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Do you think developers should have their own personal sites and blogs like Vaxry and Drew and this X11 maintainer, or do you think this is needless garbage that only wastes time?
everyone should have their own personal website.
i don't care
no-one should have their own personal website.
I can smell that website
might be cool if they were actually female
I think they should do what they want. What the fuck business is it of yours?
>t. zuckabugga
It's needless garbage that basically no one reads and is even more narcissistic than the average Twitter liberal constantly screaming into the void.
I am not western and here as they say, everything is everybody's business
Sweat and rotten neovagina flesh.
Why couldn't this be a real woman? Don't all women act like this irl?
i need to lynch this cringey subhuman myself
>Don't all women act like this irl?
This is unironically what they think lol
>Do you think developers should have their own personal sites and blogs
Yes, so employers and employees alike know what they are actually allowing into their building.
So lotion, rubbing alcohol, baby powder and raw fish wuth the occasional hint of old used bandaid smell.
i wanna know what his current obsession is. post link
The women that act like this IRL are too dumb to understand a single line of the X11 codebase and have daddy issues and other mental problems.
Its way worse, have you ever smelled rotten meat in a walmart?
hot. I can fix them
>Didn't create favicon.ico
>smelled rotten meat in a walmart?
Not in a Walmart, does a dumpster behind a meat cutter count?
i think i don't care
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No women act like that irl. That's a man trying to become his ideal girlfriend.
>the media i consume keeps me true to myself
no wonder hes a troon
those troon "retro" sites are all fake soulless crap
they have no real content, just "aesthetics"
No. Fuck personal websites. Fuck Neocities. Fuck Carrd. Fuck Strawpages. I am sick of this pretentious bullshit. Nobody is reading your cute little interests list and thinking "WOW! What a fascinating and unique person! I must learn more!" You are screaming into the void, you are nothing, and your lexapro is ready for pickup.
Yeah well that may be. But at least I never slept with Lumbergh.
Zoomers trying to relive the early internet is always fake and forced. I use VidLii (early youtube revival site) and a lot of people post things like nightcore or 10 second anime clips. I dont believe they actually like this content. They are just uploading it to fit into their early internet persona.
Don't care, still making my personal site.
I dont care what you think
that site is peak SOVL
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>wants to be a princess
>favorite film saw (2004)
what does this mean?
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>Trans is into boy stuff
>Presents this as being a "cool girl who likes [horror movies | strategy games | 4chan] O_o"
I've seen it before (11 times as a matter of fact)
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There's actually plenty of Neocities sites with content. Most of them are blogs or personal opinions but then again that's 30 % of posts here too (the other 70 % are ragebait and/or Twitter screencap threads).
>they're fake because... They just are OK?? Nobody likes things really!
You sound jaded.
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it's called wife material
You sound mad. I should make my own personal site so you can keep shitting bricks out of anger.
one problem is that ICANN is kinda broken. You have to provide tons of personal info to register a domain if you don't want to be at the mercy of a third party
>"Fuck you!", he shouted into the void
Real women aren't feminine anymore.
I like nightcore. Then again everything I watch on YouTube is at 2x speed
kids rediscovered nightcore but refer to it as (sped up) instead
>or 10 second anime clips
literally just reposting youtube shorts

if you think this shit is "trying to fit into an early internet persona" then you're so out of touch it hurts to see
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>everyone should have their own personal website
Basically this, of course normalfag will never do that, but everyone that matters should.
no one's asking you to read them idiot
>Transition in 3... 2... 1... ACK!
shouldnt you be at church or smth? adults are talking here
Super tranny technique: Double projection
>waaahhh waahhhhh trannys exist waaaahhhh
I don't worry about them existing, the nature is fixing it's mistakes by making them off themselves
axe wound and disinfectant and gangrene
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I suggest you go to >>>/lgbt/ you can talk about trannies all day there, go anywhere but on the tech board, thanks bye.
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>lose argument
what argument? your just crying? "waaahhh wahhhh"
extreme body odor
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I pity you, in the end you'll be dead in a few years
Better think about your life choices before it's too late
you'll be dead in a few years too? maybe you should stop crying while you can
You have no argument, just "trannies trannies trannies" repeated over and over, pathetic.
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It's too late for you
i'm not crying tho
This is the only reason I don't have one.
You can have a personal website on the Tor network, you don't need a domain name then.
Imagine linking to your deep web internet site in a resume.

Axe body spray, body odor, and cheap makup.
Nah website is too elaborated, this is a tranny 100%
actual chromosomal XX are just too fucking stupid for these things
when you get an iq point maybe i'll acknowledge your opinion
I'm trans btw
how does it feel being the 0 iq slime at the bottom of an already hated barrel?
Is neocities the best place to host a website? I could do it myself, but its not worth the energy cost of running my NAS 24/7.

I just want something cheap/easy for my resume, projects, etc.
Who cares what anime I watch or who is my waifu? Who cares what I think about recent thing?
If I have something interesting to show technologyvise I'd rather make a video than blog post.
even though you don't think so, people can do whatever they want if they feel like it. it's called freedom nigger
No, because you have limited bandwidth, aka if someone views your site too much, nobody can view it for the rest of the month. It is also client side only
InfinityFree has unlimited bandwidth and also supports backend (only php sadly).
But that is for a website. The best part of neocities is the community. Webrings, cool people and friends. If you aren't into that, just use InfinityFree instead
It is really insane that as soon as a degenerate is merely criticized, the lolbert faggots immediately start their mouth breathing rampage about muh freedom. Nobody said anything about laws or government, retard. Social pressure is well enough to force the people into not doing things majority dislikes.
It is same with the companies, people make posts about how subhuman a company is and want to prepare a boycott or "other means" of taking them down when a subhuman chimes in with "muh freedom". Nobody mentioned the government or laws. nigger.
you skipped like three steps bro. people are allowed to create personal websites even if you say "no they shouldn't"
Really speaks to your character how quickly you brought the conversation to politics. There's a containment board for you guys, try sticking to it >>>/pol/
wouldn't know, I'm normal
why are you here then. this website is for trannies and mentally ill only
I've always enjoyed associating myself with the odds and ends, it's way more entertaining than talking to normies
But I'm talking just about myself.
trans AND normal? AND misogynist?
hate to break it to you mate, but you're far from normal.
oh, did you like misread the OP or somtething?
being normal is a crime on 4chan punishable by relentless bullying for as long as the thread is open.
cry about it nigger, you can tell this is a autistic tranny with the amount of detail this site has, a real XX would be hosting it on something more simple like weebly with a pink template
i can tell you haven't actually spoken to a real XX besides your mom in years
But i did and every single time is like speaking to a small toddler
XX are fucking stupid
you will never be a real XX
why would anyone want to talk to an XX? they don't have anything interesting to say
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yeah i really wish i was gay, just talking to you fake-women is annoying and i only just arrived here
go back, you're not wanted, i ain't you parent substitute
>yeah i really wish i was gay
>i only just arrived here
literal NEW FAG
>go back
this is a tech board, i'm not going anywhere and there's no amount of bitching you can do about it.

i meant arrived at this thread, you dumb cum hole
oh you sticking around? wanna lick my wee wee then?
i dont fuck fake-women because you probably have like a bajillion giga aids inside you
im a man mate i asked cause you gay
offers still on the table
Do you live in Oklahoma?
chicago email me whjtp4@gmail.com
No, but I am also a developer. I said why it doesn't make sense for me to make one and same thing probably applies to many other developers. I never said that me or others shouldn't be allowed to do it.
If you have something interesting to say sure. If it looks like your bait image you should spend that time roping instead.
Just because I don't think they should have a website doesn't mean I think they shouldn't have one. These things are not the same.
I hate these nu-web 1.0 trash websites with almost no information on them, they're all images and fluff that would never have been conceived during the time they're trying to emulate, they also seem to make deliberate decisions to fuck over mobile users even though it's 2024 and most users will be looking at your gay ass website through their phone.
jeet, please. that makes no sense
No, it is because phones are fucking gay and have 4000px resolutions while being completely tiny, meaning you have to scale everything and also make your site vertical oriented which makes it look like trash
If your website can't reflow automatically because you're using frames then it's shit.

All it takes to make your page reflow for mobile is ONE LINE OF CSS.

@media only screen and (max-width: 800px) {
I am not shitting up my website with vertical support that shouldn't be a thing in the first place. 1920x1080 or GTFO
have fun with your born 1990-1995 exclusive demographic
lol what? those people have 800x600 resolution
peach is such a BBC queen
4chan has vertical support and is firmly stuck in the past with only a HTML5 rewrite that happened literally 10 years ago, you have no excuse.
yeh, bowser is definitely banging that
oh yeah, little jummy using his mommys windows 98 laptop at the ripe old age of 3
>t. ESL
I don't think they should but it's a great way to show of your skills.
I have a personal website..
It's also a hobby business site so it does make money sometimes
It's not neocities either
I'll advertise it here soon
Hope you tards like it
yeah then fuck you thirdie
When the ads run you'll know it's me
I am secondie

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