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>there are no good IT jo-
so, no proof or reality? where is the problem
This. I got a job recently by identifying as non-binary cause it was a female oriented company and I wanted a comfy job. Gonna complain about my "period" when I want a day off
I think the labor board would like to have a word with Ubisoft.
just wear a dress
Can I identify as 5 people and get 5 salaries?
If the five of you fulfill the five people quota, then definitely, yes!
>female oriented company
nice larp
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This is not real.
That never happened.
no meme arrow oh no no no no no
>this is not real
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I'm sure they would do that if they could, but Ubishit is a french company, this kind of discrimination is illegal in France.
I remember seeing similar ads on Linkedin where they say they only hire women and veterans for tech jobs.
tranny recent grad here, i'm going to apply for the lulz
Imagine if a company said they would only hire white men, they would get cancelled in minutes by the kikes
Oh wait wtf that's real
I guess they can only do that because it's the US branch?
Define woman, and then explain how Ubisoft can filter that for hiring purposes without a lawsuit.
Imagine if the mere thought of a coloured woman being hired made you run the aid of white men everywhere, every time.
Scroll down a bit.
Bordeaux, France
Annecy, France
Montpellier, France
Lyon, France
Holy shit
Lawsuits incoming I guess
literally not a job, retard, no money involved
Ah, that's how they did it. Maybe you can discriminate if it's only a formation.
>tfw me and the bros want to get a job at the same company
>all apply as non-binary
>all of us get hired
>show up
>office full of other dudes who had the same Idea
>On paper the company is 94% non-binary
>in reality its 94% white male, including the Mexicans
>actually comfy
No, why do automatically assume that a company doesn't break the law? Just because you witness it? Sue them, you're correct. This is discriminatory and misandrist.
*do you
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it's illegal in Canada as well as per Ontario human rights code
they can be sued or forced to change it
>female oriented
brother women are toxic as fuck
Though it's a bit convulted and hard to understand, the female only requirement is only for their "mentorship program" which is just them giving out free advice about some bullshit project you do as a learning experience that doesn't actually get used anywhere. You don't get paid for it and you don't actually work at Ubisoft. However, I have been looking for jobs for months now and female / nigger / tranny / abo only postings do exist, and are legal in Canada (as long as it's one of the "protected classes"). Usually though they are for bullshit make work positions that are just there to pump up the company DEI score though.
>RIP Ubisoft
It's clearly for substantial tax writeoffs given how specific the criteria is.
It's basically the same thing as them hiring a physically handicapped person.
It's more worth it in that clown country for them to hire an incompetent human paperweight and pay them a full salary than hire an actual person to do the job.
still productive.
Trannies, enbies, others make the best programmers.
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I disagree with trannies attack on free speech, I shouldn't have to call them men or women if they aren't men or women biologically.
However trannies do make some great tech people.
Also, what IBM did was wrong.
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>juden peterstein
He's a Christcuck. One of the best of them though.
he is an enemy propagandist whose job is to get vulnerable young white men who lack a proper father figure in their life to embrace a self-destructive individualist ideology that neutralizes them as a threat to his Jewish paymasters.
With all due respect, I don't buy this quote:
>self-destructive individualist ideology that neutralizes them
how is his ideology self-destructive, and how does it neutralize them?

I can respect his opinions without paying any mind to his christcuckery.
>however trannies do make some great tech people
Name one thing invented by trannies
It's in the post I replied to.
Did he castrate himself and then call himself a woman? lmao
lol, idk maybe
Mentally ill should be put in hospital.
who are the blue people next to Rogan?
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spot on
sometimes you do find people here who understand, you love to see it.
That's a slippery slope anon.
If it can stop people from castrating themselves, thats a good thing.

Where do we draw the line?
Piercing is self mutilation. I find those big hole ear things disgusting, same with body piercing.
I don't think we can interfere with other peoples bodies.
The slippery slope arrives when we start throwing people with tongue piercing in jail, and at that point it's the same thing as women with ear piercing.
They can identify a chud immediately. They will just say that they have moved on with another applicant so you can't say that they declined you because they discriminate against your identity
I don't trust him because his room is filthy.
Curious how the slippery slope got ignored when we allowed fags to adopt and now we had to ignore a monkey pox outbreak because only adopted children from gay couples were being infected with it.
We draw the line at tattoos for children. Anything that scars children is to be illegal, unless as an absolute medical necessity. For adults, cutting off functioning limbs is considered mental illness and no doctor should be doing it.
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and yet when those young white men visit the 4cucks you 30+ smelly old fags tell us to GTFO with our sharty slang to the bald man with glasses website. Not fooling anyone juden!
>However trannies do make some great tech people.
>one data point
all of the internet and after was invented and perfected by a straight white man. Cope harder.
You seem to have a rational mind and what you're saying makes perfect sense to me.
But let's say we allow a sort of "prohibition" on tranny dick cutting, then it will go underground which raises a whole other issue.
Finally, the analogy is that piercing is also an unnecessary mutilation of the human body, but one that is societally accepted.
My disagreement here is that when you forbid one thing it opens up a slippery slope for a totalitarian regime that interferes with ear piercing.
I agree. However I have no clue about that monkey pox thing anon.
There was a monkey pox outbreak in the US shortly after corona.
It was swept under the rug because only gay men, their children and their pets were getting it. This specific strain of monkey pox was extremely virulent from the genital areas.
I wish I was bullshitting.
>all of the internet and after was invented and perfected by a straight white man. Cope harder. Look, I'm a straight white man, but "all of the internet and after" was not exclusively invented and perfected by a straight white man. I can't be bothered to list them all, but try to be historically factual anon.
Don't give me your faggot "cope harder" attitude.
>But let's say we allow a sort of "prohibition" on tranny dick cutting, then it will go underground which raises a whole other issue.
No. Thats non-sense logic. In almost every instance prohibition and enforcement always leads to the proper wanted outcome. No one was castrating themselves prior to 2010. No would would if castration is to be deemed illegal, unless as a punishment.
Sounds fucking insane. I'll look it up.
accidentally quoted this:
Look, I'm a straight white man, but "all of the internet and after" was not exclusively invented and perfected by a straight white man. I can't be bothered to list them all, but try to be historically factual anon.
True, it's a bit of a stretch.
Closer to it may be asthetic surgery. Like women with huge noses have a literal functioning body part, but they cut it off.
That's what I meant by slippery slope, I personally believe that forbidding one thing analogous even slightly to another leads to gray legal zones.
Prohibition usually leads to the prohibited activity going under the law. Like alcohol prohibition.
What are the names of #2, #4 and #6 from the left?
>work at Ubisoft
>ask to see the boss
>have to suck dick
How many people deep dive into the trans/binary/other stuff just to get (certain) jobs easier?

When you can't pay your rent I imagine people turn really desperate.
>all of the internet and after was invented and perfected by a straight white man
It was mostly white faggot men.
humiliation ritual. you have to show them that you are a pathetic loser so you can join their pathetic loser club. you lose your dignity and self-respect if you play along.
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>you lose your dignity and self-respect
You lost that the moment you considered applying for a job at Ubisoft.
It's happening more and more in sports, so I imagine it would be more common for jobs.
Is the image on the webpage made with an AI, or did that woman botched her hair dye?
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>how is his ideology self-destructive, and how does it neutralize them?
he preaches individualism and prevents his audience from engaging in political activism and organizing based on their collective ethnic interests, claiming that engaging in such things is a waste of time, immoral and un-Christian. He tries to shame his insecure loser followers into thinking that opposing Jewish dominance is for losers, and that by ignoring, accepting or even celebrating it they can become the winners they want to be. Meanwhile he praises Jews (who "just happen to be" the people who pay him) at every turn for the things which they can achieve thanks to their ethnocentric collectivism.

He misdirects his followers away from reaching a healthier attitude of collective solidarity among people of European heritage, which could then lead to organized resistance against the Zionist agenda of the people who pay him.
His way is easier in the short term because it avoids facing resistance from the people who wish to destroy you, but in the long term it leads to the loss of the community and social fabric that enables your existence in the first place, enabling the people whose will is to destroy you to actually do it.
Thank you for the articulate respone anon.
However I think christcucks are already playing mental gymnastics here, since they cannot be European+White AND Christian AND hate Jews. Why?
1. Christianity has more non-white adherents than whites.
2. And Jews are the creators of Christianity.
So it's all mental gymnastics imo.

I disagree with 50% of what Peterson says, and just classify it under "christcuckery nonsense". However I must admit, he's a very intelligent person and a good speaker.
I agree with his lobbying on behalf of free speech when he's forced by law to refer to a male as "she/her" etc...
>Usually though they are for bullshit make work positions that are just there to pump up the company DEI score though.
Yeah those are the best jobs on the planet though.
Isn't he a drug addict and raised a whore?
Yes, of course. Whore drug addict professor of psychology.
I fail to see what relevance his occupation has to him being addicted to drugs and raising a whore.
I agree with your opinion on Christianity for the most part. I used to think of the spread of Christianity as some really weird and unfortunate historical accident, though after reading more about its history I've come to believe that it's actually a very deliberate society-wide scam that our ancestors fell for. And you already wrote who created the scam.

>he's a good speaker
I agree, but he is selling his talents and charisma to people who use it for nefarious purposes that are ultimately harmful to the people who listen to him and take him seriously, even though some of it is good common sense advice that can help people initially.

>I disagree with 50% of what Peterson says, and just classify it under "christcuckery nonsense".
I disagree with this. It's not impossible that he's somewhat genuine about his Christcuckery and Christian Zionism, but first and foremost what he says needs to be evaluated as the words of someone directly employed by Ben Shapiro, a genocidal Zionist Jew who has not only openly argued that ethnic cleansing and wars like the one in Iraq are okay so long as they benefit Jews and Israel, he is also on record stating that his entire reason for staying in the US instead of moving to Israel is that he thinks his best way to serve the Jewish people is to manipulate Americans into accepting pro-Jewish attitudes.

>I agree with his lobbying on behalf of free speech when he's forced by law to refer to a male as "she/her" etc
that's kind of a safe topic to score easy points with, since the whole transgender thing is such an obvious top-down social engineering phenomenon. Most people do not like trannies, and even less people agree with laws enforcing tranny language.
I've never heard of either desu.
Sorry, i misunderstood as "he was raised *as* a whore" and thought it was just an insult.
I don't care about his private life.
imagine the smell
That screencap is cringe. First time I saw that and disappointed in him, but again, I don't judge the man based on everything he says. I like his positives, and think they outweigh his negatives.
I think the Shapiro relation is obvious as neocons are pozzed anyways. But IMO it's difficult to prove he's employed by him. Shapiro's an attention whore 2 faced piece of shit.
G2G, but thanks. It was a nice short conversation with someone who actually uses their brain.
Cheers anon.
>female oriented company
That shit bankrupt in a few months
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while i like the idea, It is not a realistic post: women do not make money and like drama - these 2 factors mean that any company where they are a sizable amount ( even 1 is a problem but I am talking more than 50% - the real apocalypse ) will have problems. The job may not require anything of you, but still will be shit. You may literally be required to send emails for 2 hours per day and just6 be in the company building for the other 6-7 hours, but you will still have to endure female behavior in this time. You will suffer. Women themselves suffer all the time at the hands of themselves + other women. Women are not happy - they just fake it.
And if drama was not enough, these female companies do not make real money. The lack of money engine means that "overworking", drama about removing good performing workers and backstabbing is always present. Most female driven companies have multiple layers of drama that comes from the top management and the office politics.
I would rather be a NEET. Also no, you will not fuck Becky and even if you manage, you will pay price much bigger than the price of even top level hookers.
Juden is even worse bait than the bait I already spend 5 minutes responding and this whole fucking thread is a bait. Fuck you, I am a fish.
>it's actually real
this can't be legal can it?
It's a pride thing. A humiliation ritual if you will.
You must get your degree and be good at what you do, and then you must wear a frilly dress and stockings if you want the job.
It's all to remind you that you're a silly little monkey who can't defeat his masters.
pride is a sin. humiliation is not real
>women do not make money
>why yes, i'm non-binary, he/him pronouns.
there you go, there's nothing they could do to argue it
the consequences of IBM's doing still affect us today. It is the catalyst in the tranny-cis war that needn't have happened in the first place.
you go wear a skirt then faggot
Unfortunately, we will not be moving forward with your application, but we appreciate your time and interest
they could argue i'm mocking the idea, but really, how do they define non-binary? doesn't conform to societal norms regarding male/female roles or some such? well i couldn't say i'm a shining example of a traditional man, shit, even the other way around, the concept of non-binary IS the social norm at this point, so rejecting it should count as being non-binary in and of itself, if everyone's a rebel, nobody is
this feels like a south park episoed
Who says you have to wear a skirt? "identify". You can be the most masculine bearded man in history and say you are non binary
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>it's difficult to prove he's employed by him
no, Peterson is now literally under contract with Ben's company the DailyWire, and the two of them even had a televised 3-person dinner in Israel with Prime Minister Netanyahu

cheers to you too, usually I just get a flurry if cheap insults when I dare to criticize JBP.
female lead companies are always in the red because its almost impossible for them to work well on the main product. females either do not work hard enough, or lack creativity and also have a hubris much bigger than men. For example: A man CEO would not talk about a subscription mouse When his company - Logitech already is losing big ground to Chinese companies like Redragon who offer the same product but for half price ( only Logitech mice are still number 1 but even that is contested ). The female CEO of Logitech literally just enounced the bankruptcy of the company and even boasted about it - the moment chinese learn how to make mice, it is over. A man would know that he needs to keep his mouth shut and focus on the main product or on cost saving and lower prices.
>identify as a woman
>when they point out your deep voice and beard, call them bigoted and say "queer folx don't owe you femininity"
>problem solved
Why don't you do this, chuds?
You do realize China has the largest share of female CEOs and billionaires in the world, right?
>you must wear a frilly dress and stockings if you want the job
no I'm going for the Butch Dyke look
>Lynn Conway
Wait, is this the person who orchestrated a MULTI-YEAR harassment campaign against a sexuality researcher because he published data that trannies didn't like? Trying to destroy not just his careers, but also his friendships and family? That Lynn Conway?
I don't really believe trans women are women but I'm willing to take HRT (don't really care about my testosterone) and use a girl's name to convincingly be a troon. Is it possible to grift my way into these "female only" jobs? I hate the fact that women get hired for merely existing and get handed everything in life while I have to struggle.
I hope you die in a fire, /pol/ subhuman. One day, Americans will start hanging the likes of you like it's 1945 again.
self made female CEOs? Also I would expect that out of 700 000 000 women there will be 1-2 not retarded enough to be CEO worthy. Just the number of chinese women alone means that I agree with you but ... I am still likely to be correct that female CEOs are a meme.
just wear a dress and get hired
modern problems require modern solutions
No wonder they are going under good riddance
kill yourself moron
are you the fisherman who made a bait inside a bait inside a bait? is this another bait? a bait to the power of 4?
not legal, can't wait til they go bankrupt, gaming might heal
>don't you feel bad (for them)?
no. you wished death upon me for being the thing you hate (not justified), now suffer.

>error you are banned (from a month ago, long passed)
fix your fucking website please.
It is legal lol, Canada literally has it in its constitution that you can discriminate against white men.
>all of the internet and after was invented and perfected by a straight white man.
You misspelled "Ashkenazi Jews". They're the group most responsible for inventions in computer technology.
>Jack Tramiel
>Richard Karp
>John McCarthy
>Daniel Bernstein
>Richard Stallman
On the other hand, /pol/tards are worthless anti-intellectual subhumans who never invent anything. Just spend their entire life seething and falling for conspiracy theories.
I mean in relative terms
>self made?
everyone in China is self made because there were no private businesses just 50 years ago
And everyone except STALLMAN is a retard and doesn't belong.
Karp single-handedly invented computational complexity theory with one paper.
McCarthy invented Lisp, which then became source of most innovations that are now standard in high-level languages, such as garbage collection and first-class functions.
The sons of the devil will be the ones that will die in the fire, your end is near.
its for interns. they literally do this shit all over the place.
>Jew invented (((Lisp)))
>sons of the devil
back to /x/, schizo
This is probably illegal in the United States for Ubisoft as a for-profit company. Hopefully this listing is somewhere else.
Pretty sure you can sue for discrimination for that.
It's illegal to discriminate based on gender.
it specifically says its not paid i think
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You just got rekt by dem fucking sons of devil assblasting holy digits, just look at that shit:
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modern journalism is 90% memes, they're likely exaggerating his accomplishments. "you've likely never heard of [him]", yeah, that's probably because nobody cares about him. the real history of computer science is almost entirely white men, and that's how it will continue to be long into the future. also, I didn't know IBM used to be based af, damn.

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