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Holy shit sci is dead. Does anybody here know physics or math?
absolutely not.

i know it all
go back
i only know two sum sir
/g/ knows programming sorta like how /x/ knows how to do magic.
Why anon? And I seriously mean it, haven't been in /sci/ for quiet a while.
Anyone with a CS degree/background should
So like 10% of the posters here
I wanted to determine the ideal center of mass for a stable robot but the ai keeps giving me spaghetti answers.
Holy based
Your thread was only posted 16 minutes ago and you're already crossfagging? Holy shit, have some patience. I'm no physicist or engineer but I think the center of mass should be as low as possible, but that really depends on the kind of robot you're trying to build.
Look up the center of mass for biological creatures with similar body structure and environment. Most modern robotics problems are better solved with biology than with actual calculations.
>Holy shit, have some patience.
op has to build his jack-off robot now while he's still horny or he'll lose the motivation.
I majored in math and cs but I haven't used the math part in 2 years and forgotten most of it.
math is just sum, subtract, multiply and division and comparison operators. all thats left is understanding moon runes.
I was told programmers were a bunch of math nerds and now I know that 99% of them have a high school understanding and 1% of them studied through differential geometry to better understand relativity. Just for fun.
you are one search away from finding ur answer retard
find mass with 3d integration
find moments for xy, yz and xz planes with 3d integration
divide moments by mass, now u have x, y and z coords for center of mass
for a density function, prolly use some guesswork and probabilities
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>holy shit, /ic/ is dead
>does anyone on /g/ know how to draw? You're all UI designers right?
I take it back. I just saw the current state of /sci/.
What's wrong with it? They're not talking about deep enough science? It's not like every thread in here is a hard programming challenge either.
Yeah. ChemE major. I'm only here cause I'm bored and don't want to relapse on /gif/
are you relapsing on drugs instead?
>holy shit, /g/ is dead
We have one math obsesssed spammer too many (the maid troon), please go back
no chance in hell maidposter knows any math
Maybe, but xhe sure as hell loves spamming about it
>math is spam
What's having an IQ under 80 like?
i know physics, what do you need?
I never said that it is spam, you dumb smug nigger
I said that the maid troon constantly spams it, it's also off topic
>oh my science, if you don't like my wholesome chungus nerd matherino that must mean you're le heckin' unintelligent!!
>math is off topic on a forum dedicated to machines which were invented to do math quickly
I revise my estimate from under 80 to under 75. You have a Haitian brain.

>ironic reddit posting
Every day your mom weeps at her unfortunate decision not to abort you.
what's it like being an insufferable faggot?
I love how he clearly doesn't understand Hegel either. Real shortest load in the shed if you know what I'm saying.
>discussing coding and discussing math alone are the same thing
Nice projection with the Haitian brain there
Hegel was a faggot with nothing of value to say. /g/ is a Schopenhauer board.

What's it like being born with fetal alcohol syndrome?
based half satan 666's

yeah umm 1+1 = intecel!
>Discussions about instructions that tell the computer how to do math are fine.
>Discussions about the underlying math are off-topic
You are too stupid even to talk to. In a better world you'd be brought to the eugenics office and sterilized to make sure you can't make more of yourself. The future needs fewer useless eaters like you.
>t. doesn't understand hegel
oh no...
sci's pretty bad but /o/ is even more dead

so is pol

/v/ and /g/ are about the only boards i can stand and i havent turned my gaming pc on in a week lol
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>>Discussions about instructions that tell the computer how to do math are fine.
>>Discussions about the underlying math are off-topic
>You are too stupid even to talk to. In a better world you'd be brought to the eugenics office and sterilized to make sure you can't make more of yourself. The future needs fewer useless eaters like you.
You are allowed to talk about Discrete Math, Analysis, and anything required for Physics. You are not allowed to talk about number theory or proofs, especially since computational proof doesn't count as a proof.
>not allowed to talk about number theory
Cryptography is built on Number Theory.

You don't know what proofs are, or what they are for.
who's askin'?
I am an embedded dev and have design industrial IoT systems which are installed in ~2k locations, and counting
I guess I do know a subset of physics
Math or Physics that are not applicable irl are not related to technology. Gtfo
If you talk about useful math or physics you can stay.
>sci is dead
thank God, they are disgusting atheists
You must be at least 18 to post here. Please return to whatever Roblox forum you crawled out of until you mature.
>Expects g to outperform sci
OP, I feel sorry for you

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