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File: LatencyMon.jpg (168 KB, 957x642)
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>720p content on 720p screen
crystal clear
>720p content on 1080p screen
blurry shit

this but I watch 480p on 720p and it is just fine, no visual difference, 1080p monitors are garbage
Sorry for inconvenience
I'll call you back when we figure out data generation from nothingness
let me guess, you also need 60 fps even though you literally can't see the difference from 30 fps
>this nigga is just discovering interpolation
>4K Content on 1080P Display
Crystal Clear
>1080p Content on 1080P Display
Noisy Blury Mess

get a good upscaler like lanczos
>muh resolution
rookie mistake. bitrate is the ONLY thing that matters. a 720p BluRay is better than a 4K youtube video. stop judging video quality by resolution.
720p bluray will never have as high bitrate as 4k video though
>5K retina screen
nice and sharp
>1440p gayming monitor right next to it
fuzzy blurry shit

higher resolutions require a HIGHER bitrate to match the same quality. 4K is 9x the resolution of 720p, therefore requires 9x the bitrate to look good.
why does gaming look so bad, then? Earlier, it used to be sharp. Now everything is blurry. 1080p used to look good. Hell, even 768p looked crispy.
that's the point, bitrate says nothing
gaming has no bitrate so resolution is what affects picture quality. video has bitrate.

from my experience lower res games look better or the same on a higher res display
>display content that isn't upscaled using an integer scaler
>WTF why isn't my bilinear filtered image as crisp as my native resolution picture!!!
You need 1440p for 720p to scale properly, since it's divisible.
30 fps is bloat, 24 is enough

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