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Wanna know why people use Discord instead of making (and sometimes hosting) their own website? Because HTML and CSS are horrid tools and no normal person who isn't into computers and just wants their own online space is going to waste time learning how to use them. The year is 2024 and you still need to learn 2 separate languages in order to put up a website. I'm no programmer, ok? I just want to talk about my hobby I shouldn't have to deal with HTML and CSS bullshit.
we had bbs templates over 20 years ago lil zoom
why so many discord troon threads today? just go back lmfao its that easy
There are about a million graphical tools to make a website that require zero knowledge of html or css.
>I just want to talk about my hobby
Nobody cares about talking to you, they want whatever file/information you've hidden behind your cancerous chat application.
Imagine being filtered by HTML and CSS
>The year is 2024
Took me ~30 seconds to ask chatgpt to create a simple website about apples. Another ~30 seconds to check if the code worked.
Feels like I'm replying to bait.
Look into Emmet and realize how retarded you sound.
At some point your "server" will die because of some dumb drama and all information will die with it.
ughhh i have to jsuhse the cufking the fucking chat app as a blog okay its jsiuut okay i cant use literally free hosting to make a passion project no i need to jerk off or something to giving people infinite personal data, host it on fucking giithub or something its thay simple, and you can get much easier access to it
>I can't learn fucking mark up languages, just join our shitty "communities" that are always full of drama and hecking lgbt-
no, i'd rather you stay where i'm not thanks.
>I just want to talk about my hobby
These faggots don't want to discuss their "hobby." They just want a place where they complain about trannies, niggers, and "globohomo."
I think it's to avoid maintaining anything, scrapers, and accountability.
I'm in a discord of a guy who designs board games and lives in mongolia as an english teacher and sometimes he gets drunk and posts sneaky photos he took of mongolian qts
cant do that on the public internet
>we just got filtered by HTML
Every time I think zoomers can't sink any lower with their cope attempts..
>Get a hosted wordpress/drupal/whatever site
>never have to learn a lick of anything
no we don't we have /pol/ already, and discussions are over. ( " global homo " tried to literally kill us. negotiations will not take place)
>no we don't
Yes, you do. I hate Discord as much as the other anons on this board, but the platform is a cesspool of normies who will turn any conversation into a poo-flinging shout fest about, once again, niggers, trannies, and globohomo. Every server needs a #politics and #nsfw channel to satiate degenerate faggots looking for a fight.
>Nobody cares about talking to you, they want whatever file/information you've hidden behind your cancerous chat application.
Zoomers are the most narcissistic self-entitled shitstains since boomers.
>dont speak for me you cunt.
I'll talk to you however I want, faggot.
Nice try deleting your shitty post.
naw, they just use discord to leech free bandwidth for downloads...lol.
>year 2000 + 6
>want to download a mod
>no website, have to join a forum
>want to look up some gameplay mechanic
>no wiki, have to join a forum
>want to see patch notes
>again no website, have to join a forum
why does everyone use this garbage for everything
Forums are based and filter normies.
Forums were the discord of yesterday who those who were filtered by newsgroups and having to setup a client.
It's so fun how Discord isn't indexed by websites so you have to join these garbage groups and wade through the incomprehensibly cluttered and confusing pisscord interface, rooms and all this shit. It's lovely
Forums were almost always visible without an account and indexed by search engines. They did sometimes cuck you with file downloads
Not to mention servers nowadays are either filled with retarded zoomers, trannies, SJWs, or a combination of all three.
Worthless retard
i made a multiple-page website when i was 11 using microsoft word (it could export to html)
>cuck you with file downloads
And embedded images.
And collapsed sections.
And spoilers.
And entire categories.
Society now can't into newsgroups and client setups.
I want to newsgroups and client setups, tho. How do we restart the internet into this?
Hosting a forum costs money, and time.

Everyone wants free shit but nobody wants to do anything about it. If right now I asked you to share the costs of whatever thing you're interested in, you wouldn't pay me a cent.
So why should I invest time and money for no reward at all? People like you are entitled little cunts, they want everything spoonfed to them, but they're not willing to do anything in return for the one spoonfeeding you. Fuck you.
People like OP don't even seed, they deserve nothing.
>you need to make 20 posts and say hi in the new guys thread to view this section
I feel like that's internet in general and especially places where young people are
I meant more in that you needed often an account to download files. The other stuff was annoying too though
I don't remember that happening, but I might've just gotten lucky
Discord is particularly bad because it lowers the barrier of entry for undesirable normies to join conversations, leading to, in the long run, a significant decrease in chat quality.
Lots of people are genuinely unable to do stuff by themselves, they are incapable of asking chatgpt or searching on google, they have some itch that can only be scratched by bothering another human being with their stupid questions
You can throw a rock and hit like 2 or 3 website building and hosting platforms that let you build forums and chat apps in a few clicks, if you're willing to dedicate like 2 or 3 days to the work and commit like $15 a week for the expenses.
I do think there needs to be some balance between being easy to communicate and the hell some forums put you through. Some of them were absolutely ridiculous about it and in those cases I think it was partly to bolster the forum janny ego.
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It's not just Discord. Many forum sites are doing the same shit now.
It's fucking irritating as fuck.

And then it's near impossible to search these things through search engines.
It's all about removing the established libraries of information from the sight of newbs to hacking I think. They see these old forums and immediately harass them until they force logins.
Discord is part of the goal of basically memory holing things that independent hackers can use while gate keeping, archiving and scraping the internet through the use of corporate capital and the more sophisticated and powerful infrastructure they have.

The goal is, simply put, to make sure the slaves don't rebel. Keep them blind, powerless, susceptible to the exploitation by the corporate technocratic hiveminds with leveraged access to information and power.
This is your world now.
No the solution is simple. Revolt and kill all elites and administrators so they lose the leverage of their corporate tools and networks.
They already use you as a guinea pig btw. Why do you think measles are on the dramatic rise post jab? They're literally injecting people with garbage that you don't even know about.

Oh and don't pretend your government would never try these things btw.
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stfu schizonigger
I can't get behind any project that supports this shit. I tried to use one tool once that was open source, but you gotta install this app and make an account in the app, known for being insecure and full of pedophiles. The idea that you have to install additional proprietary software for open source software is fucking idiotic. Then when I tried to actually FIND the documentation, it was buried in chatlogs. MONTHS of teenage hormonal drama and petty bickering, all so I could ONE chat send by one guy that detailed the software.
I went to a outdoor sports group for something and they actually have a website....and they STILL put all relevant information on a discord account! They already pay for a whole website and it just has a couple photos on it plus the discord link.
I don't even want to play with them now. This is so ass backwards. I'm not installing the pedophile spyware chat into my system all so I can read some text. How does that make any sense.
But the US deliberately infected and experimented on black people this way before?
You should know there is historical precedence for such state tyranny.

>open winword.exe
>write shitty blog
>save as: web page (*.htm)
this filtered the zoomer
Because hosting costs money, nigger.
Not defending them by any means but they do have a web "app" you can visit with your hardened super-secure browser.
Never needed discord.
Apparently, many alt chans get immediately spammed with garbage and CP per attacks by corporate and government players that want to shut new forums down immediately to prevent the "spread of misinformation" per their health and pharamaceutical protocols now.
The pharma-industrial complex is now arguably as toxic to people as the military-industrial complex.
>Some of them were absolutely ridiculous about it
Do you have examples? I'm curious.
You had to write some ridiculously long introduction of yourself, write enough comments in off-topic section (but can't write too often or about certain topics or too bland and shit like that), wait certain amounts of time, basically annoying stupid shit that you had to do so you could finally make a thread about a bug you encountered. Then your thread would be closed as a duplicate, because it was in the wrong section, because you didn't follow some unwritten rule or because the mod just had a bad day. I have fond memories of some forums but some were bonkers.
From the mods' perspective, those extra guardrails kept out pajeets from shitting up the board.
Some discord servers are basically turning into this now anyway.
Who cares?
Not so many online at the time. Especially ones speaking my language. And sure, some parts of it made sense, but some mods were just powertripping faggots who wantes others to jump through hoops to gargle their balls.
Good to know some are keeping the tradition of ass suckage alive. I had to suffer, zoomers and younger should have to suffer too. It's only right
>I'm no programmer
Fuck off from this board then you absolute fucking nigger, jump off a bridge niggerfag
Board is called TECHNOLOGY not PROGRAMMING sweetie
nigga hasnt heard of the billion nocoder tools
you even have ai these days
it's such cancer, no I won't join your shitty discord for download links or support post them in the open you useless faggot
>Black people
>because it was in the wrong section
>forum had like 3 fucking places it could have gone
I hate this shit so much.
Oh and the no necroposting rules. What the fuck does it matter if I continue a thread that is already talking about the problem? Backseat mods were the worst, too. Bunch of shit eaters.
>there's an old thread with your exact problem
>someone necroes it with new info and talks about possible solution
>What the fuck does it matter if I continue a thread that is already talking about the problem?
I never understood it either
>make a website
>anons go apeshit because a mob is a woke tranny
>ddos and swat sent
Just use discord
.17 HMR is dumb.
>some mods were just powertripping faggots
You can exist on a forum without ever interacting with a mod.
>Because HTML and CSS are horrid tools
Nah, this worked for decades
The problem is modern infrastructure such as serverless hosting and whatnot. It's all very gay, gatekept, and censored.
and look how different it is now!
bad news gramps: you trooned out a bit too hard and fucked up the internet
thanks for the trash, i guess
>t. millenial
k uncle, done with your 9-5 shift? how it went?
oh dont tell me: same as always? LMAO
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If you want to create a simple site, just use Claris Home Page. It's the easiest HTML editor ever. Hasn't been updated since the 90s, though, doesn't even support png.
>2 separate languages
it's so much worse than that. i know how to code but i'm not a programmer. learning html/css/js was 100x easier than learning how to get ((((((aws)))))) to host a static site with some simple api functionalty.
>by corporate and government players
No, it's just retards from other altchans that find it funny

Governments fund the ongoing existence of tor because having underground communication channels is beneficial when they can spy on and monitor it. For similar reasons, /pol/ is still around despite being linked to extremism.
who fucking asked to put that shit online
>Wanna know why people use Discord instead of making (and sometimes hosting) their own website?
Because it's easy as fuck.

>Because HTML and CSS are horrid tools and no normal person who isn't into computers and just wants their own online space is going to waste time learning how to use them.
There're plenty of ways to avoid directly touching HTML and CSS.
And besides, the hardest part of running a website isn't even writting it, but maintaning it. Specially if it the site isn't static.

>The year is 2024 and you still need to learn 2 separate languages in order to put up a website. I'm no programmer, ok?
Again, there's plenty of tools. Look more.

>to learn 2 separate languages
They're basically one tool separated in two parts. You can't really have one without the other. It's like using a fork and a knife. You just put content and style in different files, but you can technically fuse them in the same file.
And the funny thing is that, if you want to make anything other than a static website, you'll need way more than HTML and CSS. Literally the least of your issues. A major reason I didn't choose web development/design as my career.

BTW, I'm not defending Discord. Fuck that shit. There's Wordpress, Wikia, Nextcloud and a bunch of other smaller tools that can be used either locally or as a cloud service.
So skip the CSS
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This guy skips the CSS
In my experience it was a lot harder back then because of how many there were and how actively they got involved, even if it was just to tell the thread the correct opinion
ISPs stopped carrying Usenet as a default service, and every newsgroup became a cesspool of bot traffic making it unusable. It happened around the shift from local dialup ISPs that used to be BBSes to big telecom/cable companies as broadband providers, who had no incentive to keep an unprofitable service like USEnet fucntioning.
>They're basically one tool separated in two parts. You can't really have one without the other. It's like using a fork and a knife.

nigga there was literally no such thing as CSS in 1997. there was just html and we liked it. <blink>this page looks best on netscape.</blink>

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