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CRTs are beautifull
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Name of the japanese aryanimation?
urusei yatsura
Chaika the Coffin Princess
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I wish I could find a decent CRT monitor that isn't spent. Last 3 I got on craigslist were all dim as fuck, had red bleeding issues, or were blurry as fuck and dim.

Maybe I just become friends with the people at the ewaste recycler, but its on the other side of town.
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______ on the front page!
Thanks, looks like pure kinoium
Chaika on the front page!
Cancer on the front page!
adjust the flyback transformer.

it usually has 2 pots you can adjust with a simple screwdriver, one for brightness, other one for focus.
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>chaika the canuck
post the paper
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Yours is non LMAO
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Maybe your expectations are wrong
They arent suppossed to get bright at all, even dimmer then CRT TVs
My phone is brighter at 10% screen brightness and thats normal
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>I am judging geometry of a curved tube from a single image
The retard is you, altough i have never adjusted the eizo majorly it might benefit from it
130khz dotmask is sick
This phillips has the same tube funnily enough but only 107khz
my crt became out of focus. but only after it had warmed up for like say oh 3 days. then text gets really blurry.
its the only real problem with it. Is this the same problem as that?
no I had one that was pretty dark. So dark that i used to play this game (bf2) and in this dark area, no sunlight in the shade, it was like i was in a dark room. Later I replaced that CRT with another one and was amazed that I could fight and see in this area, and it was just shaded
Thats just a calibration issue
? is there a pot i can adjust for that? how can I fix it? I kind of bumped it when it started doing it.
Brightness and g2
Stop trying to electrocute anon
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Shut up luddite
Sir that's a TV
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>linearity problems
>corner cave-in
>pin phase problems
>black crush
My Trinitron is physically incapable of having any of these issues. It never needs to be or even can be adjusted, it's just perfect every single time.
Stop coping with this ewaste and buy a good monitor already.
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the geometry is fucked on the right side of your display too
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That's the curvature of the inside mask that you're seeing. Old phone pictures, apologies.
On Trinitrons it's very subtle like that, but on Diamondtrons it's super obvious. These are both "flat" aperture grilles.
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This is the most difficult test pattern for a CRT to ever pass. This is as good as a CRT could ever possibly be.
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Flat is worse for geometry anyways
My flat Trinitron has better geometry than any of your trash
certainly aint perfect
what test suite?
>corner cave in
its curved nigger
>black crush
I rather have black crush then elevated black levels
btw my 91txm from 96 does way better at this then any trinitron, you can get pure black without black crush
beats the shit out of snoy
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The pattern if you want to have a crack at it.
>its curved nigger
The bottom left corner is OBVIOUSLY caved in.
Stop gaslighting
based on your shitty circle pic I doubt it
It has the trademark trinitron issue of stretched in center squished on the sides I notice on my P1110s too
Id rather take slightly worse geometry overall then that single flaw, since its the most obvious flaw
Flat Diamondtrons dont suffer as much, or atleast mine do, but on trinitron its VERY obvious
Based on your >>102409728 pics everything you say is nonsense
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My mitsu btfos your dogshit F520 linearity
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The top row is egg-shaped EXACTLY HOW MITSUBISHIS LOOK
And you didn't even zoom in the picture to be 4:3, instead you took a 16:9 slice of the monitor.

didnt even notice, but yeah vertical linearity is a bit worse
still horizontal is more noticable and nearly perfect
its just due to failing caps on this I have a bit of foldover due to the damn caps
I have literally never touched linearity or geometry on this beyond pin cushion and H and V phase/ size
the fact that horizontal is still better then your highly calibrated and cared for trannytron says it all
cope however you want with your horizontal trash trinitron linearity
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>replying this hard
Wow the cope.
Yours is more obviously stretched. Try to take a photo from a distance though where perspective and lens errors are less domineering.

And anyway, horizontal linearity is something you can tune with video timings. Depending on a number of variables it ranges from squished to stretched on all CRTs. I thought you knew this.
allright, fix it with timings.
Trannytrons always have shit horizontal linearity
more like hrt
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idk man in this picture it looks like the center of that displacement is in the center of the display, what you would expect for a display that has perfect geometry
while in this picture the displacement is smaller but it looks slightly off center to the right
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sony is just worse with geometry in my experience
but they are still nice if you cant find a good mitsubishi, even if windas is a bother and the brightness isnt as good either
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Buzz off.
That picture is taken from a weird angle, with a 21 year old camera that has tons of lens distortion and primitive inaccurate lens correction, and the monitor itself has very complicated optics in the glass to make it appear flat from as many angles as is possible.

Telephoto lens of S21U dead-on so none of that is a variable.
>now its suddenly just camera
insane cope
>ranfag repeating things he heard without understanding the context again
>its just due to failing caps on this I have a bit of foldover due to the damn caps
do capacitors cause that?
i'm setting up some custom modes on mine, and most of them are fine, but one i would have liked is 1440x1080i120, but a few lines on the top fold back over the picture, i've adjusted the timings a bit but could only reduce it
the pos/size controls don't affect it, which i don't think i've seen before, i'm sure i've only previously seen this when the picture is well outside the viewable area, but that isn't the case here
yes capacitors can certainly wreck your horizontal/vertical if they are failing and in the end cause total collapse
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in this image you can see that the top is perfect but the point of maximum displacement on the bottom is still to the right of center
the bottom right corner of the test pattern is slightly, maybe just millimeter or so, too low
>yes capacitors can certainly wreck your horizontal/vertical if they are failing and in the end cause total collapse
all the other modes (that worked at all) don't exhibit this issue, maybe this one is just pushing it a touch too much
... oh yea, i just checked and noticed it's nearly 75kHz, this is a 69kHz set, that's probably why
i didn't consider that 1080i120 would be higher than 1080p60 (67.5kHz), though it could also be down to the tools i used to generate it (recommendations?)
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>the bottom right corner of the test pattern is slightly, maybe just millimeter or so, too low
Yes, the picture is a millimeter taller on the right than it is on the left.
A MILLIMETER. THAT'S THE ONLY FLAW IT HAS, after 24 YEARS without recalibration. No doubt could you fix even that millimeter in DAS if you REALLY wanted to, but why?
You cannot ever observe that in person. It's perfect as far as CRTs go, compare to this >>102409728 >>102410869 trash.
Yes, kys.
>No doubt could you fix even that millimeter in DAS if you REALLY wanted to, but why?
pls understand I'm an autistic perfectionist and I really want your monitor to be perfect
>21 year old camera that has tons of lens distortion and primitive inaccurate lens correction
>imagine the daily cope when looking in the mirror
It's already better than any other CRT in existence. I don't feel pressured to fix a millimeter.
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>he copes
t. >>102409728
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if its the best why worse then .28 mitsubishi from 1996 horizontally?
I smell BS
you never did show us fixing the horizontal linearity on your garbage calibrated F520
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comparing your stuff to others to seem less bad is a form of coping my dear friend
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are you the same guy that took the pictures of the mushrooms on /jp/?
Cope harder. You get btfo on the regular but just ignore the facts and make bullshit excuses.
>my floor monitor
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I like my Phillips Diamondtron
beats the shit out of my 21 inch GDM Trannytrons tbqh
Picture tube is just so superior
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You never sent any good picture whatsoever. This >>102412526 looks so fucking distorted it's insane. Take a picture like >>102412385
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>picture tube is just so superior

Belinea is a name for a toilet paper company. Though I guess their monitors eat shit regardless.
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I havent calibrated half of my monitors geometry at all so there is really no point
Its just funny that horizontal lineraity is so obviously better on my 1996 then your "best of the best" and how you keep coping and avoiding the question
Show us fixing it with timing.
You wont because you are lying and its an inherent flaw that cannot be ironed out of trannytrons
>he doesn't because he'd lose hard
nice fumo
>literally carries around a chinese cartoon doll for photo bombing and avatar faggotry
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actually no, it's not because the horizontal scanning rate was too high, i tried lower frequency modes and they did the same thing with about the same amount folded over on the top with anything interlaced
I will take more pics once you take a pic of fixing the shit horizontal linearity with timings
you wont.

I've sent like 5 pictures of the geometry while you sent 1 fucked unusable one.
Take a proper photo or piss off.
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forgor pic
did you try any of them after?
what's her name again?
wheres that image set from the dude who took a screwdriver to a bunch of screens i need to send them to a friend
allright then you would sent it faggot
but you wont
because you are LYING
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my snoy trannytron gaydm 500
(inferior clone of mitsubishi trinitron)
Commit suicide.
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sooner or later maybe
who knows
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Made sasliks with a few of the younger boletes I found.

You can gaslight yourself all you want, I think it's pretty obvious to anyone in the thread who is on the defensive cope here.
>>102409728 >>102412829 It's not very difficult to pick the winner


I have them but tranny jannies tend to delete them if I post them.
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I am not the one claiming to have the perfect monitor
the burden of proof lies on you, but as you are lying yourself you obviously cant provide
I never claimed my F930 was perfect, in fact its not calibrated at all beyond focus
Compared to your trash it's perfect
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>moving goal post
>AND coping in the same sentence
A new low even for your tranny ass
I had CRT's growing up, I know what a good one should look like. They should be reasonably bright, crisp, with no color bleeding.

I found a TV set with low hours, it looks perfect. Finding a monitor with low hours has been the real struggle.
You still haven't posted a single proper pic of any of your monitors
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im not the one making claims tranny
Which model? man I wish I could find a good crt monitor over here, but they are so old it's literally impossible to find one.
>buy one online bro
Too expensive
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Sony GDM-F520. The best 4:3 CRT they made. These sell for a fortune these days ... I managed to get one reasonably cheap by buying a broken one and repairing it.
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Did the same with these Sundaras actually. Bought broken ones, repaired them, saved 200€.
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differences arent that great anyways between high end tubes from late 90s to end of crt era
but F520 is cool because of dynamic convergance
I wanna fuck you
I bet youd say "I-Im not cumming your just gaslighting me into an orgasm"
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damn right youd like id but pretend you wouldnt
"stop coping you totally didnt make me cum with your large stupid penis"
>You can gaslight yourself all you want, I think it's pretty obvious to anyone in the thread who is on the defensive cope here.
no one who doesnt want to be embraced by my thick hairy arms and chest would type this.
admit it.
get in your car and drive her (with anime cosplay)
ill fuck you all night long
You guys are really unnecessarily rude to each other considering how harmless of a topic this is
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its not mutual
I am ready for respectfull discussion but I am hit with insults all the time
some people are just bad man cant be changed
It's a shame.
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It must be posted (also a 2070sb)
This. Its endearing to see these bickerings in every thread for any tech, CRTs are cool, its simple. Regarding calibration, even though mine got slightly out of focus I'm too lazy to recalibrate because its not even remotely noticable unless literally running focus tests... Its silly.
I always do focus because its quick and easy for massive gains, but convergance or getting geometry perfect usually aint worth it imo
Fun fact, 2070sb glass is 38% transmissive so without the antiglare and tint it could be over twice as bright
truly an insane monitor, bright then OLED with CRT tech
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>NONONONONONO F520 sisters....
This cannot be true can it....
is all of the talk about how disgusting ranfag is really projection....
why doesnt the finfag reply anymore even though xhe is active on pisscord...
is it really all true...
Every thread I ask whether I should strip the anti glare but never get a clear answer. Did you leave yours on?
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I stripped it and now regrets from this Diamondtron
its just sharper and brighter even if slightly worse in a dark room
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*no regrets
this is in direct light its even still usable in lit rooms even if worse.
But in dark rooms it turned from good to godlike
hes unironically seething on pisscord now and pretends to be going to sleep here.
he will restart drama next thread and pretend it never happened
very tiring
91txm is hot
curved is sexy
games and media only feel real on CRT
I got rid of my old crt monitor for a newer viewsonic one and I'm regretting it.
Very nice.
So the technique I've read is toilet paper plus water and rub like crazy. What did you do?
exactly that but the AG was pre damaged and falling of by itself in some places due to 20 years of UV sunlight so it would be like 10x harder in a monitor that wasnt exposed to sunlight for decades
neither alcohol nor gasoline sped up the process noticably
>no sunlight
my screen is literally mint... and I dont think it saw much light since the plastics are also crisp (non yellowed).
>alocohol didnt speed up the process
My logic was always acetone, at least to cut into it slightly. Acetone doesn't react with glass but melts the shit out of plastics. May de-shell and test, since rubbing it down with paper seems silly.
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Huh? I don't have a Discord. I was playing osu. SS chocked the daily challenge.
Not like there's nothing here to reply to.

This genuine bottle-peeing lolcow produces absolutely nothing of value and deserves to be made fun of.
Guess who made the 2070sb pic you posted, btw.

I would NEVER even DARE to think about mutilating my F520. I like my black levels.
you are obsessed xhister
why do I have a job and you dont if im so bad?
just accept your defeat
gonna be a licensed electrican soon btw you have nothing in your name and are much older then me
acetone might work.
worth a try i think, either it works and no more AG or it doesnt and the screen is really clean
you torture me
Ill make a post when I undertake this
I have done it to two monitors so far, I own over a dozen to compare too
I do not regret, but be carefull about scratches
Apart from that in a dark room there are only benefits
it is not super easy so if you arent sure you can do it right I wouldnt do it, but to me the result was very worth it and I am considering doing it to a GDM G500 to bring it up to par with mitsubishi brightness and focus maybe, sadly G500 is not an easy one to de antiglare
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For aforementioned osu I absolutely love having decent anti-glare. Playing in a dark room really eats away at your energy, and is rather eye-straining too. A CRT without anti-glare would be just unusable for me.

None of your business
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>This genuine bottle-peeing lolcow produces absolutely nothing of value and deserves to be made fun of.
You always start the drama, and at this point im thinking it might be jealousy
Cant even get an IT job despite claiming so much
at 26
all you have going for you is an F520
sad life
>None of your business
why you seem to be caring a whole lot about what I do, so why cant I?
I allready had more success in life then you ever will, must suck
I literally did this with a 30 inch panasonic tau a year ago. 130lbs of awkward.
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he just banned my inactive acc from his matrix pisscord server btw
too many trvthnukes in this thead
damage control on full power
you could have stopped this if you only accepted my friendship...
The deal is altered, pray I dont alter it further
I don't make it everyone's problem. Nobody wants to see your pee bottles.
Also I'm not 26. I'm not going to elaborate on my current plans here.
Then why do you talk and post about them lol
want a sip or something?
also you talk about it on pisscord, you are unemployed and cant find an IT job because you are mid 20s without any certs or work experience beyond mandatory military training
Better for ANSI art.
kosshi, you will never be a woman, barricade yourself in your discord guild and never come here again
>Huh? I don't have a Discord.
Sure thing xister
You are very lucky I dont care about you as much as you care about me.
Just fuck off
I love crt threads with drama, and it all started with a "my crt > your crt"
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I dont like that the faggot always starts drama with his F520 and insulting me, but the fact that he turned out to be a literall tranny pedophile is too funny not to expose
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Okay fine. Yes I fucked up, my plans got completely decimated by the Covid tech bubble. Was in the military during it, and got in to the job market only once the bubble burst, worst timing in the history of IT. With a vocational degree you can't really get past the HR roasties no matter how great your Github is, especially in a backwater country like this. The 2 junior IT positions that open up here a month get 500-1000 applicants each.
It is what it is, not like I'm living strapped for cash. Still got better income than flipping burgers and got more savings than I know what to do with.
I have several roads out of this too. Got a rather unbeatable deal for bachelor of engineering, don't need to take debt or anything, that's what I'm in the process of enrolling for.
Might move to Russia after the war ends, I'm going to inherit property there anyway and there I'll get a job in two seconds.
There's a third option open for me too, but I'll be in big trouble if the wrong person sees me talk about it :DDDD
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didnt read plus you are a tranny pedophile
>Might move to Russia after the war ends
Ew, a ryssä too.
>I dont have discord
You did, and your matrix is gayer then reddit and no better then discord
>retarded aidsniggers will shit themselves in ecstasy over 1 mill thinner phones while at the same time wetting themselves over 50cm thick monitor
what a time to be alive...
how does it feel koshii?
Probably shouldnt have accused others of everything you are doing huh?
fucking degenerate piece of shit
I have roots in Ukraine actually, so your ass should be worshipping me or something.
Anyway, if this country in 3 years is STILL stuck in the same recession we've been in since 2008 (which it probably will be), I will indeed just brainbleed myself to Russia. Fuck this country, the politicians here have no fucking idea what they're doing or how to protect national interests.
I just want to state I'm a tradie who likes tubes and does not wear coding socks or wtv you guys call them
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same, im an eletrician
its sad to think people like this >>102416483 are sharing my hobby, but atleast hes a trinitron fanatic only so no one smart would ever have taken him seriously
The scheme is to get a job in west europe for 2 years then come back to finland and get overpaid.
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why are transsexuals so obsessed with CRTs
not that I mind CRTs but why
damn pincushion in this pic is bad, but I adjusted that after
this is the issue with posting older pics
radiation does same thing as HRT
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>I have been arguing with ukranian tranny pedophile all these years
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Yeah, something like that. Though first I'll speedrun my free bachelors.

I think I know more about electronics than your ass does.
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you can give a tranny pedophile an osciloscope but that wont make it an electrician
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May I present you my latest creation

The AhmedTek Fedspook 9000

This is a more glorious piece of engineering than anything you've ever created in your life.
I fixed the electronics on my motoribike last weekend.
it was more complex.
kys tranny faggot pedophile
And a canuck... I wonder if we've crossed paths ...
>motorbike electronics
Highly doubt you could even wire up a warehouse
good night retard pedo tranny I actually have work tomorrow
more complex and more functional then soldering junk together
Not engineering. Not impressed.
you cant even get entry level IT job.
26 and no degree and no certification.
not impressed and not surprised
but true I am a bit overqualified to be a simple electrician
but I have been out of the job and scool game for a while jumping in on hard diff would have been annoying
Gonna grind out easy and then look to maybe get masters diploma or study
Anyone can check my github and judge for themselves. My stuff pre-covid would have got me a job. I actually did get offers from germany and, via a contact, from fucking china, but turned them down, don't want to relocate to those shitholes...
I fell for the "no college do projects" meme :^)
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not impressed.
>le covid
not impressed with the excuse either
>I will go to...
not impressed with the cope either
It's hardly an excuse, calaog always has like 3 threads complaining about this exact thing lmao
I know russian and have property in russia. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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Picking a shit field still makes it your fault
Thinking you wouldnt need a degree still makes you the retard
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Do you really think properties in russia are going to be worth anything in 3 years? Don't be an idiot, you will get raped by an aids riddled junkie and shanked for your boots.
The black levels are FAKE albeit. Stop crushing blacks you retarded hypocrite.
It was a risky move and ultimately I lost. I know. Almost worked, and would have worked, if I didn't step into the worst job market since 2008.
It is what it is.

Cost of living: zero. That's the draw. Just with my current savings I could live there for years.
Stop this larp. You're on welfare.
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Buy a colorimeter and you get the best of both worlds. Perfect contrast and perfect grayscale tracking to any gamma of your choosing.

Yes, and?
Actually yea I'm hiding those savings from Kela, don't tell them :DD
i see here new made monitors?
they use ne made tubes or it refurbished?
Need more details on this story.
oh hey i like your thinkpad posts
is it appropriate to add you on matrix as a random?
what home server is your user in?
thanks random log poster schizo for bringing up your username
Use @kosshi:matrix.org
don't lump me in with the tranny pedophiles. I'm a fat millennial who hates anime and manga. I don't collect funko pops either.
>I'm a fat millennial
>I don't collect funko pops
I don't believe you.
No, I said stop crushing your blacks, retard?
Also, your pic is worthless because you didn't select a simulation profile so you are evaluating how well the profile characterizes the display and not measuring how far your display is from sRGB, you dumbfuck.
I was in the same situation for more than 1 year. Two weeks ago I got lucky. I found a guy who runs a recycling center and just got a hold of a few CRT monitors that were used in a school. They are dated 2005 so I don’t believe they were heavily used. Colors are great, focus is great. Do t give up hope
*clap clap* You're the FIRST ONE to ever point that out here. I cropped the color results out due to them being misleading due to that.
Give me a sec and dig out some properly done measurements, I had them somewhere deep in my chat history ... But the point is it doesn't matter gamma.
Same people who never pointed out to you that CRTs are routinely mogged by any piece of shit LCD in checkerboard contrast tests, making your memetic contrast hyping completely moot?
This was from that same FE1250 that I measured earlier this year exactly for this argument. Thanks for making me dig it up.
Infinity:1 contrast with perfect sRGB gray tracking.

Depends a lot on the CRT itself, my older CPD-300SF blooms everything to shit at mere 60 nits but my F520 has very minimal halos even at 100 nits.
Anyway, claiming checkerboard is all there is is quite disingenuous. Even pretty bloomy CRTs absolutely mog LCDs in starfiels or just plain old dynamic-ness.
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>Infinity:1 contrast
>Probably did some good ol' black crush for that one too.
>Probably did some good ol' black crush for that one too.
How can there be black crush if none was measured?
This tube can do 80 nits >>102417223 but I keep it around that 70 to wear it less.
My GDM-F520 can do 120 nits.
It's pretty disingenious to claim that it doesn't represent real-world contrast more realistically than a naive test however. Those checkerboards are pretty fucking huge you know?
>How can there be black crush if none was measured?
What's with this retarded non-sequitur?
>Physically incapable
Nigga why you lyin', why you always lyin'
And you just act like everything is perfect when you take an image with it? Makes me wonder what the fuck are you trying to prove.
But an F520 can't be 24 years old? Pills.
Also, who the ACTUAL FUCK gives a dick about geometry? It barely fucking matters in practice.
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I own several 1200-1300:1 IPS and one CCFL-VA (picrel) panels, and no, in practice, in appropriate lighting conditions, particularly the GDM-F520 just does look more impressive.
Especially against the IPS panels. You don't ever get that 1200:1 in reality due IPS glow (which is a viewing angle problem, im not talking about backlight bleed).
That 1200:1 VA panel though with it's uniform direct-lit neutral gray CCFL backlight, looks quite damn good. But it's still an LCD, while particularly my F520 is genuinely more comparable to an OLED, not just due to contrast but color stability, the beautiful surface-emissive look. That tube is so sharp that it resolves the CCD _NOISE_ in my pictures just as well as my LCDs.

Okay, what do you mean by black crush then?
Yes, without calibration the tube would be a little crushy. But with gamma calibration you can correct for that.

Stretching the truth a little :^)
But the F520 genuinely is immune to a lot of these issues, there are no linearity controls or such in the OSD, it doesn't need them..

I expect anons to understand that there's some error due to all of that ... Which I probably shouldn't, but I still do, knowing I can argue the case if it's raised.

Oops misremembered, my FE1250 is from Y2K, the F520 is from 2002. So 22 years.
Because you're not even putting the LCD into an even ground with the CRT you rose-tinted faggot? You do your black crush autism on it, then compare that overall darker image to an LCD ?
What fucking color stability are you talking about? Beautiful surface-emissive look? You're just a hipster full of shit, using words like that.
>I expect anons to understand that there's some error due to all of that ... Which I probably shouldn't, but I still do, knowing I can argue the case if it's raised.
So you really are just a cheap jew huh?
> then compare that overall darker image to an LCD ?
What precisely are you talking about? I thought I proved with >>102417531 that my tubes can track perfect sRGB 2.2 gamma while retaining (measurably) infinite contrast.
Though lower gammas doo look muuuch nicer on a CRT, 2.6 or so. The VA can pull it off too, the IPS's can't, they're too glowy.
>What fucking color stability are you talking about? Beautiful surface-emissive look?
Perfect viewing angles. No color shift whatsoever.
>So you really are just a cheap jew huh?
Wdym? My S21 Ultra takes utter dogshit photos compared to that ancient CCD camera, if that's what you mean.
So what if it can track sRGB gamma from 41 points? Doesn't stop you from doing your black crush nigger moves which you have described doing all by yourself.
>Perfect viewing angles. No color shift whatsoever.
Yes you can get this on a nice IPS too. IPS glow is a cope issue only visible in dark scenes anyway.
kinda cute honestly
You can't get accurate blacks on any IPS panel. On a modern screen you can get that only with a VA or OLED panel and those come with their own issues. You're not going to edit any photos with the shitty colours of an IPS screen.
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Anon you DO understand that GPUs have gamma LUTs exactly for this purpose? You can make any RGB value any arbitrary light value on the display. All you need is a colorimeter. Or if you're adventurous enough, you can craft curves yourself. I wrote a program to do that ...
Anyway RGB 1,1,1 is visible against RGB 0,0,0. There's no crush.
>Yes you can get this on a nice IPS too.
All IPS's dim and wash out a little at angles. It's not a big deal, but contributes to that LCD look.
>only visible in dark scenes anyway.
Ruins them. Completely. Their contrast is a complete lie. My old VA, which has the same measured contrast at 1200:1, looks WAY superior.

I mean, I daily drive IPS panels myself, and watch shows and media on my VA. CRTs I only use for gaming, or enjoying pictures.
I wonder why are there professional LCDs for photo editing then? Don't talk to me about "shitty colors" retard, LCDs can do deep gamuts and their color accuracy in general is superior.
>Anon you DO understand that GPUs have gamma LUTs exactly for this purpose? You can make any RGB value any arbitrary light value on the display.
Yeah uhh, what's your point?
>All IPS's dim and wash out a little at angles. It's not a big deal, but contributes to that LCD look.
Try not using a piece of shit dollar store IPS then?
I edit my professional pics of my cat on a VA panel.
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I'm not much of a photographer myself beyond these amateur photos I take for avatarfagging, but I do trust my relatively basic IPS panels enough to judge stuff with them. Most people will be displaying them on monitors worse than mine anyway ..
But that near-black IPS haziness is so annoying sometimes.

>Yeah uhh, what's your point?
That there needs not be crush.
>Try not using a piece of shit dollar store IPS then?
This is a monitor that I've been lurking for a bit now. Cutting-edge 2000:1 4k IPS and such.
But even it clearly has those IPS faults.
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Btw here's the color accuracy of my Eizo EV2736W which I use as my daily. Older monitor yes. Used a custom tone mapping shader in my compositor to clamp the gamut.
CRTs wont match this, their gamut is never great at fully covering sRGB. Perceptually doesn't *really* matter though...
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Here's the picom shader btw.
>But even it clearly has those IPS faults.
What faults? Literally beats CRT in everything except motion, viewing angles and muh glow and bleed.
>Perceptually doesn't *really* matter though...
Doesn't matter when you don't know what correct looks like, sure.
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>Literally beats CRT in everything except motion, viewing angles and muh glow and bleed.
Well, those faults. Contrast possibly though too, while that 2000:1 sounds impressive in paper, I've been described that it looks "30% better than a standard 1000:1 one", and as I established a 1000:1 IPS already looks quite shit. But I don't have one, can't compare to my tubes.
>Doesn't matter when you don't know what correct looks like, sure.
Possibly yea, someone who does color critical work for their job would perhaps notice some inadequacies with the colors. It's usually bright pure reds that CRTs struggle with, they tend to look more orange instead.
The only monitor I have that kind of looks impressive similarly to a CRT is that CCFL-VA panel, as it cheats by having utterly radioactive oversaturated colors, primaries with hues nowhere close where they should be. IPS panels always fall flat, they look shallow and uninteresting, even if they technically measure great.
>It's usually bright pure reds that CRTs struggle with
well, that's not just a CRT problem, only recently did they figure out how to make IPS panels with vivid reds. I have one of those newer panels with vivid reds and it's a tradeoff, the red transitions slower than the green and blue which is VERY noticeable as red ghosting if you use the strobing feature
>it's been 10 years since Chaika ended
weird feeling
speaking of chaika, wtf happened here? time travel?
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Not exactly, what you're talking about are wide gamut reds, P3 target particularly. LCD monitors have been hitting or exceeding the sRGB red since the 2000s with CCFL backlights, and even the common cheap WLED usually hits sRGB reds or even exceeds them. But CRTs, with the only exception of the RDF225WG, will usually fall well short of those sRGB reds.

For example, this is my 2009 CCFL-VA, Eizo S2433W. It greatly exceeds sRGB reds (do note that CIE xy colorspace has very poor perceptual linearity, small change in reds is massive but all the greens look about the same)
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GDM-F520 gamut in comparison
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RDF225WG gamut in comparison (FW900 is interchangeable with my F520)
fumo landfill?
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Fumo landfill?
That's not how you're supposed to store your fumos :(
>scope right behind a fixed carry handle
this triggers me
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How are you supposed to store them? I keep them in a box to avoid letting them get dusty and get disgusting and such. My oldest fumo looks soo ugly now and it's almost impossible to clean.
That's better, but stacking them all together is fumo abuse.
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They're cuddling there they're happy
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While all you anons are here being turbo autists I've been playing wreckfest in glorious 1200x1600 resolution, 108hz on my CRT. None of this shit actually matters if you don't use it.
Doesn't look like consent, Marisa don't do it!
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Hey I just like knowing everything there is to know about these displays. It tickles my 'tism to have esoteric knowledge about a topic most will never have any sort of grasp on. What even attracted me to buy a colorimeter wasn't really the color accuracy, but the first-party knowledge I'd gain.
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It's okay they had a date beforehand
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cute doggo
>Was in the military during it
Hmmm... You weren't in karpr were you?
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Alikki löysi mulle kuvaputken pääesikunnasta :DDDDD
:DDD and of course a viestimies :D I knew a few that also spoke russian and were weebs and 2hu enthusiasts (viestimiehiä myös) so I thought I might've met you, but I guess the combination is more common.
Yea my CRT obsession was infamous, you'd remember me. Nobody knew I could speak russian though, as my finnish is absolutely native.
My actual dog
They use Dual Layer LCDs, dumbass
Could be you put in your papers that you speak it or maybe it's just a coincidence you ended up as viestimies, they intentionally seem to put almost every russian speaker there due to the obvious utility of it. You sound easily recognisable to anyone who served at the same time so you might want to be careful to not get doxxed.
Cute dog anon and a great pic of him.
What are all these army things?
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I wasn't a viestimies actually, I got into the suklaahommat, was programming and sysadminning their "simulation" department. We just use the same koulutushaaramerkki as viestimiehet since we didn't have a unique one and that was the closest applicable.
>You sound easily recognisable to anyone who served at the same time so you might want to be careful to not get doxxed.
Not worried about that, already happened and met plenty people from online before.
I had a lot of fun with vbs2.
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>a little
I dont think the F520 has even a single automatic feature the G500 does not
And having linearity locked behind windas is just an annoyance not a sign "it doesnt need it"
truly based
enjoy it, thats what matters the most
I hate scalpers so much bros
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80s were swell
I know what I have
what's the closest you can get to a crt with modern monitors? like 480+ hz required to match it?
Isn't that monitor like the holy grail of all CRT's? It's like one of the few FHD widescreen models.
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Never had to touch the vertical linearity on a Trinitron, regardless of the resolution I ran. It's spot on every time.
Meanwhile on a Diamondtron you would constantly have to fight it. Every time you changed the resolution, you'd be bashing your head at the linearity controls. And you could never get it perfect, it would always be crushed to shit at the top. And horizontal was it's own can of worms.
By crafting careful timing both issues could be mitigated to a degree, but it's so much bullshit you just don't have to do on an F520.

Viewsonic XG2431
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Diamondtron horizontal linearity be like
yea but the thing is, it doesn't relate unless you're sitting in front of it
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I have more trinitrons then you will ever and your trinitron wanking is baseless
>never touched trinitron linearity
I could tell by your horizontal linearity
Foldover, cap or phase issue, not even linearity
Imagine knowing so little and making such big claims
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21" trinis make good beaters atleast
500ps is nice
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91txm is clearly sexier and also better
just found out I have a KV-21FV300, sadly so far I've seen its a 480i tv, what can I do with it besides PS1/2 dedicated tv?
Most CRT tvs are 480i. Perfect for retro gaming
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Help me CRT bros, I have poor knowledge about CRTs, and I see you get exited about it. Can you explain to me what sets CRTs above modern TVs and Monitors, and what's the actual use-case of it. I just want to know why you love it.

I used to watch Chinese cartoon on CRTs when I was a kid, and I remember the aesthetic and the quality were much better (especially for old media). I want to get a CRT (I hate modern technology) but how to choose? If you have good resources share them, thanks.
why are you guys such fags?
Wanna join in faggot? There's a bunch of dicks in here and your mouth seems too big and lonely
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Is this acceptable?
I really hope that's not your leg anon, looks like it weighs the same as your crt.
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Heavy higher performance legs to move heavy high performance crts
Can those bad boys deadlift a 40" CRT?
Back probably cant
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I own the god of 19" tubes
Unlimited hz (does over 400hz)
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luv me multiformat
luv me SD monitors
'ate discord/matrix trannies
simple as
Hasn't this avatarfag been doxxed already? Why is he even here?
Just checked, his dox is still on doxbin if you search "Kosshi", but I guess trannies love attention so that's why he is still here.
He never added anything of value beyoned bragging, threads improved when he was discord only for a few months
But the attention withdrawal got koshii unable to fuck off it seems
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was thinking to get a colorimeter for my projector.
but you can do a lot just by your eyes.

made a quick grayscale image like this and adjusted the values with videoequalizer.exe.

first make sure all shades are separated without crush at both ends. then adjust the red/blue gamma in places where it's not gray. this alone will get you to 90% of colorcorrectness, which is enough unless you are in the printing/design business.
you need a colorimeter for proper white balance adjustment.
depending on the region you may either use D65 or D93 color temp, and you won't get it right by solely eyeing it up.
not necessary if you don't really care about proper white balance tho
I wish I could go back, but I work with graphic related shit so pixel sharpness and color is important to me
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Bump for the blessed truthnuke thread
Why cuck?
no u
holy fucking jesus im glad i never touched these threads or anything discord related before
you guys really are all fags and pedos infiltrating the board
Someone listed their dead monitor for sale not even like a mile from where I live. He is fat and there's a fumo in the background, so I know he's lurking this thread right now.
Don't judge too harshly, some of us are just longing for 2006
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