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Is VLC fine for converting FLAC to MP3 320? Or is there a problem with VLC for doing this?
If you're on Windows the easiest way is foobar2000. Just right-click the file in the playlist, click convert and you'll get a bunch of options and formats.
If you want to do it the hard way, ffmpeg has more converting options than VLC.
i dont have foobar2000
is vlc okay?
Don't use mp3 if your device is capable of other formats. Ogg and opus give smaller file sizes and better audio quality than mp3. Supposedly opus is better than ogg but doesn't actually sound better in all use cases.
not my question
please see OP
the answer is no you silly
Hearing the difference now isn't the reason to encode to FLAC. FLAC uses lossless compression, while MP3 is 'lossy'. What this means is that for each year the MP3 sits on your hard drive, it will lose roughly 12kbps, assuming you have SATA - it's about 15kbps on IDE, but only 7kbps on SCSI, due to rotational velocidensity. You don't want to know how much worse it is on CD-ROM or other optical media. I started collecting MP3s in about 2001, and if I try to play any of the tracks I downloaded back then, even the stuff I grabbed at 320kbps, they just sound like crap. The bass is terrible, the midrange...well don't get me started. Some of those albums have degraded down to 32 or even 16kbps. FLAC rips from the same period still sound great, even if they weren't stored correctly, in a cool, dry place. Seriously, stick to FLAC, you may not be able to hear the difference now, but in a year or two, you'll be glad you did.
why is it no? what's wrong with vlc?
this is the way
I recently had to do a bunch of conversions and VLC didnt really do it. I already use foobar2000 and it worked best.
>recently had to do a bunch of conversions and VLC didnt really do it.
Why? What went wrong?
"I don't have XY" is not a valid excuse if the software is literally free, except when you're on a managed computer and can't even run downloaded .exe files from the Downloads folder.
Just go and download the software. No excuses.
so what is wrong with using VLC? you haven't answered
You can even set foobar to use the latest executables for ogg, flac, etc conversion instead of built-in. It's too bad there's nothing like it for linux.
>use the latest executables
what does that even mean
The UI to start the conversion process is all kinds of fucky. Weird multi-step process, missing options (can't encode opus to .opus files) and when you have "repeat" enabled for your playlist, it tries to re-encode everything again and again until you turn repeat off. Also my testing opus file ended up being named .mp3, but ffmpeg tells me it is in fact opus.
So, yeah. It sucks, but if you're entirely unable to get another encoder, it might do the job if you're careful enough.
god damn dawg, just learn ffmpeg
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I used MP3 and got pic related
look okay to you?
He refers to the official encoder implementations for the respective formats (if there are any). They usually come as separate command-line apps. For MP3, "lame" seems to be the most popular. That's also what ffmpeg uses internally.

Overall, just learn ffmpeg. It's the swiss army knife of encoding audio and video.
>download flac.exe
>download oggenc2.exe
>download opusenc.exe
>add their paths to Additional Command-line Encoder Paths in settings
Then it will use them to convert instead of whatever it has built in. Congrats now foobar is bleeding edge.
Looks OK. Seems like VLC is using libmp3lame internally, which is one of the best encoders around.

If you want a less fucky UI, search LameDropXPd. It's a no-nonsense drag & drop UI for encoding MP3s.
Mp3 is jewish, just use opusenc to convert to opus
fuck I am computer illiterate according to these posts
okay thanks
i'll stick to vlc for now
when did /mu/ fall in love with opus? 10 years ago it was all mp3 :3
/mu/ is reddit, go back. This is /gpol/
what is that?
>fuck I am computer illiterate according to these posts
Don't worry mate, first time is always the hardest. Audio/video encoding is a huge field and it's really easy to get overwhelmed if you don't know anything about it. Learning how to use a command line makes things a lot easier down the line, too.
>Learning how to use a command line
i need to do this
i'm such a gui monkey
It's really not as hard as people make it seem. Just stay away from Windows Powershell, that syntax is god-awful. Classic "cmd" on Windows or any Linux terminal is a good way to start. Learn how to navigate directories with "cd", list files (dir/ls), create and delete files and folders (md/mkdir, del, rm, touch) and you'll feel a lot more comfortable. Be prepared for really advanced fuckery tho, you can do a shitload of stuff with a terminal.
thanks will look into it
I use AIMP
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Hijacking OP's thread. What's a good foobar equivalent for FLAC > OPUS?
Classics pasta just like mama use to make
yeah, foobar. just download opusenc.exe from somewhere and let fb2k encode to that.
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I'm stupid

Meant Linux equivalent.
> FLAC to MP3
Why would anyone do that.
Portable devices with limited memory? Sure, you could get an SD card instead, but I don't think it's worth it if you'll be listening through some crappy Bluetooth pods anyway.

Unless you mean another format would be better, but many player apps still don't support OPUS.
even then just use aac for "muh compat"
mp3 hasn't been a thing for 20 years.
Holy fuck, good on you OP for staying on track while these blithering fuckwits try and knock you off course and try to explain to you why they think your question was wrong instead of just answering your question.
ffmpeg -i Input.flac -c:a libmp3lame Output.mp3

Use -b:a to specify bitrate
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Hopeless fucking retards.
It's been used for more than ten years at this point. Incredible autism
With that said, is the content of the pasta actually true or just a meme?
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Got a GUI option?
Thanks bro. Appreciate it.
Just a meme.
Use ffmpeg like a regular human being
no good gui thoughever
ogg Is just a container retard
you mean vorbis/opus, they are both contained inside ogg or any other container you want.
if you are going to insist on using shitty ass mp3, why not at least use v0 instead of 320?
25% less filesize, higher quality, same compatibility

flac -> aac
This, kek
as long as there's a 320 kbps option you'll be fine
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Yup. Pretty sure handbrake uses ffmpeg too
it's shitpost, dumbass
How do I verify that

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