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China respects science, natural laws, and the law of physics

Why can’t tech companies in America be like this?
well they have a point
productive people (men) want to have a pretty female to look at
but it would probably depress them since they would never get to have sex
>company assigned fulltime gf
which company do I apply to
>Why can’t tech companies in America be like this?
Diversity commissars.
humiliation ritual
You know all those tiktok vids with the pretty 20-somethings with fat salaries and little responsibility at (successful)tech companies?
>Why can’t tech companies in America be like this?
They do, it's called HR
HR workers are all 45-55, ugly, with terrible attitudes. Even if they get hired on as cute perky 25 year olds, they complete the transformation into misery goblins within 2 years.
lmao, can't be caught implying that some women aren't pretty i guess
>here is your company-mandated waifu bro
>job requirements
>no be fat
>have vagina
>under 30
lol holy shit this is depressing. It's literally just dangling a carrot on a stick in front of your face to make you work faster
i would kms if i had a cutie be payed to talk to me at work, knowing the (((relationship))) won't go anywhere
I actually appreciate the gray sterile walls and metal detector with id scanners at every door at my job
That's right
I work at an office with 4 women, 2 of which are pretty fuckworthy, hasn't done much to motivate me
Now if one of them was under my desk that'd be a different story
only works if she's permanently single
That's a woman
It's 4/5 of a woman.
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>buying them breakfast
You've got my attention
Having a bunch of holes wandering about the office aimlessly actually wouldn't make me more productive what the fuck are you talking about. Become MGTOW immediately
No thanks, being lonely is not my thing.
And she already has a BF from outside, wouldn't date you anyways or is forbidden to date her company's (male) workers in order to keep her job
Basically a idol sidegrade which is closer to you but won't sing bubble pop songs, dance, appear in movies you like or pose in gravure photobooks for you to coom to
>being lonely is not my thing.
bro, you sound needy, ngl.
No cheerleaders, layoffs must continue until morale improves!!!
what if they... smiled at you and said hi? checkmate.
>I actually appreciate the gray sterile walls and metal detector with id scanners at every door at my job
Huh, you just made me reflect on the fact that I feel the same way.
My job is grey, boring, sexless and that keeps me from thinking about it.
>need to focus on my code
>some dumb whore keeps interrupting me with bullshit
wow what a productivity helper
virtue signalling by one of the most evil corporations ever.
This would actually drop productivity by slightly less than half
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>productive people (men) want to have a pretty female to look at
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is that one of those furfags who deliberately destroy their hands so they can have "paws"?
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Every doctor involved in this will be executed.
you are projecting your cucked western mindeset these bitches most likely get gangbaned after worked by the devs

prostitution/cheating/having a mistress is a unspoken norm in asia. you see some 4 foot shinji and think hes a loser yet hes probably on his way to fuck a school girl
these threads are propaganda designed to increase tensions between the us and china

the handlers mention 4chan by name

>cheating is normal in my country, unlike you cucks in the west!
Cheating is cuckoldry. You're literally admitting you support and desire being a cuckold. That's why all your women fuck tourists for money
Basically caretaker for self-sufficient adults
>He think the doctors collaborate
The furries who do this just put their hands in dry ice and then ask the doctor who are desperately trying to reintegrate this person into a functioning life to give them paws. All doctors I know would either scream at the patient for 30 minutes to 2 hours or just walk out of the room whenever the topic gets brought up
If the story is true, he did it to himself. Those doctors did what they had to do.
Seems a little demeaning if you were a worker. I'd just get better pay
Kek don't believe everything you see on 4chan
>getting blueballed
no thanks. If I can't fuck them then there is no point in talking to women.
Maybe in this case, but doctors regularly mutilate people for things like plastic surgery, circumcision, and trannies; which is what I had in mind.
>I might've been wrong but I could've been right if I hadn't been wrong
Wise words
Why would I want a 3DPD to disturb me during work?
>Company mandated holes in the West
>makes more money than you
>you're one remark to HR from her away from being blacklisted in the industry
>useless, inane, combatative drivel

>Company mandated holes in the East
>can easily and politely be told to leave you alone for X amount of time
>buys you snacks :3
>gives you backrubs :3
Because American companies know that employees will just extract wealth from the company on their own in order to make up the perceived deficit in wages.
Adding more employees to try to make up for subpar working conditions and pay just means another leech stealing your staplers and other office supplies.
At last some people who get it right, the purpose of men is to be smart and effective, the purpose of women is to be beautiful and please men.
However, imagine trying to do the same in USA, you would have an annoying dragqueen hanging around the place, disturbing all men who try to work...
>Why can’t tech companies in America be like this?
It's in the article, you would want pretty women for this. They are hard to come by in America.
I want to use that bugwoman in the office bathroom.
Imagine how bad this initiative would turn out in India
Good idea. I'd go insane without the booba milf who sits right in front of me every day
This is just an evidence that government knows a common man needs to coom inside a women's hole to be productive. This is an evidence that governments like USA deliberately increase the ceiling of having access to female holes using feminism and other Talmundic norms.
You are a KEK and you know it.
it's a reality in asia because they all live in single room studio apartments and sleep in the same bed as a family.
you either fuck around or don't fuck at all. on special occasions you may fuck in a hotel.
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Its the same exact method as this onlyfans model shilling for the US Military. Use sex appeal to motive men to do dirty work for peanuts or less.
I would actually leave any company does this to their works. I would actually perform worse with a female around me and encouraging me to work more. Just leave me the fuck alone and let me do my job in peace. Even if she offers to play Sonic Adventure 2 Battle with me on my break, I would refuse. She is there to act. She is no better than an escort or a waiter at a restaurant. Once her shifts ends, she won't give a single shit about you. Anybody encouraging this is a retard.
>Good morning saar, I w... OHHH BOBS AND VAGENE!!!
It's better and lindy for promiscuity to be concentrated among a minority of whores. This was how Western society operated prior to the big crackdowns of the 1920s and 30s. And even then, sleaze was still accessible - titty bars were a thing into the 80s.

Is the US ARMY actually stooping this low? And if so. What a fucking disgrace to our country. A lot of men died for this shit?
No, she's just a whore who got into the army for the $10,000 bonus and she did a worthless ama video where she talked about it
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> Is the US ARMY actually stooping this low?
Yes they are. They will try anything to get men to join. No one wants to join the army since many are realizing its not worth fighting for a country that continuously breed low iq retards while everything they hold dear burns down.
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=odwAozmLeNA
Go watch the whole video, she did admit, like >>102414935 mentioned, but you can tell she it obviously shilling for them.

What gets to me is that a lot of us, not just men but some women I know personally including relatives, have a hard time getting hired and get a good paying job to afford basic necessities, while whores like pic related, can show off their boobs online and have a large amount of lust filled simps to give them anything they desired. Skills are no longer neccessary to obtain wealth.
>but it would probably depress them since they would never get to have sex
this, I don't want to be reminded that I don't get sex. muh chatting, ping pong, breakfast I can do with the bros as is
>they would never get to have sex
I don't think you understand how common and accepted prostitution is in Asia. The entire team is getting some for a fair price.
>random women in the work place will increase productivity
Anon what
Last thing I want during working hours is some random woman annoying and distracting me
Didn't they used to have pinup style recruitement posters? Using sex appeal is nothing new
Imagine instead if they actually improved the working environment or god forbid, increase their pay.
Poon is cheaper than pay. CEO pay rose dramatically post #MeToo, so I think it's clear that a bit of nookie is worth hundreds of thousands to millions.
Do women ever do anything useful
>because its le sexist !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111!!!
watchu mean "'pretty'"
is the journo claiming they're ugly?
We had that in my previous job we could pay her a visit anytime we wanted, we called her office “the massage room”, and she was making absolutely delightful blowjobs and handjobs. By the end of her contract, she dated literally everyone in the IT department and we made a petition to the manger to renovate her contract and gave her an increase.
Cheerleaders do nothing. If they arranged a cute girl to be my gf as part of the work compensation, then that might motivate me.

Well, the cheerleaders bring in the diversity, so it's all right, if it worked.
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>She is there to act. She is no better than an escort or a waiter at a restaurant. Once her shifts ends, she won't give a single shit about you

Just like a real gf
>China respexts the laws of physics
Nigga they make buildings from dust and sand lmfao
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> Just like a real gf
At least with a real gf, I have to opportunity to have sex with her, but its not a guarantee. With those "cheerleaders", you are never have the chance to get your penis wrapped in the folds of a warm tunnel that tightens and brings pleasure.
Oh yeah, I'm in hell.
Sex is for (ticket) closers.
I want blow jobs under the table while, then I can can do 15 - 20 mins of codeong until the next BJ is required
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Those young women hate the developers and are disgusted that they have to ever interact with them. Doesn't matter if the devs are driving the value to the company that makes her perks available, they still want nothing to do with them.
>watch the whole video
haha no, she's got enough money
if I'm watching anything it will be her leaks but that's it
>if I'm watching anything it will be her leaks but that's it
Then she's still winning
That makes it even hotter
so I was working is a majour hospital, and I figured out one day there was no male in my area all nurses and female Dr's in the entire ward, the funny thing is if its not you "home" ward, other Dr and people almost never come and you rarely go to other people wards even though you can, and you quickly get out.

It turns into you become the ward "dad" and they are your "harem" wives. They just get used to you being at close quaters, and will talk about anything. Eg on female Dr this large breasts would just take her bra off becuase it was too constricting. She would say you don't mind do you Anon.
I saw some webm on the chon where some employee award ceremony had the males standing on stage and girls literally sucking their dicks
was that real? like how do they even get that based
What chon
I'm from goymany and I've read that 15 to 20 years ago they used to have this stuff over here too
(some probably still do but certainly not to the same extend anymore)

High-Value Employees would be invided to special parties or vacations
She's winning 0 more likes, 0 more views, and the equivalent of 69 whole janny salaries
its popular in japan to take your juniors out to a karaoke/bar and pay for young girls to sit around and talk with all of you
this only works because everyone involved understands the social contract behind this interaction, something that uncivilized western pigs would not be able to uphold
this is about work though
Girls are always the most valuable members in the teams I work at. They are not le 100x engineers, but that's dross you don't really need. You need humans that make the day to day feel good enough, the rest is simply being responsible.
Tell me why our society is superior to their. Because I can't see how.
We allow women to ruin everything and fostered their nonsensical ideology until it metastasized.
women want to abolish work, that's far more based than this.
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edit: sorry caps
Yes, women want things that cause civilizations to fail.
That's just annoying. If they sit on my lap and let me feel them up then yeah , I'd feel much happier. Otherwise fuck off and let me eat my lunch alone.
This would be so cringe I would resign if I couldn't tell the cheerleaders to fuck off.
whose building Office Cum Dumpsters as a service (OCDaaS)?
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nigga what's the point? Shit would actually demotivate me because they are paid and it's all fake anyways

also lmaoing at the woman in the background - probably a femcel because all the other sois are too busy simping at the whores

I don't want to be around women anymore
They put me on edge now
Especially when they're talking
No I just want to be able to relax and do my work.
Around a skirt, remain alert.
Are straight men really that dumb? No wonder you make the best cattle for your gay and jewish overlords
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you know what would increase my productivity? a loving, pregnant wife. a reason to keep going.
this would make me quit the job on the same day
A robo-office waifu, personal secretary will suffice.
Real women will bring unnecessary drama and hardships after a while.
>I have to bring new people into existence and create suffering to justify my existence!!!
anti-natalists get the rope
don't give up anon.
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I will now apply to your company
Nein hatten wir nicht
1fach mal "Ergo-Skandal" oder "VW-Affäre" googeln
only if they distracted everyone else and left me the fuck alone
i fucking hate being spoken to by random chucklefuck fellow wagies. no i dont care about your shitty sports, your ugly wife or the weather.
Anon, the demons in her commanding her to sell herself are winning and that's all she cares about
War top manager, nicht irgendwelche Mitarbeiter die Boni gekriegt haben.
Bestechung und Erpressung, nicht irgendwelche Mitarbeiter, die einen geblasen kriegen.
Also jetzt bitte mal still sein. Danke.
Man it's such a pain trying to get into this field. Still trying to get through my exams.
Idk about China but Japan has Snacks, host clubs etc., right? I could never imagine paying money to chat with some girl or even have her pretend to be my girlfriend but it's pretty normal to them.
Host clubs seem to be mostly about talking to the girls and making it seem like anyone cares about you. At least that's what I got from yakuza
But that's the same thing as OP right? It's not about sex it's about chatting up a pretty girl and feeling inspired from that. I'd get more depressed if I knew I was paying someone to care, not less.
>> War top manager

> 2007 für ihre 100 besten Vertreter die traditionsreiche Gellert-Therme in Budapest in ein Freiluftbordell verwandelt und eine rauschende Sexparty mit Dutzenden Hostessen und Prostituierten organisiert
> Weitere Recherchen des Handelsblatts zeigten schließlich, dass Budapest kein Einzelfall war: Auch auf der Reeperbahn in Hamburg, in Bordellen auf Mallorca und in einem Swingerhotel auf Jamaica wurden ähnliche Partys mit Vertretern veranstaltet.

>> nicht irgendwelche Mitarbeiter, die einen geblasen kriegen.

> Volkert vor dem Ermittlungsrichter ein glaubwürdiges umfassendes Geständnis abgelegt habe. Unter anderem habe er Prostituierte für Oralverkehr auf VW-Feiern organisiert
>für ihre 100 besten Vertreter
Danke, dass du mir zustimmst.
Top 100 Vertreter sind also keine
> High-Value Employees
>nicht irgendwelche Mitarbeiter
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> vertreter sind KEINE Mitarbeiter ok?
Nein, aber du doppelneger verstehst nicht, dass >>102418173 über normale mitarbeiter geredet hat, nicht die top 100 vertreter eines internationalen konzerns.
> erstehst nicht, dass [...] über normale mitarbeiter geredet hat
> > where some employee
wie inzu gedankenlesen?
Versuchs erstmal mit lesen
the absolute state of american journalists

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