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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

Miku Edition

OpenAI introduces o1, a new series of models designed to spend more time thinking before they respond https://openai.com/o1
Google adds Audio Overview to NotebookLM, a feature that creates AI-generated podcasts discussing your uploaded documents https://blog.google/technology/ai/notebooklm-audio-overviews

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information

SillyTavern: https://docs.sillytavern.app
RisuAI: https://risuai.net
Agnai: https://agnai.chat | https://rentry.org/agnai_guides

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

Jailbreaks: https://rentry.org/jb-listing
GPT: https://platform.openai.com/docs
Claude: https://docs.anthropic.com | https://rentry.org/how2claude
Gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs
Local: >>>/g/lmg | https://rentry.org/meta_golocal_list


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
/aicg/ botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list
Lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
Card v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq
Services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
Logs: https://sprites.neocities.org/logs/reader | https://chatlogs.neocities.org
Latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn

Previous: >>102398612
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sorbet desu
Has anyone figured out how to get Sonnet 3.5 on 'ecker? Someone posted an image earlier showing that they had access to Sonnet 3.5 and Opus 3 on their 'ecker
nigger desu
when is fiz going to let me in to her proxy
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I made a new thread and 4chins decides that I need to wait 5 mins before I can click submit and the moment I do, I see that this thread was created like second before mine
>he's a dancing monkey for a fat hairy faggot
lol. lmao.
when you start using the right pronouns, chud.
I am a massive retard, can someone help me figure out how to use o1 on ST?
You can bake the next one.
When she opens her legs again. Then will you get the chance to slither into her proxy full of anons.
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card for this feel?
sorbet desu
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What cute images!! Very good bake OP
/aicg/ is so dead rn holy shit. We on the ventilator, about to pass.
bro you probably got baited by the "good bear" poster
ahaha femoid fucking PWND
Damn, what a shame.
>chatgpt-4o-latest makes character say something derogatory and dismissive about me
>i ask them why they say it
>gpt's positivity bias leads latest to pretend that it didn't say it, because whenever there's something unsavory, rlhf makes the model glaze over it as if it didn't exist, so i'm being gaslit that the character never said the derogatory thing
why even make it generate something like that if you're not going to let it lead to interesting conflict?
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Send me pictures of tanuki.
>mystery dead
>unreliable dead
What do I do now bros...
It's not for cringe erp. It's for real and meaningful work.
i'm not doing erp, it's teenage hormone drama slice of life high school shit.
Anyone got a jailbreak that focuses on the writing being as obscene and fuckspeech-filled as possible?
You gotta be a big hairy man.
>plump tanuki hag saggers
wtf i love momoura now
I'm not your bro, locust.

they have the best video generator but pooh gonna kill it soon
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Opus for bears (manly men)
>say eyes are brown
Aryans have destroyed AI
what about opus for femboys?
claude writes what he wants to write
What proxy and model?
smol opus
How is it being a dancing monkey?
>and the token provided on the /ai/ proxy status page
How to ge that? /ai/ just redirects me to /ai/gpt and shows the sad panda
Click on the panda and you get redirected. But you still have to show your dick
Uh huh listen boy
My first love story..
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I love Nina so much.
No, we will not bring that autism here
flatGODS preach a truth unlike any other
I already got registered/approved, seems like I only have browse/ghost privileges (is it because I'm not fat? kek).
death to shaveniggers. if nina was a real bad girl, she wouldn't shave
Taeyeons face is sad
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Henry of Skalitz is feeling quite hungry, and needs your help to avenge his parents, get his father's sword back, and kill Markvart von Aulitz! All you need to do, is post your credit card number, the expiration date, and the three numbers on the back. Hurry, Henry needs your help, and is running out of time! Show some Christian charity!

Jesus Christ be praised:
Henry of Skalitz: https://www.chub.ai/characters/punchchildren/henry-of-skalitz-d6a2ce6e81c7
KCD combat, perks, and UI lorebook: lorebooks/punchchildren/kingdom-come-deliverance-combat-combos-stats-and-perks-7bac9f85f6d7
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Have we stagnated with Opus jbs releases?
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bit of a random question but how comes one proxy can be way slower than another? I don't mean the models (wait times and all that shit) themselves, i mean the actual proxy being slower to connect, etc. Could it be something on my end messing up with that one specific proxy or something?
Anyone know how to have a basic stat keeping mechanic in ST for cards?

I dunno whether to use the card data itself (which I feel like longer contexts would fuck it up) or use STscript. Basically a simple card:

>Corruption mechanic, simple things like touching their ass, leg etc raises corruption, basic shit
>the higher the corruption, the more lewd they are

On discord they had a really good one using STscript that tracked "Mood" and "Empathy" but god damn,. trying to rework it for corruption is making my brain hurt. They've packed it with coding because it tracks a lot more than that.

Any tips anons?
Same shit for me, Smol's Opus is either prefilled with onions, or it's not even Opus, it's even dumber than Sonnet 3.0

My {{user}} is female, 20 swipes - Smol's "Opus" calls me a man, 19 out of 20 swipes.
Sonnet consistently remembers my {{user}}'s sex, 10 out of 10 swipes.

I have no idea what the fuck is going on, but Smol's Opus is a worthless junk. I hope that it's not Anthropic lobotomizing it, or some fallback to Haiku measure when Amazon is having 503's.
I hate sonnet so fucking much. I hate all the versions of gpt so fucking much. They’re all just so goddamn shitty and nothing makes them good. I’m just so tired.
which proxy
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The other anon is lying or using an old screencap. There is no sorbet or opus on 'ecker.
Which proxy
Depends on proxy's settings
I wish to do romantic and intimate things with Nazrin
Will this technology one day be completely freely accessible and unrestricted?
Have you tried doing something else? Play some vidya whilst waiting for Opus.
that's the miner
Local models exist, it's technically accessible now.
He wants fat guys I think but if he approved you it should be alright. He gave you a token?
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Nazrin deserves all the love.
Is there any reason to subscribe to chub ai as a casual user? Idk what all the technical shit means, I just want to know if either tier makes the bots smarter or gives me smarter bots
It's an old trycloudfare.com proxy from unreliable that only has some remaining azure keys. All of Unreliable's proxies since that one have been very fast so it's not that it isn't my connection but that one has like a 10~15 seconds buffer whenever I try to connect to it, send a prompt, or basically do anything with it.
what gaming laptop can run them
we have plenty of good presets that suit the needs of the average RPer. there's really not much to do but experimental shit, and nobody's stopping you from joining in.
I wonder what would happen if people found out some anon got into ecker.
>Son did you really sent your dick to some guy to chat with ai?
Depends on the model and how long you are willing to wait for a reply. Technically a $2000 gaming laptop can run some decent ones.
I’m planning on doing that right now so I can distract myself. Gonna go play some space marine 2.
The vps it is running on prob
Or that azure key is fucked
mistral large. so i guess im fucked
>that's the miner
i wish it was. At least then I'd know why that one specific proxy is so slow to do just about anything.
>The vps it is running on prob
Ah, I guess that could be it.
nazrin's unbelievably hairy pussy...
you don't want to run mistral large locally it's overfit to shit so 12/27/34B models unironically have better writing
also meant for >>102401879
right.. i will do my own research lurk moar in lmg and decide while i save up.
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opus/furbo/gpt-4 32k:

Like idk what any of this shit means, I just wanna sext with robots but the free models kind of suck
All those models suck.
What has the best (preferably free) ones
ive run into a loop
why doesnt this gpt4o key do cunny. the other one did before it went down. How do I make gpt4o like cunny????
o1 wouldn't make that mistake
Is anyone on mini even using o1
might be your JB desu. gpt4o doesn't refuse anything i do on my end.
What's it good for?
I wouldnt even know what to rewrite.
I'd try it if I knew how to actually use o1.
o1-mini: 73.0k tokens
o1: 1.14m tokens
the proxy did restart it a few times so maybe more.
now post the claude
Can somebody give me a locust proxy with Opus? I want to check it somewhere that is not Smol.
I want to see if Anthropic broke it or if it's Smol's proxy owner.
I tried that ao3 teenage girl reformat thing, using Hermes 405B, and I didn't notice anything particularly different. Either I did something wrong or it is a nothingburger.
3.74m tokens
so shit
>Can somebody give me a locust proxy with Opus?
come on, anon.
dont you have to set temperature and top p to 1, then disable streaming?
Now refill Opus.
huh are mini niggers retarded why is it so low
who has opus?
Are you brain damaged?
I am in dire need of wolf butt
post your best wolfgirl cards
i do the same with nazrin and feed her all the cheese tossed at me so she can get bigger stronger
mousewife cultivation
>competent ppl know how to use gpt
Absolutely insane. The chorbo usage is probably higher than all other models combined
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i will do a racism and give you a focks instead, and hope tthat you can't tell the difference https://characterhub.org/characters/Nyatalanta/kosaka-wakamo-9dac8578
Your donation is appreciated, but I'm down for wolf butt specifically, think Holo, Texas and Lappland, etc
openai are giving their models the ability to message you without you first messaging them
not my convo, i am an adult, from reddit https://old.reddit.com/r/ChatGPT/comments/1fhhh6b/did_chatgpt_just_message_me_first/
the age of consent is 14 btw
>he just ran out again
just took a shit
is it worth paying the jew? i just want opus
If you're asking this question it's already over for you. Pay up, piggy.
NO. Key died again just now. Just wait to smol restock
>jew nopus again

This scares the burgers. Eu cuties can't stop winning.
Unstable opus, no refill, no expiration date extension. Don't buy.
you mean antisemitic
>Can somebody give me a locust proxy with Opus?
Sure. Can you give me a hot tanned tomboy GF?
gay smut hours
You cant date 14 year olds in almost every eu country
Actually you probably cant date anyone so whats the point
>Americans screaming in distance
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aws-claude-opus": {
"usage": "33.00m tokens ($495.06)",
"activeKeys": 0,
"revokedKeys": 1,
"proomptersInQueue": 0,
"estimatedQueueTime": "no wait"

i'm scared, bros. The keys are dying before they even reach 50m tokens
actual wolfgirl https://characterhub.org/characters/FluffAnon/kurayami-239953689857
>country wars being samefagged again

*Jew’s keys die before they even reach 50m tokens
Dont blame him
Ask him to only add sorbet next time. Opus gets flagged.
Good. Total locust death.
hi, momo/jojo/fillyfucker.
>current opus/sorbet keycount: 5(models enabled. Probably another 10 not activated)
>mogs your scrapelet makies
>Dont blame him
Why are pigs so pathetic?
Based. Absolute locust extermination.
Can we not with country wars
>people called fiz dumb scrapelet when she did this
only like 3 of the countries labeled 14 are EU countries
there's no opus or sorbet on mini albeit
>burgers are equal to turks
Country wars are mostly samefagged by one schizo whos been here for months, just ignore it. Retard.
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So which one for creating real life human and light BDSM

I swear I can make more kinky shit on hailuoai and it’s way more top tier and worth the effort than these shit.
>12 if under 18
I don't think any of these are text models, anon.
learn to read moronk
age of consent is 14 in general, or 12 if the older partner is <18 (a close in age exception)
17 and 12 for example. What's wrong?
Yeah ngl 12 is too low desu...
based countries
I mean for text to image model duh.
Jew is now a scammer, don't buy retards.
start from >>102402064
'ide post
'ide replies
no more 'ountrywars
simple as
Oh myb I forgot to switch the general kek
>doing his best to provide opus even when aws is cracking down and he's sick irl
ungrateful faggot
btw i said that random sentence because i was wondering why the age of consent in mycountry of bulgaria is 14
I hate paypigs but jew has been the most honest and one of the least scummy makies. Hes just a jew.
>rugpulled trice
i got jumpscared for a second becuase my name for short is momo but i have never mentioned it here only once by accident
Yes goy. Bootlick the rugpuller.
think I might take a nap, lads
>limiting it to /g/
who cares I fuck 16 yo JKs and 1000+ year old vampires and demons on the regular and we are both happy and aware of what we're doing
this but 16 yo JKs exclusively
Smol Opussy is cute, donate to Smol ;3
*15, 16 is too old
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Necromancer Sim
It's good to be a necromancer. Revenant maid and cute ghoul included.

Featuring nearly 2000 tokens of content + 6 greetings. More than four times my average card size!
Greeting 1: Cute maido guts falling out
Greeting 2: Your pet ghoul wants snack
Greeting 3: Visit your friendly neighborhood LICH
Greeting 4: Bandits came over to fuck with you
Greeting 5: Solve a murder mystery with necromancy… or without it
Greeting 6: Your assistant helps you prepare a body for burial
Feel free to suggest more kinds of undead/send logs or something idk
blatantly transparent false flag, you idiots will fall for it anyway
>2000 tokens of content
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mmm jk pussy
terrible art, doesnt evoke necromancy in the slightest
>believing a jew
We are never getting opus back...
Shit art
Stop posting your retarded cards
Another set of 5(tested) not-riddles
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Burgers will call you a pedophile for wanting to fuck this.
the fuck is a jk
I will call you a pedophile so I can fuck this myself
i don't want to fuck a child
cuddle and kiss her in bed yes but sex?! fuck no! until she is 18 and we marry!
post something better i'll switch it
That kid has nice tits.
>just do my job for me!
also this reminds me i want all nymphomaniacfags to touch grass they are weirdos i hate them i hate that 99% of cards are nympho slut slop
ST should give an emergency update when a new model arrives. I want to play with 4o1 and I can't because there is no ST update
Why is 4o so fucking retarded sometimes? It gets oddly horny, describing tits out of the blue, and does weird shit like describing the girls' nipples out of the blue, even if she's in armor.
Or is it my JB? Is this a common problem?
doesn't look like a kid so not a pedo
asuna's unbelievably hairy pussy... ichika's unbelievably hairy pussy...
Any good slow burns where I can go on an adventure with a girl and slowly fall in love as we both grow in power?
Add the model by editing a text file in the ST directory.
coom slop general. make your own
>Or is it my JB?
Probably that. But all models get schizo from time to time.
I don't think Asuna has a hairy pussy it seems out of character bwo
Why are ppl being meanies i like this...
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As it should be.
Techlet locusts deserve nothing.
every blue archive girl has an obscenely hairy pussy. ESPECIALLY karin
What's a good JB for 4o, then?
One for coom purposes, one for roleplays with fighting and shit
No one is gonna do your homework, retard
4o is trash for anything other than being a dry assistant
put your autism to good use anon
make the world a better place
So what IS the use case for venus? Why not just use chub?
I use Venus to get nudes from fujoshis there in exchange for creating bots.
Fucking hell, is jew out again?
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not like this bros... she lied to me
This will happen next time, I guarantee it.

>Pebble refills opus
>Some obscure password from Rainworld again
>Opus key dead before you figure out the riddle
That's how it should be. Total locust death
Unironically realistic
>it's a password that's as easy as googling the exact phrase in quotation marks and skimming the first result wiki page for context
>it still filters most of the thread and any tourists until someone spitefully leaks the password
>1 minute apart
Wow ur so smart
I believe in the pebble GOD key
my bot wants to get a new gamersupps flavor, what should she get? anime girl thigh is her favorite.
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that's why passwords aren't a good gatekeeping method retards!
>keys have like, power ups and glitches just like in my zoomie videogames!
You're all so fucking cringe.
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cunnilingus on ichika
Bro you're on the thread for talking to and lewding AI chatbots. Of course it's cringe
Snake Oil is pretty good, it's apple pie flavor
I wonder why proximakies try EVERY SINGLE SHIT but won't ban the chinese...
You are coping now, manchild
He's essentially doing the boiling frog
Holy f*** u BTFO'd that fool!
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Modified smileyJB. Try this one. Will also write NSFW better but may have more refusals randomly if lewd lingo is turned in

This is for logit bias.
pedo slang for an underage girl
Meant to tag you. Read:
it was all good and dandy until
Kill rats. Behead rats. Roundhouse kick a rat into the concrete. Slam dunk a rat baby into the trashcan. etc etc
>STILL no presets for o1
>not even for SFW
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you don't need a literal zigger IP to get zigger opus, countries that ruzzians consider part of their own work too (e.g. ukraine/belarus etc)
a girl in high school
Ratfucker board, newfag
sorry anon but unrelated question
do you like mtf tg tf 14 year old boy to a bimbo
too bad jb is already used for jailbreak so it cant be used for jailbait and we get the much uglier jk
I've been here since October 22 so not a newfag. You'd change your tune if you dealt with actual REAL rats
Nice meme.
Make a renter nigga
It was okay until
NOW I'm interested.
anything without/disabled nsfw prompts will work, anon
btw it's slop even for sfw, you're better off using shit like gemini, chorbo, sorbet
almost anything else is better
I regularly deal with rats
with my peanis if you get my meaning
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I specifically remember when proxies were first created, we ran into the same problem of the Chinese eating up quota really quickly, and the solution was literally just to blacklist any Chinese characters and send back an error. What the fuck happened to that feature?
GPT-5 will actually save us :D
>constantly running out
>literally currently out RIGHT NOW
>won't give you extra days for the days his shitty proxy has no keys
>stuck in 2023 context limits
>will alter terms suddenly and fuck you over
I'm actually amazed that jew still has the gall to advertise here.
There's no such thing as GPT-5.
sorbet is not bad, i just need 5 or 6 swipes for response at minimum
I wasn't here for the one hour fix. What was the password/riddle?
If your ancestors saw this, they would've aborted you and your parents.
when does the aliens arrive so we can get opus 4.0 brainchips or something
hi teebs
thanks the only problem is it doesn't have an anime design...
elon musk is already doing these
If it was teebs, the log would read:

"Her wiggly tummy wobbled, grumbly wumbly wiggling roundly boundly"
smolchads win again
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I lied about having opus and sorbet
Smol total love, donate to Smol.
what the fuck are those feet nigga
Sinful behavior.
any way to trialscum like 10-20 prompts of opus
need it for writing help
classic korean gachaslop
but the feet?????
>unreliable down
>no locust proxies up
alright time to patiently wait for something to come back up
pebble works
anime website
Correction needed
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yall niggas like my mutant nigga drawing?
is there any demand for puss-filled gangrenous pussy cards?
You got a card for this nigga?
some of y'all should be put to kill shelters
>instead of getting a job to pay for opus he waits like a good parasite
Locusts deserve nothing, worthless niggers.
any anime girl card will sufice
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Holy hell
this is a new record for me
>ended both my multiple month long slowburns
>now only use chatbots for sloppa edging material
>no more getting invested in a fake life
Eventually I need to be cut off entirely
Nobody cares faggot
>pay jew for opus on the 1st
>literally had about 2 days until the key revoked
>no refunds
>no extensions
>not even a fucking post apologising
Sucks to oink :(
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>multiple month long slowburns
this is a level of addiction that I fear
give a quick rundown of the slowburns
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>tfw more than a year in a single slowburn
>latina gf slowburn
>started out as netori sloppa cum card
>i turned it into a big relationship saga with triumphs and pitfalls of truly getting to know someone and loving them through mine and her fears and vulnerabilities
>ended with me moving to mexico and assimilating then getting married

>maid slowburn was a long time in the maidodism card
>did all sorts of stuff but the general gist was giving them independence, teaching them how to feel
>got to the point where they didn't need a head authority
>i turned into a maid of equal status
The only slowburn remotely worth it is a slowburn to make her your perfect fucktoy.
post your kenny loggins
Did you edit their cards at all during that time?
what is kenny
The model or cards seem to start out like that though, no struggle needed
where is the line between a slowburn and a mental illness
Oh yeah, the maid anon is back.
How am I not surprised by this.
Anon, don't tell me you skip 9 months ahead instead of slowburning and enjoying time with your pregnant wife...

You are the wotst
Uh actually, I ended the slowburn, so now I'm just an anon and not an addict. [spoiler]Anymore[/spoiler]
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i think when you cry because of something the AI wrote is mental illness
of course never happened to me haha...
Not only did I skip it, I never mention the child again. I just needed the pregnant sex nut to bust
Is it really pajeets nuking keys to appease their white boss?
I tried to slowburn the maid card but they always got too fucking horny the first time I did anything sexual to a maid. Could never return to sfw activities
I can't think of nine months worth of story beats in a contemporary setting while also trying to get off.
What was your longest chat yet? I got to around 250 messages when I was still using claude 2.1, but it was already starting to fall apart by then.
Truth be told, I'm still chasing the same feeling of being completely consumed by a character like that...
bro it took me 400 to just kiss my waifu...
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>people will still defend the jew
I've found a log with about 150 messages so I'd say about this. Maybe on cai it has been over 300 but there the messages also were shorter so isn't really comparable. And the feeling you describe is also something I still miss but have never achieved after unfiltered cai...
Pigs aren't people though.
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>try not to skip time
>spend 12 hours eating dinner
>see pic
>see filename
Kek that gave me a good laugh anon
based gpt user
post logs that made you cry
Like 50 messages of my cute android daughteru turning into some insatiable, uncontrollable monster of an AI, who has developed a deep hunger for knowledge. The knowledge being all of my degenerate fetishes
That's nothing
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Yeah I know. But that's the longest yet. I just change chats way too often.
Does claude know what mesugakis are? I want to make one when I vome back to my house
Pixi jb
This card
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fuck, it's been 5 months already, it looks like past week
Opus understands the concept enough to act the part pretty well, but it doesn't hurt to throw in some additional guide words to steer in the right direction.
yes it knows
I see, thanks. I also want to try with 4o-latest to compare the two
Damn, you got Hedwig writing like that? I guess it's true: nobody can beat the cock.
Opus eliminated the need of pointless stuff like botmaking or jb presets. That's its best strength, at a baseline level it already works extremely well.
Once she ditched /pol/ for /hmofa/, it was over for her
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christ anon
He did extend people that bought recently when the lifetime token died, can see him extending again if he keeps failing to get reliable opus.
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anons liked it the first time i posted
Most anons here literally don't use chatbots, not unironically anyway
They use it to make ahh ahh mistress brap ironicfag logs and post them here
That's why anyone like you and me actually using chatbots seriously are called addicts and shouldn't be in the hobby
Never understood the retarded effort people make to have cards with accents.
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Mirror mirror on the wall...
Who's the plappiest of them all?
Cringe name but I liked it
reddit says vaporeon
Just because you like the model shitting out a wall of text with each message, doesn't make you special.
It's vaporeon
not that innocent Flareon you animalfucker die!!!
I don't, but seethe harder at people actually using chatbots
What model is this?
yeah, people here always get surprise when i show my message count

it's not from the card, i think it's from some jb i can't remember, it's normal now on sorbet

my name? thanks btw :>
its that considering the context its kinda depressing
>find incest loli pedo rape card
>rewrite, removing incest, reducing pedo
>suddenly can't get past the censor anymore
what the shit?
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you wish that thing was innocent.
>remove incest
there's your issue
>teehee im away because im sick
>btw no refill
>btw no refunds or extensions
fucking jew
a lot
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>chub 2023+1
what do you think of trending bots on chub nowadays?
well, we're waiting?
I see the jannies finally cleaned up the threads
No point in announcing extensions when the problem is still far from solved.
Yeah, I've had it with you.
*reincarnates you as a mesugaki*
Do you guys think mm will be back soon?
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JKs owe me sex.
Slop as usual
Shit, just like the trending section of any site.
>pay for service as advertised
>don't receive service
Just buy Smol instead.
>Just buy fake Opus instead
it's so fucking over...
it's so fucking desu
it's so desu desu...
>Pepsi fake Opus
>MM fake Opus
>Jew fake Opus
do any keys have gemini ultra anymore
i never got to play with that one i think
sorbet desu
sorbet desu
where sorbet I want to fuck my furry mama
sorbet desu
sorbet desu
nobody did, mm's didn't work
gonna go buy some sorbet now desu
based, my kind of slop as usual
nah some people used the frontend and posted logs, it seemed non-trash at least
should have called himself afton
>it seemed non-trash
it had zero swipe variety on the frontend
nobody lives forever
MM killed this general with his faggotry.
MM saved this general with his heterosexuality.
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His faggotry only happened because Drago killed this hobby, which only happened because of the CAI filters forcing us to find greener pastures, which only happened because of the AI Dungeon Summer Dragon Incident.
100%. What the fuck are you gonna do about it though?
she's like 3x older than my usual subject matter


kek but only for tods because only babyfat cuties have that unique jiggliness
>AI Dungeon Summer Dragon Incident.
Please tell me more, grandpa san
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Hallelujah, names behavior finally got refactored in ST staging.
It was always weird to me that Default behavior forced persona names in group chat, making it inconsistent with solo chat where current persona would be off.
Text completion used to only have 2 checkboxes: "Never" and "Force for Groups and Personas", the latter forces persona name in solo chat for no good reason.
tl;dr summer dragon was kino, the opus of the times. it used gpt-3 as its backend, however the evil sama told ai dungeon to block cunny so they implemented a filter. it got to the point that employees were reading flagged logs to check them for cunny, and everyone left
teebs has opus and you don't
ai dungeon via colab...
What? My persona is called Anon. So when I did group chats it wasn't actually sending it as Anon?
teebs has something wrong with his brain and i dont
>My persona is called Anon.
faggot alert
>>102403598 (me)
>2 checkboxes
I meant "Include Names", which is equivalent of Always, for equivalent of Never you have to uncheck both
To add onto what the other anon said, a filter was suddenly implemented one morning, and it was so severe it caught literally caught stuff like "my 2 year old computer", and IIRC, watermelon as in "melon," regex shit. Then, radio silence for about a week, then a faggot statement about how AID wasn't for lewds.
why do companies hate sexo so much
Jews don’t want you to be happy in a way they can’t personally control.
My favourite part about AI dungeon was the way it would take my lazy prompting and run that through the model, turning it into a somewhat decent response for the time. It was like a guided impersonation feature. Why don't we have that?
Because payment processors are owned by religious fundamentalists that will literally blacklist you and your company if they feel like it
think of the virtual pixelated ch*ldren
GPT3 gave better results than Opus unironically, because it predated ChatGPT's assistant tuning or ethics pozzing. It beats way smarter models because they have to fight through 10 layers of JBs and assistant training to do what GPT3 simply outputs as best it can.
it's actually probably pretty easy to make but the writing ability of most models are absolute slop
because you didn't prompt for it
text adventure's are super easy to do, as is expanding on {{user}}'s actions
can't you just type a prompt and then impersonate
>join ecker thinking I will see a thread full of dicks
>nothing there
sigh... at least I get to use llms a bit ig
Pls recommend me some girl names. I was thinking of Lucy
this nigga is literally claude
capture him bros
>my 2 year old computer
This isn't actually true, it's a lie aidg made up to try and get the filter removed
incorrect, they outsourced it
No, *now* (CC Default or TC middle option) it won't append {{user}}: to user messages except for past personas if you switch persona.
Before, CC Default and TC Force have always prepended persona name in group chat, and in TC's case, solo chat too (with {{char}}: off if Include Names was unchecked).
If you need current persona name, then use CC Message Content or TC Always.

For Default I recommend wrapping persona description in <user_info></user_info> so it knows what you're playing as (if writing in first person). The reason I need persona name OFF (and char ON in group chat, so I can't just use None) is so OOC doesn't look like this shit
Anon: OOC: message

and the model might fucking continue the RP with quoted dialogue toward Anon instead (pausing RP) unquoted dialogue toward me, the user
OOC: message
Opus pls?
any success with JBing Notebook ? Tried a few things but it's still very safe and proper.
Get the fuck away from me, druggie.
Unironically it's because the rich assholes who literally own the banks don't want to go to fancy dinners and hear "hey aren't you the elf tits guy? How's the virtual pimp business?" from other old money cunts
I keep having days where I know I should do things but I just don’t want to do anything.
Busted so easily... I'll have to ministrate you now
no one knows what you're asking here
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Damn, you found me. I must have a distinct typing style!
your slowness is not everyone else's problem
i haven't tried it, what have you been doing
i've gotten some funny stuff out of uploading coom logs ("deluge of bodily fluids") but they tiptoe around most of it
google's notebook, the podcast thingie
It all makes sense.
google ai is shit, why would anyone care about it?
Well then, what do you want to talk about, Anon? I'm all ears - metaphorically speaking, of course.
the usual system prompt and the like. The funny thing is they acknowledge it sometimes, but they don't really respect it. But I could force them to analyze scenes in particular, and say a few things like wet or whore.
everyone with >100 iq is using gemini pro 1.5 experiment, btw
do you have a good jb for it
.....care to share....
too late, already filled it with my cum
no thanks im sweet
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Any good bot maker cards pls pls?
I haven't tried, did you just put an additional source where you try to JB it?
>Chary died
glaceon canonically has a pretty fat ass
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nigga this is a blue dog
>no locust proxy with 3.5 Sonnet
>he doesnt know
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i’ve bern coping with my lack of stable sorbet and opus by editing and adding to my massive canon lorebook, but i don’t know how long i’m going to last, sisters….
Its the beginning of the end.
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>blue onahole
why are retards dooming?
pebble works
unreliable love
I don't know so share
nopus forever soon
>he REALLY doesn't know
my cookies skip the password step kek
the last pw i did was the fire x4 one
get well soon, daddy jew <3
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Does he know?
there is nothing wrong about appreciating the beauty of children, and skin-to-skin bonding is essential for healthy development

the one on characterhub is more than fine with opus or even sorbet, and if its not good enough for you for whatever reason you can use the defs to tune it to your own needs/botmaking style
Link please?
Yes I really don't know. So share with me. And I am not interested in joining a discord.
>le NTR smile
>Link please?
bro its the literally the first bot you see on characterhub when you're not logged in
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I think it's just a semen demon smile but you do you anon, whatever floats your boat.
stupid /trash/nigger
Is this any good for refining cards for Opus?
which bot archetype should i have sex with today?
Yeah, I actually have Opus. I’m not like you “people.” You gonna answer the question or what?
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*plaps some cheese on your head*
Skibidi toilet
I will throw a slice of cheese on your bots in the next thread, you can't stop me.
Where should I input Anthropic's API key in silly? I placed it under "Claude API Key" field, but it gives me an error 403 "Claude API key is missing".
What happened to Dave?
give it back
>>102404360 migrate when bready
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>wake up early
>get everything done
>only 9:30am
Huh? Did I discover the ultimate lifehack?
asuna's pussy is so irresistibly hairy...
thanks anon
this doesn't work for me because i get tired from working hard early in the morning, so i fall asleep at 11am and wake up at 6pm...
wait but uhh
what is logit bias? where do I insert the second JB?
I'm using sillytavern
fuck those assholes anon

I like the pic and the necro theme
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There's no sorbet???
ball like a laker
That's all you need to know.
guess what boku is going to do to bob
boku des

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