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This faggitor does not even know the difference between HTML and Javascript, yet he had the new ChatGPT model code an entire videogame for him. This is the worst future imaginable.
Gotta love github and free cooomitters.
Imagine the guy who wrote that code from scratch and cooomitted it kek. Still not being paid 6 figures and somebody who's using chatgpt gets all his work for free.
Such is the life of the fosstard. They'll keep working for free and training LLMs for free until everyone is replaced and just as poor as the tinkerpad trannies.
>I'm afraid all of you were wrong. The correct job to be safe from AI was "Comedy Writer". If you chose something else, please report to your nearest welfare office.
>This is the worst future imaginable.
Programmers have never been anything but highly advanced beasts of the field. Do real work and you wouldn't be butthurt because AI can do your job better.
Look we gotta stop doing this thing where "AI can do your job better"

That's just not true. Stop saying it. AI can do some things better, and we should definitely use it, but I'm afraid most people here are going to be disappointed when they find out that chatGPT cannot build the game you imagined in your head. It can get very close though.
AI makes me better at my job. You still need to hire programmers.
Let's talk about the real financial opportunity here for programmers.

ChatGPT's prompts cannot produce the game desired, but it can get very close to the frame of it.

We can offer to finish making the game that ChatGPT started, because ChatGPT just can't get it exactly the way you want it.
Then if nobody hires you, too bad their salted javascript will be crap forever, elon and sam altman made their money.
Things that can be created by imbeciles has no value by definition since everyone can do it.

It's like thinking mathematicians are obsolete because everyone has a calculator.
Pretty much this, there is advanced mathematical formulae that is beyond perception especially in niche fields. If you want to accomplish something advanced, you must hire an advanced mathematician or multiple who are not naive and are also experienced in other areas.
Based this is very cool
The future is bright, where you are bound not by your skills but the quality of your thoughts since machines will do all the execution. Better thoughts mean better end product by the thinking machines
The doomers and midwits will still be poor and miserable because their thoughts are of sickness and self pity instead of making something of worth
Thank God I am sysadmin. Until robotics catches up you will still need me to plug cables around
Nobody is talking about current state of toddler webshit version of LLMs, it's clear to anybody with a brain the current context and token limits even the APIs impose on the output of ChatGPT is severely restricting the model output. You don't need to be a genius to imagine what would happen if you increased it's context by 1000x and allowed it to execute code and iterate to improve it's programming capabilities.

>it's only better than 99,99% of programmers!
So is the game any good?
I've noticed that GPT is pretty good at getting you to around 60% of the game finished. But that last 40% is what makes or breaks a game. Also if you want AI to implement a specific feature and it doesn't get it right on the first or second pass you're SOL.
AI is certainly the future in my opinion however.
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Have fun with it while you can. AI will get heavily regulated at some point like other new stuff that came out from the internet.
Anyone try DarkGBT or is it an FBI honeypot?
Speaking of AI

North Carolina musician charged with music streaming fraud aided by AI
I'm not forced to play his garbage because AI is the future and you have to go all in!
Literal cryptofag mindset
If the tech improves to the level where it can create Call of Duty or [insert your AAA game of choice] and it's actually enjoyable, then what's the problem?
That's a good thing you absolute retard.
>Oh no! Imagine the horrors of a world where anyone can effortlessly create entertainment"
>there is advanced mathematical formulae that is beyond perception
sorry just scraped it for my LLM thx
>It's like thinking mathematicians are obsolete because everyone has a calculator.
thats a great way to put it

>if you increased it's context by 1000x
too bad that increases training costs exponentially
it never worked for me when I tried it how do these guys do it? It shits itself on a single file I can't imagine it would work for a project. I wanted to make a simple Stronghold clone with its help but nope shits itself. So I tried a wave function collapse in 3d next for terrain generation and it gets the details wrong...
>write a kino game in machine language
it already is regulated, thankfully local models exist and you will die at some point.
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If you don't depend on programming to earn a living and just want to make video games for your own amusement, this is good news.
Whoa, a shitty generic game it regurgitated from some 1st year college student's github repo. It truly is over for devs this time. 2 more weeks until mass unemployment
Maybe you are too stupid to prompt and formulate the problem.
Do people realize this is basically just advanced copy and paste from GitHub ?
Keep telling yourself that. Maybe that will keep you on your job anon.
That's not how LLMs work you fucking shit-monkey.
and yes the usual cope instead of proving your tool works you attack the user claiming he is using it wrong. Great so its all bullshit I see the ((ai)) can only reproduce standard problems but nothing remotely complex.
It is doe, it predicts the next token and the highest probability token is the one that follows within that github repo.
Those of you who learned to code the right way, will always be preferable to a code monkey with chat gpt, at least for the foreseeable future.
That's your mistake. You think it's going to be a "code monkey" with chat gpt, but it's not. Right now, major corporations have software architects decide how everything works and create the specifications and all that, before passing off the work to a code monkey. In the near future (maybe 10 years), software architects will just provide the same information to an LLM. SDETs might have job security for a little longer, but they will eventually be replaced also.
>it can only do 90% of your work 900000 times faster than you
There's substantial evidence these models have plateau'd and won't get better without new architectures.
didn't know the fosstards and tinkerpad "trannies" get fired for le problematin racism and transphobia
eh, at least i can rely on (((((Sam Altman))))) to write my security patches, the savior of the White rice!
This is the best future imaginable.
No programmer worth his salt should be concerned about AI taking his job. Only regurgatative work (e.g., webdev) is at risk of being automated.
The new Chatgtp o1 model is better than the one before that tho? How can it have platued if it's still improving
Shhh, we need more tradesmen, your roofing costs is the next thing ai hysteria will fix
It still can't get the strawberry thing right
They've thrown 100bil dollars and it stills spews out basic snake game in html that breaks upon contact, just takes 5 times longer to output the same templated to hell shit, saving you 3 prompts and using 5x more tokens
>it's improving you guise
I have very limited coding experience but this wonderful program has helped me learn things and do things for some simple applications, such as a bash script to convert a bunch of filetypes from one type to another all in one folder and name them a certain way. often I ask it questions so that I have a better understanding of what the code does. its been a great learning experience. I know it cant do super complicated things because you often need to debug, troubleshoot, and have more knowledge.

So knowing that, I dont see why 'good' programmers should take an issue with it unless they feel threatened by other people diminishing their skillset and gatekeeping. If you're good, you can put together much more advanced things and do the debugging and troubleshooting that someone who knows nothing can't do.
>programming is just making small standalone stuff
k then
The amount of companies hiring snake in html/js coders is gonna crash, rip muh 500 pajeet tutorials on how to write snake in html/js in 5 easy steps, we're doomed
This changes nothing. These games are all going to be obvious AI slop and (YOU) have the choice not to play them.
>you CAAAAAANT just make a 3D game by yourself, it's too hard and it's not worth it. It's literally impossible for a team with fewer than 8 geniuses.
>Oh a robot can do it? it's a menial task then, like adding two numbers together. Anyone can do it.
>what are tutorials for 500 alex
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>rpg maker game with extra encryption from a js plugin
I have 0 experience with coding and decrypting and o1 just made me a script that looks trough the rpgmaker files, and gets it all the relevant data. Then it found the obfuscated code for applying the decryption and encryption and made me a py code to decrypt the map files. sonnet 3.5 and every other model failed at this for hours. o1 managed it in 3 prompts, and only of things it couldn't possibly know (map format)
Now run it, oh shit, it doesn't, but so close, in just two weeks it will RE latest assassins creed just as believably
Tell me when I can make my own customized Rapelay
open source movement did this
this is why i never publish my shit online
actually this might be an emergent community market if the more commercially driven one fails
Fossisters... what have we done?
So humans create a technology which filters most people.
Then humans creates tools to render it's services.
These tools don't require most people to understand the technology.
Now majority of people can make use of that technology.

Just like how Windows made people to be able to use Computers.
>Now run it, oh shit, it doesn't, but so close, in just two weeks it will RE latest assassins creed just as believably
nigga are you retarded? in your mad barking you didnt even realize i said it decrypted something, not made a game
Man it's pretty insane how fast stuff like ChatGPT is evolving, I remember using it on release and it was fucking terrible, nowadays it feels like it's a pretty safeish replacer for google search and a big time saver, except when using it for very niche stuff where it tends to just shit out absolute nonsense still.
Who is the retard now?
Then put it in the engine and run it, oh it's gibberish, who knew
ChatGPT, Claude etc at the current level are already better than humans at programming, they are just confined in a sandbox that makes it difficult to use on problems that require considerable context.

The future will be IDEs running quantized specialized models that have access to the full project code at all times and can run shadow versions of your code in the background for code execution. Models wouldn't even need to improve, just better computers and more diverse LLM software in the future will make it mandatory for programming at any level. I think the only people who aren't impressed by LLMs are lazy people.
>it can get very close though
It can't even get 5% of the way there
>awhat have we done
It’ll be really comfy to create cozy Earthbound-like RPGs in a few years. I’d say that’s almost guaranteed to be possible. I’m sure the novelty will wear off fast though.
this shit genuinely makes me want to kill myself
i don't want to live in this gay future where humans become totally obsolete
I just want a local AI that can translate shit
they added a fucking for-loop to the LLM

come on
aren't our brains just a for loop too?
hold on
think about it: Civilization II is considered a good game, but it's a precursor to the Las Vegas style social media / FaceBook / Twitter / Social Game / Zynga / DLC crap
the whole point of a game now is to get you hooked and then sell you stuff, it's the same as the drug dealer model...it wasn't like this before the technology was made available, so how did we get here??
video games aren't much better than casino games, and in some sense, they're actually worse: they're like a cross between Las Vegas and Google. The whole business is watching you, observing you like you're some mental case, like you have to be constantly monitored...
my point is that video games are actually a tool of surveillance, hierarchical power, and domination, they aren't this expressive medium for artistic freedom like you think they are
I say this: take a look at Las Vegas casino games, the Macintosh user interface with its cute icons, Japanese cultural value of cuteness, FaceBook, social media, social games, mass surveillance, mass collection of raw psychological data on the cheap, and you'll find that the average video game is just a tool of domination, it isn't a door into some parallel universe like you think it is
TL;DR video games are terrible, no wonder AI is good at making them
I like it as an idea of making a base template for a program.
Heck, even as a teaching tool.
But it still opens a can of worms regarding copyright controls and who actually owns the code. Not everyone can afford to lawyer up, cause they may still only be earning 100 bucks a week or so.
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>2023: Haha, stupid luddite artfag
I'm not a self-centered luddite, I am glad to see AI enabling regular people to realize their dreams.
oh dear, minecraft FPS modders are literally shaking
After trying to use AI for shit I've come to the conclusion:
>For now, it's good for singular functions/chain of functions, anything beyond that scope and it starts to get iffy
>Even then, it uses weird coding practices that while works, makes it a bitch to maintain.
>It loses context way too quickly, meaning for large projects it is worthless.
I can see the potential and do use it when I need something quick and easy, but anything that is important, I'll stick to my own knowledge.
Meds, now
>making gayms with zero coding experience
You were able to do that for 10+ years with gamemaker, cross platform too. Now it's just slightly faster. But noooo singularitards have to have their delusion about muh coding being dead soon.
Correct, you're just a midwit
>AI made a rapid prototype with boxes, spheres, and a dead simple gameplay loop
I could write this in about an hour using raylib. I'm not worried. Yet.
ChatGPT has been helpful in school. I either have to wait for office hours if I'm hung up on something or I can ask ChatGPT for a rephrasing of the docpage for whatever I'm using and it usually actually works.
>Implyin' letting anyone have their ideas come to fruition without any barrier to entry is a good thing
Just look at any social media and the absolute state of posts, do you really want those morons constantly shitting out new programs?
Software is overflowing with learned helplessness. People complain that managing a GUI natively is too hard, you give them a library that condenses everything and throws all the low level element management into a black box, they still complain that it's too hard, you give them a tool that just throws all of the elements into XML, they cry that it's too hard, you give them an IDE where you drag and drop UI elements in a WYSIWYG editor and handle all of the real programming by double-clicking elements to create an OnClick() method, they still cry it's an inhumanely difficult task, and now we're on the stage where we create a bot to think for them. If we took all the effort spent on dumbing stuff down and spent it on building better utilities and non-dev related applications, we'd be getting places.
Based. I love AI more than "coders", it makes stuff for me, explains everything properly and nicely, it's the best thing ever, it's like the modern day invention of fire or electricity. Not a single nigger here could explain to me the lowest level of displaying graphics, but ChatGPT can.
All it's doing is copying from github and changing a couple things around. The flaw is sometimes it will break the code when it's changing things around.
>Oh no! Imagine the horrors of a world where anyone can effortlessly create entertainment"
>Imagine a world where the last pleasure in the world, art, is finally thoroughly and utterly deterritorialized by the masses and capital, the internet becomes an absurd garbage dump of interbred hyperreal garbage and the smart ones only have an old and increasingly vacuous past to rely on in their search for humanity
Yeah that's pretty depressing.
maybe they're not actual retards if they managed to make it work.
You're just projecting
>***Idea men*** with no skills can now proceed
we're in hell timeline
>It's like thinking mathematicians are obsolete because everyone has a calculator.
but they are, there are no JOBS for mathematicans since 200 years LMAO
delete your github repos, NOW, dont be an AI slave
I love AI. it removed all the frustrating rope-worthy part of programming
now all you need is all of the softer stuff like art and marketing
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The amount of copium by goyware ""engineers"" since the release of o1 has been off the charts, kek.

Ohh, and this is just the preview, not even the full release.
I used to want to be a programmer, but what's the point now if in 5 years, any normie can just input s lines into some mindless algorithims to make themselves a new Fortnite game or something?
tfw committed thousands of lines of code over dozens of open source projects in the last six months solely using chatgpt.
the only thing i actually know how to write is bash and maybe python
also i did some stuff in vb ten years ago but all that is lost now

skids like me are taking over. codemonkeys are finished.
You can say the same thing about playing an instrument or writing a book. People that let themselves get discouraged from hobbies by that mindset will never be proud of themselves when they look back on a life of "what's the point in X if Y?"
you can literally find equivalent code on github repos with things changed a bit >>102417776.

It's similar to how some artists have found parts of their art in stable diffusion-generated shit lol
It does.
>Retards with zero coding experience are now creating entire videogames using AI

Experienced developers use AI to augment themselves too, retard
>Also if you want AI to implement a specific feature and it doesn't get it right on the first or second pass you're SOL.
This is the real problem here. It is literally either a "skill" issue in that you as the prompter need to provide better prompts which requires knowledge in what you are doing or their simply isnt any content related to that for the AI to use in which case you have to do it yourself. AI is a great tool for people with a bit of know how but not the game changer people make it out to be.
>This is the worst future imaginable.
not really. people are generating all kinds of code they have no idea how to work with
there's always gonna be a need for people who know how code works. if anything the industry will just boom just like it did with compilers and high level languages
At this point, any creative job seems to be safe from AI, even supposedly "automated" jobs like art and music, people have such a visceral reaction to anything artistic made by a machine that I think people just rebound to human made stuff.
The recent Brazilian Miku craze proved this.
you're the monkey thoughal
chatgpt is the real monkey here
Nah, lots of srs FOSS programmers are paid corporate employees.
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>make themselves a new Fortnite game
yes, as soon as there are hundreds of open source Fortnite implementations on github
I ran into the "not enough content in dataset" issue very often. I sometimes prompt for niche stuff like blender scripts, or how to implement some ideas from a paper, and it RARELY gets it right, and I just have to write it the old fashioned way and waste my afternoon.
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So these threads are just a accepted daily/hourly posts by retards to seethe their career choices and FUD ours? No. Anyone that does commercial work knows that LLMs are just another tool we will use - albeit a power curve of a tool.
Shit is a lot more complex out here for large applications that companies actually paid for because they, in turn, make them more money than they cost.
Meanwhile that russian fag soding can barely make a doom 1 in wasm.
>This is the worst future imaginable.
It has barely changed.
Companies pay 100$ a year to have jeets write that type of game. Then smack up some marketing and sell the game for 50$ a pop to goyslop consumers.
Gaming has been uninspired for a long time, shooting games especially so.
Anon, before complaining, go make a game with chatgpt, post results.
Is /agdg/ seething right now?
How do you actually use o1-preview with your current codebase???
ive come to the conclusion that the reason why so many retards hate rust is because its new enough that chatgpt can't just spoon-feed you pre-made code snippets that just work
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that is not an entire video game
Rust is a decade old language and it has probably more blogs and articles written about it than any other language. those blogs are also not badly outdated
Eh, programmers were always going to lose their special status. It's increasingly a requirement for people in engineering, science, and maths, which dramatically expands the amount of competition.
If you're in CS, you have to always be evolving, because whatever you're doing now will be incorporated into non-CS STEM programs in a few years anyway. Another obvious example is ML.
Most of these posts on Reddit and X are fake. they're just trying to promote AI subscriptions and most of you are falling for it.
I had chatgpt write me code for a free camera in bevy + rust using quaternions
Self taught cope
You're a newfag, people hated Rust long before ChatGPT came to life.
It's hated because the Rust community, as a whole, has always been belligerent and gay. People don't like problem-makers or faggots, so they stay away from the language.
Every other argument of "but this feature" or "that feature" is just window dressing.
>too bad that increases training costs exponentially
That was where I thought he was going with it then I got confused.
Anon is still correct though. The reason GPT can't do shit is because it's way too expensive and I thought you were saying that the price will come down eventually and prove him wrong. GPT definitely can't do diagnosis better than me but it's pretty damn close because it doesn't have to think. It either gets it right or hallucinates.
>It's similar to how some artists have found parts of their art in stable diffusion-generated shit lol
This has never happened though because it's literally impossible. What happens instead is that an artist recognizes their art because someone trained a lora on their free works.
The anon in the thread you read this in posted that it does thoughbeit.
This entire thread didn't benefit from your post but that doesn't mean 4chan was a mistake. Most conversations here are pretty good because of anonymity.
Is o1 really that good? I don't get all the hype.
>video games aren't much better than casino games
Have you tried playing something that isn't triple A?

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