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Previous Thread: >>102375830
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>Please know that our decision was not a reflection of your capabilities. We received many strong applications, and making a choice was challenging. We believe you have a bright future ahead and hope you'll consider applying again as new opportunities arise.
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I'm in a bit of a peculiar situation and I'm curious if anyone is going through something like this.

I'm a full time remote worker but I'm currently under a very good scholarship studying a masters on something completely unrelated to tech. It's mostly a passion and I'm only doing it for myself and don't intend to pursue it as a profession.

So far everything is going kind of ok, my employer doesn't really care and I'm going through the motions of my education.

I think I'm handling it ok but I'm not going to lie, there are some periods in which it's very psychologically taxing. Last month I felt super burnt out for about 2 weeks in a row and couldn't sleep, I felt I was going to die one night.

Anyways, anyone going through something similar that has any advice? Please like and subscribe.
>Last month I felt super burnt out for about 2 weeks in a row and couldn't sleep, I felt I was going to die one night.
Are you a woman or what? Stop whining idiot, its all just psychological.
>sleep deprived (which can literally kill you after 72 hours)? quit being such a drama queen
this is how actual temp IQ retards think.
they only add this shit nowadays because of female applicants who need validation and, excuse me for the zoomer term, gaslighting to make them not want to kill themselves.
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Late 30s and it's over for me. I thought I'd be a successful startup CEO by now but I'm still a wageslave. Now I'm too old to make it in tech.
You are sleep deprived because you're worrying over nothing.
>ah bloo bloo i need to study and do my shitty remote job!!! the anxiety is killing me ugh!!

Grow up retard.
Just lean to weld underwater and you'll be set for life.
How old was Jeff Bezos when he wrote an e-commerce bot to defraud book wholesalers that went on to become Amazon?
jeff bozo was already a successful wall street drone before that, and had rich parents
Why don't you take a series 7 exam, get rich on Wall Street, and give some of that money to your parents so you'll have rich enough parents to build a tech startup
bored as fuck in my company, but i know im a fraud that wont make it to a better paid one

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The one pajeet at my work is all right. Made me realize that if you're smart you're a decent guy/worker. I cannot get over his accent, but I got a retard accent as well.
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>coworker submits a PR
>look at the diffs
>*shitty overly complicated solution to a simple problem*
Aaand I got my notice this morning.
6 month in (on an 8 month trial), and I'm out in a month (legal delay).
So, here we go again, looking for a job.
>pajeet doesn't deallocate an array pointer correctly 32 times in one PR
>nigger approves it
>foid raises the bug
>none of them touch it
>passes on to me
If it wasn't for the contractor pay I wouldn't touch this shit.
wtf is a "trial"?

anyways, good luck space cowboy
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>join company, fresh out of uni
>small team of experienced developers, and me
>fast forward 2 years
>no seniors left, except one backend dev
>team is basically me, the senior backend dev, and junior frontend devs
>have a feeling the backend senior is gonna quit soon enough
We have only one remaining of the OG team who built the software, and there's hardly any documentation at all
Shit's fucked, brehs. I get the feeling of impending doom from this situation
>work in repair store
>nobody comes in all day
>we have AC (european btw)
can this get any better
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Uh oh! Sounds like somebody's got a case of the Mondays!
>PHP, Laravel, JavaScript (VueJS, jQuery), HTML, CSS.
>MySQL, PostgreSQL.
>API integration and development.
>Web servers (Apache).

Bros how do I learn all of these as fast as possible in least gay way possible
Why? I'd reject the PR and tell them what I think if it's actually awful. Grow a pair.
Any ideas of what went wrong?
>how the job was
stopped reading there and hid your post
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I am getting significantly more offers on LinkedIn recently. are we back?
2 hours of work
6 hours of donothing

here I come
>2 hours of work
whoa there, buddy, you're gonna make the rest of us look bad. hold your horses a bit.
do what everyone with a stressful job does. drink until you can sleep. repeat nihilistic mantras in your head. actually stop caring. we are living in hell.
I figure you're joking but 2 hours is reasonable amount of time with the current level of AI. Because if you start to perform with AI, they will start to expect that level of performance from you all the time, and when AI fails to solve your next task you'll be put on PIP.
this. each night, before I fall asleep, I hope a meteor will crash into my house, and kill me in my sleep, so I don't need to go to work the next day. mornings are tough.
AI does nothing for me.
same, but i actually hope for a meteor so big it kills everyone in my country, or at least everyone i know. so that every memory of me is basically gone.
so this is the white man's burden
That would be so cash. If it wasnt for my parents being devastated, I would've 100% already dipped out.
I actually feel happy on a Monday for once.
yup this is why i demand the whole universe ends and a personal apology from god
What are you hoping to accomplish with that skill set?
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(btw just rolled a cool captcha)
I think because I've spent the last two weeks around friends and so I don't feel like killing myself.
Good morning Sirs!
those feelings will be back, dont you worry about that
just bring back waterfall
Seeing how fucking easy it is for women I know to get dev jobs has been blackpilling.
All the women I know seem to struggle more than I do. Where do you go to get tech jobs easy being a woman? I feel like I could pass if I were motivated and being paid enough, especially if it's remote.
I work in IT doing mainly customer support, but I really like developing and I'd like to develop webapps and/or build websites as a freelancer on the side, how should I get started?
I'm in Canada and went to a top school in Canada. So many disgusting mediocre women with shit CVs in my network that just get offers cause of their gender, and they think they are just as good of engineers. I think I genuinely respect pajeets more than women at my level because at least I know they're competent and had to work and struggle like I have.
>at least I know they're competent
Lol. No.
>I'm in Canada and went to a top school in Canada.
Yeah I was thinking about some of the Canadian women I know and they really struggle. And then at the end you've got a job in Canada which pays crap.
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just pure undiluted suffering in its finest form
my coworkers are my friends
anyone else?
another day in paradise!!!!!
your coworkers are your acquaintances. you don't have any friends.
I started a new job today and I can tell just from scrolling through the employee list that there are 3 trannies
What the fuck is going on in this country now
>cloud vm that I have to use to code isnt working
Time to sit back for 8 hours and hope it works tomorrow lol.
See >>102410539

Women get the bar lowered for them for merely existing so why would you act surprised when some people route around anti-male discrimination?
Do not question it. It's always been this way chud.
You might be on to something, they are all software devs.
And they don't pass at all. Not even close.
I tried that once. It worked out better than I thought it would, our friendship outlasted the job. I think people are more afraid of HR than they should be.

It's fucking hard to make it work though and it's not like your college friends. We drifted apart when he moved.
>graduate in 2022
>take ages to get a job
>get a C# job paying £25k
>codebase is convoluted as all hell, no documentation and 18 year old spaghetti everywhere
>only senior quits in 2023
>I'm now carrying myself and another team member
>tiny team btw
>now mid-level developer, on £33.5k, and can't find another job
the team is better but I'm ready to kms, where do I find remote jobs?
>>now mid-level developer, on £33.5k
Damn I think McDonalds workers in CA make more than that.
Holy shit, McDonalds workers *on the East Coast* make more than that.

The UK really is a third world country.
>tfw the tranny at my company is a 2meter tall obese guy who uses a dress
I KNOW! Even if I get a big fucking boost (30%) it'll be below the industry standard, it's a shithole here.

can anyone help?
My cope mechanism is that I can't fail because it would make too many people happy.
This is what happens when teenagers spend all day online with infinite access to porn
i dont get it, is php the devil or something
Judging by the fact that you are asking whether or not it's normal for a grad student to go through periods of severe mental health issues you sound pretty socially isolated, from your cohort and maybe in general
Shit happens to literally fucking everyone at some point, grad school is mental health poison. Severe alcoholism in my old math department was basically the norm
Anyone here worked with workspace one
this doesnt belong to you
as in, NONE of this
and the ones trying to make money off of it
they are just trying to make money off of it
>Why? I'd reject the PR and tell them what I think if it's actually awful. Grow a pair.
I'm depressed and burnt out dude. Normally yes I would.
I think your best bet is building something on your own. There was an HN thread the other month where people were comparing side projects they had monetized. I was honestly very surprised what their users were willing to pay for.

One guy for example had set up a kind of niche blog hosting website and was making $500/month. I know most of this is more business development than software development but how hard can that really be?
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Another day of phoning it in and playing Deadlock on the clock.
There's nothing I enjoy more than nitpicking people's PRs. It's easy, it's relaxing, you get good buy points for "contributing." Having legitimate complaints is just free money essentially. I can't imagine not doing that because I was burnt out.
worse, it's the shit, a really stinky one
I mean yeah, I do realize this, I was asking about how to cope with grad school PLUS a fucking full time job on top. I don't even drink or do drugs and I don't really want to start.

I'm interested in the stop caring part. How to actually achieve that state? besides drugs and alcohol.

Isn't there actually a way to achieve balance without beating your body into a pulp through addictions and destructive habits?
My entire career has been successfully underpromising and overdelivering. Does anyone else not do this? Is this why some of you are struggling?
PHP devs tend to be way better at business development than software development IME. This is why they make so much money while we're circle jerking on GitHub about correctness and design principles and "security."
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I always do this. What shocks me more is that even when I am half assing it 24/7 Im still the top of my team. People are just so painfully bad at their jobs and they stay employed by sheer inertia.
don't listen to him. Laravel is the future.
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I've nitpicked thousands of PR's during my life but now I am a sad 31 year old loner with no future other than coding alone. And I don't fucking care aboutt these "good goy points" you're talking about, that sounds fucking retarded.
I under promise and under deliver when I bother to show up at all. Everyone who's supposed to care has checked out too so nothing really happens.
It is really hard to care when the money doesn't actually get you anything you want.
I wanted to get married in my 20s, buy a house, and have a family. I'm in my 30s now. All the money is good for is toys. I only try at all because the last time I got fired it made my mom really upset.
>double the average salary on the country
>still cant afford to buy a one bedroom apartment with mortgage
I dont even know how I'd survive if i was a minimum wagie
time to get ready for a meeting about a meeting later today
I thought this shit was a meme but it's actually happening to me
i'm just too tired to work
more than 2 hours to go
watch me not fall asleep in time again later though
I honestly think the reason we have a "worker shortage" is so many of the minimum wage workers weren't really surviving but still had some hope of things getting better right up until they were forced to stop working during the shut down.

At that point they faced the reality that this doesn't work and either killed themselves with drugs or figured out how to live off other people.
Is there a more prevalent combo than white women in business and business analysis, pajeetas in QA, and pajeets in IT? That's all I seem to see
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Interview in 15 minutes - maybe. Guy sent out a confirmation email Saturday afternoon on a time and date and I just agreed. I have no idea what the fuck they do.
the "throw some shit on a blank slide 30 minutes before the review" chad
the "spend days making a detailed package and have two multi-hour prereviews to get buy-in from your stakeholders before the review, only to get torn to shreds when some retard latches onto a particular sentence" virgin
meant for >>102411328
i wonder if not going to sleep on time is just because of stress or if the underlying cause is more severe, like retardation
>just bring back waterfall
The problem with waterfall is that then they need to know what they want. As I understand it, one of the main reasons for agile is the realization that people don't know what they want and scrum or agile is there to try and get feedback early.
>wake up this morning (Monday)
>immediately have a wild bout of indigestion that has me running back and forth from the restroom
>finally calming down after two hours
I'm not going to make it this week...
the reason i want waterfall back is because it's less work to fake. everyone knows waterfall doesn't work so everyone expects your dates to slip 12 times and you just update the date once a month as the due date approaches. so much less work.
so I was eating with my coworkers and the paajet was saying'the company will open an office in India,they can get ten guys for the price of my salary hah' with the biggest shit eating smile.Everyone was staring at him like asking 'why the fuck are you happy ?'
indo-aryan chuds bred them to be the perfect slave race
Ah yes. The old administrative idea of "Well we're going in circles, maybe an improvement would be to formalize the idea that we're going in circles so we can at least properly talk about it."
Why are American companies still outsourcing to India when outsourcing to Europe is just as cheap now?
How does one cope with being the dumbest developer on the team?
By enjoying life and not caring so much.
Im a euro lol
im moving to decaying russia
gonna drink vodka like water, listen to obnoxious music and hack the systems of sum government
wish me luck
See that makes even less sense.
The new visa for people who are tired of the moral decay in the West honestly sounds really tempting. If Putin hadn't given his speech about how "The Anglo Saxon is destroying the world" I probably would have already applied.
Have a massive savings account so that when you get fired you get several months to find a new spot. Ride it out to grind experience. This is good advice for everyone but especially so if you know that you're weak.
They will never get better unless you tell them when they're overcomplicating it.
funny, same thing happened to me lol, must be the planets or something
thankfully i work from home on mondays so it's not that bad
Yeah I work from home too so it wasn't really a huge deal besides being psychologically draining because fuck why does that have to happen on a Monday morning.
>the "spend days making a detailed package and have two multi-hour prereviews to get buy-in from your stakeholders before the review, only to get torn to shreds when some retard latches onto a particular sentence" virgin
this has happened to me more times than I'd like to admit and now I dread having to do any kind of report because I know it's just going to be a ton of meetings over nitpicky bullshit where I get asked 'where is the slide for X' and then the following meeting I hear 'there's too many slides, we don't need a slide for X'
>i rage against the machine
>thats why i use computers (machines)
>make sense to me!
why are old school programmers such hacks?
i know there is artistry to their profession but
i dont think they need to such massive faggots
My company is a disaster.
Every task ends in failure.
Thinking about quitting even though I work from home. I can't take this shit anymore it's driving me insane. I never thought I'd care but it really does start to grind you down.
>monster cracked
>calendar cleared
>posts shitted
yeah today's going to be good I can feel it
>coworker overhears task last week
>non-issue over the weekend
>coworker decides it's something I should follow up on and assigns me work
>isn't my boss my he's trying to "train" me in the stupid time wasting bullshit he does
America it is for you.
>customer is going to send in a ticket that will require hundreds of man hours to complete while our resources are already stretched very thin
>I raise my concerns about it
>Woman boss basically waves them off and tells us to figure it out

Nah Ill figure this out by quitting you cunt.
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>still working 3 remote jobs
>still making more money than Obama in '08
>still fucking racially ambiguous women during bug triage meetings
>still getting my dick sucked by mulattas during sprint retrospectives
>still smoking the dankest sativa and drinking the hottest coffee every morning
>still buying Delta Comfort+ flights working remotely in Jamaica, Barbados, Portugal, Spain and of course Lagos

the market is FROZEN and AI sucked the remaining Oxygen - I don't buy what folks are posting saying they're getting jobs, etc - I've had damn near zero legitimate inbound leads for two years - this is worst than Dotcom, but I wasn't around for that

only reason I am employed is because of Yahweh, and God blessed me so I can continue to be a blessing towards others. I've been on the other side of the employment question. We will get through this, but you must accept the challenges of life for the three months minimum. Hopefully next Summer, we will see some movement.

We're all frozen from where we were 2022....I'm just blessed to have been frozen in a favorable position, but nothing is guaranteed

God. Speed. My. Brothers.

>captcha: 08ym
my woman boss won't stop accepting work from foreign departments to make her look good
get me the fuck out of here.
i've seen women managers do this too. half of being a good boss is using your authority to push back on bullshit so they're complete failures.
fuck you
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propane enjoyer?
This is more a shitty boss thing than a woman thing but yeah. I left my last job too because they kept promising the client that "we would figure it out ;)" then turning around and cracking the whip on us. When I told them what was a realistic scope they would get triggered and be like "I thought you were a professional what do you mean you can't do novel R&D, and a robust implementation of a 10,000 sloc+ project in 5 days? Managers / bosses just completely delusional. Got a $50k raise by switching jobs too lol, good luck with your next job hopefully you stick it to them too.
prolly to shoot at it and blow his house up (killing himself in the process) if he wakes up one morning and gets told he was fired
maybe he just wants to grill for god's sakes
I Want to Stab the retard so set a hard minimum of 85% coverage with unit tests,its so fucking annoying and difficult ,I keep getting stuckt at 79% or some shit,I swear to god
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I actually know how to cook, and I need gas for that

living in a $1000 rent shit apartment in the bad side of town and I can't stand the poverty stove for anything gourmet

I guess I could have bought the camp stove gas burner but I needed to heat a wok for Stir-Fry
based open flame wok enjoyer
finally someone who appreciates a clean burning fuel
Women are inherently evil.
If you're an incel it is a great blessing.
That is all.
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May God have mercy on us all.
hate shit like this, when I was team lead I tried my hardest to protect my team from bullshit work like this mainly because their work would become my work
I'm quasi government, it took me a long time to realize the meme of make-work was real. You'd think I could or would adapt to enjoy it or at least survive. I'm not.
I plan on leaving as soon as I can. I have a promising interview on Wednesday and also am expecting an offer from another company by Friday. I hate this place mainly because of my bitch boss and her handwaiving any issues away while belittling us.

She is leading a team of all men so she thinks she needs to be rah rah woman power all the time and it just comes off as irritating and cringy.
thank god you blurred out the drawers you were so close to getting doxxed

also, why live in a $1000 rent apartment with 3 jobs?
rape correction needed
Still much cheaper to hire a whole company in india than a few devs from eastern europe
maybe he is aggressively saving so he can retire early. Make $400k/yr, live in a shithole and invest 80% of it, retire early
i have a gf and i hate women
>"today i'm going to to X specific, useful, productive thing"
>attend 3 useless meetings while getting pinged with dumbass questions from juniors
>push laptop out of the way and play satisfactory instead
yeah it's monday
lmao even
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>applied to job at company months ago
>got to final round where they dropped a bomb, the position would be going to 3 days in the office instead of remote like the posting said
>I told them this is a deal breaker for me and withdrew candidacy
>few months later scrolling through jobs
>same company posts the same job again fully remote

Lmao. Im sure the person they took quit because they didnt want to be in the office.
yeah yeah keep it in /egg/ nigger
What do you guys code that allows you to work for like 5 hours a week? At my job I'm on a small team and I am responsible for implementing thousands of lines of code in a week. I wish I had time to fuck around as much.
This is so dishonest of them, trying to bait you into taking the job. Fuck em.
I basically told them that diplomatically. I have a fully remote job, I dont know why they would ever think Id come back into the office for a 15k raise.
It wasn't an interview. The recruiter sent me some questions to answer and send it back to him. I will find out if I got the job or not in a few hours. What kind of job has a <24 hour turn around time?
How hard is it exactly to become a senior SWE, at Google or FAANG? What does it take?
Ass kissing. Next question.
How do I start "ass kissing"
>manager won't manage
Don't go without a fight, make her career hell
>keep getting offers as cable technician
Get a job
what would you say is the most useful/beneficial language to learn nowadays, honestly though
They're mostly government workers
Weirdly desperate ones. Be wary.
That makes sense, I used to work with government people who would spend like 3 weeks to do 10 line PRs. And it's government work so their superiors were clueless and nobody ever got fired for it.
I'm scared right now. I honestly feel like out right rejecting them now but my curiosity is overriding it. Luckily, I got another interview with a reputable place on Wednesday.
Wouldn't be an issue if she married me.
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You have no idea how fed up I'm with people at work. Ever since the new product manager arrived they have been trying to set this "we love coding" atmosphere, with all the bullshit attached, they push projects after work, going to events, "networking" and team building... meanwhile management barely does shit, there's literally no team leader or tech lead and the codebase is just as shitty as it was.
No reason to jump the gun on rejecting them. Just have your eyes open for any shenanigans.
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I'm thinking of applying to Verasity Tutors to make some money at the very least. However, the pay they want to provide for tutoring programming, doesn't matter if it's C or Python, is $15 an hour, less than a Chick-fi-la cashier. Should I take it? I just want work remote but not with minimum wage pay.
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>company laptop is set to lock itself after 1 minute of inactivity
This is a humiliation ritual. I'm literally watching shit install or reading a text and it locks itself
Here anon, let me translate it for you. I'm fluent in HR:

>Listen here, your application was straight-up trash. We had a ton of amazing submissions, and picking anyone but you was a no-brainer. You've got NO future, and if you even think about applying again, you're delusional. Just give up already, you useless piece of shit.
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Is it possible get a part-time job as a web shitter?
I'm new to the field (almost 2YOE) and I want to make more money.
My current job is pretty comfy and I learn a lot, but I don't earn so much so I'm looking to get a side hustle
>he hasn't subverted his endpoint security to do whatever he wants
It's like you don't care.
I'm keeping an eye. I have yet to talk to a real person. Supposedly I'll talk to an HR roastie if they give me an offer. They already got one strike for the lack of anyone talking to me directly.
forgot to say I'm yuropoor (if that matters)
It is possible to 1099 and freelance/moonlight, but not really formal part time as such no.
I don't even know how this is set up Windows fucking 11. It's managed centrally. I have to keep playing videos or be in calls to prevent it from locking.
start a meeting with yourself in teams will do the needful
>It is possible to 1099 and freelance/moonlight
I have no idea what that means, sorry.
Here in France, when you sign for a job with no duration, there is a "trial" period when the employer (or the employee) can break the contract at any time.
I don't know if it have a particular name other than "trial period".
Thanks, I still have to work one month, but I will start searching right now.

Yeah, I wasn't "fast enough".
Had to learn their shitty compile scripts and fucked up libs with no doc nor colleagues to help, in addition to the particular domain knowledge.
Also, they don't gave me deadlines, but say I am too slow.
Ho well, I will find something else (I hope). It's a shame, it was comfy otherwise...
i take it back, just had 2 meetings back to back.
Sorry, that's Americano code for independent contracting. Like I agree to do x work for y pay over the next z time agreement between two parties.
I see, thanks for explaining. Guess I have to do some research and actually look around
Stay strong, you will find a job Anon
install a mouse jiggler, they sell ones that look like wireless usb receivers that move the mouse by like 1 pixel every minute to prevent it
How 'bout a joke?
>got hired for a senior dev position
>nobody knows anything about IT
>the project I'm supposed to implement got delayed by half a year
>get paid 120k a year
I don't want my brain to rot doing nothing, what are some useful open source projects I could contribute to?
There are a hundred ways to outwit it if you try.
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What does "proficient" actually mean?
Like, what does "proficient at Go" look like?
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the worst thing about that kind of work is that it's bullshit but people will try to make shit seem urgent for whatever reason
between the time I made that post I got another one of these retarded make-work tasks and they want it done today and this shit spawned another meeting
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I do almost nothing all day and recently I'm able to save about 2k a month. I'm basically just paid to be tech support for developers that don't know how to set up their own dev environments and troubleshoot problems that make it to production no one else knows how to it seems. I feel totally purposeless.
I'm planning on saving at least $20~40k and then maybe completely changing careers. Or milking this until I eventually get fired.

What would other anons do in my situation?
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I am slowly but surely developing a crush on the female (xx chromosome) developer in my office

There must be some sort of inverse "cheerleader effect" going on where being the only female around makes her more attractive
>Or milking this until I eventually get fired.
I'm doing this. They hired new devs that were supposed to be hot shit and turns out they aren't and now I look like a fucking genius doing next to nothing.
It's the same as the
>woman in the military
Effect. You need desensitize yourself to it.
Keep milking it, apply for better jobs while working, teach yourself tech that is relevant to the job you are trying to get during work hours on the sly.
Very based, I can only save around $1000~1500 a month because I'm yuropoor
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>I feel totally purposeless.
I gotta stop you right there. Work is a means to an end. There is a reason it's called WORK and not vacation. You go there to make money, not to make friends or find meaning in life. If those other things happen, great, but do not forget why you are there. Having a job where all you have to do is show up, put in a small amount of effort, with nobody pinging you every 5 minutes is the ideal.
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I wish it wasn't like this.
The problem for me right now is that I'm not even sure I even want to do anything with computers anymore at this point. Computers are kind of gay, but I suspect I will eventually get bored of anything I do for this long.
Life is suffering.
based, at least you have free health care or kinder eggs or something
Depends who is saying it
On a job listing I interpret it as meaning I've written something in the language before
On my resume it means I'm comfortable being grilled about language details and know the language idioms well enough to not accidentally write something which has a blog post explaining why it's stinky
>I wish it wasn't like this.
Me too but
>Computers are kind of gay, but I suspect I will eventually get bored of anything I do for this long.
I feel like this 100% and I'm sure if I changed fields I will be just resetting the eternal cycle. I'd rather have a job I don't like that allows me to slack off for the most part of the day.
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> at least you have free health care or kinder eggs or something
True enough, have this wizard kitten in return
>On my resume it means I'm comfortable being grilled about language details and know the language idioms well enough to not accidentally write something which has a blog post explaining why it's stinky
Oh fug, then I'm not proficient at anything (maybe Tailwind, kek)
It's "probation period"
t. fellow euroshitter
Personal computers used to empower individuals rather than act as a portal for corporations to inject their ideas into other people's lives.
The problem is that you're expected to take it all seriously and everyone acts like you're failing if you acknowledge how retarded it all is.
>Putting your dick in neegros
>Every task ends in failure.
How do they end in "failure"? Are you incapable of finishing them?
At my company we just postpone the tasks to next sprint and repeat until it's done, lol. (Boss keeps complaining about us not assessing the time it takes to complete a task)
you get the month off at least?
or are you being a good goy and working after having received your notice?
That barely covers the extra expenses (housing + travel costs) much less makes up for the absolutely massive inconvenience of having to be somewhere for 40 hours a week.
That's more than most Americans. Good job.
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I feel this, but I was raised in a pretty poor household, and I'm having an exceptionally hard time reconciling the ridiculous pay I'm receiving for the tiny amount of work I'm actually contributing.
I don't actually know what it is I even want to do, other than not be bored. I don't really have the friend safety net to encourage me or to goof off with anymore. And, I'm not sure I want to invest the 10+ years to have as good of a friend group only for them to disperse again and leave me back at square one. Not going to get into it, but for a long time making my friends laugh was pretty much the only thing I enjoyed. And they've all kind of gone their own way and moved on with life I guess.
I still talk to them, but COVID is over and no one gets online anymore. I'm sure other anons who have been chronically online and visiting this hellsite for nearly 20 years can relate, 2020~2022 was great.
Anyway, yeah, just kind of rambling to vent, but maybe someone relates, who knows.
Maybe I'll go touch grass.
>I'd rather have a job I don't like that allows me to slack off for the most part of the day.
This is the problem... yeah.
nothing, it's literally meaningless
I've head interviews where it said that and it went like
>"so do you have experience with Java"
>Yup, that's my primary language
>"Perfect, moving you on to the next round!"

and others have gone, 30 seconds into the interview
>"oh so you know c++, to start off can you give me examples from the top of your head on how you've used template metaprogramming and couroutines?"
I could use a meeting or play a video file, that's OK when I'm away, but this is annoying me while I'm actually trying to work. I wouldn't want to install meme software or hardware because I'm afraid they would detect them.
In C++? Like with fucking setjump? Or what the fuck are they talking about? C++ doesn't even have proper continuations does it?
Ho, thanks, I leant something.

Half and a half.
To soften the decision (and because I was really nice in every other aspect than speed), I will work on a simulator (like for planes or racing car) until the end.
But also, I will search a new job in parallel.
I unfortunately can't afford to stay unemployed for a long time...
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c++ has coroutines since C++20

if you can ask them to install powertoys, then there is an always awake option that works. If your IT department are dickheads and won't install any software or allow you to

A) find a new job because devs not having autonomy over their machines is bullshit
B) use a mouse jiggler in the mean time
You can write a powershell script that hits scroll lock every 30 seconds.
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I go back and forth between "computers are the devil, destroying society, and I am wasting my time in front of flashing funny lights" and "they are the coolest thing ever"
Google is a giant glowop, they aren't a real company, they exist to collect data and feed it to the feds. What does it take to be a senior SWE there?
Are you comfortable sacrificing children to satan?
Remember that time that guy got fired from Google after getting hired there for posting about it on reddit immediately lol
I always find it hilarious how tech bros will clutch their pearls at the idea of working for raytheon meanwhile they are at faceberg figuring out the most efficient way to psyop teenage boys to chop off their penises
I'm not kidding when I say I've spent 4 out of my 5 hours working today in meetings
and I've been double booked
It's a very big company, so I don't think they install shit like powertoys.
I think I'll try to write some kind of script to keep it busy. This is ridiculous though, they changed this shit recently. Before this, it would stay unlocked for like 5 minutes.
>I am responsible for implementing thousands of lines of code in a week
What are do you work in? I hope you're exaggerating because writing this much code is sometimes a red flag that something is really wrong with your job
This is the correct mindset.
Yeah, I don't know how anyone can write that much code unless they are doing something incredibly trivial
Apparently everyone needs something from me today. My first meeting started at 7:30am. Fuck this.
real men eat lead, you should try it
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Someone help me understand why tech people are like this.
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>it's another day of trying to work on features that aren't properly explained
>back and fort with designer, product manager and team leader
>decide to play ball and create an intricate cobweb of bullshit around them
>spend the whole day playing Final Fight unless I get everything handheld crystal clear
It was a minor exaggeration, but I work on the computer graphics backend for a Vulkan codebase on a small team. The API is just verbose AF, and we have a lot of legacy code. 300-600 SLOC in a week is normal for me, but not every week of course. My main point was that I can't just get away with doing almost nothing every week because there's always shit that needs to get done. Sounds like everyone else has tickets that are 5hr of work that get stretched into 20hr to appear artificially business. I'm not hating on it either, work smart not hard etc.
that can't be it, more than 1/3 Californians voted for trump
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i hate inactivity timeouts.
>paper trail app that devs buy into
>uses data from app to justify layoffs
none of the agile or scrum concepts mean anything and no one can properly define it. all it does is give data to HR in case they need a reason to fire you
i am proposing this, bear in mind i am a chud:
>tech workers are smarter than average
>smart people know donating to a party as some random joe is utterly retarded
>so republican tech workers don't donate
>but half of tech workers are also insane trannies and women so of course those donate to the democrats as a social signal
Republicans are national losers unable to implement any sort of plan even when they have house, senate, and presidency. Iirc, they cannot win any municipality with pop >250k. There's no such thing as a politically neutral market; so even if you aren't actually a liberal, there is no incentive to be a Republican anywhere that matters. You want to be on the side of power, the side of winners, etc. You join the party that can actually accomplish things: the Democrats.

Tech is also full of faggy nerds who are natural Democrats. You'd see more political diversity in a one-party state than you'd see at a Comic Con.
I often end up writing a thousand, sometimes 2 thousand, lines of code a week.

It's because of data that has hundreds of rows and you need to do calculations specially for each field and the infrastructure that's involved in serving the analysis. I go around the business grabbing data, injecting AI, and delivering it in their enterprise framework.

A table might take about a few hundred lines of code from ingestion to serving the AI. I do a few tables a week.
i am wearing my programming socks and scrum panties today
i hope nobody notices my unit test bra showing through the shirt
*hundred's of columns
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it's crazy how in the movie she looks 20 years older than your pic. Makeup is magic.
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tech support wagies when they have to do their job
Computer companies are the devil, computers themselves are great.
Here I am at [network equipment manufacturer] pretending to work.
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>code at work
>absolute dread
>code on my free time
>pure bliss
Why does it have to be like this
Based Oracle.
I fucking hate Republicans. The only thing they have going for them is that they're not Democrats.
>I'm able to save about 2k a month

>Very based, I can only save around $1000~1500 a month because I'm yuropoor
WTF. I'm saving more than 3k a month and I live in fucking South America. I don't pay rent anymore but if I had to, I'd still be able to save more than 2k a month.
If you couldn't choose when you coded in your free time you'd be forced to code when you don't feel like it. You don't notice this because by definition it doesn't happen.
It's Joever.
Doesn't RTO make it harder to be replaced by jeets?
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and that's a good thing.
The contrary, immigrants typically go to greater lengths for worse conditions/pay than citizens. They already outsource jobs.
>8 month trial period
Holy shit. The maximum here is six months and even that feels too long. In any case, good luck bro.
Yeah, but if you're remote and the position doesn't have to be in the office, why not just hire a remote Bong with a PhD for $80k, or whatever pittance is a good salary over there.
Try to squeeze information out of the senior and/or try to get him to write documentation.
or just don't and when the company complains that nothing gets done blame them for not retaining the people who knew their shit
RTO doesn't have any effect on that, I believe. If they want to outsource it, they will outsource it no matter who goes to the office. RTO is literally an ideological humiliation ritual, and the only effect it may have is people resigning, which is also good for the company because they don't have to fire them manually.
>people in tech have empathy for others
Who would have thunk
Now that's coping. Democrats are just the party that doesn't make up random bs like the Haitians-eating-cats thing so naturally smarter people are going to be attracted to the party that doesn't blatantly lie.
until someone complains about not finding a job and then it's all "bootstraps" "stop being lazy" "there's no luck involved"
>I work on the computer graphics backend for a Vulkan codebase on a small team
Sucks that you don't have much breathing room but the work seems interesting at least (I like computer graphics, so that's just my opinion from the outside looking in). I get it though, everyone seems to have wildly different levels of being 'busy'. I wfh mostly and I have my own laptop beside me for music mostly, but also opened to some discords etc where my friends are online. And many of them often play games or stream on twitch or whatever during work hours with a 9-5, briefly stopping for like 'I gotta take a call' etc. I couldn't do that shit lol
>confusing the DNC with empathic people
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>And many of them often play games or stream on twitch or whatever during work hours with a 9-5, briefly stopping for like 'I gotta take a call'
>And many of them often play games or stream on twitch or whatever during work hours with a 9-5, briefly stopping for like 'I gotta take a call' etc.
what kinds of jobs do they do?
tech, seems more sysadmin/IT focus so understandably more down time. i work as a dev, i usually always have some shit to be doing
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Problem is that he doesn't know much either
we're pretty much fucked lol
sorry, didn't mean to reply to (you)
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god i hate waking up before 2pm.
RTO is just a way to do layoffs without violating the WARN act.
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when i started wfh i woke up early to have breakfast and get dressed and now i don't get out of bed until noon
>just did an interview for them
>my hope was monkey's pawed
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Yeah its pretty simple, republicans took 20k from me by not forgiving my loans so I will never vote for them again.
Yeah pretty much.
I'm going to be looking into doing another internship next summer (Did one Summer of 2023,) where should I look for more obscure internships where I won't have as many people to deal with.
I feel bad because at times I've felt like that very same co-worker. I hate myself for it but still have to keep trying and improving.
I wish I didn't have to pester my co-worker with questions either, but I have to if I want to make sure I get my shit done on time.
>Why? I'd reject the PR
junior vibe. you'll get it eventually, don't worry
staff level vibes
Anon, I encourage you to look into what actually happened. You were used. The way they went about it was always doomed to legal failure. It was by design.
You think they ever intended to spare a crumb for the likes of us?
5 dan or higher
>Project manager mismanaged and now I have to cram three months worth of decent paced work into two weeks of coke fueled bender work.
Have you ever had transgender coworkers? I'm not asking to be inflammatory or anything, I just started working a new job and one of the people there is so very obviously trans, like it looks like a man in a dress.

What was your experiences like? I'm not an awful person or anything, I call her she because she wants me to and that's what everybody else does. But am I going to get shittested or something. I feel like she's eyeing me waiting for me to slip something up
just don't
crab pot syndrome goes both ways lmfao
remember seeing videos of young men burning their draft papers during the vietnam war? i'd like to see that again, but instead of draft papers, it would be young men and women burning loan papers outside of corporate hq.
Kek, I would have told that bitch to fuck off
>Project manager mismanaged
Yeah my office is filled with 1st generation jeets and a new jeet boss telling me I have to come in after working remote for the last 4.5 years. I know at least some of them are on visas, so they'll do anything to keep the job. One of them even came from those fake visa mill consulting companies. Which I only know because I cyber stalked him after he did something particularly stupid.

>sent my resume out
>get auto rejected
>get destroyed in technical interview
>crazy because I'm easily one of the more competent people here
guess I know my place in the world now

I've developed a tick of pressing control and jiggling the mouse
My experience has been that nobody ever says anything and it's a non-issue. You'll get bored of staring at it pretty fast
The caricatures from xitter screencaps aren't real life
Am I expecting too much for my manager? I have to create a clone of a store we were paying a subscription for. My manager literally just wrote in the ticket make a store look a like. Well, as I'm studying the store there is all kinds of intricacies such as what to do when someone tries to order something but there is no inventory. I feel like I shouldn't have to study these things AND then decide what to do with these events. I feel like that should be the job of someone higher up. Am I wrong? 1 yoe btw.
>BREAKING: Amazon, $AMZN, has told its employees to return to office 5 days a week.

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>work sucks ass
>stuck with an insane coworker who needs constant validation
>swarm of indians
>all my bosses are women
>scrum agile hell
>stop caring
>sit on tickets for weeks at a time
>relax all day until the bosses decide its time for me to go
>collect cash

we live in strange times frens
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this guy is refactoring the config file to be yaml. i dont use the config file but its going to be funny when it filters all the users.
managers are diversity hires typically. they do absolutely nothing. often worse than nothing.
>source: a noname twitter account
Java like always sir
Null/not-null type modifiers soon, possibly TCO
It's everywhere you stupid cunt
Based and same
>have a jeet contractor who's working in dev
>he's usually pretty solid, most of my asks are answered within the day
>three weeks ago ask him if he could retrigger a setting for a user on his side
>task takes like fucking 5 mins.
>"yes i'll get to it before EoD"
>no reply
>ask him the next day
>no reply
>ask him the next day
>"sorry sir i was super busy, i'll get to this by the EoD today."
>no reply
>loop his manager in
>"really really sorry sir! i'm really really busy I promise I'll get this completed today."
>no reply
>starting to get push back from the business user going "wtf i've submitted this on a friday two weeks ago, why isn't this done?"
i swear to fucking god. it's not really my problem but it's quite frustrating getting into this scenario of HOLY FUCKING SHIT JUST DO MY FUCKING TASK ALREADY.

Apparently now my ticket is going into ticket limbo as it's getting bounced between teams but he was doing this shit perfectly fine up until now. Already escalated to my manager but I don't think he's going to do anything about it and I'm trying to complete this shit so it doesn't escalate to his boss and we all get fucking shot in the foot. FUCK
it's a good learning opportunity, find some experienced guy for mentoring
>Amazon making all white collar wagies come back to the office 5 days a week
It begins
haha get burned pajeet-enabler
Everybody is gonna follow, it actually is over this time. I don't give a shit though, I came to terms with the fact that I needed to go out daily or I'll inevitably become a hermit again.
>Everybody is gonna follow
J-Just FAGMAN right?
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my job won't. they sold a building. not enough seats.
Should have moved a tech city lmao. Hope your enjoy cornfields and low salaries.
man we had a middleman before that could whip him to do stuff but when they left after the first month this guy just went on full read. Ugh if this hits my bosses boss I'm going to get so fucked because the only reason why I haven't escalated escalated earlier was because this fucker kept saying I'll do it EOD and yet he never does.
do it yourself ffs
Maybe you should stop being useless
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The only true escape is having fuck you money. Let this be a lesson to all of you anons. If you are not building Fuck You money you are doing things wrong. Take control of your life so you can tell these faggots to suck your cock when they demand humiliation rituals like this.
Republicans are retarded grifters. I might vote Democrat this year kek. Trumps position on the environment especially is retarded.

t. Voted for trump the first time
>Trumps position on the environment
who the hell cares about saving the earth's climate when it's just going to be filled up with ungrateful brown retards anyway
Pretty much this; life goal number one is to get enough money so you can tell your boss to go fuck himself at any moment.
I'm not that sociopathic anymore
I've just realized how suck it is to be an American. I made fuck you money (for my shithole), and it took me just 10 years working for an American company.
the term sociopathic invokes a society or at least a community. you can't call a caveman a sociopath for stealing another caveman's food; there's no reasonable expectation of civility there.

i don't feel like part of a society; there's sure as shit no such thing as a community.
I dunno he has a point. there is nothing you can do when white people stop having a majority share in the planet. Browns will just shit up the planet into an eco disaster, and die out. Hopefully there's no nuclear war over dwindling viable farmland.
OK let me say it differently: I no longer force myself to hate niggers. They are what they are but we put ourselves in this position.
Maybe, but either way there will be a malthusian correction. So my priority is preserving as much biodiversity and natural wilderness as possible, as little as is left.
Actually chud the science says that Malthus was wrong so there will always be 6 trillion niggers
Those weren't republicans, that's just the law. You have to repay loans.
How the fuck is this even surprising to you? Go emigrate to some lawless shithole if you don't like it.
You're fucking retarded. You don't have to take the loans. You do have to register for the draft.

I paid my way through college. I'm not paying for my education *and yours.* Please actually kill yourself if you're expecting that.
Yeah just like all those guys had to pay back loans they took out during Covid right?
Nah I think I'll just want until the government empties your bank account to pay off my debts :)
Only retards vote for Republicans, people with a brain and an education don't. You got any other retarded question?
Java is just a worse, slower alternative to Go
sure give me the software and access to do it and I'll fucking do it myself you stupid jeet fucker.
Haha no sar you cannot have my access
sir, giving you access is against company's policy sir. please request your access yourself
Baroque hashem
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Same, it really does grind you down to a husk. I just don't care anymore and am waiting to be laid off.
>tick of pressing control and jiggling the mouse
That's what I do but I'm starting to feel like a schizo
>the virgin anxiously pressing a button every minute and still get laid off
>the chad installing mouse moving software and forcing them to fire you
Chad is when you just fucking let it go idle because you know no one actually cares.
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I just let my teams go away. I dont really care anymore. If my boss wants to fire me I welcome it.
They should be prosecuted too. Fuck you for expecting to get away with breaking the law.

Really, please move to somolia or some other lawless place if you want this. There are very few places where the rule of law is considered important, it isn't in most places, you have options.
What is a reasonable freelance rate to charge for a simple website for a business? Basically, just a few pages describing what they do and then an email. I'd be willing to do it for almost any price, I just don't want to overprice myself and then lose this opportunity. I've been unemployed for a few mos now and this is the first freelance site I've done free.
>most of my asks
nice pajeetspeak
You are being really silly anon, you know that?

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