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>noo this was totally made by a taiwanese company bro!
>yes its totally normal to be the only one in the world to be able to make it!
>asml totally dont have an elder god shard they captured from an extraterrestrial civilization who crash landed in their country!
Grow up /g/.
>daily "muh ayliums invented transistors and integrated circuits" thread
It's okay to admit you're retarded, OP
>yes bro its totally normal these things can only be done by 1 corporation or by companies who were 'helped' by the corporation
>they are totally not selling small pieces of the
elder god shard for exorbitant prices
They can do all that, yet Zen 5 still performs like shit. It's doomed
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You're probably one of those
u just like, draw ur cicuit on a peace of paper then put it thru an electron beam onto some silicone mayb u need a lense or somth idk lol
Yes. This is highly expensive and proprietary technology that has been extensively developed and refined over a span of many decades that we're talking about here. Of course it's going to look like wizardry to some.
this was the size of a big house some decades ago, we just made it smaller
if it isn't there would be competition
>highly expensive and proprietary technology that has been extensively developed and refined over a span of many decades
>literally no one else on the planet with trillions of dollars at their disposal can do it unless they are 'helped' by the corporation
Yes yes I also happen to have a bridge to sell you anon would you be interested its proprietary technology developed after decades of research
Fake ass shit
You can even see Chinese characters at 0:40
It's either some 3D modelling program or AI generated. Maybe the circuits are really that small, but microscopes don't work the way they do in the video.
More than one company is doing this, you mega moron.
after they get 'help' (elder god shard fragment) from asml
what's it like to be ignorant? are you actually happy or do your shallow emotions come off as more intense than they really are?
ok, now make it bigger
you cant? thought so
>no you dont get it bro. its totally normal in 2024 that some no name company in the world owns black box devices that can create alien tech!
>its totally normal no one else in the world with their trillions of dollars and spy networks cant replicate it!
>they totally dont have elder god shard fragments in those machines creating the chips bro cmon now!
>the elder god shard fragments just so happen to come in a form usable by hand minds
>somehow be able to use and process them but not replicate it
>somehow the shards prevent other countries from invading, not the corporation that would suffer catastrophic losses were any country were to try to halt production
>corporations that have nearly every politician in every country in their pocket, because everyone has a price.
There's a reason no one does anything about the slave labor in China and Africa
Looks like an exhibition. Why would the diameter of the hair be written on it?
I love how EVERYONE in this thread just completely ignores your video, the known sciences behind this, and the history of developments that led to this over the decades.

It's almost like they'd rather make something up because they cannot comprehend it.
Cool, so we're back in the ages of
>I can't comprehend this, therfore some invisible, magic wizard in the sky must have made it
>they'd rather make something up because they cannot comprehend it.
The history of religion, folks.
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The machine making the machine is always more impressive than the end product.
Nah that scrap costs hundreds of millions for something I'm going to get for less than a hundred on Ebay
Just buy the thing and let it give birth to 2 billion kajiggers and sell them for under $50 each on ebay. Easy
>NOOO you have to convince me that this highly documented 70 year old tech that has been made more complex and refined over the years because of the need of more power is not an artifact from some fiction horror stories series by Lovecraft that I have also not read
>I am clever
OP just say that you are impressed with how that shit works, it is very impressive
>yeah its highly documented SCIENCE, chud.
>w-what do you mean why cant anyone else replicate it? They just can't ok?
The webm you posted makes it clear why it's hard to replicate if you're not a total retard
>>asml totally dont have an elder god shard they captured from an extraterrestrial civilization who crash landed in their country!
kek. american education.
have you ever heard of lithography?

here educate yourself.
that's actually impressive.
>retard doesn't understand how lithography works
>"it's all alien god shit!!!"
Please don't procreate.
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I think some people should just watch anime and don't ask stupid question. Me included.
>its just lithography goy, and the fact that only one company in the world is capable of this lithography is because... because... um... it's because... uhh... umm... JUST BECAUSE ,OK????
>one company
>that buys hardware to do said things from a different company
>who partner with tons of companies
it's even funnier, this is us glowniggers coping over being unable to set up modern IC manufacturing in the US

>it's not that we've failed, it's actually impossible
>no those other guys are cheating
where do you guys get those facebook-tier image macros?

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