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Are there more cases of something similar to this?

Apparently printers put yellow dots in certain patterns on your prints, so every person or printer can be identified.
Irrelevant in the digital age
>Are there more cases of something similar to this?
More cases? It's literally in all inkjet printers of the last ten years. I'm unsure about laser printers but I know it's not possible on thermal printers, maybe there's some equivalent.
Print on yellow paper
things like this?
>banknotes get regularly scanned to identify flows
>gait detection allows to identify people even when they are masked
>wifi radiation can be used to identify the movement, height and size of persons through walls
How do they identify the person? Say you just buy some used printer somewhere with cash, the best they can do is guess the city it was sold in?
>gait detection allows to identify people even when they are masked
This has definitely been the case in China forever, they can still identify the people on their cameras while masked to send you your jaywalking fine and stuff.

>>gait detection allows to identify people even when they are masked

i thought this was long over
By catching you with the printer. This only catches dumb criminals.
oh I have another fun one
>each camera's CMOS is slightly different introducing noise in every picture it takes which links it to a single device
So they'd have to find you via other investigative techniques and then it would just be a piece of your prosecution.
Anon, you don't understand how evidence works. Not everything is a smoking gun in your pocket with the correct amount of shell casings in there too. If however you're known to be a dissident and you just happen to own the printer which printed bad documents, the case against you hardens
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1.24 MB GIF
Best start sandwalking lmao
Maybe. The printer code might contain information like your Windows account name, like every document you create in Word.
Yes, make sure you do a funny walk that's different every day.
Did you know that you're allowed to use any kind of signature you want for official documents as you can consistently reproduce it? Even if it's not your actual name or just scribble marks.
Just put a pebble in your shoe, throws it off
Considering how dogshit my HP printer is I honestly doubt it can print any pattern reliably enough to be of any use to the authorities.
> it does not matter whether (you) submitted your DNA to the 123andglowies - if any of your close or not so close ralatives did, you're fucked
> everything you ever did online in the last decade is most probably 100% recorded and trackable to you
> cloudflare is a MITM system that sees all traffic between you and the site in plain text
overlay random yellow dots on everything you print
>Are there more cases of something similar to this?
Some social media sites (e.g. facebook) have been known to embed a unique ID into images you download from their cdn, which can be linked back to your account or IP address.
>Are there more cases of something similar to this?
For every instance of tracking the public has figured out, there are probably several that are undiscovered.
Metadata or steganography?
The ministry of funny walks ain't so funny now huh
Steganography pretty sure (it's been a while)
worried jamal? thought that mask made you invisible huh
Well then lossy compression should take care of it
>these magic yellow dots prove anon is a terrorist
sure mr. glownigger prosecutor man, whatever you say
Rust programs for years used to have the username and directory path baked into them https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/most-loved-programming-language-rust-sparks-privacy-concerns/
The yellow dots identify the person.
>honestly believes you type/walk/write precisely the same way all the time when you don't regularly do any of those things let alone that it's a viable tracing method
>Thinks recognition techniques work through 1:1 matching

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