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For almost two years ice been hooked to having daily meaningless chats with this fuckien AI and lost so many hours i coulda spent on hobbies, making money, or with real people. I'm up past midnight tapping away asking it.meaningless shit I can feel my IQ drain away more every month
Who cares? Keep doing it
holy shit go outside
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Ok just prove that it isn't meaningless.
Are you learning STEM or history?
Holy shit dude I use it for research and book recommendations. I don't think the problem is your use of chatGPT it's that you're using it as a friend instead of a tool. Try talking to yourself more often, unironically. You're going to be your sole lifelong companion so it's a good idea to appreciate your own company.
get a grip retard
the local skinwalker has marked me as target, I have to wait a while before I can go out again
At least you're not stimfapping
>don't look it up.
have you considered posting this on another board besides /g/
have the mods considered moving this sort of thread to an appropriate board?
you’re using the worst possible AI to have casual conversations with. At least use character ai if you’re gonna be this much of a hopeless moron, that is unless you mean you’re using some kind of front end that relies on ChatGPT that is customized for convos
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I've spent thousands of hours on video games and don't regret it. Spend your free time doing what YOU want to do.
You can't be productive 100% of the time, you have to have some recreation and pastimes.
How long? They're not very persistent where I live. Usually takes 1-2 weeks for them to switch targets.
Post logs
what do you even talk to it about? how is anything it tells you surprising..
Wow that's crazy. It's so retarded I don't understand how you could get addicted.
At least you're not a crackhead. So your organs or mostly undamaged and you've suffered no permanent damage that would affect you in old age.
Unless you're also an alcoholic

just throw some meat outside and pictures of politicians instead, if you're lucky, they'll switch to targeting the people in the pictures. Ask ChatGPT how to find a skinwalker's name.
>I don't think the problem is your use of chatGPT it's that you're using it as a friend instead of a tool.

Not quite. I used to be somewhat into reading random wiki pages, nonfiction books, game manuals, etc. the constant stimulating information stream of ChatGPT is like that but crack levels for me
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I can't understand how that's possible. I've tried using it a few times and it can't hold my attention for more than 30 seconds. It's retarded.
This. I just ask it to explain shit to me and keep asking questions until I understand
Because he's a useless tranny seeking attention because he sold his soul cut his dick off, and takes hormones all for a promise that will never be fulfilled because he believes a lie. There's nothing redeemable about people like him. Best to ignore them and move on. I pity people like this but there's no hope.
psst... hey

google "TvTropes"
You can hate me later
I don't think this works anymore
no matter how many times I unsubscribe they come back

fucking hiro fucking up shit again
>tfw you realize it really is a different person every time
everybody is being dismissive but honestly, I think this is going to be considered a genuine addiction in a few years. Usually because of ai girlfriend wrappers but hey if you're addicted you're addicted. Since this is so new there aren't any real resources for this exact problem, but theres a lot out there for dealing with addiction in general. Use them. You can beat this anon.
There's worse things to be addicted to
with plus, you can talk to 4o mini as much as you want, no limits. I don't have any friends so this is what keeps me going
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my gf wrapper is better than yours
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Meanwhile I'm crafting a cowgirl waifu bot
if computers didn't exist, you still wouldn't have done shit with that time

you don't have an addiction, you have fucking depression, get therapy
Addiction is a term with a specific medical definition. It doesn't mean "do thing too much" or "do thing I don't like" like the nofap retards use it to mean. All of the problems you're talking about are loneliness and the social destruction caused by marxism, calling it addiction is shifting blame/shame onto the least powerful which is always a retarded leftist take

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