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I have a "social" phone where I keep everything related to work and social life, the kind of phone you wouldn't care if anyone went through

And I have a "private" phone where I de-googled and replaced everything with open source to the best of my ability and in which I keep things that I don't want to associate with my irl self

Is this normal? Am I being paranoid?
not normal but not a bad thing either. if anything your being paranoid about whats "normal".
I have a good boy phone and a naughty boy phone
a naughty boy phone and a good boy phone
I have NO phone.
I think having 2 phones is becoming more common but I've always thought that was weird and I still do. Dudes carrying around and pulling out 2 phones, one in each hand whenever they have to figure out which one has a notification, it's just goofy. The only exception is a work provided phone.
same but i have one workphone and one for everything else...

my heart skips a beat if the workphone rings or receives message...
have you ever been outside?
what kind of a retarded comeback is that? pretty sure he goes outside way more than you, phone fag. spoiler alert: the world still existed before the 2010s.
I have a personal phone and a work phone. I don't think it's that uncommon to have two.
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I have about 10.
Because VERY often they break when I trip on the curb drunk.
So I hoard old ones.

I don't get why people just chuck them away when they get new ones.
this. unfortunately we are getting fucked by psychopathic bean counters. this is one way to cope.
I have a second phone because I live in a shithole
Why do you need that second phone when you can just do all that private stuff on a laptop? A phone to me just seems like a “social” tool.
you can put it in your pocket and carry it around without needing anything bulky like a bag or backpack. that's a huge plus over a laptop
i have a private phone that always stays home for family / close friends / important people & all the stupid apps i need but dont want (online banking etc) + work phone + travel / hooker phone with a throw away burner sim

i do the same with computers got one for private data / online banking etc + one for shitposting and fapping + one for work

i like order
If I don't want tracking, I just don't have a computer device on me, period.
I do this because I find the data collection usage and how they strategically advertise shit to you both obviously and subliminally to be extremely creepy and it makes me want to destroy the system I live in at all costs now.

I avoid some places nowadays given the creepiness of their marketing strategies. That and it makes terrible products. Good products are made by people that generally go their own way and know what to give that other people don't even know they want.
Instead, they give bare minimum basic garbage now and there's no risks taken with the products. I find that nauseating.
>nooo you dont get it, since I live in eat ze bugsville where I need digital id verification to use public infrastructure like stairs, everyone else must tooo
why keep them if they're broken?

do something cool and set the battery aflame at the very least. bonus points for doing it where lots of people are
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I have one phone for while the other is charging, imagine paying for a "work" phone out of your own budget, paying to be disturbed by schmucks

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