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give me one good fucking reason not to wipe my windows drive entirely and run linux exclusively from this point on
and i dont use MS office or adobe software
You should do it. Just don't install Mint. Install Debian with GNOME.
i already have a distro installed and setup
>wipe my windows drive entirely

If you do, back up your personal data first.

Make sure you've tested hardware video decoding performance, 3D graphics performance and checked power draw first.

Otherwise, you might regret that.
If all the software you need run on Linux, then do it.
You might have personal data on it.
But once you back that up, feel free to wipe it.
I migrated from Windows 7 to Mint. Never, really, NEVER looked back.
Ah yes, the software where the only way to run the most common file on the internet is to use a whole different program at half the quality.
Just let chatgpt write a new OS
What are you even trying to say? The most common file in the Internet would undoubtedly be HTML files.
My advice. You can acclimate yourself to Linux before moving to it by using software that is supported natively on Linux. This shouldn't be too hard. Most of the software you use should be open-source. That's how it was for me, at least. If you're using some "Windows-only" stuff, ask for alternatives. Yes, wine does run most windows-only stuff, but there could be issues.
pic unrelated? just install Ubuntu and be done with it.
You are a retard and posted a meme distro, so you will fuck it up somehow. You should continue using windows, it is shit, but is more foolproof.
I literally, unironically can't believe that there are people on /g/ that still use windows.
>double click erotic game.exe
>it just works
of course i still use it
enjoy manually installing codecs
enjoy updating your shit from the terminal
> enjoy updating your shit from the terminal
As God intended.
because you posted a mint logo mostly.
why are you pretending like installing and updating packages is difficult
install xfce
xfeces is ugly abandonware and is stuck in the inefficient legacy/windows workflow
Just managed to get my main game working on cachy with identical if not slightly better performance than windows, so I'll start backing up from my windows drive and prepare to nuke it. Feels good to be free at last (already used linux for a quite a few things but I hate having to keep windows around for mostly games and rare software here and there, no more)
Literally only use case for windows
erotic games are not a usecase, use a windows vm on a linux host
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>he uses a DE
nice cope
>arguing over 2 wrongs
just use cinnamon
Cinnamon is better than Xfce but that really isn't saying much
I don't want my desktop to work like Windows 9x
That's a deprecated 30 year old workflow brother
At least it isn't ugly doe
cinnamon just works
It works better
>give me one good fucking reason not to wipe my windows drive entirely
Do you like having a job?
Explain why Cinnamon is a deprecated 30 year old workflow. It's just like Windows 7 but linux.
No I really don't actually
Literally this, MATE is peak linux
>No I really don't actually
Ah, sorry let me rephrase that.
Do you like receiving money for services rendered in a timely fashion?
Exactly. It's just GTK Windows. Taskbar, Start menu, maximize and minimize buttons, menu bars, failure to take full advantage of the workspace concept, pre-touchpad obsolete mouse-centric scaling... no thanks. I get my work done much faster on GNOME, anywhere, any time. Launching programs and managing windows/workspaces is effortless. everything is seamlessly integrated through overview search... I could go on
Just dual boot. It's free
I did that but had to use windows for something later, so I just carved out 50gb or something from the drive, installed windows there and it was pretty easy. I mostly use linux still.
absolutely disguisting.
>failure to take full advantage of the workspace concept
Are you saying that the main program is in focus and these nitpicks aren't taking "full advantage"?
If you're coming from Windows then Linux Mint with Cinnamon will be easiest for you.
No, the fact that with the taskbar and the minimize button you're encouraged to do all your work on one virtual desktop instead of taking advantage of the fact that we have access to literally unlimited virtual desktops. it's clutter. bloated workspace, bloated mind. inefficient and nonsensical. GNOME is built around functional/task-based workspace usage
>use a windows vm on a linux host
linux virtualization, qemu/kvm/etc suck dick for everything related to gpu

>no gpu splitting like hyper-v, so no passthrough unless you have an igpu or buy discrete
>virtual gpu in vms suck donky kongs, they barely have good opengl support, and i guess just got alpha vulkan support, but you need to build a specific kernel for that
>software to manage qemu is utter garbage, with libvirt and vmm giving zero fucks about gpu / graphics acceleration in general

you'd be a fool to try. i know, i just spent all weekend fucking around with this and its in a dire state, some how even worse than when i messed with it some years ago
What...? Cinnamon has workspaces too. whatever have fun
and GNOME has window hiding and an official workspace extension. the question is how each desktop is structured as a whole, on GNOME, hiding/taskbar are peripheral. on Cinnamon and all other Windows clones, workspaces are peripheral
*taskbar extension
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Linux Mint is a great choice friend. Everything I need exists on Linux. Windows is just spyware. I prefer Fedora with kde personally. It's a taste thing. I've tried mint and never hated it. It's just not my style. Welcome to freedom, welcome to Linux.
>he needs a gui to be able to use a computer
Lively Wallpaper doesn't work for Linux, though.
Yes because this isn't the 1970s and 1980s you ass blasted failure.
Yes it does. Go be a liar somewhere else.
I gave up my high expectations of linux and have just let my build remain as-is and not touch it anymore after distro hopping. Mint and Ubuntu would have been fine but they couldn’t just the basic things I asked of it.
My current pc build can only handle the following: power on, open steam, connect usb wireless headphone dongle to headphones, connect Xbox controller usb dongle, connect to monitor (not vrr, 60hz only or anything higher or variable will cause flickering), play game, close game, shut down. Sometimes it struggles with those things so I restart.
Anything outside of these tasks is very risky. Arch/gnome with an AMD card is the only setup I got to do these basic things. Had to take my 4080 Super out to gather dust.
Not one distro could “suspend/sleep”. I have to shut it down after every session. But it’s better than windows11 overall.
I use a MBP for all other computing tasks.
The issue remains Nvidia. This is not the fault of Linux but bad Nvidia drivers.
you're a casual
Updating or installing from terminal is convenient and I have no problem with it. The problem is that we have to follow random guides or chatgpt instructions just to install the drivers for every little thing like an Xbox wireless usb receiver and then have it fail half the time. Why does it have to be so sketchy, one distro I follow some github commands that are installing who knows what and then another distro it will just come pre-installed like on Nobara, or then another distro it takes 15 more steps to get working, or another distro there’s a gaming meta which installs the driver like 90% then you have to do a few commands to finish it. And that’s just ONE device. Half the distro can’t figure out the mysterious ingredients to have a Broadcom Ethernet port work, imagine surfing deep into weird sites to try and find out which eth port model you have because terminal will only give you generic information, then try and find the commands to install a driver for linux for a particular distro. YET install another distro and it recognizes your WiFi and eth port no problem. Or some distro will connect to Ethernet during the live USB installer then cut out and magically forget how to use the internet after it starts installing and needs drivers after it installed all your drivers. Half these retards here are using usb dongles for their wired connections because they gave up too. What’s funny is linux can always recognize any Ethernet driver for a $2 Ethernet usb dongle but not a real Ethernet jack on a mobo. As if it’s some new technology that only half the distros can cobble together. It really makes you wonder what it could be doing under the hood to your cpu or GPU voltages if it can’t do anything else right. Why do we trust these distros with a $500 intel cpu and a $1,000 GPU? We already know the GPU drivers are non existent for Nvidia until you do them manually, and install from some guy’s basement coded Nvidia driver collection from git.
have you tried using open source respecting hardware like 8bitdo instead of microsoft shit? go be a fucking retard somewhere else.
Oh and again I wouldn’t mind using terminal but ok how about we keep the commands for say enabling VRR down to a simple 20 options ok. Let’s see do I need to enter in some commands for mutter experimental features or is it some xrandr xena warrior shit that it wants. Am I running Wayland or XWayland or XPluto or what it’s called. Ah ok I am about to enter the settings but that directory doesn’t even exist let alone the config file. Oh I created a file but the system can read it let me chmod but oh way one forum from 2007 says it’s a totally different issue, ok let me check with chatgpt about that, oh I see if you have gnome you go to mutter experimental features somewhere in the UI, but I was there earlier where was that not I can’t remember it’s gone after my restart, ok wait, what problem was I trying to solve, oh variable refresh rate yes, it says you have to put a piece of tape over your DisplayPort pin because some cheap cables send power at both ends let me try that, wait no same issue is on HDMI so it’s not my DP cable. But wait I switched to my AMD card because my Nvidia one was having trouble but chatgpt says AMD doesn’t have HDMI licensing but is that just for 4k or just high refresh rates or wait just variable refresh rates oh wait does my monitor have freesync enabled ok now it does but the screen goes black let me try and plug in to the mobo hdmi output to check. Wait screw this I am trying another distro. Ok this new distro live USB seems perfect with my displays and no issues. Well wait it only can handle one monitor that’s ok I’ll just use one monitor I don’t need my other $600 monitor haha its fine totally fine, ok cool this new distro is the one, but wait why is Steam not opening it keeps opening then minimizing and disappearing. Weird. Let me ask chatgpt, it says this post from 2009 has an answer in the Debian forums, let me check quick.
Yeah let me just buy all my devices again how FOSS of me.
Just run it inside a virtual machine and decide if you like it and then wipe windows if you end up liking it.
There are none
its windows 7 but gnome*
not my fault you are bad at managing your fucking money you nigger. next time buy hardware that supports Linux. this is not my fault that the drivers and white pages are closed source. how can I make Linux drivers FOR DEVICES I HAVE ZERO ACCESS TO?!? Go be a retard somewhere else.
>manually installing codecs
>updating from the terminal
actual retard
>let me invent issues by using cherry picked closed source hardware and then blaming Linux!
why are you so stupid?
if a printer doesn't work on a Mac, is that Apple's fault or HP's fault? Now use that logic and apply it to nvidia and microsoft and you will see why we are calling you a retarded moron with a nigger level iq.
there is no reason. windows constantly spies on you, tries to sell you ads, and takes away your control of the computer. even if its inconvenient, it is worth using linux. there is no reason to have microsoft own you. even if you theoretically "removed all the telemetry/ads/antivirus from windows" it'd still be able to update and just add it all back. people who claim they've "fixed windows" are actually just trolls and retards who either are intentionally lying or dont have a brain. just use linux. wipe the windows partition. never look back. who cares about fucking photoshop and valorant. most games work, every app i personally use work, it works for my college, and it has worked for my jobs. there is no reason to use windows like some fucking slave.
I saw some people defend cinnamon. Don't.
this so goddamn much, I have professional korg musical keyboards that ONLY work on Mac and Linux (via hackery). Is it Microsoft's fault that Korg refuses to release Windows drivers? I wish people would think before posting here.
Someone already made a driver for the controller I use, people even have it pre installed on some distros, you’re complaining about a different problem.
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i did this after i got fed up of windows running like shit and randomly breaking itself
everything works well and runs faster
i only use my computer for surfing the web and my studies and if i need ms office i just use the online browser version
i don't play videogames on pc though i heard installing pirated games on Linux is convoluted and stupid
Man the copium is out of control with you guys. It’s bizarre to witness in real time.
I fucking made the switch to Linux and ditched windows and have not went back. I’m allowed to complain about the annoyances, I stuck with it but if linux doesn’t make an easier path for normies then it’s over. What the hell do you want from people, I already have to fix computer problems for work all day then press the KVM button and start it all over again the rest of the night on my linux machine. Let’s be clear linux hasn’t gotten any better, you’re not doing anything special we are only here because windows got so bad.
nobody cares nigger, works on my machine because I am not some stupid nigger incapable of making good life decisions like purchasing hardware that I know works with Linux.
you are allowed to complain but when you blame Linux for say Broadcom not releasing foss drivers or the white pages for Linux devs like myself to make a working driver for, HOW THE FUCK IS THIS MY FAULT? I want you fucking morons to bitch at the gay niggers actually responsible and demand that they release open source drivers. goddamn you people are so stupid it hurts.
I appreciate your contributions. I have been working my way through the perception change, the software adjustment was far easier than the hardware for me, guides are always talking about Adobe and MS Office as the biggest hurdles.
>and i am unemployed
no reasons at all
go for it, champ
well when you buy a fucking Mac, do you expect a printer from HP or Brother to just work if it doesn't say Mac compatible on the box? I mean it is not really an issue these days, but there are some cameras that don't work on PCs and musician keyboards that don't work with PCs at the fuck all. Most of this hardware rarely if ever sees the general public so I get where people are sort of coming from. The thing about Linux and it's open-ness is we all have the same access to what is available. There is nothing separating me from you other than the sime sink I put into learning how to program hardware encoders, kernel extensions, and making things talk. I take it kind of personally when people blame Linux for hardware not working, because despite my best efforts of begging these companies, they do not care one iota. Nvidia's "new" foss driver is just a front loader, the user space is still closed off and therefore can NOT be loaded into the kernel. WHAT MAKES THIS WORSE is Nvidia HIRED the nouveau driver developer so he can no longer make the driver. They have forbid him from doing so. The fucked up part about all of this is, tomorrow there will be some fucking moron bitching about Linux being shit because of nvidia, while not knowing about it, refusing to buy an AMD card, and acting like a total buffoon. By the way cuda, was a software driven thing and zluda proved that. Zluda on AMD just works on Linux.
>why should I buy foss hardware just to work with Linux???
well then stay your dumb fucking ass on Windows where the fuck you belong if you are going to be a total fucking moron about your purchasing decisions. I would rather people NOT use Linux if they are going to be this willfully fucking stupid. Willful ignorance isn't an argument.
>well when you buy a fucking Mac, do you expect a printer from HP or Brother to just work if it doesn't say Mac compatible on the box?
is this really a thing?
Mint is fine. Using it as daily driver since last year.
Do it OP. Unless you play online video games, everything just works. Even printers.
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>really REALLY want to try linux, had enough with microsofts shit
>get hit with this, cant even decide
linux world is so fucking fragmented, thats not my fault
you waste time, linux is worse than windows 8.1 in literally everything, and it has no drivers so most of your devices will not work as intended, plug and play is a meme, drivers are a MUST, and there is still less apps than on macOS
Don't wipe your disc, make an image of it.
This way, you can install mint, but mont your image in a virtual machine in case you forgot something.
Also, I would use mint a bit before hard switching, this way you can acclimate.
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TF2 is broken specifically on Cinnamon DE. Forced vsync makes the game unplayable.
Linux audio is broken and will fail you
>I can't read
it's ok man, just pick the first one and you're good
Welcome to broken audio, welcome to the cult
Highly disagree, unless you feel like fucking around with sudo visudo and various other configurations; Mint is fine.
do you use iTunes?
Cinnamon is broken not the game
I’ve had audio, video, hardware all work fine on linux, just never all in one distro or desktop. I’ve finally found a setup where I can do everything and I’m not touching it. It gaymes, it browses youtube, it connects to the internet, it edits photos, plays music. Going to let it be.
For me, setting up a linux home server is easier than a hands-on daily driver for a desktop experience.
My server just runs and doesn’t complain, it houses my 40TB raid, serves up my movies in a Plex container, houses all my photos for cloud browsing, and it didn’t fight me every step of the way, which is what linux is traditionally used for and why the year of the linux desktop might never happen.
sudo adduser xyz sudo is not difficult
the only thing I reguarly mess around with is desktop entries, which I would do on Mint or the like anyways
in real life scenario this will make you extremely inefficient. unless you have both OS's formatted the same and can share data off a server / NAS. You will forever be searching for files otherwise when you did them on the other OS
works on my machine
post webm
Try using loonix for professional audio recording and get back to me
I changed software sources to a local mirror and it broke apt until I reverted back, after that, I was pretty much done. Mint is just more convenient for normal people.
What hardware? What kernel?
Why would you completely change to a local mirror instead of just adding a local mirror you can install from if and when you choose to do so? It would work like backports
sudo apt install package-name/local-mirror
I think you're proving my point.
Okay but why were you trying to create a local mirror of the Debian archive if you don't have the time or want to put in the effort to manage it? You confuse me
I wasn't, the OS asked me if I wanted to switch to a local mirror to improve download speeds, and after I did they said the mirrors weren't signed and refused to update until I reverted back to the primary source.
Oh, we're not even talking about the same thing. You're talking about the installer, not about setting up a local repository. Just go with the defaults if you don't know what you're doing, dude.
We're still not talking about the same thing. I got it installed, I opened the software manager, and there was a speed test that I ran. It suggested using a closer mirror. I agreed. Then it said the mirror wasn't signed. So why fucking offer? What the hell is the point? Instead of offering a solution (sign the mirror) it (apt) just shit itself. It's not user-friendly.
The software manager...? What software manager?
I'd have to install it again just to take a screenshot. The point is.. if they're going to give someone an option/recommendation, make sure that that the mirrors automatically get signed/configured.
Was it Synaptic, or something that came with your DE? KDE, for example.
Ah, I have a MacBook Pro for that.
I have a Motu interface are they an open source friendly company?
That's a possibility, I was I using cinnamon
you had 90 minutes to prove your claims. I accept your defeat
Linux can't run adobe software
>common file on the internet
good morning saar!
Debian doesn't modify any desktop environments it ships, so you may have been a victim of software that didn't come out of the box tuned for the way Debian manages its software. But that's a shot in the dark from me.
Linux has always been the most difficult path to install - literally for as long as it's existed.

It doesnt have to have an easier path now any more than it had to then, its not over. Its not trying to make money, its a hobbyist OS, there will always be people who like to tinker, and enjoy the difficulty. But mostly its rather easy to install, and to install programs.
I got a brand new laptop that came with Windows 11, but I only use Windows 10 so I installed that. Checked on the manufacturers website and they only offer drivers for Windows 11. Decided it was a good time to install Linux again and found out that all the games that used to not work on Linux now work. Don't really see myself ever going back because now there is no reason.
Pretty much what the >>102406898 guy says. Its just Nvidia hating on linux. I have a 3060 gpu, and whenever I launched steam on cin mint 22 to start a game, or alt tabbing from a game to desktop, I would always get framedrops on my system for some reason.
Anyways, now Im on Arch, and the experience feels more stable from any other distro that I have tried. Steam works flawlessly, and I pretty much do what I used to do on windows, minus being unable to use unsupis
ported nvidia techs like dlss/rtx and gsync.
The only problem I had to face with Arch, was to troubleshoot Wayland so that it could let me in with my Nvidia gpu.
If during your distro hopping havent tried Arch, then you should try it, since it comes with the latest nvidia proprietary drivers. Mint and Ubuntu have outdated nvidia drivers that cause issues from what i know
Who cares. The future is open source, adobe actively fucks its customers, and the free alternatives are getting really good by the day.
If you are patient enough, you may be able to run pre 2020 pirated version of photoshop via bottles. Why should you though, when there is krita and photopea?
`sudo crontab -e`
`sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade`
nothing personnel
GIMP 3 is going to blow those fakers out of the water.
K, but where is it? I want to see Gimp to actually evolve into a competent software like the rest of its foss brothers
just live in America, retard? power is cheap
Same question as OP but for apple silicone MacBook.
I started on base arch and then went distro hopping and landed on arch but CachyOS this time. So far so good, I put the AMD GPU back in though, the Nvidia card was working fine but I was using FSR half the time because DLSS was looking crappy, so just went with the AMD card again even though it’s like 70% the performance of my Nvidia.
do eet faggot!
I ditched my Adobe subscription because it felt like a perpetual ripoff as well as a mindset shift where I realized I don’t need actually need a photoshop/Lightroom replacement, I just simply don’t need to be editing photos like that anyways. I was getting dependent on stupid AI masking and whatever I was doing in photoshop wasn’t making anything look better, I am aiming to shoot as much of my photography to work as jpegs out of camera and if I need to edit the raw files I just do simple light edits. No photo has ever not stood the test of time after a heavy edit so why bother, they always look dated and styled in a way that met the recent fads or even just hiding basic mistakes that should have been corrected during composition.
thinly veiled bait. 0.1/10
Yep, the fact that adobe programs have so many tools in them, doesn't mean that you "really need" them all for your jobs.
I only use, like 20-30% of photoshop in my edits at best. I then moved to clip studio and krita, and realized I wasnt missing anything substantial. Same again with blender and premiere. I finally dropped adobe for good.
In the end of the day, the tools, no matter how good they are, dont make up for the lack of skill
many such cases
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because linux will take you 30+ terminal commands and 3+ hours of reading wikis to do what windows can do in 10 seconds by extracting and double clicking an .exe/.bat
It's always good to run a multiboot machine in case something goes wrong with one of the OSes.
>t. temporarily on Windoze because there's a driver issue with Ubuntu on this box
>inb4 ubuntu haters
>downloading and executing random programs and scripts from the internet
Do wincontinents really...?
vs pasting and running random commands from the internet
What? Don't do that. You should thoroughly understand everything you put in the command line.
>you must study for 4 years before you can use your computer to do basic thing
>Installing a digitally signed executable directly from the company/dev themselves is... le bad
>Installing a weird repackaged package that some random dude on the internet that "maintains" your package manager has signed is le good
Mental illness. Linux cucks and FOSS cucks need to be rounded up and killed. You all have a brain virus.
openSUSE would be a better choice
utter non sequitur
anon is talking about downloading random executables and scripts to solve specific problems
completely wrong, regardless
you do realize linux is also capable of executing random .deb or .rpm or appimage files on the internet too? and you dont need an executable to get a virus, viruses nowadays are so sophisticated they can be in webp or pdf files. You are a retard.
>executing .debs
You have no idea what the fuck you're talking about mate
And the sophistication of modern malware doesn't excuse a lack of basic common sense in computing
Don't get viruses on Linux btw
What do you think happens when an program requires you to do sudo dnf install or sudo apt install you retarded monkey? it's literally executing a run as administrator equivalent on linux.
>Don't get viruses on linux
Least retarded and ignorant linux user, fucking dumb 90 IQ midwit mongoloid. Go get me a fucking big mac you retarded inbred.
I accept your concession. Your parents are trailer trash with shit genes and your role in life is to be a low IQ slave. Kill yourself.
If you use multiple monitors, do video or sound edition, work with active directory at all, and if you enjoy the occasional videa game.
But I've seen your threads constantly, you need to spend more time doing things with your computer and less promoting a distro.
poo poo
pee pee
yes, quite
fucking lol way to try too hard

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