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He's bankrupt.
Rerelease of Brain is a flop (at least by his measure).
Jai remains a vaporware.
There's no new game ready to be released...

What will he do for money now?
Give Jonathan Blowjobs on the streets of LA
He could easily get funding for sokoban if he wants it
Why did he even think an anniversary edition would be smart?
isnt he working on a vr game or something
he is a lifelong choker, never made any money from his "high iq", all of his projects are 10 years delayed, absolutely sad to see
He has elevated opinion of himself and his products.
He never got a reality check until now.
But were there any new features or any reason to buy the new version?
He was working on a programming language and few games at the same time.
But ran out of money, which is silly cause everyone (likely including himself) knew it would happen eventually.
Not really.
He needed money to keep his company running and thought Braid had such a following rerelease would bring him whatever amount he expected.
Amazing. Just the sheer incompetence. I'm truly astonished.
well he can open source it and rewrite in JAI for promotion

wait that's exactly Walter Bright did with his old game in D lmao
He is right that the game industry is rough now. Only very few games get all attention while the others are fighting for breadcrumbs since there are too many games competing for attention. Even AAA studios are dying.
you're right satan. guys like these work best in a controlled environment where their ideas and efforts are funneled into a final product
>thinks there is money in open source
>Even AAA studios are dying
They're dying because they're forced to hire trannies for diversity quotas and regularly alienate the straight white male that makes up at least 40% of their market demographic.
>until now
Not really.
Games have like 200 hours or more of gameplay now.
So you can be fully satisfied with one truly great game for a long time with no desire whatsoever to play lesser games.
Only the very best can survive in current market.
>Soulja Boy had more fun playing Braid than I think Jonathan Blow has had in his entire life
Free labor = Less spending = More money
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You're weird.

Hiding this thread now.
>thinks people actually contribute to open source
>Games have like 200 hours or more of gameplay now.
Nah, they just need to be good.
>But it needs to be endless replayable
Make the core gameplay loop fun so it's replayable or add an multiplayer or add some challenge modes like randomizers. The padding of time is simply there to appease some bad metric
>Games have like 200 hours or more of gameplay now.
Name one that doesn't have online multiplayer thats made by AAA studio that isn't half Japanese

Except Slavery didn't last very long in the US because the free labor was too sloppy and the machines paid for themselves
>zero products
>It's profitable
>I don't know how to pay my team
He got that corporate double speak down that's for sure
So does the rerelease have anything extra?
WHY DOESN"T HE JUST GET A FUCKING JOB. Go do AI or something else trendy. Or just be a database admin. What the fuck is his problem. No one cares what he think about anything.
Why wouldn't Japanese games count?
They're available in the west and affect the market.
>online games don't count
Again - why?
> Old braid sold a lot of copies so it's only natural to expect
Is he retarded? An indie darling sold many copies 16 years ago, so re-releasing it would have the same effect?
Well, profitable just means it made more than it cost to made - so if his team spent 1 year on this rerelease and it made $4.5M in sales then it's technically profitable.
But of course he expected to make enough to be able to sustain his team for prolonged period of time in the future.
And likely didn't count the time he wasted on developing other things before this rerelease.
Gameplay hours was the talking point in the above posts

And Japanese games like the Souls series and Monster hunter normal have over 100+ hours of single player content
Online multiplayer pads out the gameplay hours indefinitely as far as PC stats go
And the point was to prove that AAA studios are sabotaging themselves and their own products in the name DEI.
Which ironically means going indie means getting the most value for your dollar

I've put in over 1000 hours into Rimworld and Starsector. Both indie games. Haven't even picked up a AAA game since MGS5
>Well, profitable just means it made more than it cost to made - so if his team spent 1 year on this rerelease and it made $4.5M in sales then it's technically profitable.
Anon, if it's profitable its income outweighs its expenses. If he can't pay his team or has to find new plans to do so then its expenses exceeded its income.
And the main point is that the Western market is proving of being unable to cater to it's own demographic without gimmicks. When that happens the entire market is going to shit to a different region (China, if Black Myth: Wukong is any indication)
He has a permanent team working on his meme language.
I think this is what he means - that he can't keep them on payroll.
If he fired them know he would still have 0.5 mil of profit.
Which would be the rational thing to do.

Although you're probably right and he may be stretching the truth to make it seem better than it actually is.
meanwhile notch stole an idea from an old game, implemented it in the worst language possible for the purpose and made millions, allowing him to indefinitely neet

The take away here is that if American based studios aren't making games for the American market than who are they being made for and more importantly: Who is going to make the games we actually want?
My point is that with how complex the games got and how much content they provide, the majority of the player base only needs like 5-10 of the very best games at the given time to be satisfied.
So those who are developing average or even good games (and this includes many AAA studios) are simply not needed in the current market.
There's no attention or time of the players for them left.
Literally billions.
>muh stealing ideas
Whatever you do, don't google "valorant", "fortnite" or "league of legends"
>only needs like 5-10 of the very best games
And a majority of those games aren't being made by US studios or even the made in the current year.
Their best strategy is remakes of older games which just proves they can't make good games anymore. You're just playing older games from a better era.
And gameplay hours =/= content
Despite the hardware upgrades games have actually gotten worse since there is a severe lack of creativity and risk taking which simply can not exist in modern game studios due to both the devs and marketers cowardice.
>league of legends
I remember playing the original Warcraft 3 custom map Defense of the Ancients a long time ago. Still have the original discs and the WoW demo/trial disc too.
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Become an influencer
bit late for that
i hate this faggot's face so much
A lot of these early indies thought they were hot shit because they sold well in an extremely favourable market. If Braid released today it would be one of those sub-100 Steam review indie flops.
He should just troon out at this point
>it made more money than it cost to make
Gee, I certainly hope the same game wouldn't cost too much
How would that help?
I actually bought Amnesia when it got open sourced, so yeah it's better than nothing
why does jon blow as a topic bring out the retards into the yard

I don't get it, besides the general degradation of 4chan quality with the influx of 3rdies
I pirated the anniversary edition.
It's kinda shit, the game didn't change at all and the gameplay has aged like fine milk. It's a one-afternoon game from 15 years ago, shouldn't cost more than a dollar or two.
I'm excited for Jai, I think JBlow is a major autist and his perfectionism will give us a fun language.
But he's high off of his own farts if he though this game was going to be anything more than a small profit. What, he expected this to rise to the top of the charts? To have millions of concurrent players?
Anyways, can't wait to pirate his sokoban as well. Should be fun.
>add on multiplayer
can be a real can of worms if you haven’t done it before
Some minor texture reworks. That's it.
Not even kidding, it would take like a week to get all the changes into the base game.
With stuff like games, music, movie tickets etc. you have to create a (small) trend where lots of people buy a copy of your product.
Singular purchases here and there just don't cut it.
>struggling to employ staff full-time
Staff lol? I thought he was designing a programming language, wtf does his full-time staff do, optimize the compiler?
>I don't know how to pay that!!
Maybe try releasing some games? You know, instead of going into Don Quixotesque crusades where you make your own programming language.
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>if American based studios aren't making games for the American market than who are they being made for
Cool it with the antisemitism, dude.
I have never watched one of his vids, youtube keeps pushing him on my frontpage nonetheless.
I can only guess he Chucks some youtube employees, if you know what I mean.
>worst language possible for the purpose
java is the worst language, but it was the best language for the purpose
the minecraft modding scene is only possible because of how easy it is to decompile java
Googled "Concord" just now
They literally ran off with the money and didn't even make a playable product.
Been trying to find the article in your pic but I think it's been deleted
Nope,just needed a cash injection and though more people would buy the same game again.
>China, if Black Myth: Wukong is any indication
Really? That's the one you pick, the game which specifically sold shitloads in China only and did much worse in the entire rest of the world? Not any of the Chinese gachas which full-speed print money on their global versions?
Or he could have just picked a better language and made the game easy to mod from the start.
>Even AAA studios are dying

Incopetence,unnecesary expenses everywhere and bloat would do that
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>early indie successes are flopping, like Super Meatboy sequel and World of Goo 2
He likely was reading about all those companies in the stock market raising capital whenever then needed to and deluded himself into believing he's in the same league as they are.
>Original Braid sold really a lot of copies
>Obviously that means if a resell the game again I should sell just as if not more

Maybe those business types were onto something they said "just release it" instead of working on unvalidated ideas for years on end. Costumers don't care how good your code is, btw.
I got the original braid in a humble bundle, never understood why it was so popular.
1. One of the first indie games.
2. Microsoft promoted it heavily in this XBLA thing of theirs.
Gachas aren't made as competition to AAA studios in the West. And Western studios are making/allowing changes to their products to appease the Chinese market. So yes the choice is very appropriate as an indicator of were the market is moving.
>if Black Myth: Wukong is any indication
An indication of what? The game had over 90% of it's "sales" domestically in China.
This shows that by objective measures it actually sold incredibly well - better than it should.
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Read >>102409118
And that 10% puts it literally in the top 5 best selling games in the US alone on Steam. And you still can't understand what that means for the gaming market?
>top selling games
>steam deck
>They literally ran off with the money
Everyone got a refund on steam and PlayStation
I'm just as confused as you are. That's why I had to correct myself when I saw Black myth in 6th place and Steam Deck in 2nd place.

But Concord devs still ran off with the money, the refunds came out of Sony's pocket.
I'll be looking up more on this situation just to see where the hell the DEI games are getting their money if not from customers.
Hello Zhang
Hello Daryln (Xe/Xer)
>But Concord devs still ran off with the money,
You mean that Sony ran off with Sony's money?
That's because Indie is supposed to give new gameplay and be innovative, not just AAA mini
>Super Meatboy sequel
That shit was not a sequel, no matter what they tried to label it as.
The fact they have the Deck on the seller's list at all is horseshit, it's not software. All it's doing is ruining the stats for other games
So, is the joke about this guy that he's a literal who that people talk about for no reason?
He's not necessarily a literal who - at least, he wasn't for a long time - but the joke is that his inflated ego has done nothing to help the fact that he's achieved/released shit all since and needs a wakeup call if he doesn't want to officially go broke
He's autistic with a giant inflated ego. He made an OK game and think it makes him god tier when it really doesn't. If he was smart he wouldn't waste his time with this Jai bullshit and would continue to use C++ and a scripting language instead, he's wasted so much time reinventing the wheel he could have made another game.
It's an ugly game, dull, basic platformer that no one wanted a remaster for. Despite how much easier it is to develop and publish a game today, he nothing else to offer. This is the guy who made The Witness.
please learn how to speak english properly ESL man
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The Witness
>waste years developing your own engine
>your game look exactly the same like hundreds of made-in-Unity shovelware titles
There is something so pure about this video
>caring about indieshit
is this 2011?
>World of Goo 2
Was it a flop?
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imagine how the sales would have peaked if he made Jai open before releasing the game. He would have been able to make a lot through the Jai hype alone. He did this to himself.
Where did you get this idea that people care so much about open source?
They don't.

That's why for me. I never release a project that isn't completed yet. Or at least reveal it particularly speaking. Keeping it private or open sourcing is the better option in my opinion. Not letting it become vaporware. Johnathan Blow made a severe calculation with Jai by not keeping it completely private or open sourcing it from the beginning.
people don't care about paying for open source but they do care about open source. A lot of programming languages can prove that's true. python, for example.
Terrible take. Jon is absolutely doing the right thing with Jai and this will become evident in due time. This thing is going to be a total fucking banger when it releases and everyone will go "wtf how is it so good on day1???". Unironically.
>people don't care about paying for open source
So it wouldn't help him financially in any way.
In fact it would make it worse as he would have to have someone maintaining public repo and responding to people issues and PRs.
That is, if he doesn't go bankrupt before releasing it. Quality and finances sometimes are not aligned.

I would have to agree. But the thing is, once you hype a project up by revealing it. You are creating high expectations for said project. But once you release that project by releasing it to the public and it doesn't meet the expectations you have promised. It's going to leave a much more negative impact on your reputation as a developer or publisher for that matter. More than what you will receive if had kept said project under wraps or open sourced it from the beginning. Hype is a double edged sword my friend. Though an argument can be made where initial hype can boost a project, but then you have to raise the bar higher than you had initially had set. Thus leading to a big "crash".
I don't recall Blow ever making unfounded/misleading claims about the language. If him talking about its current state and presenting demos of working features is generating hype then it's because the thing he's working on is actually good.
This is what happens when you dont leave your house for 10 years and get too accustomed to the smell of your own farts

Hmm. It's more about the promised features being implemented In a poor manner or not meeting the mark is what I was talking about. And I don't see him doing that as well. It's about the time, finances, and environment that in which allows the said promised features to be implemented well.
writing off losses isn't really receiving government money like the many government media funds which do actually exist.
Right around that time was when the people that had grown up on platformers and had been into emulation to find old classics, where in the 18-35 range so they held a lot of sway as to what was considered cool. Now those people are closer to 35-50 which is the lame parent age.
egs, so yeah I won't pirate it or anything it might as well not exist.
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Don't ask. Don't care.
>but have YOU shipped a game?
nigger, that game was on xbox live
it was purchased by bored normies who randomly pressed on arcade and saw they didn't have to go to wallmart and pay $60 to get their next game

Welp. Humanity is boned. It was fun while it lasted. Good luck /g/uys when killer bots come knocking down your door and kill you.
The big selling point I saw was some extremely extensive developer commentary or something that he claimed was unique but I don't actually know in what way.
>made the game easy to mod from the start.
retard nocoder
thats not AI you moron
also machine learning isn't AI and never will be
So algo luck basically
Can't see why you keep paying attention to this guy then
>So it wouldn't help him financially in any way.
why wouldn't it? hype does wonders. Jon is selling multiple products, one language for free and other the game. He could have made a significant profit from the momentum that Jai would have created if it were made open prior to re-release. look at how >>102413526 is hyping the lang. These folks will make sure that even web devs know what Jai is and Jon ultimately would have made a few more bucks on the re-release

>I never release a project that isn't completed yet
and yet in recent Odin thread, a jon blow fan boi claimed that Jai is production ready and linked to two steam games. The shit these miserable fan boys cope with, I swear... I feel very sorry for them.
wtf is Braid
why did this moron think this was a good idea? if Braid sold that well, he should have fucked off to retire himself. in what universe did he think that a rerelease of his game would get even close to the sales of the first?
>original has linux version on gog

>remester is windows only on steam

He got lucky once and though it would work again
This sure has made the onions faggots seethe, who have no idea how business work and see a genius and think: stupid
I say, berate the job creators like that in Delhi and we fuck u up, bitch
he is burning the cash from The Witness not Braid, because The Witness was $40 on release and sold very well
perpetually seething about jai award. convinced this is a false flag to make odin look bad at this point.
Braid didn't sold well because there ain't no point to the game you just walk around jumping on shit
>Been trying to find the article in your pic but I think it's been deleted
it's a fake article
I don't understand. You can download it straight from their own website, DRM free with native Linux support.
Ok but what if he turns?
I've never played any of his games but both of them look extremely barebones. Like shit 2-3 people would knock out in a year or two using Unity or Unreal. Where does $4 million a year come from? Was it making the engine?
>Outsold by a years old handheld
holy shit
I'm going to buy it as soon as I finish building a XBox compatible console clone from the hardware up.
>14 to 18 people
That's not enough to build the OS kernel that J.Blows is building from scratch. Then he needs to build a new video card architecture and then the engine, and then it's time to start thinking about the game. How is he supposed to accomplish all this if people don't buy a rereleased 15 year old game?
Well he couldn’t make money in closed source either
>There's no new game ready to be released...
What happened to his Sokoban? too much time playing Tarkov?
Hi Jon.
Just like make game. Stop whining.
What did you expect from a guy who advocates rebuilding everything from scratch just to squeeze slight performance avoiding bloat for games that would run on a 2005 PC anyway?
The funny part is that most of his complaints have been fixed already.
He sticks to developing on windows then whines about everything being slow, sucking, and breaking randomly.
Given Steam Deck is number 2 >>102409974 everyone should be making games for it, not just Windows.
>OS kernel
Where are you getting this? He complains a lot about modern Operating System design especially Windows (yet still uses it and doesn't like Linux) but I don't recall him saying he wants to go through with his ideas. As far as I know, besides the Sokuban inspired game and the systems programming language that we all know he is working on, he is also making a compiler backend that can replace LLVM for Jai, rewriting his C++ game engine into Jai, and making a basic graphics framework / library / GUI toolkit called simp (short for simple).
Why is he doing all this though?
I assumed he had enough money to just not give a fuck and was making Jai because that's what he felt like doing. I didn't realize he was pouring all his money into it. What is his plan exactly?
> 2D platformer
> it's deep because it's about MUH FEELINGS and MUH ONEITIS
yeah, this shit has to burn
People here don't understand that Jon Blow is a creative and an artist. He isn't doing this for status or money, he just genuinely deeply cares about the things he talks about and works on.

I mean, it's either that people don't understand it or that it makes them feel insecure about themselves, which is why they start seething and laughing at him for actually trying.
good morning jonathan
Exactly what I'm talking about.
>why are you acknowledging that he's actually trying to do good work instead of circlejerking about him????
it's not about what you're saying, it's about how you are saying it
but i would not expect somebody idolizing the blowjobman to understand such nuance
Or maybe it's the internet and we just like to pick at people for fun?
Thanks for the pub psychological analysis btw, it fucking sucked.
>that he's actually trying to do good work
Hey johnny can you tell me what 'good work' was in that anniversary edition?
emphasis here is on "trying"
Ok, so what did he try to do then? There must be SOME feature he could have developed in the time, right? Or did he just rerelease his old game while providing no good reason for anyone to buy it?
One thing I don't like about modernity is that being sincere and direct is cringe now. You have to say "Blow is based af and cracked frfr" in a post-ironic tone so people don't complain at you for being "too corny". Even though you're saying the same thing in both ways.
If it's just a bit of fun to you, then good for you!
It was a remaster because they're running out of money for doing ambitious thing that are not financially sensible but still important. Anyways, I'm not Jon, better to ask him or maybe look up a trailer or something.
>It was a remaster because they're running out of money for doing ambitious thing that are not financially sensible but still important.
I asked for any 'good work' he was trying to do with anniversary edition, not his bad business rationale
Don't buy it if you don't want to. It's not like he lied about the game. Some people want Braid with higher quality sprites and developer commentary, so what?
Anon, I'm just asking you what he did that justifies a purchase. Why can no one tell me what's actually worth any money about this rerelease?
He’s sick of C++ and doesn’t want to use it anymore. He wants computing to be better.
Well, like I said: highres sprites and hours upon hours of developer commentary and behind-the-scenes stuff and just general modernizations of the engine like framerates higher than 60FPS. You can check out the Steam page if you care.
>Basic QoL features justify buying a new version
Did at least the old customers get the new version for free or was he more greedy than bethesda?
You were asking for examples of his ‘good work’, which you’ve now twisted into “convince me personally to buy Braid Anniversary Edition or I will assume Jon Blow doesn’t work on anything worthwhile ever”. The good work is the games he’s made so far and the language he’s developing plus the libraries, game engine and game built using that language. If you don’t think that’s “good work” then so be it.
Yes, because if he charges money for the anniversary edition and there's no real benefit then there's no good work in it and those who buy it expecting genuine improvement are getting scammed out of their money.
It doesn't matter whether or not your game makes money.

People will wake up on their 50th birthday and either be depressed that they didn't follow their dreams or will have a smug look on their face that they did. Money doesn't matter and fame doesn't matter. What matters is that you wanted to do something and you did it. If money was all that mattered, you'd be on your knees sucking dicks for wads of cash.
It matters if you got a team to pay
What Jonathan Blow really should have done is call up Soulja Boy and gotten him to do an ad for braid remastered

he takes himself too seriously though which is what really kill both of his "games for people who read Gravity's Rainbow"
I want to believe in Jai, but JBlow is more of an artist than a computer theorist.
He's quite philistine in matters of language, every time someone asks him in his chat something like "Hey, will we have dependent types?" he goes on these long rants about how these "things are bad, languages should just do things" kind of retarded takes. He doesn't seem to understand (or accept the fact, that is) that complexity under the hood means less complexity for the programmer.
I hate Rust, but I'm pretty certain it will mog Jai.
>anons actually think Jai will have a community and will be used by someone if it were to be released
That's crazy, it's clear that it's DoA for anyone not retarded
>What Jonathan Blow really should have done is call up Soulja Boy and gotten him to do an ad for braid remastered
Kek, that would have been funny.
A 4k-remake of the original vid would be perfect.
>that complexity under the hood means less complexity for the programmer.
me when I justify the C++ exceptions shitshow or SFINAE or some other garbage.

This is a toxic mentality that kills software. It NEVER works out.
>perpetually seething about jai award
I ain't wrong though.
>convinced this is a false flag to make odin look bad at this point.
yeah, sure. That's the shit people who don't use or care about Odin say anyway as all they're interested in is me. me shy at this point.
it will have a small niche group of hobbyists, mostly JBlow fans.
The language sounds very unimpressive, looking at the "confirmed features" it sounds like a mid language from the 90s.
>me when I justify the C++ exceptions shitshow or SFINAE or some other garbage.
I don't write C++ because I'm not brown, so I don't know what you're talking about here.
>This is a toxic mentality. It NEVER works out.
Do you handwrite your code in Assembly?
Reminder the original release date was Q1/2021
So not only did JBlow spend way too long on this, he had to postpone it for three fucking years.
The game is identical to the original, I wonder what they did for 3 years.
>50th birthday
Blow is 52 and angrier than ever.
Blackrock is a huge American company. Their job is to invest people's retirement funds.

A few years ago they came with the idea of DEI. Basically they would rank companies by how woke they are the most wokest of would get more investment money while the least wokest would get none.

So it created a race to the bottom in which all big companies are making media so it appeals to wheelchair-bound obese black transgender individuals with anxiety disorder and ADHD.

These companies began to hire "professionals" in inclusiveness to make sure their games get funding. These "professionals" eventually went to management roles and they began to promote other people that agree with their retarded points of view. Any and all resistance means being fired and blacklisted from the industry at large.

So right now if you wanna be a game dev you must be the most terminally online braindead niggerlover in the world. You must be willing to wash black men's feet while saying "sorry" or you will get fired.

Of course what this means is that companies release products that appeal to nobody made by talentless hacks who want to push their political views instead of making something good all the while they're burning money that comes from retirement savings, banks who invest on Blackrock (so, again, savings) and taxes since government roles is filled with these "people" too.
Also, Blackrock has strong ties to the US government and it is assured to be bailed out if it goes bankrupt.
Which means it can do this kind of shit unopposed.
>Bloomberg: In Fink We Trust: BlackRock Is Now ‘Fourth Branch of Government’
>strong ties to the US government
Yes, but it's not a conspiracy:
>Americans have capitalism fetish
>therefore they privatize their retirement system
>large financial corporations like Blackrock step in
>now they have to make profit and can't fall because social security of millions of Americans is directly dependent on the success of the corporation
>the end result being unelected CEOs deciding policy of the entire county if not the world (thanks to the large global influence of the USA)
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I would consider the game if they fixed the visuals.
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fix the ugliness instead of making it high definition
WOOOOOoooop this shit dumb as hell mane
Why does he look like mario in a suit?
you wouldn't get it
>anniversary edition
lmao what a greedy cunt
make a new game, faggot
Because the nudity on the left is disgusting and men cannot enjoy it, whereas the nudity on the right is cute and hot and can be easily enjoyed by men.

Sony has been completely bought by the ESG (((Blackrock))) agenda, which is anti-men by definition.
Yeah but I don't play games because they're on troonix, I play games because they're good.
Yeah those 5 dollars in Github donations would have certainly made a difference.
He's refusing to admit he's a dumb pseud with an ego because that would be admitting she's actually a woman (ie a dumb pseud with an ego)
Where did you get this idea that anyone gives a fuck about jai outside the nocoder blow worshippers in his sad streams
Yeah, he added a new world and he added a huge amount of commantary tracks and he re-hired the original artist to make it look better.
blow blowers don't code
The reaction they give out whenever discussing someone with double their IQ is insane. They can't physically comprehend that someone is smarter than them.
It about you, thirdie
A language can be made of enthusiasts who just tweet about it and never actually write code. See Rust, for example.
lmao cope
Cost of developers is not a part of the cost of development?

Blow is more or less just treating his company as a hobby despite running it as a business. I sure hope he has money under a mattress somewhere because his company won’t last 5 more years.
>I sure hope he has money under a mattress somewhere because his company won’t last 5 more years.
Very sadistic. I hope his company will fail soon so all of his workers and him can find a real workplace
Looked it up on Switch.
20 dollars.
For a 20 year old indie 2D platformer game.
And apparently it's after discounts.

How delusional is he?
Seems fine to me, whats the issue?
I can get 4 better games for that.
There is no shortage of good discounted older games available.
Wtf. At least the old version looks like it could have been good... But it looks like they really just ran it thought a AI upscaler. There's no way he actually paid "artists" for this, right..?
>I can get 4 better games for that.
Okay. And? If you don't want it, don't buy it, I think it sounds reasonable.
His employees are fine. They’ve done work and can continue to do it elsewhere. But Blow himself is ensuring that he’ll be unhireable. I would never let him anywhere close a business decision because he doesn’t understand that you actually need to ship to survive. And I’d never let him close to my codebase because he’d just rewrite it to his standard in his own language.

Imagine asking him for a status update on a project only to hear that he blew the whole budget on rewriting the build system
Original game didn't cost as much.
>His employees are fine.
He said he's struggling to pay them.
Fine as in they'll easily find other employment.
I mean, I hope so. I don't think Jon can write a proper recommendation though so you'll have to have lots of charisma to go to a new place and say 'My old workplace went under because the CEO is incapable of any reasonable thought and here I have his drivel about how I'm a cool guy'
>made an indie game when indie games were still a new thing, so expectations were much lower
>why is my 10 years old indie slop selling like shit in an over competitive market
>write a proper recommendation
It's a purely American thing, we don't do it here.
So they can find employment abroad.
Who knows if they were American in the first place.
Original game had less levels and features.
>It's a purely American thing, we don't do it here.
I'm European, fren.
>write a proper recommendation
>It's a purely American thing, we don't do it here.
Where are you from? I got a job in the UK this week off of a good recommendation.
You can recommend someone, but like personally - face to face.
But "letter of recommendation" is not really a thing - people would look at you funny if you attached it to your resume.
Same reason he took so long with The Witness. He is a nitpicking autist that would rather extend development time building his own tools than use someone else's tool that he doesn't like. He could have released The Witness a lot earlier but he decided that he wants to make it in his own 3D game engine. Now, he is hoping that his status as one of the first successful indie devs, good critical reception of his games, and online following would translate somehow into good sales of a remaster to fund his game studio and other ambitions. His ego won't let him make a KickStarter / IndieGoGo. He also won't go to Angel Investors or Venture Capitalists as he would have to give up complete ownership and control over Thekla and they would force him to rush his timeline to get a return on investment.
>Top selling game
>Free to play
>Where did you get this idea
its a wonder of "hype". Jblow fans will hype Jblow when Jai becomes public(at least web devs will pick it up) and I can't imagine this hype not being carried forward to Jblow's consecutive work.
But it doesn't look better, it just looks slightly different.
>You can recommend someone, but like personally - face to face.
>But "letter of recommendation" is not really a thing
Yes it is, my previous employer wrote me one, and I've been hired within a week of becoming dedundant because of it.
Why do you think we don't?
>But it doesn't look better
Yes it does.
>spends $4m a year
>nothing to show for it
he'd be perfect in a government job.
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Why do you think the left looks better?
>So when sales com in below expectations, any plans you made about how exactly you are going to pay that team, to complete the other projects, those plans have to change
He does not know how to pay his team. This means it was not profitable. This game was payed by the income of his previous projects. If it was profitable he could still do R&D since the expected profit of Braid 'I added nothing worthwhile' anniversary edition was going into R&D.
I know you will not understand this, so I will make it easy. Let's say I have a massive amount of wealth. If I have a company that sells so little that by itself it can not pay for its expenses, it's not profitable. I can use my wealth to keep the company afloat for centuries, the company still isn't profitable UNTIL it can compensate for its expenses on its own.
>This means it was not profitable
he made a profit. That means it was profitable.
Badly designed bs is in the background or out of focus so it doesn't draw any attention
Sky and rock are darker for no reason, badly designed bs is both in the foreground and background in order to take attention away from the player character, no notable improvements except maybe for stairs existing if you believe being able to go up a hill is impossible
>he made a profit.
No, he has made some income. It can not cover the expenses for his team. Therefore it's not profitable.
does it matter? they both look like shit
Since you don't seem to have a basic grasp of arithmetic, let's see if you can follow along.

I pay 18 people in total $4 million per year.
Let's say the game took 3 years to make.
That's $12 million in cost.
Let's say the game sells x copies for a total after tax/fees revenue of $12,000,001. I've made a profit of $1, so the game is profitable.

But, I was expecting the game to make $20,000,000, leaving a profit of $8,000,000. I was going to use that to pay my staff for the next two years (NOT the previous two years). But since that didn't happen, I either need to get another loan, or fire people.
Even if revenue - cost of development = $5 then it means the project was technically profitable.
But obviously he expected profit to be in 10s of millions so he could sustain his company for few more years without actually releasing anything.
Anon, he has NO PLAN how to pay them. This means the game has not made a profit. If it had, he would know how to pay them. He took money he already had and payed them during the dev time. This means the project costs where covered from something that isn't the project.
This is what he means (unless he's lying) - game made enough to cover the costs it took to develop it + a bit more (profit).
>costs where covered
oh ok, so in addition to being a mathlet, you're also an ESL. now i understand why you can't grasp it. since you're probably european, it's incorrect of me to expect you to understand how to calculate profit and loss.
>If you don't want it, don't buy it,
And that's exactly what happened. Which is apparently the problem, retard.
>game made enough to cover the costs it took to develop it + a bit more (profit).
I know that he is trying to say that, but then he would have a plan how to pay them. He doesn't because in the dev time he did not have the money from the sales of the anniversary edition. So what he's actually saying is 'They were paid during the time of development' but that money came from another project. He can't fund the next dev time since braid was not profitable, meaning he has less money than he had before the start of developing braid anniversary.

>Simple mistake means you don't understand how time works
Why are you so eagerly defending someone who can't even pay his employees. I'd like to joke that you're doing it for free but there's no other option for you anyway.
the game was hideous then and it's hideous now.
have you tried asking his employees if they haven't been paid? i've got news for you, in america we don't work for free.
you seem to not grasp that he publicly said he took a loan to pay everyone
>have you tried asking his employees if they haven't been paid?
Why should I? He literally said he has no plan how to pay them

Then it's not profitable. Also you're getting desperate, keep your bait in one post.
>>he made a profit.
Yes. Why do you think he didn't?
>Braid Anniversary Edition has been profitable overall.
>It made more money than it cost to make
That means it was profitable by definition.
it is people like you who have made this board, twitter, and the internet in general into pure cancer.

you are maliciously stupid, despite all attempts to show you where you've gone wrong. there is no need to "plan" to pay them, since they've been paid for their labor every two weeks for the last two years, so that they can pay their rent. if that wasn't the case, development would have ceased 23 months ago.
Why can't you answer the question? Why do you think left looks better?
>Yes. Why do you think he didn't?
Because he has no plan how to pay his employees since he has no money.

>. there is no need to "plan" to pay them, since they've been paid for their labor every two weeks for the last two years
By money from other projects. He did not have the money of braid anniversary before he released it, especially since there have been few pre-orders.
>There is no need to "plan" to pay them
>Any plans you made about how exactly you are going to pay that team, to complete the other projects, those plans have to change
>if that wasn't the case, development would have ceased 23 months ago.
Anon, the development costs were covered by another project. How is this so hard to understand? Project A makes a profit. You use that profit to fund project B. Project B turns no profit, therefore you need a new plan to fund project C. Therefore project B was not profitable. If he has to take out a loan, then project B was not profitable.

NTA but I already told you
He said it made a profit. It made more money than he spend making it.
Why do you think he didn't make a profit?
>NTA but I already told you
Where? Show me the post.
You don't understand the concept of financing.
>He said it made a profit. It made more money than he spend making it.
If it did he would have money to pay for the future. He could not have paid the devs with the money the game will make before releasing the game.
>Why do you think he didn't make a profit?
Because he can't pay his team

leasing the game.

I do, that's why I know that he needed money before he could release it. This money being provided by something else does not make braid anniversary profitable. I have even given you an example.
Why do you think making a profit means he didn't make a profit?
>private sector is just like the government
lmao he is starting to realize ...
>Why do you think making a profit means he didn't make a profit?
If he had made a profit he would be able to pay his team. He isn't, therefore he didn't.
>Braid Anniversary Edition has been profitable overall.
>It made more money than it cost to make
That means it was profitable by definition. Why do you think it didn't make a profit?
>He'd be able to pay his team
He did pay his team. Why do you think he didn't?
>Why do you think it didn't make a profit?
Because he has to 'change his plans' to pay his team
>Why do you think he didn't?
He paid his team with money from another project or a loan, not with the profit of the game as he did not have the profit of the game before releasing it.
>this money being provided by something else

>what is a loan?
>Because he has to 'change his plans' to pay his team
In the future. Why do you think he's retroactively talking about the team he already paid?
>He paid his team with money from another project
And? That happens all the time in business.
Use the success of the iPod to make the iPhone.
dont worry hes just a brainlet that cant do arithmetic or understand the passage of time
>I can pay my team, I only need a loan
>I can not pay my team for the next project because my other project didn't sell enough

>Why do you think he's retroactively talking about the team he already paid?
Nobody said that, but he had plans about how to pay his team for the next project with the profits of braid anniversary. He can't pay the team for said project, so braid anniversary did not provide enough profit. Meaning, it's not profitable.
>And? That happens all the time in business.
I know, but it's about whether it's profitable, not if his money traveled through time.
>Use the success of the iPod to make the iPhone.
And then after the first iphone they made enough money to fund the next project, thereby making the iphone profitable. If they need a loan to offset low income of the iphone, it's not profitable.
>He can't pay the team for said project
Where did he say that? He already said he paid them, and made more money than he spent paying them for the work on the project.
>I know, but it's about whether it's profitable
It was. He already said it was. You're just stubbornly saying "NO HE DIDN'T I'M NOT LISTENING LALALALALA".
>And then after the first iphone they made enough money to fund the next project, thereby making the iphone profitable
The iphone would have been profitable if it made 1 cent more than they spent on it's development. They wouldn't be able to invest that money into a future project, but it's still profitable by definition.
Why do you think it's "only profitable" if they can make another project? That's not the definition of the word "profitable".
>>I can pay my team, I only need a loan
>>I can not pay my team for the next project because my other project didn't sell enough
It was profitable, it just didn't make enough to finance another project.
Blow is a massive retard that talk about things he has no idea about. He doesn't know what a dependency graph for something order of magnitudes more complex than a shitty game is, and just laughs at it, thinking some actual, physical person has made it or cares about where lines go.
>Where did he say that?
In the tweet
>It was. He already said it was.
No, if something is only 'profitable' because it got funded by something else it's not profitable.
>They wouldn't be able to invest that money into a future project, but it's still profitable by definition.
Not if the plans for it include the funding of the next project as is both the case for braid anniversary and the iphone.
>Why do you think it's "only profitable" if they can make another project?
Because that's the plan.

>It was profitable, it just didn't make enough to finance another project.
Yeah, he only needed a small loan to offset its costs.

Both of you should stfu and please never go into investing, just let your money rot in some bank account since you'll have more in the end.
Why do you think it's "only profitable" if they can make another project? That's not the definition of the word "profitable".
If they made ANY PROFIT (and they did), it was profitable.
>Make back enough profit to pay back a loan and then some
Why not?
>Why do you think it's "only profitable" if they can make another project?
Because investments are not just money in > money out. This is partially because more resources are spent.
>If they made ANY PROFIT (and they did), it was profitable.
Ok, so why can't he pay his employees?

>Why not?
Shifting goal posts. You literally said that he had to take out a loan, not that he paid one back. Anyway, check above.
>Make back enough profit to pay back a loan and then some
Why not? You didn't answer the question.
>You shifted the goal posts
Literally didn't. Why do you think I did, retard?
Define "profit". What do you think it means?
>Why not? You didn't answer the question.
That question was never relevant and is a misrepresentation.
>Literally didn't. Why do you think I did, retard?
>>102427801. Took out a loan to pay everyone. If he can't pay his people now, then, due to his plan being to be able to pay his team, he did not turn a profit.
>he did not turn a profit.
Yes he did. He already said as much.
What do you think "profit" means? Define it.
>Define "profit". What do you think it means?
An offset of your expenses. This is not just monetary. Example 1:
>Buy rocket to fly to mars
>Only manage to fly to moon
>Bring back moon rock to make the exact amount all of this cost you + 1 cent
>Now you didn't achieve your goal, thereby not having gotten a return of your investment.
>Not profitable

Example 2:
>Go outside to eat
>Pay x amount
>Get food but no money back
>Food was better than expected
>You made a profit
>Yes he did. He already said as much.
He didn't. If he did he could pay his team since that was the plan for braid anniversary
"profit" means financial gain by definition. You have been arguing with people for hours because you are using the word incorrectly.
>>Yes he did. He already said as much.
>He didn't.
>Braid Anniversary Edition has been profitable overall.
>It made more money than it cost to make
That means it was profitable by definition.
you could have just said
>the Jews
>"profit" means financial gain by definition.
A yes, we only invest money and we only get money. Let me guess you're fine with having an hourly wage of $0.01 because you made a profit, right?

>That means it was profitable by definition.
It did not fulfill his plan. I have given you two examples in which profit was not just defined by money in > money out because it makes no sense to think in that way. He invested time and had already planned to use the money it should have made according to his estimates. The role it was supposed to fulfill was not fulfilled.
Also it still was paid by another project. This means that it expenses were covered but not by itself.
>It did not fulfill his plan
>Braid Anniversary Edition has been profitable overall.
>It made more money than it cost to make
That means it was profitable by definition.
>>That means it was profitable by definition.
>It did not fulfill his plan.
Now who's moving goal posts lol
We're talking about if Braid made profit anon (it did). Stop changing the topic.
No, there was no return of investment.
>That means it was profitable by definition.
No, see above.

>We're talking about if Braid made profit anon (it did).
It did not. He invested resources and got back less than he required.
Yes it did.
He already said it was profitable. Why do you think you know more about this than Blow?
The average iq of university students has gradually gone down from about 120 to 100 in the past 70 years. An abrupt and even more significant decline has happened to the average internet user in the past 20 years. You're basically speaking to a brick.
Great argument. Jon Blow already confirmed it was profitable.
>Why do you think you know more about this than Blow?
Because he said he can't pay his team despite this being the plan.

Can you show me how it's profitable if it couldn't even give a positive return on his investment?
Why do you continue to try to convince someone who clearly argues in bad faith and uses his own made up definition of "profit".
All it amounts to is screaming back and forth.
>It is true
>No, it's not
>Yes, it is
>No, it's not
>Yes, it is
Jon Blow already confirmed it was profitable.
Prove yourself right or fuck off retard.
>Make product with the expressed intent of causing state
>State not achieved
>Therefore product not successful
>Resources gone into product gone
Not profitable. I don't think I can make any easier. He can not pay his team. Stop defending him for free, at least wait until he takes out another loan.
>Not profitable
Jon Blow already confirmed it was profitable.
Why can't you prove yourself right, retard?
Heard of alternative cost, Blowtard?
>Why can't you prove yourself right, retard?
Because it's not and I have given you multiple examples by now.
Tell me about it. Then prove it's applicable to this situation. I'll wait
Jon Blow already confirmed it was profitable.
Prove yourself right or fuck off retard.
>no proof
Why can't you prove yourself right?
>Prove yourself right or fuck off retard.
I did so at least 4 times.
You're simply factually wrong. Profit in business means that you earned more than you paid to make the product. These words have real meanings and when you use them you'll be held liable in court if you're lying or using them totally wrong like you are.

> two examples in which profit was not just defined by money in > money out
This isn't profit in any common english usage other than 2: ???? 3: profit! memes.
The word you are thinking of is "Success". Any product can be a "success" even if it didnt earn the company money, just like your dinner was a success, if neither were supposed to make money in the first place.
>spend $1000 buying ingredients for 400 burgers
>plan to sell at least 350 for $5 each
>only sold 250, getting $1250 in total
>made $250 but according to you no profit since you sold less than planned
why am I even trying, you'll just bullshit another senseless claim
>>Prove yourself right or fuck off retard.
>I did so at least 4 times.
Link to them. However, if you link to pure conjecture (again) you're conceeding the argument and admitting you were wrong.
Please. go ahead and post your 4 instances of unrefutable proof.
>This isn't profit in any common english usage other than 2: ???? 3: profit! memes.
Again, this is incorrect. If we only had money as the resource we invest you'd be right, but you are not because he invested more resources AND the investment was made with a specific goal in mind.
>The word you are thinking of is "Success".
No, I doubt he will ever be successful since his goals are not clear cut.
>Any product can be a "success" even if it didnt earn the company money,
This would only be correct if the resources the company gained have a monetary equivalent that is offsetting the monetary equivalent of the investment. This is not the case here since his monetary goals were not fulfilled. He literally has to increase the costs for his next products to offset the lack of money coming in through braid anniversary. Sounds like it isn't profitable.

>>made $250 but according to you no profit since you sold less than planned
Only if the plan included the ability to keep existing the next day. This is because you invest more resources than money. Time, space, and what jon did not manage to get, safety for the future.

>Please. go ahead and post your 4 instances of unrefutable proof.
Just read my posts.

He's probably hopelessly retarded but now after he realized that he didnt know what profit means, he's trolling.
>Can't prove himself right
Concession accepted. Thanks for confirming you were wrong and I was right.
Braid was profitable by definition. You are a retard.
>$0.00 was transacted to your account by mr blow
see >>102429147, also consider logging off even though you don't consider your time a resource
see >>102429194
>>102429120 (You)
>If we only had money as the resource we invest you'd be right, but you are not because he invested more resources AND the investment was made with a specific goal in mind.
Which resources are you talking about? In the end, they are also measured in monetary value.
>No, I doubt he will ever be successful since his goals are not clear cut.
But by your logic, since his goals are not clear cut, then it is impossible to "make a profit" or unknowable if he did.
>This would only be correct if the resources the company gained have a monetary equivalent that is offsetting the monetary equivalent of the investment.
Yes. That is how accounting is done.
>This is not the case here since his monetary goals were not fulfilled.
>his goals are not clear cut.
You're contradicting yourself, but, no, profit has nothing to do with your goals.

But to get to your point, which valuable, but not not measured in monetary value, resource has he spent making the game, such that he would technically (by the definition we all know) he has made a profit makes you think that he did not make a profit?

>Only if the plan included the ability to keep existing the next day.
It always does, by default. In fact it's not legal to intentionally make business plans in order to intentionally go into bankruptcy.
>invest more resources than money.
This is measured in money, called wages.
This is measured in money, called rent or property.
>safety for the future.
This is not a part of profit. You can't just make up any amount of profit that you wanted to make for future investments and then say there was no profit because you didn't reach it.
If I could do that I would never pay any tax, ever.
Still think Job Blow didn't make any profit on Braid? LOL
j blow made a profit clearly, because he invested nearly nothing by re-selling the same mediocre game but with poorly AI-upscaled sprites this time. He put in nearly no risk.

I can't just dropship mcdonalds burgers for double the money and say it wasn't profitable because I was gonna make such a amazing game in the future if enough people bought it.

It's actually really shameful that he's shilling such a game that most people would just consider a "for fun" or portfolio project. Why can't he make something decent, like wukong or palworld?
>j blow made a profit clearly
Awesome. That means I was correct.
I was not the one arguing against you
I know.
Alternative cost is the lost revenue that you could have gained by investing your resources on something else. He may have made a profit but his alternative cost is so great that he can’t afford to keep his staff
>He may have made a profit but his alternative cost is so great that he can’t afford to keep his staff
Wrong. See.
>Which resources are you talking about?
I have already listed some. Also you can't forget that the expected return is a resource too. If you buy some stock that technically increases it's market cap in a given timeframe but gets outperformed by the market average you have made a loss.
>In the end, they are also measured in monetary value.
>But by your logic, since his goals are not clear cut, then it is impossible to "make a profit" or unknowable if he did.
No, he can reach his vague goals like being able to fund his next project. We can't expect someone to know everything and therefore being able to foretell what expenses one will have but he can't even do that.
>Yes. That is how accounting is done.
Not accurate to the realities. See my first paragraph of this post.
>You're contradicting yourself,
No, he has vague goals, he can't even fulfill those.
>but, no, profit has nothing to do with your goals.
Really? You said resource invested can be represented monetarily. This means that it's directly tied to profit unless you deny that those invested resources have any monetary representation or do not need to offset by the revenue generated in monetary representation.
>which valuable
Financial security of his team
>In fact it's not legal to intentionally make business plans in order to intentionally go into bankruptcy.
Those were not met, otherwise he would not need new plans to pay his team.
>This is measured in money, called wages.
Only correct for workers. This excludes his own time, the resources needing to be spent with more time spent and the effects on the customers as well has his reputation.
>This is measured in money, called rent or property.
Only partially correct as the space actually used is not included if you pay someone rent.
>If you buy some stock that technically increases it's market cap in a given timeframe but gets outperformed by the market average you have made a loss.
That's not true at all. A profit is a profit, regardless of how much you "could have made".
Just because you are paid $5, doesn't mean you "lost money" just because other people are paid £10.
Braid is a cool game, but one of best indie of all time? There is many better games out there.
>You can't just make up any amount of profit that you wanted to make for future investments and then say there was no profit because you didn't reach it.
Every business venture needs to ensure financial security. This means that financial security is part of what the outcome that needs to be there for a venture to be profitable.

Retard take as he made about 12 mil in 2008 in REVENUE, since then he had costs and it's possible the site reports the revenue before steam takes its cut, meaning he actually just got 8.4 out of it. That's the amount he currently would need for two years of standard operating costs.

>That's not true at all. A profit is a profit, regardless of how much you "could have made".
Nuh uh.
>doesn't mean you "lost money" just because other people are paid £10
Accounting loss

It mostly got its status by being there when almost no other notable indie game was there. Similar to Super Meat Boy if it sucked.
>Nuh uh
Concession accepted.
It works out a lot actually. What doesn't work out is when people like you think that the first thing you think of that you assume is the simplest choice is always the best choice. Then it turns out it was a fucking terrible choice, resulting in you (or more likely other people after your adhd has pushed you to go do something else) having to paper over it with more and more complex hacks. In the end you point at all the unnecessary complexity you forced into existence by being a lazy simpleton as justification that you were right all along. Rinse and repeat
It's not just that. Recommendations and references are dying out because people can sue over bad references or lack thereof. Referrals are still very real, and the primary way to get a job, but that's different since it basically amounts to nepotistically knowing a guy at the target company.
Lmao. No wonder I haven't noticed they released it.
I'm going to buy it since they allow direct purchase on website. But if it was egs only I would just pirate it.
>expecting a shitty release of an old shitty game with nothing of substance added to it to make millions
blowjob is delusional. this nigga really thought people want to listen for hours to his self-fellating narration, he stupid as hell mane

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