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old >>102369169
I am very new to Git and Github. I've heard that many employers check your Github profile to see how active you were, like in that calendar where you have green squares for when you were active.
I don't know anything about that. Are you supposed to have frequent contributions to your repositories? In my case, I've never used Github before, what I do is, I make a project, store all my files, code and refactor all in my local PC. Then I uploaded all the files into my Github repository. That would show that I wasn't very active in Github but thats because I already do all the work in my own PC. What should I do? Do I upload my files from the get-go to Github and do all the work there? It feels like a hassle to me, since I'm new and don't have much experience with the Git system.
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Can someone help me spot the SATA ports on this MOBO? I can see 3, 4 and 5 but there's supposed to be 4 total...
I read that wrong, those are SATA3 [4] [5] and [6]
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6 and 7 are stacked on top of eachother.
the one on the right has two ports
i restarted my virgin hub router as it was behaving slowly and now some of my devices cant connect to my wifi and i cant access my nas
anyone have any idea what might have happened and how i can fix it?
probably some of the ip adresses changed, did you assign static ip adresses to your nas and other devices? try looking in to your router gui and check the ips
i think youre right about it being the ip addresses causing the problem
i dont remember actively assigning static ip addresses to anything but it could have happened
after i check the router gui do you know how i reset the ip addresses or what i need to do to solve the issue?
thanks a lot for the help too
usually you can assign custom ip adresses in your router gui, for my router there is a checkmark i can set for static ip and i can assign a custom ip adress for every device. that way you can just enter the ips you have used before the restart and things should work again.
you're welcome :)
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I don't think I have space to install another HDD
Can I install a 2.5" SSD where it says "SSD" on the case?
yes, that's what those caddies are meant for
I meant to say HDD not SSD
yes you can install a 2,5" hdd there as well, just watch out for the thickness.
ssds are super cheap though
i can see the ip addresses of the devices that arent connecting in the virgin media connect app but i cant see an option to change the ip addresses at all
maybe you can log into your router from your browser and under advance network settings, as far as i know, it should definitely be possible.
thanks again for all the suggestions
i cant find a way to change the ip adresses in the browser page either though
i think virgin media is pretty poor with all this
i found this, you can do it in the vm hub.
you can also, which i forgot, assign static ips on the device itself.
pic related.

i have no experience with virgin media devices unfortunately.
thanks again
ill give this a try
My work requires receiving/downloading .pdf files through webmail (haven't chosen which one yet).
What is the best way to protect myself against exploits?
I'm currently on ubuntu and I'd like to, at least, remain on gnu/linux, although I'm not picky about the distro.

>haven't chosen which one yet
Does your work allow you to choose any webmail service and they will host it for you or how does that work? Use a modern browser to view the webmail and pdfs and you should be good. No need to change your distro.
ever since I built my new PC, I keep hearing intermittent high pitched beeps that seem to be in sync with the disc usage LED on my mobo
did I fuck up by getting cheap hardware or is this par for the course in everything made after 2020? my old PC didn't do that hence the confusion
it also had an HDD while this one uses NVMe if that's relevant
if you want to be extra safe, make a VM and keep all your work stuff in there. only download and edit the files in there, even of something gets into that VM, it has an extra deep moat to get to your personal files.
and in that vm you can run a distro as safe and as barebones as your work needs.
is it possible that using 1080i resolution on a monitor that dosnt support interlaced resolutions to damage the monitor?
i don't believe so, it just won't display it
all interlacing does it fiddle with the signal timing slightly between vertical refreshes so the lines miss each other every refresh
what are some about:config musts for trannyfox?
already turned off experimental features.
Are you supposed to keep mobile data always on when you're outside with no Wi-Fi nearby? Or what did they intend me to do?
Usually you can, depending on how much data you get every month. If you have a small amount its probably better to ration it but for 1g+ you can just leave it on it wont matter.
why does youtube do this? the video loads fine but everything else is fricked
Probably one of your extensions, or your browser is out of date.
hmm, might be my age restriction bypass script but this vid isnt listed as age restriction. other vids seem to load ok so idk
>in 2024
>on firefox
You plugged in that tiny speaker they gave you? If you're not noticing any issues I'd unplug that shit.
Keep daily timeshift back-ups and use firejail if you need to
>on firefox
this is brave
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A good solution is to limit the DHCP range first, usually offset it to something like to - assuming you live in network at home. And assuming your router is the first address - - that leaves 2-99 as something you can happily leave for statically configured devices.
And then pick for your fancy NAS, that's it.
(if you want to configure further, consider using more obscure subneting)
why does 4chan keep telling me my vp9 webms have an embedded file but has no problem with vp8

im using webm for retards/ffmpeg to encode
upload one to 0x0 or catbox and let us take a look
it runs on chromium dumbass
are any soundbars worth it? dont really have the space in my house
i should add that some have worked but only if they are very short duration like picrel
I just posted the meme for the hell of it, if you didn't get the joke, you're young. I also use brave. I don't have any extensions. Have never had that issue.
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Dad needs a new laptop.
His use is mostly office suite and browser.
He still use his HP compaq on WinXp.
I thought this HP 850 G5, is nice replacement, its ~300$ (512 SSD, 16 GB RAM, Core i5)
At least it's a machine that can run win10/11
Is this good?
Also what do I need to install on it?
MS Office and Chrome, what else?
What's wrong with his current laptop? Can't you just toss Linux Mint on it, install brave, and use libreoffice?
I watched porn on it once and got it tainted with cum stains, so I had to get rid of it.
Thank you for your suggestions. I will try them out.
How do I troubleshoot a computer that doesn't POST? It turns on and the fans spin, but there's no video output
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Does it beep? Note that it must have picrel attached.
I don't hear a beep. The motherboard doesn't seem to have a speaker or a header for a speaker
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>What's wrong with his current laptop?
Compaq 6720S, CPU Intel Core2 Duo T5800 2.0GHZ, RAM 1Gb, HDD 80GB
>Can't you just toss Linux Mint
He can't learn new OS, and the thing is OLD.
Starting it up take ~5 min, battery last 10 min.
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My laptop died, suddenly turned off while I was gaymin' and had a really strong burn smell. I've opened it up to see if there was any obvious signs of shorting or odd colored parts but found nothing, other than the smell (not particularly strong in any region) it looked the same as always.
I have a multimeter and am interested in figuring out what exactly is going on but I have no background in fixing 'puters. Could you guys give me a few locations I should look in?
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Found it. Do you guys have any idea what this does or whether it'd be cheap for a technician to replace?
Cheapest and fine laptop for linux?
I've heard modern printers are a nightmare to deal with due to always online bullshit and typical ink price gouging. My question is, are there still any cheap, reliable printers that can get the job done without many caveats? Preferably under 100 dollars
A used Thinkpad
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Noticed 4chan got really laggy recently when I hover backlinks to preview post, turns out it's Bitwarden I started using recently. I already disabled autofill but it's still laggy, is there something else I can switch to fix it or do I just have to deal with it?
Stop using bitwarden like the faggot you are and install keepass
Which thinkpad
Used laser printers, preferably from brother
Get a T480 with an i5-8350U CPU and 16GB of RAM
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There's an avatarfag who keeps posting the same set of 8 images in a general.
How can I filter his posts out?
I have 4chanx
Some imageboards have multiple flags. Is it possible to filter only a certain combination of flags in 4chanX?
just realized he always has the same filenames so i can just make a regex for those

would be nice to actually compare the images though. But that requires writing javascript... i don't want to write javascript...
Is there any easy way to see the historical uptime of a website? Like check what time in the past it was down?
So when a website tries to download a file the first time it never works, there's always a second link to click to download the file. Why is that?
ex. "Try again" here.
its the anon that posts the webm of the guy who makes coffee really carefully only to burn his tongue in /ctg/
How pwecisely? www.downforeveryoneorjustme.com
I used it once to get someone fired who said they were impacted by a major ISP outage when there was none
Has to be down to a certain day several years ago but I'll see if this works out
click arrow on post -> filter -> image md5
Is there a book or site that goes over how the GPU works in-depth, the most basic and lowest way of doing 2D graphics?
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Theoretically all I would need to do to feed data to Chatgpt is to simply ask it to analyze documents I upload, right? I have gbs of internal documents and I'm too lazy to trudge through all of it. Also chatgpt wouldn't rat me out? The companies are not related to each other at all? This is all theoretical of course.
so you're going to hand over gigabytes of valuable data to chatgpt which is known for training on anything that it gets it's hands on
i saw a Tiling manager program meant for windows being shilled in /g/ a couple of months ago, anyone remembers the name of it?
ty for the answers beforehand kind anons <3
gigabyte has a bad rep :/
Filer with the image MD5 (hash)
(You can also filter via the down arrow menu on each post instead of writing filters manually)
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as someone who hordes data and has very old files that are precious to me, should i consider using btrfs? from everything i'm hearing, its much better at preserving data and correcting bit-rot than ext4. but unlike ext4, btrfs is supposedly not as stable or as compatible with Raid. should i bother with btrfs, or just continue with ext4. does anyone here use btrfs on their systems?
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for a certain reason i have this extra small disk space left and i was wondering what could i do with a 37GB partition. any ideas?
what kind of dog is that?
I'm curious, and this super fascinates me, do you think this is enough to keep my tablet charged up? If I hung this against my window and just allowed it to trickle charge my tablet all day.

Just the idea that I could perpetually keep my tablet charged without being reliant on the grid seems cool to me.
Is anyone else getting Youtube ads of a sudden despite having ublock installed on Firefox?
Any laptop without discrete GPU and without a Nvidia GPU.
Are you trying to salvage the data? Take the drive out, picture relates.
My power went out last night, and when I turned my PC on this afternoon and restored my browser session, a Youtube tab I had open is now saying that the video is gone because the account was deleted. Is there a way to find out what video it was? Sometimes my browser history will keep the video title, but not this time. I don't think I need to watch the video, I'm just really curious as to what it was.
You just don't want to use RAID 5 or 6 with your metadata. Using RAID 5 or 6 with your data and RAID 10 with your data is okay, or you can just use RAID 10 for everything and be totally fine. If it's good enough for synology it's good enough for you.
A dedicated NAS OS will probably make it easier to set up BTRFS storage pools.
A Holstein Friesian.
several months ago, youtube had been running an experiment for injecting ads into the video stream. Sponsorblock refuses to run if it detects this is happening. Maybe this is still happening, maybe you just need to clear cache and update your filters.
There are .safetensor files on hugging face that look to be multi-part. I downloaded the base file without all the numbered ones and the lora shows when using comfyUI, but not well at all. Is there something I'm suppose to be doing to combine those other files into one? There's also a .toml file. Looks like the person who uploaded it s testing loras
How much do you want to spend on it?
You using on-board graphics or dedicated gpu?
That's a big oof; Clean it up with rubbing alcohol and let it dry and take a better photo. You could probably fix it with some soldering, but depends on how many components are damaged.
I have a 2013 rMBP that I don't use much. It's still on the original battery which I had planned on replacing but it seems like it would be a waste to spend any money on it. What should I do with it? Is it ewaste? It's still running macOS 10.14 mojave which I really like but a lot of software doesn't support it anymore and it's just not particularly useful
On-board graphics
Correction it's a 2014
Which processor? Display port or hdmi?
Intel 10100. The Motherboard has HDMI, DisplayPort, and DVI, and none of them output video
Motherboard? Have you fiddled with your monitor?
I tried two different monitors. The motherboard is an ASUS PRIME B460M-A
Can you just list the full build or drop the pcpartpicker link? I'm over here reading through the motherboard specifications. Have you tried a different hdmi cord?
I tried a different HDMI cord. I have a second computer I can pull apart to try replacing pieces if that helps

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That's pure trash. Why not consider something achtually usable like a plain old 12 volt system?
-generic 12 volt lead acid battery
-small (20W?) panel + controller
Then attach a generic car USB charger or whatever to your "car system".
>6 chink watts
*At best* you'll get the basic 5 volt one amp charge - which they do advertise.
Do displayport cables add latency or am i just placebo gas lighting myself
Says it supports up to DDR4-2666 dual-channel memory
Says it supports non-ecc unbuffered memory
Sorry, I must've put the incorrect RAM. I don't know the exact ones I have; I just know its a 2x8 G.Skill Ripjaws and a 1x16 Crucial, and the computer was functioning just fine with them previously
So you have had video display working in the past? Are you able to at least see the bios?
The computer was functioning perfectly as of the last time I tried to power it on six months ago
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>Do displayport cables add latency
Compared to what?
Keep using EXT4 but put it in a RAID6 lmao
I agree, and I'm looking at better ones now, but I think it's just neat being able to use it to charge devices. It's one of those things that I have zero need for right now and, this may never happen, but even having a shitty one would be a godsend if the power grid were ever taken down in a terrorist attack.
Had any power surges since then?
I would take that 16GB stick out and put each 8gb stick in slots 2 and 4 and see if it posts, and dust out the hdmi port and cord with some compressed air, maybe try another display or cord.
compared to other displayport cables
like can they have different latencies based off their build
One of my RAM sticks decided to give up the ghost the other day and it made me realize a lot of the issues I had disappeared as soon as I pulled it out of my machine. Exactly how much is RAM responsible for? I thought it was primarily for background stuff like remembering window positions, handling background instructions, remembering what is going on, etc.

My issues were things like
>Installing a game would randomly fail with .dll errors.
>Even if it installed fully and properly trying to boot it would corrupt all the files immediately so I'd have to repair it.
>Even if I repaired it it would just corrupt launching the game again.
>Random blue screens tied to unrelated errors that had nothing to do with memory failure.
The BSODs would point to random dlls or apparently my CPU being slightly overclocked (Which it isn't) according to Google.
>Extracting files directly to external drives would corrupt the files so I'd have to extract to my local HDD and then transfer it off to get it to work.

Does is really just cover a random plethora of things? Why was I getting such random errors that didn't point to anything? The instant I pulled out the failing stick and left the known working stick in my system I haven't had an issue in like four days now, was able to install and run the game just fine first try after reinstalling (Just worse than before because I lost half my RAM), and have had zero errors, crashes, or BSODs.
Oh yeah, and it also caused my Nvidia driver to become unsigned as I was installing an update, then it reverted me back to a driver from like four years ago I didn't even have on this computer (I just installed a clean copy of Windows), and then on a reboot it suddenly allowed me to install it properly with no errors. I really don't get how much RAM is responsible for or why it could cause corruption like this.
RAM is basically the entirety of the computer's memory. Every program that is running at any time and any data that any program is currently using gets loaded into RAM. Every single program. (yes it is a little more complicated with CPU cache but RAM really is that important).
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>I thought it was primarily for background stuff like remembering window positions, handling background instructions, remembering what is going on, etc.
Yeah, everything you are doing is located there. And if you have loads of RAM while not running any RAM hogs - yes, most of it will be used for caching. But the primary function is still about machine code.
>be running Gentoo Linux on overclocked PC
>fire up an upgrade (involves compiling loadsa software (Firefox, Thunderbird, Libre Office))
>compilation crashes and fails
>get some idea to drop RAM caches case some bits in there went sideways
>try compilation again -> works
>reboot to back down on RAM overclock
Felt kinda lucky, it could've caused just about any bug imaginable.
i plan on start buying sensors and shit for smart home
redpill me on Matter/Thread vs Matter/WiFi vs Zigbee vs MQTT/WiFi
Is it safe to store a laptop inside a ziplock bag with silica gel?
did you find the reason?
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I have an old android phone that i want to turn into an alarm clock. I basically want it to run constantly and show the weather pretty much. Does anyone have a good app/method to do this?
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4chanx on firefox
quick reply doesnt show the captcha
what do
>takes an hour to download a 1GB video from my own server when it used to take mere minutes
>download speeds in general can't even maintain a single MB/s
The only possible culprit is the brief power outage a couple of days ago but I already unplugged the router for the usual 30 seconds. Any solutions? Speedtest claims that my download speed is 30 MB/s higher than what I'm actually seeing.
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my old rotting first gen razer krakens finally croaked and i cant find a replacement listing for under 80$ and first gen razer krakens are not worth 80$.

anyone have a suggestion for new headphones? i enjoy spatial sound for gaming, and audio quality for music listening and movie watching. mic is preferred, but absolutely not necessary. i have a cheap sybasonic dac. budget is 100-150$ usd.
How much disk space is available? Which model disk/router? Wired or wireless?
Not sure what storage has to do with anything much less the model but I mainly connect to my server via wireless. Wi-fi. Until very recently there hasn't been any speed issues between client and server in regards to file transfers. Now downloading from Jellyfin is again, taking an hour for just one episode (needed to check up on something, as some chapters were glitching out). I'm considering unplugging both router and modem for a full two minutes each.

By the way, the server uses an ethernet connection, as it's actually close to the router. And just as I said that, I can no longer ping it. Really hope that power outage didn't fuck up anything vital.
Got any wireless congestion? Maybe change wireless channels?
How do I stop games from latching onto my CPU's ecores and shitting up their performance for no reason? I keep telling them to stop in task manager but is there an automatic solution?
disable e cores in bios or install xbox game bar
Okay, seems the power cycling trick worked. Unplugged modem and router for 15 seconds. Plugged in modem first, waited two minutes, and then plugged the router in. My file is now downloading at a steady 3.5MB/s as it should...well, Speedtest says it should be much faster but again, wi-fi. I recall the router broadcasting on the 2.4 band or whatever it's called but hell if I know how to change that. Also using 802.11n.
Anyone else having playback issues with Youtube? The bar seems to only buffer like a minute at a time, at which point, the video freezes, and I either have to click a few seconds ahead to force it to reload, or refresh the page and click the bar to load the video where I left off, but then about a minute later, it'll freeze again. I imagine it has something to do with Google's ongoing war against adblockers. I've done a search, and the only solution I've found, to whitelist jnn-pa.googleapis.com in both UBO and NoScript, I already had whitelisted before.
for a couple weeks, yes
Thanks, anon
.\yt-dlp videourl --ffmpeg- "G:\blah blah" --embed-metadata --embed-thumbnail -x --extract-audio --audio-quality 0

Retard here, does this look good to download the best quality available audio from youtube or should I add/remove something?
write a python script to parse the --list-formats output and select the highest bitrate audio only format
I see, no way to do that easier in the command line?
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yt-dlp -f 'bestaudio' --extract-audio --audio-format best URL
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How do people dump images? i know you can queue them with 4chanx but it doesn't auto load the captcha after posting the first one, the
>Auto-load captcha
option in quick-reply doesn't do shit
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How to run foobar2000 on Android? Is there a complete video tutorial available?
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what did you do to it?

i got picrel with https://files.catbox.moe/mu13nt.webm just encoded as vp9 using webm for retards with a few weeks old ffmpeg binary in my PATH
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my hatred for gaymers is stronger than my desire to help those in need
but what did you do to it, and why is it happening? ive tried to post more than just gayming vp9 webms you know
What's a straightforward way to create a simple pdf resume? I'm on Debian btw. LibreOffice etc always come with lots of bloat
A310 for $180 (kangaroo bux) or A380 for $225?
Primarily to be used for media transcode, I have an old GT210 or something somewhere, and while it's probably functional, for DVD, I'm autistic and want to waste more money on something new (albeit low end)
make in google docs
print to PDF
Is github copilot reliable for, web systems deving, automation and webs creation? Im thinking on biting the bullet and give away those 10 bucks but i think that it will make me lazy and a worst professional in the long run
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What's the best freeware to mount an ISO? Is it still daemon tools or something? I'm trying to play an abandonware game from [REDACTED]
it is native to windows 10+ but i used daemon tools on 7 and previous
yeah sorry it's win10. native you mean win10 comes with a tool to mount ISO's?
you can just right click isos and click mount but if you're mounting mdf/mds/bin etc you might need something like daemon tools also idk about stuff like securom
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Finally started making use of 4chanx's filters. Is there a way to hide posts entirely so they don't appear at all? Or is as much you can do just hide them like this?
throw ";stub:no" on the end and it won't show them
Worked a treat, thanks anon.
how to write filter
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I put it in "general" and "comment"
I usually don't like filtering shit but literally nothing is being lost here and he shits up a lot of Nintendo threads on /v/.
There's also a guide in the filter tab for more in-depth stuff
What's the best way to move data to a new hard drive? Should I just create a clone?
I want to listen to audiobooks at work but I am not fucking paying for it. I need an iOS compatible application that remembers where in the audiobook I’m at because I cannot keep seeking through a 5 hour audio file in traffic
>not paying
you will pay the tim apple mafia and you will be happy
qBittorrent v.4.6.6, in connection, I2P (experimental).
What Host do I put and what Port do I put? Do I enable mixed mode even if the router is not running?
Any recommendations for a cheap laptop or even a tablet that is good for drawing on? It's primary use will be for taking to and from lectures to take notes during and to type up assignments, however I want a touchscreen/stylus screen to draw on to continue digital art hobbies.
No, actually I won’t. Over 6 years, I have spent $700 on phones (all 3 were 8+), and my mbp cost me $400.

The whole debate:
>wow conSOOOMer spend spend spend goy
>hah, too poor for apple?

Is retarded. Just buy electronics used, I don’t have any issue with my shit and I
spend 1/4 what normies do because I don’t give a fuck about having the latest whatever. iPhone is from 2017 and mbp is from 2019.

Now answer the question faggot
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Less than 300$
Id recommend you just learn git and then work incrementally (pushing commits immediately as you make changes, rather than all at once when you're finished). Git is a great work tool anyway that you'll benefit from having learned.

That being said not everyone (but certainly some do) judges you by the activity graph, especially if they can see you are committing whole projects at once. You're probably fine either way.

Also the activity graph can be faked if you wanna go down that route. You can just write a script that makes fake commits in a private repo and change the history of them so it looks like you've been actively making commits every day for years
no you will buy into the ecosystemâ„¢ itoddler
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Is there a tool to add tags to files?
My webm collection has grown too large, and when I want to look something up it take too long.
wtf is "mixed mode"? Any peer to peer client either listens to a port or not.
What sort of data?
/b/ folder or some other "dumb files"? -> copy and paste
a drive with something you can't copy? -> clone (note that cloning doesn't clone boot entries, they are tied to the motherboard)
Various files and installations, "dumb data". Just wanted to know if there was a better way than copy-pasting. Thanks for the answer.
i still use a phone from 2016 that was a hand me down and cost $0
>comes with a tool to mount ISO's
Any OS since forever could've came with this feature. It's the OS itself doing the heavy lifting, not the program.
>OS reads file - this case an image of a CD-ROM containing an ISO9660 (and named as .iso file)
>pipes it to a driver that handles ISO9660 filesystems
>tell the driver where this filesystem goes (on Windows you'd pick a "drive letter", on Linux/Unix you pick a location)
Same thing with real CD but this case there's no drive, there's a file. Operating system abstractions you see.
But no OS? No bootloaders no hidden passwords? Then it's something that likely doesn't benefit from cloning.
The installed programs may or may not work when you fire them from another system. Are they supposed to be standalone programs?
why not make array indexes modular (i.e. index mod size) by default?
In safe languages there's already mechanisms that will throw an error of you try to access out of bounds of an array (and you'd rather have it crash as soon as possible, than keep working on the wrong data when something is wrong)

As for unsafe languages they just don't care, on the language level anyways, about such safety features. Use a sanitizer or something they'd say
>wtf is "mixed mode"?
Meant to be clearnet + i2p connections from what I understand. Clearnet connects with other clearnet users and i2p connects with other i2p users - at the same time. I think that's it.
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I’m just like… not gonna do it? Hahahahahaha fuck you
I bet you got a lot of joy knowing you can one up me with your frugality, what a flex bro!
frugality has nothing to do with it. if i got an iphone for free i would sell it or give it away
>cost nothing
>frugality has nothing to do with it
yeah ok. anyway, im sure whatever you "need" android for is definitely worth your time
>Meant to be clearnet + i2p
Ah! I assume i2p provides relevant HTTP or SOCKS proxies? Is the Bittorrent client supposed to be reachable from i2p? (proxies only call out)
i hate all phones and all phone users including myself
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Note that there are no tags on the filesystem level, only the tool would know about them. And you need to export when migrating to other systems.
Isn't the ecosystem the whole point of Apple products? Honestly never used one so I wouldn't know.
t. from non-apple ooga booga country
yes the ecosystemâ„¢ is a digital rights management protection racket designed to extort money from you, and any so-called 'api' they expose for third parties is deliberately obtuse to get you on board with the ecosystemâ„¢
Can I crawl a booru using an image's downloaded filename to find the specific url it was hosted on?

Say I have a7b3c2fca34e2e06df7bcc8009f1ef10.mp4 downloaded from https://gelbooru.com/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=9879571

How could I crawl gelbooru to find that url using the filename string?
>I assume i2p provides relevant HTTP or SOCKS proxies?
I believe HTTP proxies is the answer.
>Is the Bittorrent client supposed to be reachable from i2p?
I don't know how it works too well so I don't think I can answer this, sorry.
Are there any mobile data providers with uimited data for less than $30 a month? Specifically looking for data for my laptop because my job has no wifi and I legit have nothing to do most of the day.
I'm fine with either having to use a dongle or one of those mobile Hotspot devices. Speed doesn't really matter as long as it's not trash.
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I have a desktop with Ubuntu installed on it, but I don't have a ethernet access point anywhere near my desk. If I connect a laptop(also ubuntu) with a wifi connection will I be able to use the internet on the desktop? I don't want this to be a permanent solution I just want to update the system and install Libreoffice and some sdr software.
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Its over?
yes, look for network bridging. you will need a network cable to connect your desktop network port to your laptop network port, of course.
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Is it possible to get ranger working on PowerShell?
A connection with a VPN will always be slower than without. Is this correct?
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Which color scheme could this be?
requests, beautifulsoup, regex, and maybe selenium if booru is heavy cookies/javascript
Click this, change hash.
in a perfect world, yes.
but there is so much gay shit revolving internet routes that you can actually get better speeds in some cases with a VPN.
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Do we not give purchase advice here anymore?
you can ask on one of the audio or chink shit generals, they are probably gonna rip you a new one for being a gaymer though so look for the charts.
can't you hook an AP via ethernet and get yourself some wifi?
i got an rx6700 and i have a 23.5.1 version on because the 24.x.x versions were all fucking up bad
did they fix those issues yet? whats the go to amd driver these days?
Is this the furry general?
If yes, anyone knows, when does Eurofurrence actually start, so I can pick my badge up? Tomorrow at 9, OT should I come 30 minutes before that?
They don't have any ether et ports where I am. Technically they do have wifi, but none of the employees are allowed on it. Asked a few people, no one knows the pw.
How secure is vpn and/or tor
not secure at all
Explain pls
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How to put all my uMatrix rules into uBO?
24.6.1 is what I use currently on my 6900XT, 24.7.1 and 24.8.1 are basically stutterfixes for newer game releases since then.
I only use Windows for VR though, so I have not tested them because VR support on AMD is really fucking spotty and will at best not lower my performance and more commonly will and has in the past, I used 22.5.1 up into 2023
AncientGameplays is an AMD shill on youtube and a fairly decent source for AMD drivers, the comments section is the best source to find bugs on a new driver unironically
Also if you're using an Ryzen CPU make sure you have updated the chipset drivers, when it comes to AMD systems you should never mixmatch chipset and GPU, use old drivers for both or new for both
Is there a backup of /g/ wiki? I was just reading:
Because I'm about to start assembling my pc, but I refreshed by accident and now the server is down.
Is OneDrive a know cause of OS corruption? I've had my OS corrupt more times this year than I've ever had before in my entire time of using computers. It shows network usage in the task manager, even though I never setup my account, and repeatedly uninstall it. I have no clue why I'm getting issues otherwise, I even swapped hardware.
Interesting you ask this, OP, I've been dealing with similar issues and basically use OneDrive for everything.
The "Similar" option only had a field for post IDs which is what I'm trying to find but it gave me the idea to search by md5:string and it worked, thanks
Is cock.li down? What's going on?
Try chachedview dot com. It has links to google cache and the internet archive.
That page is down for me, thanks for trying though.
Ah, there was a typo. I tried it but it didn't work with my link. Thanks though.
You are retarded. Honestly, building a PC might be too complex of a task for you. The internet archive has a copy of that page. I would show you a screenshot if this tranny website let me upload images.
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What AI did they use to generate this?
Is mental outlaw a fed?
Bridge version:
>create a bridge interface
>slave the wireless and wired interfaces to it
>establish a wireless link
But I doubt that works, it requires special hardware voodoo from the Wi-Fi chip. Both machines should "see" the parent Wi-Fi as is and request DHCP from it.
NAT version:
>configure IP addresses between the laptop and desktop
Must be different from the parent net.
>set up NFtables masquerading firewall
>establish a wireless link
*Exactly* like you were building a home router, it's just the Wi-Fi is the "WAN port" now.
Question : Is it possible with Edge to create a shortcut that opens in its own window with no address bar? It's possible in Chrome when you create a shortcut and check "open in a new window" but I don't find anything similar in Edge.
What's a good desktop OCR software? I have a folder full of twitter screencaps of important things that have happened in the news over the years, but they just have timestamps and the site name in the filename, so I need to search the text within the images. I have a few thousand images that I'd like to index.
Runway, according to the original poster.
is there a way to convert a qemu command line to a virt-manager compatible XML or whatever it uses?
Any ideas for these weird issues when casting from Jellyfin to Chromecast (2nd gen)?

* Black box around subs
* Movies freezing when transcoding audio
* 1080p not supported according to Jellyfin, transcodes to lower res despite CC supporting 1080p

Started halfway 2024, before it was flawless
Is there anything to do with 10 year old processor or I just throw it away?
Sell it for a few bucks at least. Could always make a home theater pc or emubox out of it
I have an ISP provided modem+router in which I'm not able to change the DNS settings. I have connected to that modem+router a separate router in which I'm able to set my DNS to cloudflare. Ignore for a moment how dumb this setup is: assuming I'm connected to the 2nd router, how do I know for certain which DNS is being used?
It already does best audio by default. yt-dlp -x
What do you WANT to do with it is the question. Unless it's a pentium or something it's perfectly adequate for a lot of things.
If I download something from go file
Can the uploader see ip or anything about me
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Got this asus rog strix paperweight the screen and hard drive are pretty much dead still posts but I don’t really want to put money into repairing it fully I could turn it into a living room pc but as simple as flashing a new hard robe and just plugging it into a TV would be there’s asome work that obviously need to be done with I figured I’d ask to see if anyone here has any tutorials or knowledge. They can share on making this easier on my smooth brain
Should I use the icc profile for my monitor I found in .local/share/icc/ or srgb?
And should I max out the contrast?
Check if you can access other DNSes first from your machine, like 'nslookup example.org'. If it fails your router will too have the same problem and may be either silently failing to resolve and using the ISP DNS or just DNS will stop working.
Don't forget your system or web browser may be caching DNS records so check it with only 'nslookup' or 'dig' etc
Instead of going to the post office directly, you give your letter to a nigger on the street and trust him to take it to there for you.
You forward your letter through 3 different niggers but the first and the last niggers always work for the government.
So how do I be private
if you don't know you need an icc profile you probably don't need it
set the contrast that looks best in your perception or leave it at default
you don't have to do anything fancy really
there is no such thing as ‘being private’
you have to figure out what you want to protect and from whom
then act accordingly
vpn is not the answer to every threat
I just don't want my isp to see
then vpn is the way
Whats best for feds in general? How about vpn then tor
VPN to hide the fact that you use Tor from your ISP, Tor browser connected to self-hosted full node through VPN. Tor browser must have javascript disabled. Key words JAVASHIT DISABLED. You cannot compromise on this.
is yandex.com down for everyone or has my country finally decided to block it?
I recently changed phone numbers and now I'm getting bombarded with spoofed phone numbers and calls with silence at the end.

How can I counter this?
change your phone number again
Assume I allocate a character array using malloc():
 unsigned char *buffer = (unsigned char*)malloc(fsize) 

What does this following statement do exactly?
 unsigned char *code = &buffer[pc] 

You can't apply the address operator to a pointer in C, right? And I've never seen a pointer become subscripted, so I don't know what that means either. This is someone else's code that I'm reading if it's not already obvious.
Trying to decide how to place my front speakers in a 5.1 setup. They're some old sony 120W bookshelf speakers and the room is square 14'x14'. The big hitch at this time is my TV stand has a much longer base platform (on which my AV receiver and a PC sit and neither can be moved easily) than the surface my TV is on. The base platform is long enough to interfere with the speaker/stand and another piece of furniture keeps the speaker/stand on the other side from being far enough out to match each other.

I can put them on the floor and they're very close to symmetrically spaced from my TV. I could also put them on makeshift speaker stands but one speaker will be about 4" further from the TV than the other speaker.

Would you rather have speakers too low or speakers not symmetrically placed?
I have an mp4 file with data at the end of payload data
Is this thing a hack?

It is essentially this ;
consider buffer to be a string of size fsize

code is a substring of that string starting pc characters in.
code = buffer + pc;
even microsoft still rents out 10 year old processors in azure.
you can also try overclocking it if it is a K series.
Anyone else's YouTube just keeps permanently refreshing/reloading in Incognito?
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How do I get Firefox to stop showing me update nag popups? I've tried flipping every relevant switch in about:config and this fucking software keeps showing me popups.
I don't want it to stop updating, I just want it to shut the fuck up about it.
need vm for macOS to run windows. virtualbox ok?
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What's the current Libgen mirror to use, or its alternative?
Never tried it, used VMware personally, but I don't see why any of em would be bad today
Site app[dot]p500[dot]io is a fake pajeet crypto phising site posing as clone of plus 500.

They have stolen close to 1 BTC on the address bc1q54y4mkl363qxggq9gc2ru0qwjen6lg4p7ggtyc

Their security is probably lax.

What do?
annas-archive dot org and libgen dot is both work
that nigger is trying hard to have libgen taken down
what a faggot
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What do you mean by DNS settings? The DHCP advertisement? The parent DNS regarding the router that caches them?
Besides you can specify it manually. Picture relates.
And why do you even have two routers? Stop this nonsense already.
>that nigger is trying hard to have libgen taken down
>what a faggot
simply didnt happen
Sar, I tried the .rs mirror last time and it did not work sar. There's another mirror, but the old-ass tablet I download books onto gets raped by the ads sar; I cannot install uBlock onto the browser, sar.
I bought a Bluetooth receiver for my tv to connect to my Bluetooth headset but there’s noticeable lag. Anyone recommend me a better product? The one I got was $10 in amazon, but it seems a lot of the ones on Amazon are junk
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Found image on their site, don't know if it's a user or a victim
what are you, retarded? Use firefox on the tablet and you can have ublock. I swear this place is 50% ESL and 45% low spec llms
I'm on an old-ass tablet; I'm on an old iPod (not giving it back btw). I can't install Firefox from an apk nor via f-droid, and I can't install it through the work around of using another Apple device to install it and then reinstall it on the device I intend to use it on. If I mentioned that I could not install it onto the browser, then surely I would have know that Firefox works. The only other browser I know of that uBlock worked on is Chrome, and I think that got raped by Google. Other browsers like Opera and Brave are for faggots and still wouldn't work anyway. Arrogant, presumptuous nigger.
Can someone let me know what the meta is these days for buying external backup drives? If I plunk down for a 20 TB external Western digital elements drive straight off amazon, am I being retarded? Is it a factory second or some shit like that and I should buy a different brand/something else (or even the same WD drive but from a retail outlet)?
why won't my 4chan sounds extension work!!! Why can't I listen to funneh sounds on my 'puter!
Should i use ai if i want to learn a language and create mobile apks?
If yes, which ones are recommended?
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>267 / 54 / 1

Found some interesting emails in the source:


Kener Linfeng Email
Senior Development Engineer [at] Ant Financial
>PC freezes for no reason
>Next time I try to use it it turns on and off repeatedly
>Some guy on le reddit says to remove ram and put it on again
>Everyone says he saved their lives
>Do it myself
>Now it won't even turn on in the first place
Wat do
Which free messaging/calling program/app on desktop+android has the best call quality and end-to-end encryption? P2P is ok
How detrimental is it to add another ethernet switch daisy chained on if it's the 3rd in a row? If each switch only has limited traffic in a home setting it shouldn't be too bad right? It's just limited to the one port bandwidth on each switch, or are there other drawbacks?
I want to replace some TL tubes with a led strip.
Only problem is that all power supplies I can find for led strips are at least 30mm x 16mm (length doesnt really matter here), while I only have room for 20mmx25mm.
Any suggestions on how to find even thinner power supplies? Google isnt really helping here.
The thing is Im retarded, for some reason when I was a kid I thought I could connect many old processors and do something cool, but there is no universal CPU port right? You need a specific motherboard per CPU. I no longer have the original motherboard or power supply, and I guess it would be a pain to get 10 year old parts, right?
I messed up whilst installing Debian, now my ThinkPad just shows a small blinking underline symbol when the USB flasher is connected, and states "OS not found" when disconnected. Am I fucked?
So why are the communists not providing us with open hardware for linux machines?
Is there a tool or third party site or something that will allow me to view an entire thread/comment section for a twitter post without needing to make an account?
Will my phone explode if I install Element messenger on it?
Free AI Apis?

Not use them, but put them on my html page...

Is there a list or a thread? Can run the Gemini model trough gemma.cpp and stdout so, cloud is better, even free?
Is there a better way to call them?

Sure there may be someone, no?
I noticed my parents internet connection is super slow, like 250kb/s max, The connection there is supposed to be much faster and was in the past. The router there is like 15 years old, how likely is it it's the culprit and in need of replacement?
im guessing the connection/router is ADSL or something. Just switch ISPs and get a contract that upgrades the connection to fiber if you can or VDSL and includes the router.
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Is it safe to write on the red X spots with a permanent marker?
The problems with the recent Intel chips only involve desktops not laptops right? I need a new laptop and most AMD shit is either too expensive or sold out where I live.
No, you'll be fine, you'll just get shit on on /g/ for using anything that isn't imessage.
you'll be fine.
you'll be fine as long as it's not a high end laptop CPU, the kind you find in gaming laptops, or it's not 13th of 14th gen.
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I copied an important folder to a SSD from another, did a SHA256 test on all files after copying to verify that everything copied correctly.

I then deleted the original. After rebooting the copied file disappeared.
chkdsk /R didn't find any problems

Am I fucked or can I somehow get back my file that copied successfully but then disappeared?
Wrote file because it's in particular a single file in that copied folder that was important.
It's possible. Hard reset it, and reconfigure it, give it a new password. If it's still shit, then the wireless is giving out and you need to upgrade.
Start over, make sure you select a DE if you want a UI
>turn phone off over night for the first time in ages
>was at about 60% battery
>wake up
>won't turn on
>plug it in to charge
>no charging screen
>wait a few minutes
>try to turn it on
>no vibration/sound
>no load screen
>keep it on charge
>mount it standing up against an old amd stock heatsink and aim a 120mm fan at it too
>few hours later and I forgot about it
>try to turn it on again but to no avail
it wasn't even on charge overnight, and I'm not a gamer or 24/7 doomscroller or anything of the sorts, so unsure on what could've caused it
it's a Pixel 2 XL, so yes it's getting a bit old, but it otherwise still works fine for what I do (calls, texts, light web browsing when I'm taking a shit, that kinda stuff)
local repair shops are quoting about $150 just to even look at it, no repair included, because "it's too old" and they "can't get parts easily"
is there an easier way? I don't have soldering skills or anything like that, so I'd 99.99% break it if I tried fixing it myself

my question is this; is there a way to know which apps were on it? it was logged in to my G**gle account, but I'm not a big phone user and I'm retarded, and it isn't showing up in my Play Store devices
I think he meant put it in again, not turn it on again.
You ever notice how online retailers don't accept Visa gift cards anymore
I have $100 of basically worthless money because not even Paypal will accept this fucking shit
I'm aware of Putty to access Ubuntu remotely on Windows with the terminal, but is there another remote option? Like actually using the Ubuntu desktop while on Windows? I know it's possible between Windows PCs but how do I set it up so I can do it between Linux and Windows?
I've seen some Monster brand wireless transceivers at Walmart for less than $20 (Just yesterday in fact)
what the hell is a dragon drop?
It's the drop that you get when you kill the dragon
How to access lainchan via readchan?
A lot of devices will randomly stop charging if faced with variable current. They do make 'solar compatible' USB power banks which allow discharge while charging and won't shut down the charging circuit when input drops. It's something you may have to contact the mfg about. Usually not advertised as such in the product description.
>audio works on every browser
>but floorp
>on linux
Anyone have any ideas as to why? I'm retarded, yes. Its just my phones don't fucking function on floorp and floorp alone. FF, librewolf, etc all fine.
if you get firefox from some microsoft/flatpak app store it usually updates on it's own.
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Could just be floorp, seen multiple issues with pipewire with it, and the dev discussing it with people, although no fix has been floated as far as I've seen.
anyone know why my ubuntu suddenly has crackling issues with sound?
i happens on processor strain like when i play a game and have youtube playing in the background. the sound comes through but it crackles.
it didn't have problems with this before.

using PipeWire 1.0.3
PulseAudio 15.0.0
try putting just one stick in and see if it boots
I'm adding extra storage to my computer and I heard that I should convert it from fat 32 to NFST (or w/e the other memory type is) so I can transter larger datat files over quick and easy. I'm just checking if this was a meme or not and if I should do it or just ignore it. Its an SSD if it matters.
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I'm 33. Is it TOO LATE to do the georgia tech OMSCS program? I did really well in my first degree (chem eng) and want to change careers.
all of my drives are NTFS. If you have a file that is >4GB you cannot copy it to a FAT32 drive. I only use FAT32 (on USB drives, of all things) when the device I'm transferring files to has that limitation that it will only recognize FAT32. Usually old shitty devices. I don't see any reason not to use NTFS.
Can someone help me with some super slow download speeds?

Been having a problem with my download speeds that started happening just like that and I'm really running out of things to try.
I'm using wifi with my desktop PC but that wasn't a problem before. I used to download things at the speed of light super fast but now, from the same sites now I'm downloading at 200kb give or take and this has affected Steam and JDownloader as well.

While troubleshooting I've noticed my phone and notebook download as fast as always, so it's just my desktop PC the one affected.

I've already tried refreshing my ip, unplugging my router, deleting cache...
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hi /g/bros, brainlet here. I tried torrenting some normie movie for my father a month ago and the magnet was fishy and it ended up being for another movie, so i stopped downloading it right away. so then i wanted to keep my download folder organized and tried deleting the file, but it won't delete. i would try to force delete it but i can't even get the filename since when i right click it it just makes the whole file explorer freeze and makes the desktop refresh (no clue why).
it's possible that the filename is so long your computer HATES it. If it's deep in the rabbit hole of a file structure you can try cutting and pasting it to your desktop and then deleting it from there.
I think if you open winrar and navigate to that file within winrar you can delete it from there as well.
If that doesn't work idk man.
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How do I get interested in programming again? I've dabbled in C, C++, Python, Java, C#, JS, without ever really sticking to one.

Now I have an actual job as a developer using PL SQL, but I feel my actual programming knowledge is withering.

But I really stuggle to do personal projects, it all feels like a pointless waste of time making like say Pong in Java... what's the point?

Game dev at least has some artistic aspirations but I wouldn't even know where to start.

Is Automate The Boring Stuff With Python a good book for reminding me what the point even is of programming
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good advice but epic fail for both unfortunately, it just froze when i tried winrar but i managed to cut it to the desktop (it successfully moved it from file explorer) but when i tried to move it to the trash or rename it it just froze again and even made my nvidia app crash or something, there was a color lag on winblows...oh well i don't use desktop with icons so its kinda gone anyway
Try delete it through the command line
The only time that something like that happened is when my disk got corrupted. If your on windows it has a few disk fix tools that work pretty well.
oh ok, maybe I should learn Git. I never bothered since I just stored everything on my PC locally.
How do I check that none of my devices have hidden explosives in them?
Pray to the jewish god Yahweh and he will answer.
Cool and thanks!
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To add to my problem, my motherboard is an Asus PRIME B550M-A AC and uses Realtek 8821CE Wireless LAN 802.11ac PCI-E NIC
>move, change isp
>the ip range assigned to me is apparently used for abuse often
>banned from posting files on 4chan
>can't pass cloudflare checks anywhere
>if i ever pass the check, i get 1 captcha, then the 60-second cooldown
>half of the time my post gets eaten by the server
Is there anything I can do other than changing isps?
Did I fuck my motherboard by manually switching off the power every night? It won't detect any cpu fan i have out of nowhere
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whats a good phone and carrier for someone that would hardly ever use and doesn't want a phone
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How do you connect a SATA HDD to a macbook in order to transfer files to it?
get a SATA/USB adapter from amazon.
if it's a 3,5" HDD you may need an additional power source.
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In MPV, how do I change the font size of this text from "show media info on-screen"? What am I supposed to put into the config file?

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