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Stable: https://mpv.io/manual/stable/
Git: https://mpv.io/manual/master/

User Scripts:

Next big update (0.39.0):

High quality video output profile (goes into mpv.conf):

Configuration Files:


If you're having performance problems, try:

If you're having performance problems with console.lua or stats.lua, use console:
is this an ad? why are people obsessed over a fucking videoplayer?
no but there is that one mpvKt spammer that really wants people to buy his android app, so maybe that counts
Are you new? mpv threads have been around for years
die in a fucking fire
//!TYPE float
//!MINIMUM -10

// any comment here causes an error

//!DESC some trivial shader

vec4 hook()
// ...

//!TYPE float
//!MINIMUM -10

////!HOOK OUTPUT // <= this gets parsed as //!
//!DESC some trivial shader

vec4 hook()
// ...

are you aware of how shit glsl parsing is anon?
because this is the most based way to watch videos.
who hurt you friend?
glsl compiler is very sensitive, please understand sirs
i wish it was more sensitive in the second case.
my shaders were hooking twice because of that retardation.
Is this what causes the (Unknown Shader) bug in mpv?
mein kameraden,
How do I get yt-dlp to download all subtitles in a video? It only does English subtitles.
nevermind, found what I wanted
something big just happened today
--sub-langs all
Do you cum when your dad fists you?
cscale-antiring works again
yeah? haasn fixed that a year ago
> script automatically sets the display refresh rate to the one best suitable for the video played
Does it worth it?
he didn't fix it in mpv doe
it's ok, you have to go through the effort to actually set some modelines tho
ok ilyyr, go take credit for it
>expose API
>but don't use said API in mpv
it just shows that haasn lost interest in mpv due to lack of semen retention
sad but true
ok saar you can put it on your resume even though you wrote 2 lines
Does the script-ops folder goes inside or outside the scripts folder?
don't worry, even if every maintainer gets a girlfriend, DMG is guaranteed to never reproduce so he will always be contributing

ringing is good
Just steal artoriuz shader for the ortho part, I am sure he wouldn't mind.
>shader applied to the image after scaling and not applied to the scaler passes themselves
haasn would basically never accept it for tism reasons
Does mpv has a audio normalization/replay gain filter?
>audio normalization
mpv's gross revenue just hit an all time low so that has to be it
the shills need to fuck off and fuck off right the fuck now
madVR has been feature complete for over a decade yet mpv still lacks basic features like this. Really makes one think.
I look like this
madVR doesn't support DV, doesn't support HDR10+, doesn't support HLG. SmoothMotion is broken. HDR dynamic tonemapping is a test mess.
Source code?
basic features like what exactly? mpv has antiringing.

btw, madVR has AR disabled by default as well ;^)

imagine falling for the mpv meme
>i do not have a gpu unfortunaly
anons, I can't
he's talking about dgpu
no he has NO gpu clearly
0.39.0 is going to be amazing lads
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so is this better than VLC or what?
if so, how?
>so is this better than VLC or what?

also mpv will never have excellent stability with a D3D9 video renderer (wrapper for D3D11 presentation) and tried & true DXVA2-copy hardware decoding

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you mean saving it
distribute braphog gfs to numpy devs to cease the enshittification
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touching yourself angers paul
don't do it
Paul never wrote anything about masturbation.
Paul has excellent semen retention, hence why librempeg is endgame.
wm4 never cummed btw
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how will it affect mpv?
Most of the scripture quoted here isn't even authored by paul and what is quoted says nothing about masturbation.
Source on OP's pic?
Still doesn't say anything about specifically 'bating.
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how do i make the bar bigger please help

i've been using mpv (net) for years and i've never had it act like this until recently
it's mpv net will it still work also how do i do it... sorry thank you i appreciate your help i just don't know how to execute that string or command or whatever
The KJV here clearly says "fornication".
i dunno, i dont use frontends. mpv.net probably has some weird nested GUI menu where you can put in commands on launch
i'm crying i'm crying it was never like this before it's so rough watching nature videos when they are all 10 pixels tall on a 1440 monitor
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thank you you motivated me to try to fix it it broke my portable cfg settings but worth
in hindsight it had to have been related to aspect ratio or window scaling
shh *pats ur head* it will be ok sister
(religion, law) Sexual intercourse by people who are not married to each other, or which is considered illicit in another way.
1611, The Holy Bible, […] (King James Version), London: […] Galatians 5:19–21:

Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies, Envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of

>adultery, fornication
mpv was always a fluke
Bro, the subject was masturbation.
i fixed it!!!
revisionist history by the haasberger mafia

mpv used to MEAN something. now it means nothing
is dxva2 better than d3d11va?
- restore profile=fast as the default
if you cant detect the obvious sarcasm then i cant help you anon.
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this is entering the hall of fame!
fornication means generally illicit sexual acts in old english/KJV. i.e immorality
sexual immorality is basically defined as anything sexual outside of marriage in the bible. it wouldn't make sense to mention both adultery and fornication but only use fornication when speaking in general terms and adultery when it wants to get more specific that it's a sinnerfuller to breach le holy contract
end of
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i need to hear haasn's (pbuh) opinion on this before i can form my own opinion
sauce on the original pic?
it's in the thread anon
>wm4 left before replacing waf with his new build system
i wonder what an alternate future without meson would've looked like
linux is kind of weird sometimes

>try to make v9p webm with mpv on ubuntu 22.0.2
>webms come out pixelated
>spend a few hours figuring out what the problem is
>upgrade to ubuntu 24.04
>the mpv webm maker works all of a sudden
>webms don't come out pixelated
>anon learns what dynamic linking is and that garbage distros ship garbage dependencies
vp9 webm*
my config is the default
we are not the same
this just means you're beholden to random enshittification changes instead of having a set in stone config
between ringing and blur, i'd take the former any day
it could be related. but what this causes is hooking to MAIN and OUTPUT. so the shader runs twice, once after conversion to RGB (you would see it after cscale, but before scale), and once just before output.
unsupported version, no one cares.
bug your "stable" distro people instead.
DNC retardation in MY daily!
What's next?
RNC retardation in MY daily!
most of the scripture comes from the 4th century (earliest) and is not actually scripture anyway.
you want real scripture, read the quran.
the change only affects profile=high-quality currently, which is inferior to default profile mathematically, visually and according to objective metrics.

so basically a nothingburger
This forced meme has been pushed by 1 or 2 discord troons
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I'm using, as was recommended by >>102391842

it doesn't look, good. It looks weird, what to do anons? What is best scale?
>it doesn't look, good. It looks weird,
agreed, ass is 404'd
when using the keep-open option
you cant replay the video?
You're just arbitrarily twisting "generally illicit sexual acts" to mean what you want it to mean instead of what the author actually intended. What fornication meant differs depending on the person you ask so I have no doubt you can dig up some weirdo that thinks getting a boner is fornication. But the church for most of its history considered it to be sex between unmarried people.

>it wouldn't make sense to mention both adultery and fornication but only use fornication when speaking in general terms and adultery when it wants to get more specific
Uh what this makes perfect sense. Adultery is a subset of fornication and one that most would agree is even more immoral.

Islam is the dumbest of all the sand religions. Imagine unironically wasting your time on a book that says music is haram.
>a book that says music is haram.
point to where it explicitly says that, since you're pretending to be informed.
(apologies to everyone else for getting offtopic)
>install this garbage
>has to configure a billion of things
>it still has problems
Just use VLC. It just works.
I'm just half-shitposting but this is legitimately a debate among Islamic scholars that has gone on for hundreds of years. I'm not an expert in old arabic so I'll won't pass hard judgement on it. There are some verses in the quran that can be interpreted as addressing music.

e.g. this is a frequently cited verse in regards to the subject.

>And there are among men those who purchase idle talk in order to mislead others from Allah’s path without knowledge, and who throw ridicule upon it. For such there will be a humiliating punishment
"idle talk" here is lahwal hadeeth which apparently has a definition that includes singing and music/song.
do you NEED shader cache?

Rate my config.
how to use this? try on youtube link but doesn't work
pedantic nonsense
that's what the underlying greek word means and once again how old english "fornication" was used. almost every modern english translation has concluded this. it's blatantly obvious from context
adultery is a subset of fornication in the bible, and so is homosexuality and all the other prevailing perversions at the time. yet if you interpret scripture like an autistic jew many forms of faggot sex are apparently A OK as long as they don't "lay"/penetrate since erm akshually KJV "fornication" or "lust" doesn't teggchnicaly cover it
lust is a prerequisite for masturbation, so your premise is completely moot anyway. just pursued your line of thinking because whatever

>But the church for most of its history considered it to be sex between unmarried people
once we go to church theology you're in very deep waters. aquinas literally thought masturbation can be worse than rape
protestants are fornicating in their sissyhypno gooncaves right now

(reddit spacing incoming)

>a debate

i'm fully aware. that's why i wrote "explicitly", so no one googling thinks he got a gotcha.

btw, there is no "old arabic". it's a living language, and will always be.

the most important thing to note here is the conditional ("in order to"). anything that leads people astray from Allah's path is haram (obviously). also, only singing ("talk") is relevant here.
finally, "idle" is weird translation here. the Arabic word means pass time/play time (whatever consumes your time and distracts you from work/worship/...). you can use the modern word "entertainment" here and it would be close in meaning.
so, a better (non-transliteral) translation of the verse would be: "there exists among the people those who like/spend money on/get involved with entertainment/media in order to lead others astray from Allah's path".
that's a very obvious undisputed factual statement.

tl;dr: no. the Quran doesn't say anywhere that "music is haram".
This entire argument is pedantic nonsense what are you complaining about.

>that's what the underlying greek word means
Incorrect. I presume porneia is the word in question here. It originally referred to prostitution but some writers expanded to meaning to mean sexual immorality in general. If we accept that, we then have to figure out what the hell the writer actually even meant by that in the first place. In scripture, we can find plenty of cases where things like adultery, homosexuality, etc. are condemned. But not a single word is ever said about masturbation. It's extremely unlikely Paul or any other writer had this in mind at the time. In their culture, they were much more concerned about things like men going out and getting prostitutes not whether or not johnny was gives himself a wank. If we look at how Christian countries have subsequently formulated laws based around this, it's virtually always along the lines of "people having sex who shouldn't". Nothing about masturbation. I obviously cannot stop you from believing that porneia includes jerking off, but that is a fringe view and one I would say is not based on anything other than your personal feelings.

>lust is a prerequisite for masturbation
Yes if you want to be a puritan whackjob that considers sexual attraction to be inherently bad, be my guest. I can't stop you. Most Christians don't take that view.

>btw, there is no "old arabic". it's a living language, and will always be.

I don't care about muslim garbage but quite obviously every language that has been around for a long time has old forms that are very different than the modern form. Allegedly, the quran is written what's refered to as "Classic Arabic". It's different than Modern Arabic. What a bizarre thing to try and make a point about.
i wish i looked like this
Can you hug me?
why does

look better than


ETA on next version?
whenever sfan writes the 'log
maybe you should have considered that you're replying to someone who knows more about the subject matter than anyone who would need to refer to fucking wikipedia.
and even then, the retarded wikipedia page states this (which is correct):
"This distinction exists primarily among Western linguists; Arabic speakers themselves generally do not distinguish between Modern Standard Arabic and Classical Arabic.."
there has been multiple "western" attempts at making such distinctions "happen" somehow. they all failed.
in fact, such claims are hilarious for one simple reason, the Quran is (and will always be) the ultimate reference/go-to source for deciding what is correct linguistical use, and what is not. so claiming that modern arabic is distinct from quranic arabic is basically claiming that a language is distinct from its own rulebook. can a bigger retardation exist?
because le sharp
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This is a weird question.
I've got some video files, that I want to stream it over local network, and I've been struggling with this because in ffmpeg streaming mean sending to streaming service like flash streaming / youtube streaming.
And not local network streaming.
Just use jellyfin you weirdo.
I don't want to?
good morning beutiful white lady i kiss you in tummy very kindly maam
Classical Arabic is objectively different from Modern Arabic. Sort of like how Shakespearean English is different than today's English. Modern Arabic has different vocabulary, additional sounds, omits inflections, etc. Unless you just want to argue that linguists are delusional for trying to classify things, but that is just stupid and I will trust them over you.
It sounds like you don't have a question and are just rambling while not looking for a solution





hermite is king
Polar catmull rom.
explain and give reasoning
hermite is just mitchell but less expensive, and mitchell is obviously better than catrom or polar catrom.
No pre-config is better than this

but hermite creates visible moire patterns, especially on stuff such as bricks, angled tiles, halftone textures (manga). so why not just use mitchell instead if it looks identical to hermite?
this is what madVR uses by default though
>stuff such as bricks, angled tiles
I don't notice this so I don't care, I rather use less battery on my laptop
>halftone textures (manga).
I have a different profile for this that disables downscaling in linear light and uses lanczos downscaling because ringing doesn't matter on halftone textures and text looking sharp is the most important thing
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Whatever man.
I've been looking for two days now.
Stummbled upon similar qustions, with no answer but "nvm figured it out"
I can get to stream only one stream with rtp.
The closest I got is this
ffmpeg -re -stream_loop 1 -i inputfile -f mpegts "udp://localhost:9000"

But using UDP mean you send the file to a specific receiver.
What I want is more like anyone can connect to my IP and watch.
Looks good.
So jellyfin? You put the IP adress in your phone or in your pc browser on the local network and you can stream it. It also has android apps for your HTPC setup.

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excellent tummy, 9/10
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Jellyfin means installing a complete server on a machine, for thing that i use less than occasionally.
Beside, some of the input is hosted on http server that need transcoding.
Jellyfin, can only transcode files that re locally hosted.
real endgame (no replies required):
don't expect to get help posting roidtrannies and demon ass skelly hoes
is there a way to make console.lua close automatically after pressing enter?
i want to bind timestamp seeking to a key but the console just stays open after an input
ctrl+o script-message-to console type "no-osd set time-pos "
Ahoy pardna, much appreciated.
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Post a working solution and you will be pleased.
I know Arabic.
We (Arabic speakers) read the Quran directly and just understand it at the linguistical level.
Same with hadith.
Same with any tafsir (quran commentary) from any century.
Same with ...
I know the verses discussed in my original comment, directly, in their original text.
I quickly consulted with Tafsir al-Tabari, a commentary book from more than a millennia ago, while writing my first comment, and just understood what's written there, directly, without issue.
I know this is hard for you westerners (and western larpers) to comprehend, because almost none of you can understand any text written 150+ years ago in (supposedly) your own language. But that doesn't mean you get deflect that sorry status -necessitated by the desire to make modern nation state identities happen, you get to deflect that sorry status on other people and other languages, and even go around lecturing people, retardedly as always, about their own language.
endgame config without shader bloat
Oh my god you really are a dumb fuck like the rest of your inbred cousin fucker friends. Modern English speakers can understand Shakespearen English just fine. However linguists classify it differently because it has several linguistic features that are distinct from modern English. Same shit applies to your goatspeak language that incidentally was modernized thanks to the introduction of western inventions.
What the fuck are you fags sperging about?
nvm, found it
seethe and deflect from the mutt language with no history all you want.
your analogy is retarded, not that you would be able to tell.
the fact that you needed to link to a retarded wiki page that both contradicts your retarded parallel, and has almost every paragraph ending with a "[citation needed]" already showed anyone with a half-brain that you are a full-on retard. your last comment was a good bonus in case any doubt was left.
standard arabic is the same language and always will be. not even a single pronoun has changed for 1400+ years.
Modern Arabic is objectively not the same linguistically as the writing in the Quran. Just because you can understand it does not change this and that was never the contention in the first place. It's sad that apparently westerners are more interesting and studying how the language evolved than your own people but then again you guys are muslims.
Why does it feel like every single thing you type is a strawman? I've already said some things that are different about classical arabic >>102414685. You didn't contest any of it. I would consider that sufficient to be "very different". The fact that you can understand it is completely fucking irrelevant. Nobody ever claimed it was totally different language. The only thing that was said was that it is distinct enough to be classified separately. Linguists that study this have noted the difference.
DVD seeking is now possible.
But of course nu-general fags wouldn't care about that.
Wait, what?
it's so similar it's written and spoken interchangeably.

no one speaks Shakespearean lol

>KJV 1611
My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations; Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience. But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing. If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him. But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed. For let not that man think that he shall receive any thing of the Lord.

>RSV 1952
Count it all joy, my brethren, when you meet various trials, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.
If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives to all men generously and without reproaching, and it will be given him. But let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for he who doubts is like a wave of the sea that is driven and tossed by the wind. For that person must not suppose that a double-minded man, unstable in all his ways, will receive anything from the Lord.

>NRSVUE 2021
My brothers and sisters, whenever you face various trials, consider it all joy, because you know that the testing of your faith produces endurance. And let endurance complete its work, so that you may be complete and whole, lacking in nothing.
If any of you is lacking in wisdom, ask God, who gives to all generously and ungrudgingly, and it will be given you. But ask in faith, never doubting, for the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, driven and tossed by the wind. For the doubter, being double-minded and unstable in every way, must not expect to receive anything from the Lord.
If it's an ad, it's working. A few years ago I moved to mpv for all my videos and audios. So lightweight and so complete at the same time. Someone even added one of my suggestions in this very general to the software.
It objectively isn't. As noted, modern arabic has additional sounds that don't even exist in classical arabic. This fact alone makes it not "interchangeably".
you replied to a different person.
as to your list of differences:
>Modern Arabic has different vocabulary
it doesn't (except for things that didn't exist before obviously).
>additional sounds
no additional (or removed) sounds either. spoken dialects always had "additional sounds". but that's neither a modern phenomena, nor relevant to standard arabic (fus-ha).
>omits inflections
I don't know what is being referred to here. But whatever it is, it's also wrong. If it's pronunciation-related, you can read about "Qira'at" to know why.
You clearly fell for the meme "western linguists".
I just saw >>102416350 which confirms it. lol.
>DVD seeking is now possible.
why would MPEG-PS seeking ever not be possible?
You're a low skill tech Luddite
You're on the wrong board kid
>You clearly fell for the meme "western linguists".
Every single resource I find on this subject explains differences but okay yeah sure it's just those damn westerners hallucinating things. For example, this page on inflections in classical arabic.
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Is there someone who's seriously defending Islam in this thread?
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typo! shit player!
If you want to know how that sounds to an Arabic speaker, here is a good (for a change) analogy:
In "post-modern french", accents can be dropped from letters to make it easier for learners with an ASCII background.
In "post-modern german", some letters (like ß) can be replaced by an ASCII combo (ss) to make it easier for foreigners to learn the language.

Simplifying rules in a language is one of the most obvious ways it becomes a separate category once you take it far enough.
do you know the comments that trigger ESL insults here?
omitting inflections is worse. lol. it's a sign of illiteracy.
The seeking is possible with the DVD demuxer, which actually understands DVD structure properly. DVD is not just VOB files as flat MPEG-PS but rather segmented and interactive
This also means applications can get good DVD support out of the box just using ffmpeg
How can you be so fat and that young age?
>religion books
اقرأ شعر الجاهلية
ان تكن تشكي لي اوجاع الهوى فأنا اشفيك من هذ الوجع
بحسام كلما جردته من غمده كيفما مال قطع
mpv ffmpeg yt-dlp
> כפי שאנו יכולים לראות אזור שחור מעורבב עם סנפירי רדיאטור בהירים. אני חושד שהבהוב נגרם מתגובת פיקסלים של צג לשינויים כאלה, כי למה רק אנשים מסוימים יכולים לשחזר/לראות את זה?

נראה שזה נכון, אם אני מגדיר את הצג שלי ל-60 הרץ ומגדיר זמן תגובה ממש איטי, אני מבחין בהבהובים נוספים אולם זה בערך אותו הדבר עבור שני ה-VOs. אני לא ממש רואה הבדל בין vo_gpu או vo_gpu_next.
>Accuracy is at the mercy of what libdvdnav exposes
So, does it actually work well? And how do I use it?
nvm, worked with
 ffplay -f dvdvideo -i <dvd.iso or dvd_directory> 

on that note, fuck all the guides that still recommend to use the concat demuxer to concatenate the individual vob files
you realize to mpv support dvd demuxing since ever?
>complete server on a machine
Nigga it's a single service that works in the background if you can't be bothered to do that then just use vlc to stream it.
>Jellyfin, can only transcode files that re locally hosted
Bullshit it can, I have all of my files on my file server then I point jellyfin at it.
this is about ffmpeg
Have you taken the gamma light pill yet anon? Robidoux-sama recommends it for any lineart-based content with black lines (cartoons, anime, comics, manga etc.) and b&w images.

so why do use mpv to watch youtube?
to avoid ads?
this and because web browser players are horrible
be honest ikachan, you use vlc secretly don't you?
every fucking video i watch in the browser stalls after 30s-2minutes for some reason
this does not happen with mpv

instead yt-dlp will fail occasionally and an indeterminate amount of time after I try to open the video in mpv it will come blaring out at full volume with audio only
this has woken me up before
robidoux was right... so is gamma light catrom the true endgame for lineart content? it has the robidoux seal of approval
i only use vlc on windows

whats the option to make yt-dlp download faster?

new enshittification
it's for windows xp so i can watch youtube with vlc + my youtube client

Flashing is actually... le good?

new enshittification
Only good guide.
never link this shit, it's full of random cargocult bullshit
Its buggy
Those guide are wrong. DVD is not just joining VOB files, you have to know the right areas within each VOB to join
i remember wm4 removing direct dvd support in mpv a long time ago, which is why i had to use good old mplayer to extract individual titles before.
but mpv's manual claims this is supported now.
was support added back relatively recently?
i can't test for myself because i already remuxed all my dvd folders a long time ago.
use-case unclear. perhaps this should do it for you:
ffmpeg -i <file> -c copy -f matroska 'tcp://<ip_address>:<port>?listen'

mpv 'tcp://<ip_address>:<port>'
doesn't flicker with tscale=sphinx
stop spamming your retarded PRs
no one cares
you lost fanfic schizo. its time to seppuku
No one uses tscale=sphinx. Nice meme.
>No one
tscale-radius=1.5 # or 1.2, see below

interpolation is not enabled by default, nor video-sync is changed from the default, because i'm not a retard.
i do have both of them keybound however, for when interpolation would actually cause an overall improvement. changing the radius up and down is also keybound for quick adjustments.
I cannot find youtube-del anymore, apparently its no longer in use? i wanna download or stream videos directly into mpv, but can only be done via command prompt
I'm genuinely going to kill myself.

Best downscaling filter for this feel?

for fractional

for integer
>اقرأ شعر الجاهلية
sure thing
إِذَا مَا المَلْكُ سَامَ النَّاسَ خَسْفـاً
أَبَيْنَـا أَنْ نُقِـرَّ الـذُّلَّ فِيْنَـا
مَـلأْنَا البَـرَّ حَتَّى ضَاقَ عَنَّـا
وَظَهرَ البَحْـرِ نَمْلَـؤُهُ سَفِيْنَـا
إِذَا بَلَـغَ الفِطَـامَ لَنَا صَبِـيٌّ
تَخِـرُّ لَهُ الجَبَـابِرُ سَاجِديْنَـا
and one from a jew arab for diversity
إِذا المَرءُ لَم يُدنَس مِنَ اللُؤمِ عِرضُهُ
فَكُلُّ رِداءٍ يَرتَديهِ جَميلُ
وَإِن هُوَ لَم يَحمِل عَلى النَفسِ ضَيمَها
فَلَيسَ إِلى حُسنِ الثَناءِ سَبيلُ
تُعَيِّرُنا أَنّا قَليلٌ عَديدُنا
فَقُلتُ لَها إِنَّ الكِرامَ قَليلُ
وَما قَلَّ مَن كانَت بَقاياهُ مِثلَنا
شَبابٌ تَسامى لِلعُلى وَكُهولُ
وَما ضَرَّنا أَنّا قَليلٌ وَجارُنا
عَزيزٌ وَجارُ الأَكثَرينَ ذَليلُ
لَنا جَبَلٌ يَحتَلُّهُ مَن نُجيرُهُ
مَنيعٌ يَرُدُّ الطَرفَ وَهُوَ كَليلُ
no you aren't
might as well live for another day, why not
use bilinear to free yourself from worry
kino ahead
Make sense, can this be done with an auto profile?
Why Windows XP?
What if haasn never liked us?
>import Sar
File: 1690489143514201.webm (1.41 MB, 576x1024)
1.41 MB
1.41 MB WEBM
It worked?
Nice anon.
This is exactly what I need.
I don't want to install a complete service, just to stream.
I have android TV with 60" screen, but it can't decode 4K HEVC, while my PC can.
This way I can decode it on my PC and stream it to my tv.
This is ChatGPT
اقرأ شعر المعلقات اولا
Is there a keyboard shortcut to adjust window size according to video resolution? For example half or quarter the video resolution.
you can add one to input.conf. for example:
Ctrl+v set window-scale 0.25

>اقرأ شعر المعلقات اولا
the first bars in >>102422311 are the conclusion of one of those poems. the poem commemorates, in part, the killing of the king "Amr ibn Hind" at the hands of the poet "Amr ibn Kulthum".
File: realgorillaniggerape.png (1.18 MB, 1080x1847)
1.18 MB
1.18 MB PNG
I hate street shitters so much it's unreal
And now, this worked only on my machine., not on other machine in the network.
what IP address did you use?
Is it reachable (ping-able) from the other machine?
If yes, check your source device firewall settings and make sure it's not blocking access from other devices in the same network.
>what IP address did you use?
The same local IP address of the machine, I'm running ffmpeg on.
When I used mpv on my phone to test, it didn't work.
Yes, it's reachable from my phone when I ping it, and there is nothing in my firewall that block it.
I can start other servers just fine http and ftp.
>I can start other servers just fine http and ftp.
okay. i was going to ask if you're sure it's not localhost. but presumably, that's not the case. lol.
not sure what's going on at your end. maybe try changing the port number if you haven't already.
you can also try using udp instead of tcp. in that case, you should start playing before running ffmpeg, and use the client's ip adress (phone), and no `?listen`.
This worked and I tested on my phone.
Need to tweak ffmpeg settings though.
This is very unconvenient though.
File: hips.webm (2.62 MB, 460x574)
2.62 MB
2.62 MB WEBM
I figured it out why id didn't work.
I had to add this
-protocol_whitelist file,https,tls,http,tcp

Very odd.
Now it works fine now.
1. if I exit, from the client the ffmpeg process exit with error, and doesn't keep where it was.
2. It doesn't start until I connect.
3. I can connect only one device.
if you want a simple live stream, you can use udp with -re before -i and mpegts instead of matroska. then you can reconnect as many times as you like.
is there a way to set chroma subsampling value as a profile-cond?
Yes, but then I'd have to
A. use the IP of the client device
B. Start client before hand
Why you call him ilyyr?
>A. use the IP of the client device
you can technically use a broadcast address, although i never tried that myself.
>B. Start client before hand
you don't with mpegts. this is required with matroska as to not miss the file header which is required for playback.
It's over
is MF based h264 encoder hardware accelerated? is it good enough to be used?

profile-cond=p.height == 2160 and fullscreen
A real MF would test it themselves
anyone use ardftsrc from librempeg? is it as good as paul claim?
Which one for x64 Windows?

what if you did some tests for yourself and figured out the difference?
I don't really care much to test.

I guess I'll just pick msvc it sounds more "native"
sure, that's reasonable
>broadcast address
What's that?
Because google is returning nonsense.
>you don't with mpegts
Thanks, I figured as much, and figured that mpegts doesn't like all file formats, I need to transcode it to use it.
>What's that?
sorry, i meant multicast. although that's probably not a good idea security and performance wise.
How joever is it? 1-10?
mingw is missing dependencies

>0.39 still not released
it's over (for mpv)
git tag takes too much time for sfan, need to wait
not gonna happen until probably this weekend just to make sure no last minute issues pop up
this is a good thing though because that means 0.39.1 will exist and complete the 0.29.1 prophesy
can't wait for stablechads to complain about the sub-shadow and border changes
Can't wait to report this new RCE after release
the last time someone said this, dmg immediately patched it and denied the anon a CVE report
let's just say... you can do some funny things to peoples systems if they're using autocreate-playlist... i wont say more
Remove it now!
it shouldn't be different than what is already possible by opening any other playlist
i'd say that's plausible without even checking the code.
the premise behind that feature itself is retarded.
i'm sure it will make windows users happy though.. if they figure out what build to use and how, that is.
you were never a real mpv dev
you are just a lua warrior
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1.75 MB PNG
How can I make the background box to look like this with mpv? With equal margins around the text?
use case for blocking 1/3rd of the picture?
I don't use this size of subtitles, it's just VLC's default
File: mpv.png (3.99 MB, 1920x1080)
3.99 MB
3.99 MB PNG
Example with mpv
File: vlc.png (3.19 MB, 1920x1080)
3.19 MB
3.19 MB PNG
It's not the position of the text I want to change, only the size of the margins of the background box around the text, which are too small with mpv
Based on what?

read the goddamn manual
> the margin of the background box is determined by --sub-shadow-offset
That does not make much sense, but thanks
I'm not finding anything useful online.
>security and performance wise
I can disconnect from the internet and keep it all locally if this works.
How to get google video to work?
>tfw I learned mpv has boardless mode.
What's the best way to store all my large videos, can I make them smaller somehow?
you can try with any multicast address like
what the fuck is a boardless mode
if you really cared about those files, you would buy storage for them.
but since you didn't consider that, you might as well delete them.
The mode without borders, duh.
was it autism
i hate libass i hate libass i hate libass
does uosc change the default keybinds?
i want thumbnails in the seekbar
>i want bloat in my bloatbar
you can do that without uosc
I have no real passionate interest in HDR. I mean it looks impressive (had a Panasonic OLED briefly) but I am more interested in the art itself, things like the subject matter, the writing, storytelling, characters, music etc. It's similar to getting too focused on graphics in video games instead of just enjoying the experience and letting the atmosphere and stuff wash over you instead of being conscious of what you are looking at. The only reason I'm into video quality is to get it above that level where there aren't issues with the image that are jumping out at me and grabbing my attention and breaking the suspension of disbelief.
HDR is the future
deprecated and unmaintained
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2 KB
What's this for?
read the filename
Yeah but I can't really tell.
Hmm yeah it's a real head scratcher. Botnet perhaps?
someone preheat the oven we need to bake a new thread
this is the last thread
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237 KB PNG
Treating this as the mpv/ffmpeg/yt-dlp thread, which is a superior premise for a general.
What does picrel mean, where I see the only formats on a YT video are AVC (up to 1080p) and VP9 (up to 1440p)? Does that mean the original upload was VP9 1440p? Does the concept of "original upload" even mean anything on Youtube?
If I uploaded a 1080p VP9 video that was in their bitrate target range, would the original VP9 1080p datastream be unaltered if someone watches that codec+res, or do they somehow fuck with every single possible video stream they potentially deliver?
What video stream on a Youtube video would have the highest visual quality, regardless of size/bitrate efficiency? If someone uploads a 1080p AVC video and that was served UNALTERED to the end user, it'd HAVE to be the best visual quality option as everything else would be a re-encode from that, right?
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67 KB
Is mpv's audio resampling transparent?
all audio resampling is by definition not transparent
I mean human audible. Could I discern the artifacts it causes in an ABX test? I definitely couldn't for SoX, SSRC or Opus' resampler.
Practically every resampling in current year is human inaudible
i can hear a difference between 41k and 48k
It's in your head, placebo
Post ABX log.
no it's very audible in fact. 41k is much more hissy than 48k. very easy to tell as long as you're not hearing impaired
Post ABX log.
how does it feel knowing that your hearing will always be inferior to mine? and that you will never be able to improve your hearing because genetics?
you're retarded, I don't even know wtf a 41k is. American retirement plan? It's 44.1k.
funniest llyyr joke
right on the money
ardftsrc resampler from librempeg cause a noise from my lappy. it can be heard when seeking in paused state, even after mute and thats not happening with aresample.
>Does that mean the original upload was VP9 1440p?
it means the OG is >1080p and <=1440p.
if it's <1440p, it doesn't get upscaled. this is relevant for one of the questions below.
>Does the concept of "original upload" even mean anything on Youtube?
not anymore. not for anyone other than the uploader.
>If I uploaded a 1080p VP9 video that was in their bitrate target range, would the original VP9 1080p datastream be unaltered if someone watches that codec+res, or do they somehow fuck with every single possible video stream they potentially deliver?
all videos get transcoded.
Technical Note: bitrate wouldn't be the only relevant factor anyway. there are other things like GOP, ...
Historical Note: Skipping re-encoding was possible once. But the last time i tried that was when the flash player was around, and my upload was in flv container, the coded may have been VP6 (not sure).
>What video stream on a Youtube video would have the highest visual quality, regardless of size/bitrate efficiency?
any resolution that is slightly bigger than one of the listed ones.
For example, if you have a 1920x1080 video, pre-upscale it to 2048x1152. That way you get the bitrate slot for 1440p videos, but used on less pixels. So you get higher per-pixel bitrate which should give you higher quality than just 1080p.
Note that YT use fast encoding modes and don't care about quality. So whatever you do, you wont be getting "excellent" quality.
<100 IQ bait
probably a "not retarded, just pretending" type
Interesting. Thanks anon, sucks but not surprising.
is not compatible witht he default UI
you have to use their fork of the original UI

why dont you guys like it?
im so used to it because of youtube
it's freetards who think every other player is "bloated" for having a user interface from the last 40 years and theirs is better because it's stuck in 1960

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