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How to install the Asus XG-C100C LAN card on MSI Pro B760M-P motherboard?

There's an RTX graphics card so that slot is gone. There are a couple other smaller PCIe slots but they are too small for the Asus XG-C100C LAN card. Is there a similarly priced motherboard that would allow both the RTX graphics card and also this Asus LAN card?
no tech supoot here saar see rule >>>/g/rules/2
please kindly shit in the designated shitting thread >>>/g/pcbg or >>>/g/sqt thank you good sir
t. ech support agent John Adams
File: s-l1200.jpg (78 KB, 1100x1100)
78 KB
What a strange IO layout...
>PCIe x4 card
M.2 is PCIe x4 and if you are using only one slot you get a riser and curse gaymers and board designers for putting these limited use shits instead of PCIe slots.
pro tip, don't put the motherbord on the anti-static bag, the inside of the nag is anti-static but the outside is most definitely not.

x1 to x16 riser
Mini-fags btfo again
>You don't need full size ATX
Until you do. But hey, you already have ethernet port. Use that. Or use a usb port to have external ethernet card.
Shut up. You can almost surely just rub it on a rug and nothing will happen unless you rub so hard individual components are peeled off
no need to get angry it was just a tip, wouldn't want to risk destroying your new motherbord over something so trivial
just get a board with 2 16X slots, if it fits it works, doesn't matter if the slot is bigger.

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