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Post language you hate ITT and explain why
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I hate Rust because it's now used for a bunch of projects that would have been written in Python if it was 2014 but now they're in this unreadable mess for literally no sane reason. I'm taking about shit like libraries doing stuff on the level of turning on a fucking IOT botnet lightbulb by sending http requests.
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proof lua>js?
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I'm going to be contrarian and say that this is exactly how this should work (in javascript at least). There is no situation in which you should ever be comparing an integer and a string representation of an integer unless you want to implicitly cast.
t. average programmer joe
>another thread where /g/tards are too dumb to use ===
>convenience is bad!
OK, neet
t. unemployed no-coders discuss programming languages
0 == "0" ==> null

This was easy.
shut up faggot, u should use the real programming language
>be OP, primus homosexuales
>posts a language he hates
>does not explain why
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Might makes right
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that's a man.
Same thing with SQL and php
you wouldnt say that to his face
This is usually the case, yes.
I like Javascript.
It's a good and flexible scripting language.
And it's certainly comfier than LUA, as a scripting language.

I hate people who write Java for Javascript, and misuse it to make the world worse.
>async garbage that makes your workflow hell
>ackshually javascript is good if you download bloat to fix the native behavior
bin it already
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you're supposed to use this
>types don't exist
>except that they do
>and sometimes you need to check them by using typeof
>which gives you a string which you need to compare
>even though strings are a type, and those dont exist
>even though they clearly do, because that's literally how computers work
>so all this abstraction just hides the very clearly existing types, and you still need to know them and check them all the time despite them "not existing"
fuck you and your retarded pajeet toy memelang. jeetscript has literally 0 valid use cases.
the same way Dijkstra said that BASIC-programmers were forever mentally mutilated in a way that prevents them from ever being good programmers, is exactly what javascript does to modern coders.
>the same way Dijkstra said that BASIC-programmers were forever mentally mutilated in a way that prevents them from ever being good programmers, is exactly what javascript does to modern coders.
C is worse.
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Nobody ever claimed that types don't exist in JS or that you shouldn't know them. Cope harder.

Average Rust developer. Fucking kek.
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>classes are objects
>except that they're actually functions
>because the constructor is a function, and that's the actual class
>except that there is a class object, that implicitly becomes the "this" keyword
your language is made for literal crayon-devouring retards. you know that, right?
It's still by far the best language out there. Your non-arguments don't change the fact.
Class is just syntactic sugar over prototypes and functions are subsets of objects. This is not a class object, its also syntactic sugar.
The idea that is ok to have multiple equals operators comes from lisp. Just look at common lisp: eq, eql, equal, equalp.
I still kek how the class keyword defined class constructors force you to use the useless new operator.
>ignoring the arguments make them non-arguments
you are a retard

>syntactic sugar
>by making it more convoluted and dumb
again -- js "devs" are irreversibly damaged and can never recover.
What argument?
>Class is just syntactic sugar
I don't think this is actually True. I have to brush up on my spec-fu, but I think extends and forced new operator use breaks with classical prototypal OO javascript had pre ES6. You can replicate it (to a point) but I don't think it's purely 1 for 1.
OP is a fag as usual
doesn't practice what he preaches
SQL, statements are made to be similar to natural language. At the end of day it's mess without any logic and consistency
>query language
>complains about syntax

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