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>Can create standalone LoRa texting device for under $100
>$50 per LoRa node with LiPo battery to have relays
>battery life can last for years when board configured properly
>Set up is as easy as flashing a LoRa board and designating channels
>128-bit AES encryption between two texting devices, while relay nodes connect to same channel without the key to only relay information
>Can be configured to have 8km of range between two devices, meaning you only need a couple dozen LoRa nodes to send messages to someone in the same city
>Chirp spread technology + mesh nodes makes it impossible to triangulate where the signal comes from

Is this the glown*gger's achilles heel? You can essentially make your own independent telecommunications network for less than $500 with this.
>your own independent telecommunications network for less than $500 with this
With an eye-watering range spanning you and your neighbours apartment.
>With an eye-watering range spanning you and your neighbours apartment.

I don't think you read it all. I've experimented with this and managed to receive a signal from 4km away. Basically if you place a few nodes on a high place around a city you will have full coverage for a fraction of the cost.
easy to jam
if they wanted they could nuke all the comms with low effort
>easy to jam
>if they wanted they could nuke all the comms with low effort

True but you can jam all sorts of radio communications.

Actually ISPs and telecom towers they have direct control of, so they can just shit them off with ease.
Because you could just use Briar with pretty much the same effect
>Because you could just use Briar with pretty much the same effect

Not necessarily the same effect. You need to use Briar on your phone or computer device which glowies have backdoors to. These are standalone communication devices that are small enough to be easy to hide, and simple enough in code that backdoors cannot be placed in them.
extremely low bandwidth shared with all the people in your area
Why wouldn't the glowniggers have access to your lora devices? Did you build them yourself?
i find the easy long range comms more interesting than the tinfoil rambles
in my country you can legally use lora on the same frequency as keyfobs and telemetry
I imagine locating a source of a lora signal would be a pain in the ass when you get constantly bombarded with keyfob signals
btw if your interested in things like this I suggest you look up rattlegram
it's great with baofengs but I only know 2 other people in my city who use it
But you can clearly see they are used to connect to phone or laptops or whatever those twenty pixels of that thing in the bottom left is. So no actual benefit while needing new devices and networks barely anyone knows. I want this to be good but there's simply not enough force behind it.
not falling for your pyramid scheme you niggers
It would probably be useful in places like Egypt where the government shuts down internet access whenever there's trouble.
Fancy mesh nets aside, I think everybody should own at least a cheap handheld radio.
There was a relatively weak earthquake in my city a couple of years ago and cellphone service was fucked for an hour.
>It would probably be useful in places like Egypt where the government shuts down internet access whenever there's trouble.
Briar would still be more sensible. It's easier to ask someone to install an app than to ask them to buy specific hardware and I doubt lora is just plug and play
>be your own cell phone tech!
>in my country
Fuck you; kys
>just maintain 500 nodes around town, bro!
No, literally just install it on your phone. Not that hard
those lithium batteries wont work very well if you live in a cold place
just use your phone then, queerlord
>If you don't buy this hardware for a network nobody uses you're a fag
about 1500 nodes in the us mgtt list of mine not dead but not live its funyn watching people get excited in chat about mqtt communications
>independent network
I don't see the appeal, I don't have any friends. If it were not for the rest of the internet, all my machines would be air gapped to a LAN network switch because I don't have anyone else to message to exchange anything with
this is the problem with most of these and even if you have you would have a really hard time convincing them to use your thing instead of the normie thing
can I set up a relay and help the network even if I have no intentions of using it myself?
Yes, I have no idea what the other anon is talking about.
If anyone here is interested in meshtastic, I would advise checking out reticulum as well. It is superior in almost every aspect, with the two exceptions being: iPhone support, and adoption. There are many more meshtastic users than reticulum users. However, reticulum supports many more transport mechanisms (including packet radio!), is significantly more secure, is capable of sending files, and even calls over low bitrates with codec2, supports much higher hop counts, due to using non-braindead routing algorithm, and even has a remote shell program like ssh, and some more benefits I haven’t included. If anyone wants help or an explanation on how to set it up or get started (you don’t even need to buy hardware to check it out), just ask. (Btw, meshtastic and reticulum have a lot of compatible hardware overlap, so if you buy, say, a TTGO lora32 v2.1, you can flash the reticulum (RNode) or meshtastic firmware, and switch between the two whenever you want.
>he thinks LoRa is short range
Oh you sweet babby
>How are these legal?
How would it be illegal? It operates entirely within well-established bands and power levels you don't need a license for.
the project is crazy stupid simple seen the meshtastic github? thinking of doing some mods of my own like changing my device id for one you know all those fuckers are serialized can track a device and its user
its possible but IIRC the trade off for range and low power consumption is shitty data transmit rates.
>shitty data transmit rates
If you're only transmitting small text messages, it's not a big deal

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