Reddit just turned off all comments, site-wide.

An event occurred that was antithetical to the goals of the powers behind the website so they just removed people's mouths like Neo in the Matrix rather than permit people to discuss a thing that was occurring.
Spoken like a true NPC

If you don't like what there is to be said you must be a nazi!!!!

Any other hot takes?
There's literally a post above you alleging the jews own the news, which may be true, but shouldn't be on /g/. /pol/ is leaking as much as a tranny watching sissy porn. I honestly think it'd be better to delete that shithole.
>Spoken like a true NPC
>If you don't like what there is to be said you must be a nazi!!!!
>Any other hot takes?
well being what you are I didn't expect much intellectually but this is sad.
>places full of moderately educated urban middle class white people is leftist
very shocking
Anything else or you just wanna keep confirming your own schizophrenic bias?pa4v
its not gonna stop until you nuke moscow and bejing
they are paying the shills that shit up this place after all thats why you get chinese threads on g constantly
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So is it the jews or the chinese?

you lost me.
Another thing making that shithole even worse is the onlyfans models. They/some indian they hired make fake posts about how their boyfirend got upset about them dressing slutty or something hoping that people will click on their profile and subscribe to them. They have even started to colonize dead subreddits and turn them into funnels for their of pages.
If that's what a small number of whores are able to do, how much could more powerful entities manipulate that site?
Check out this subreddit too
I think it is important to know what is going on in the world. Finding anything valid is nearly impossible, but I try.
>jews or the chinese?
not much difference between the two but its mostly russians and chinks and they also try shifting the blame for it on the jews
its like pest vs cholera th
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I have come to the conclusion of two things:
1) People like to be useful idiots for their political party, and even cut ties of family or friends over their political identity
2) The Democratic super PAC has a lot more money to spend than the Republican super PAC
my propaganda good
your propaganda bad
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Happened during CoViD and never stopped.

>Masks -> BLM -> vaccines -> Ukraine
They are bots.
The human kind of bots.
You might also call them NPCs.
t. gen alpha newfag
new wave of election tourists? damn
forget downvoted, I got a warning and got banned from a sub.
also if you present other views to anything you'd get responses telling you to kindly kill yourself.
You sound just as insufferable as the people you are complaining about. What, are you 14 or something? Get the fuck off 4chan.
Internet is dead already, they are all bots. Even if just 50% is bots, rest of the cattle will follow the majority.
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There was a tipping point some time in the late 00's/early 10's where online communities stopped being small collections of passionate nerds and became flooded with any dipshit with a smartphone.

This of course led to the biggest hives of these dipshits being publicly listed and optimised for best return to shareholders (read: no fun allowed).

IDK what the fix is other than surrendering these places to the bots.
It's a fair enough piece of criticism about any site that talking about animals on the animal section of the site should be facilitated.
are you 14?
A bot made this post.
Anon, the people that give a shit about advice animals memes in 2024 are probably a very specific kind of people with their own weird as fuck community, it's a pretty bad example
While most default reddit subs are indeed controlled by a bunch of tranny powermods, the really sad fact that chuds get banned from everywhere else too is kind of self-inflicted
There's nothing wrong with conservatism and a sober analysis of all the cliffs that leftists can drive us off from.
The sober analysis is not what's happening though, it's all breaking news from russian twitter bot farms and misinterpretation of statistics with meme /pol/ graphs
Very few conservative communities escape this fate, probably because you gotta be real autistic to both acknowledge the need for alternative viewpoint and getting past the instinctive human racism, to arrive into "how to fix this without genocide" mode
I keep waiting for a different, productive kind of conservative thought to occur online, but any communities where chuds are allowed turn into nigger and joo wailing real fast and the host website gets in trouble with normie companies.
This happens with 'comedy' posts on all major forums nowadays, including this very board. Go look at a 'humor thread' when it gets posted here and count how many of them have 'lol trannies' or some other 'the left is dumb' conclusion as the punch line. The first posts are usually fine and actual humor involving tech stuff but soon enough it gets taken over and political 'jokes' are the majority of the posts. It's exactly as >>102400043 says, people with too much money are intentionally sowing discord among people of the lower classes to prevent a repeat of the Occupy movement.
I remember being inundated with articles saying Biden was basically a super genius with a small speech impediment for months even though he could barely string together a coherent sentence or remember what state he was in. That changed overnight when the DNC decided to push Kamala. 99% of Reddit is bots.
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who are you quoting anon

the word "suddenly" doesn't even appear in the OP
I can respect it. Just be careful, anon.
i woke up in 2016?
But Muslims are objectively bad...
Out of...10? Wait, where are the lust-provoking images? Did you deceive me, anon?
If you just noticed this, congrats, you're 15 years late to the realization, you fucking retard.
Go the fuck back to high school.
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you ok anon?

did someone hurt you sweetie?
And what is current leftism but the same shit in the opposite direction?
OP's gripe is that the cultivation of a certain political viewpoint has made a lot of sites unusable echochambers that completely fail in their stated purpose (like funny animal memes). Even if you find conservative views to be inane, unproductive, or unrepresentative of reality (like the left isn't guilty of that one, lel), it's not as if removing them has led to any productive discussion from the remaining users.
The chuds whine about niggers and jews, and troons get their panties wadded up over Trump and Russia. Neither is really any better when it comes to being useful, but one is allowed because it's the view of the mods/owners/stockholders and is therefore seen as good/right/acceptable. It could easily have gone the other way I guess, but regardless of how that'd make any of us feel, r/adviceanimals would still not be any better.
When you turn 16, you might read about these "nihilism", "communism" and "nazism" things.
Go tell your reddit friends about it when you do.
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imagine getting mad on an imageboard of all places
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I'm a leaf. The current themes im seeing vs reality
>the government is incompetent
They know exactly what they are doing and who they are enriching
>the "other" party is going to be better (like american politics)
The other party serves the same 12 corporations lobbying in the background
>get mad at the immigrants
Who got scammed into coming here to take over the labour market to keep serving corporations since your average Canadian literally can't survive in the cities due to cost of living, so Indians living 15 to a basement can work the shittiest jobs and the government doesn't have to increase our wages

On and on and on, the circus continues. Of course the tranny thing confuses me, I'm assuming its just a left vs right enforcer like race posts.

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