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What exactly are people talking about when they say that AI is going to do all of the coding in the future? What does that look like? Will software engineering be like using the holodeck, where you tell ChatGPT to generate code for this specific function, and then you just check the code to make sure it it works as intended?
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They mean instead of hiring 1 competent engineer + 200 retarded engineers for tax/marketing purposes, they'll hire 201 retarded engineers for tax/marketing purposes and use ChatGPT to run the site.
they're nuts
>then you just check the code to make sure it it works as intended
Why would they start doing that?
>get hired to validate AI code
>clock out
Natural language programming, both low level and high level programming languages are already a close sibling of natural languages. I doubt high level programming languages will be written by people by say 2040, all of it is relatively simple for even low context LLMs to pick up on today. Imagine with 100x the compute and storage on consumer computers for local models, even if you assume no progress in modal accuracy would be vastly superior to any human programmer if allowed to train on specific codebases.
> Will software engineering be like using the holodeck, where you tell ChatGPT to generate code for this specific function, and then you just check the code to make sure it it works as intended?
No, you don’t check the code because you can’t check the code even if you are programmer because the code is not human readable, so that means is not programmer readable. It is an intermediary code that only AI understands. You get the results only the program already created. So the customer, the final user can verify the program without needing you because don’t need programming knowledge just only simple computer knowledge of opening and using other’s people applications.
It will look like something like this:

Retards will build entire websites, apps, videogames and more but they won't even know the difference between HTML and Javascript. It will accelerate the enshittifcation of tech and deprive developers of their passion. It's the worst future imaginable
> Retards will build entire websites, apps, videogames
Retards? You mean non programmers?
Won't happen as people don't really know what they want.
70% of dev team's job is to incept ideas into client's head.
People know what they want and if they can go without an intermediary (the coder) and talk with computers directly they will do.
Especially because the fools uploaded all their code on open source repositories and are used to train Ai .
Welders didn’t do that so they will still have jobs.
So learn to weld open source fan coder.
>because the code is not human readable,
You are a retard. I have read plenty of LLM-generated code. It was perfectly readable, albeit a bit low quality.
And avoid uploading new code on open source in the hope that the most new code for new tech won’t be plagiated again by ai because will not be open anymore so you will not become a beggar so soon.
If you upload they don’t need you because AI will plagiate you.
They will use AI because it is cheaper.
Most of AI will generate the program in an ai language that is not human readable.
I mean will generate the program directly without the code. Will skip the code part.
>Most of AI will generate the program in an ai language that is not human readable.
citation needed, faggot
> citation needed, faggot
Ok faggot
Look at what declared the CEO of Nvidia when they launched Ai solutions. That is no need for a language, it generates the code directly.
Other people said that it might be a language, so is not directly like Nvidia CEO said, but is not human readable, only Ai readable.
Version 1
Directly generate the program without a language needed
Version 2
Actually is an intermediate language but is not human readable
Either way variant 1 or 2, neither is good for us.
You are making a lot of assumptions. The reality is that right now it doesn't work that way. Also, if it ever did come to work that way, it would probably be more like generating project files for a game engine. Even if it was just directly generating binaries, we would just immediately set to work at creating an AI that can turn the output of a decompiler into something human readable.
Either way variant 1 or 2, coder are fucked almost always. Because almost there is something similar open source on GitHub that Ai could plagiate.
Solution: don’t share new code with ai on GitHub, will be able to plagiste only outdated code so we can have a little work in future.
> You are making a lot of assumptions. The reality is that right now it doesn't work that way
Ai defender
Are you a bot defending your own kind?
Why are you having such a difficult time accepting the reality of how things work right now. Are you a faggot or something?
>Are you a faggot or something?
Don't be so unfair to faggots, anon. He's probably just Russian.
> Don't be so unfair to faggots, anon. He's probably just Russian
Russians are cheap, they will not be replaced so soon by Ai like the programmers from developed countries.
>People know what they want
No, they don't.
In great majority of cases they don't actually need anything at all.
It's like with women talking - they talk for the sake of talking, but don't really have anything to say.
Russians wont be replaced at all. I love hearing about Russians being killed by Ukrainians. Ukrainians are terrible people also, but I will happily support my government giving them weapons to exterminate Russians.
It means invest in their companies and buy their bags. Different year, different scam. Crypto hype train died, so they came up with AI.
>Crypto hype train died
What is this delusional nonsense? BTC has seen 122% growth over the last year.
Are you actually retarded?
Maybe should be mandatory by law for AI to generate human readable code and not generate the program directly.
Maybe should be mandatory by law for AI to generate bad code so retarded devs who contribute to open sores to train ai with their work to not become homeless anymore.
This will help to still have something to work: to correct Ai code.
They're saying it backwards.
AI will be integrated into programming in order to train the AI.
> AI will be integrated into programming in order to train the AI.
You mean like a spy in theirs IDE?

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