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It's OVER.
Yeah they're all being listed in India and Pakistan. The heat death of the universe is upon us and I'm hoarding all the sunscreen (the only thing not locked up in Walmart)
lucky i dont live in muttland then
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go make your own software then
>just be a one man dev team, bro
all dev teams are one man doing 99% of the work and 20 other people signing their name on it. You're outing yourself right now.
Then why employ the other 20 people, why don't they just fire them?
Tax reasons?
learn to coalmine
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We had a good run
total codetranny death
Time to switch careers if you can, if not well you can always flip burgers.
>daily demoralization thread
Good, demoralize these tards some more. Programming should be EXCLUSIVELY for the kind of autists who would do it even for free.
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You should have returned to office
I've been getting more offers on LinkedIn recently. I think we may be recovering.
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>>daily demoralization thread
>Good, demoralize these tards some more. Programming should be EXCLUSIVELY for the kind of autists who would do it even for free.
you have less than a year pedonigger
>people celebrating le death of programming as the fed is about to cut interest rates this week
Bottom signal
there's probably some tax reason. the real reason is that the manager needs more people to look more important.
>have retarded economy based on quarterlies and growth
>want to look like you're growing to attract investors
>stagger-hire 500 people you don't need to make it look like you're growing
>investors cum themselves and throw money at you, allowing you to profit despite the dead weight
>shitty Keynesian shit inevitably downturns
>suddenly the incoming cash doesn't outstrip the tard maintenance anymore
>more profitable to get rid of them, lay off the useless baggage
>be too lazy to actually look into this yourself
>hire low-wit bean counters to do this for you with mixed results
>well of jobs dry up, except for shadow jobs to harvest talent for your infofarming database or foreigners who pay you to hire them
>market flooded with mostly useless "coders" and a couple good workers who snap up the few real positions
>former makes threads on /g/ and gets told to learn to code
It's not really a new phenomenon.
projected award
confirmed twitter newtroon shitskin pedophile
>everyone's a pedo
projected again award
>>everyone's a pedo
How ironic of a 2024 sharty newtroon to say this.
>projected again award
Yes, you are a tranny pedo jeet, because you spam your degenerate fantasies on this board all day.
meds. now.
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speak for yourself pussy

>still working 3 remote jobs
>still making more money than Obama in '08
>still fucking racially ambiguous women during bug triage meetings
>still getting my dick sucked by mulattas during sprint retrospectives
>still smoking the dankest sativa and drinking the hottest coffee every morning
>still buying Delta Comfort+ flights working remotely in Jamaica, Barbados, Portugal, Spain and of course Lagos

the market is FROZEN and AI sucked the remaining Oxygen - I don't buy what folks are posting saying they're getting jobs, etc - I've had damn near zero legitimate inbound leads for two years - this is worst than Dotcom, but I wasn't around for that

only reason I am employed is because of Yahweh, and God blessed me so I can continue to be a blessing towards others. I've been on the other side of the employment question. We will get through this, but you must accept the challenges of life for the three months minimum. Hopefully next Summer, we will see some movement.

We're all frozen from where we were 2022....I'm just blessed to have been frozen in a favorable position, but nothing is guaranteed

God. Speed. My. Brothers.

>captcha: 08ym
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>And here! This stupid chudcel will finally be unemployed like me!... ACKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK
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this is where you long with size retard
Interest rate outlooks are improving. It won't be quite so bad a year from now.
fauci approved gem
it's because of remote jobs. some careers also have additional layers of defense (different legislation on different countries, associations or what have you that require a person to pass an exam to be a lawyer or doctor etc). software development has none of that. it's never going back to what it was. if you live in the first world, developing software is unlikely to go back to being a good career unless some big change takes place
I'm in the midwest, nobody is making anywhere close to 500k. Just breaking the 6 figure mark is a struggle.
so what's the next hype six-figure career?
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i hate tranime althoughforeverbeithough
They said in the same thing in 2000-2004.
that was different. it was supposed to be because of the dotcom bubble. now it's remote jobs

probably nothing. technology jobs had 3 things that allowed for those huge salaries: specialized knowledge, transferable knowledge and scaling / multiplicative power. most areas lack at least one of those. and having transferable knowledge without some sort of barrier was precisely what allowed remote jobs to be taken over by people in other countries too. it's a difficult thing to balance

the 6 figure jobs will still exist but like other careers, be limited to people with 20+ years of experience or who got lucky / had the right connections etc
So it's back to normal
Now post the one for interest rates
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>it's different this time because I said so!
Kek they were literally saying CS was a bad field to get into in 2000-2004 because of outsourcing. Eventually companies realized that jeets produce mountains of garbage that ends up costing more than they save.


Check the date on this article
maybe you're right. it could be a cyclical thing with mbas outsourcing as much as they can and then someone having to fix the mess a few years later

at the same, i think it's different now. there's definitely a lot of positions that don't have to be paid that much money and can be outsourced to people working remote on other countries

we'll see
Personal Brand
they would have to pay the 1 guy a lot more than 20x more if he knew just how valuable he was
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Perfect Programming doesn't exi-
>oh no FRED boogie man chart
please read
>The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money by John Maynard Keynes
there's so many threads about muh I can't get a job yet you lot never ask yourself why that is, a fundamental misunderstanding of economics. You don't need a SWE job writing react when you can start a shop and setup websites for small businesses. Every town has a handful of business that all need some online presence, go learn the rest of the stack (marketing, advertising, management, product development, etc etc etc) instead of grinding leetcode and you make yourself employable
>It's OVER.
That's what people say at the bottom.

It's definitely starting to pick back up. I can feel it, people leaving my company for others, recruiters sending me more messages on linkedin... the return to the mean is doing its thing.
Is this what you look like irl?
>Every town has a handful of business that all need some online presence, go learn the rest of the stack (marketing, advertising, management, product development, etc etc etc) instead of grinding leetcode and you make yourself employable
>jobs? just be a freelancer bro
fuck off.
So the job market is correcting itself by over hiring a bunch of dumbasses who don't do their jobs?

based schizo retard
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pic related
>>jobs? just be a freelancer bro
enjoy your resume gap because you're not getting hired in this market
>resume gap
it's a meme. no one cares.
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