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Russian traffic code has recently been updated with a new law that will require every electric scooter (not just public ones, personal too) to sign into a centralized system before every trip.

Do you fuckers not realize that wearing trackers will be mandatory very soon all over the world? It's not a meme - they have the technology and the will to do it. The 3rd world countries are just testing grounds. I give it 10-20 years before they start talking about it openly. You don't want a 5G anal probe? What are you, a pedophile? I bet you want to snoop around schools, you fucking pedo.

How many sites let you sign up without giving your phone number? Can you have a number without your ID? This shit used to be unthinkable.
The internet will either split or we'll have some sort of decentralized darknet.
We already have that and no one uses it.
> breaking news: third world orwellian dictatorship losing a war to grain farmers does something
fuck off, retard.
The only way to prevent dystopia is to freeze technology around the year 2000 level.
some do, but only for enthusiast or development of itself. There is great utility for private services using the darknet though (SSH over I2P/tor for instance). But yeah in terms of mainstream use besides torrents and drugs, they're mostly dormant.
damn she has a giant ballsack
the darknet has been taken over by jeets for some reason. Check dread and you'll see what I'm talking about
We already have that.

It's because of those renting companies that leave their scooters all over the place.
guess what, Russia used to be an unironic 100% free speech country a mere 15 years ago
you think your 1st world shithole is immune to this kind of change? think again
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>Do you fuckers not realize that wearing trackers will be mandatory very soon all over the world?
But most people already have trackers on them by choice
If you think Russia is all bad and Ukraine all good you need a reality check. There are two sides to every conflict, if you ignore the 2014 coup which installed a pro-NATO government, NATO expansionism and AZOV shelling Russian speaking Ukrainian civilians, then sure your Russophobia is acceptable.

They can already track you through your cell phone, even on Graphene OS. It's in the nature of cellular modems and easy enough to triangulate your location, not to mention the proprietary baseband software.
I don't have it by choice - i literally can't get a fucking job or use my bank account without a modern phone.
I don’t give a fuck about Russia.
fuck off back to pol, retard, what does this thread have to do with ukraine?
All the repressive shit they impose on you westoid faggots they test on us first.
don't worry - soon, the whole world will be Russia
UK unironically jails more people for wrongthing than putin does, in raw numbers
Oh, I guess you can reference the war and give a biased take and no one is allowed to respond. Fuck off.
i am not the same anon
Good. British people are fucking retarded.
This is literally fake news though.

99% of personal scooters don't even have cell connectivity to implement that.
Dread (the most popular darknet forum) has been overtaken by jeets and literal children who want to get rich through fraud and/or hacking. Jeets usually hang out in /d/hacking asking the most retarded questions you could ever phantom while the kids (mostly American) have been told to access Tor in order to get rich and blah blah blah, the nigger who made the following video is what brung them to it
"You better put a proxy server on or use public connection
You can't get too comfortable on there, get the proper protection
When you're surfing on the dark web, you might get an infection
I can put a virus on any computers without any detection (oh god)"
And a bunch of niglets started flooding up dread asking where can they buy credit cards and so on.
you'll have to use a phone app
I am not making this shit up
your phone already does this calm down
Get a different bank, bank cuck.
In Russia, electric scooter drive YOU!
yes wear this goy
gl enforcing that, these clown love to pass laws that do nothing for publicity
let's get you back to bed gramps..
It's good shithole countries are doing that, it'll make it harder for the western policymakers to justify invigilating your citizens if that's something totalitarian countries do
youre a faggot
Retarded Euro/Asian cuck. In the US you can have a phone without an ID attached to it.
not for long, chud
yes, that will happen in two kinds of places
in RU/China CYBERGULAG just because they can
I don't expect yurp to mandate something like this, since despite the nanny government they are doing alright in privacy area
US is extremely shit at government IT, so it ain't gonna happen any time soon just for that reason
Vietnam and Afghanistan were given up, not lost. Nothing prevented them from taking taxes from those people and making the occupation a for profit effort rather than a money sink except for the PR hit. On the American public they already collect taxes, the occupation already is a for profit effort, so they've no reason to stop.
The world is fucked
there are also laws about drinking and being drunk in public and they sure adhere to those lol
Skill issue. In Freedomland private ISBMs are legal
>daily Russia seething thread
kys retard, Russia is baZed
You mean 25 years ago when there was anarchy.
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Hello Tranny2000
Not true at all, everything bad starts in the west. In Russia, when something bad happens there is national outrage and new laws to prevent it from happening in the future
In the west, the subhumanists try their very best to blame the victim so they can keep the status quo
>R*dditor terminology
Oh no, you appear to have mentioned something I didn't like, that must be a logical fallacy and by describing it as such I win the argument.
I loled
Are you talking about the US?
22, it started with 282 article.
lol a ruble was deducted from your debt for this post
Unfortunately you're never gonna get people to understand why the Ukraine war is happening. It's really disgusting. Ukraine never had a chance, and never needed to be in this deranged war. Now half the country is destroyed and god knows how many ukies are dead. But that's just par for the course with NATO/burgerland.
i was wondering why these little cuck scooters seemingly appeared out of nowhere overnight and inexplicably became a "thing." this explains it
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>Do you fuckers not realize that wearing trackers will be mandatory very soon all over the world?
If you have a smartphone made after 2008 you're already walking around with a tracker most of the day, and you pay for it.
they already are talking about and I think are DOING DUI breathalizers in your car before you can start it.
bet cop cars doint have them, and they get drunk and drive around in them and crash and kill a bunch of kids but that will be ok tho. theyre SPECIAL(ed)
>the whole world:
No it doesn't you stupid fucking retard
exactly, and it was used against teh natzees at first
muttland zoomers need to know this fact
>implying I leave my house
>100% free speech country
>Russian traffic code has recently been updated with a new law that will require every electric scooter (not just public ones, personal too) to sign into a centralized system before every trip.
in france the parisian had to scan a qr code before going out or in the residential olympic zone
I don't see anything in the comment you are responding to which even implies that Ukraine is good. Both Ukraine and Russia are shitholes filled with sub-humans. Let them kill each other. It will do the world a favor. Also, NATO should have told Ukraine to fuck right off. They don't deserve anyone's help.
and how does that change the fact that it ain't right now? Or that everyone saw this coming miles away?
"free speech" with the caveat that anyone whose speech goes against the grain will be beaten in the streets with no consequences for the attackers. The US has conservatives crying about their "free speech" after having a comment deleted from a privately owned website. I'd love to see how they react to getting their face stomped on by others over a minor difference in opinion.
free speech on the internet was a huge mistake. it is too powerful for the average mind
>Russian traffic code has recently been updated with a new law that will require every electric scooter (not just public ones, personal too) to sign into a centralized system before every trip.
Based. I'm in Russia and this electric scooter companies are banned in my city.
These stupid shits shall suffer.
>Telemarketers make a phone call
>Internet ceases to function
No thanks
I have this toggled off except for car navigation
>free speech on the internet was a huge mistake.
Citizen, you have just participated in a prohibited attack on public policy regarding the right to free speech.
I have informed the authorities of your hate-speech-infraction.
You will be detained shortly. Please participate with your friendly protection officers as they non-violently, or if need be - violently detain you.
im not and those germans keep littering the streets with this crap. its ridiculous that something like this can't at least be provided by a local company
In the West, the free market will take care of it. Not only does everyone already own a phone, insurance companies will offer you benefits if you let them register every detail of your driving behaviour.

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