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What are some cool regex filters?
My favourite is
(mass reply filter)
## Consoomer/ Shill ##
# Some of these are commented out as there can still be some interesting
# discussion on tech brands. Apple doesn't get a pass, though.
# Any thread with the word "recommend" in it (but not -ed/-s/-ation)
# is also suspect as it tends to be a tech support thread
>blocks out inte||igence
Give a moron a hammer...
What are some cool english phrases?
My favorite is "Op is a huge faggot" (a true statement)
In the "Name" dropdown
# Filter any namefags:
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great regex, retard
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Not regex but

Filters most generals, but does not filter URLs.

Use for OPs. This one filters all threads with single-sentence questions. Seems excessive, but once you apply it and look at the threads the filter hides, you realize that it's 99 % low quality bait or tech support.
I like the vanilla 4chan experience.
When you start to filter you are just filtering out yourself.
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/it's over/i
/Why aren't you/i
/Let me guess/i
/Cure. your distro/i
/come home\b/i
/use[ -]?case/i
/and you will be happy/i
Why do you need filters?
Is it so hard to ignore threads you don't like?
smell some butthurt here
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Here's a 4chan-x filter I like. It hides threads where the OP consists of only one sentence, ending in a question mark. Incredibly powerful — this alone will filter dozens of threads on most boards, and they'll all be bad.
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become a regex101 sponsor
why didn't I know about \b before. That simplifies stuff. Also, nice filters. I also have
/oh ?no ?no/i

Yep. Word boundaries are convenient.
Why waste my time even glancing at them. Let them disappear from my sight. I don't even need to know they ever existed.
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The generals are the best threads.
/B RAM meme/i
/how slow is you/i
/dust has settled/i
/I am forgotten/i
/years later and they still/i
/redpill me/i
why? is it because your opinion so very valuable and interesting?
kek. You are just an ordinary retard who never had an original idea in his lifetime.

what you morons do is killing this website. Most boards are already dead because of it.
>Most boards are already dead because of it.
Boards are dead because we filter repetitious bullshit? You've got things backwards.
I am so confused
good list.
most of mine are just variations of a certain group of gender-confused retards so I don't need to waste my time with anyone who's obsessed with them.

Some more to help you out
/never be a real woman/i
/never be a woman/i
/rotten wound/i
/dial eight/i
/mutilated genitals/i
he's not wrong, but it's more telling that jannies don't clean up the things people should be filtering.
I really wouldn't mind a refresh of the wordfilter lists at least.
It's sort of true. On a lot of boards if you filter out all the repetitious bullshit you find there are almost no threads left.
What's that 56 percent about? Never seen it mentioned.
Also you can add "axe wound" and "castrat"
There's a lot less on /b/ with my filters for it

/shouldn't share/i;boards:b;op:only
/shouldnt share/i;boards:b;op:only
/Asian prostitute/i;boards:b;op:only
/Shouldn’t share/i;boards:b;op:only
/Black New World Order/i;boards:b;op:only
/gay sex/i;boards:b;op:only
/back to Africa/i;boards:b;op:only
/How do I fuck/i;boards:b;op:only
/imagine the smell/i;boards:b;op:only
/nigga dick/i;boards:b;op:only
/nigger dick/i;boards:b;op:only
/big cock/i;boards:b;op:only
/big dick/i;boards:b;op:only
/big penis/i;boards:b;op:only
/cel thread/i;boards:b;op:only

continued in next post
probably the "le 56% face" meme. latest Census puts the US at like ~56% non-hisp white.
/Built for/i;boards:b;op:only
/^Black men are winning\.$/
/Asian thread/i;boards:b;op:only;
/Eternal Cel/i;boards:b;op:only;
/morally wrong for me/i;boards:b;op:only;
/Thoughts on my/i;boards:b;op:only;
/ass thread/i;boards:b;op:only;
/stroke to/i;boards:b;op:only;
/you edge/i;boards:b;op:only;
/foot job/i;boards:b;op:only;
/white girls/i;boards:b;op:only;
/white women/i;boards:b;op:only;
/nigger cock/i;boards:b;op:only;
/girl cock/i;boards:b;op:only;
/girl dick/i;boards:b;op:only;
/weird fetish/i;boards:b;op:only;
/inch dick/i;boards:b;op:only;
/small dick/i;boards:b;op:only;
/Best letter/i;boards:b;op:only;
/dick pic/i;boards:b;op:only;
/think she wants/i;boards:b;op:only;
/white boy/i;boards:b;op:only;
/shirtless men/i;boards:b;op:only;
/black cocks/i;boards:b;op:only;
interesting anti-goon list.
very nice.
Then make better threads. Be the change.
filter some recent spammers I made these yesterday doe so its not completed
also you can't just copy paste this into 4chan-x I believe you need to convert it
#gnome foot spamming faggot 80 times a day 
#same breed as /aicg/ faggots
#all the spamming faggots come from here
#filter blue archive spammer who doesn't even play the "game" (visual novel with minigame on the side)

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