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Hey there, /g/entoomen. I'm here polling for interest to see if the board wants to return to the 4CC (Four Chan Cup) for the autumn season.
>What is this?
The 4CC is a seasonal site-wide Pro Evolution Soccer tournament where AI-controlled teams made up of players who represent board memes and people of interest square off against each other until one board comes out on top.
Since /g/ hasn't participated in the cup in several years, we need a proof of interest if we want our board to get back on the pitch and fight for glory and for
Reply in the thread if you're interested in seeing us come back.
>Where can I learn more about the tournament?
There's a wiki at https://implyingrigged.info/ where you can read up on the tournament as a whole, take a look at /g/'s and other teams' stats, team history, roster and other information, and watch /g/'s past performances (2020 Summer Cup and 2021's World Cup).
You can also check the thread on /vg/ if you have any questions or just want to shitpost about the cup.
>I want to get involved!
Make your intentions known here or in the aforementioned /vg/ thread. I'll be watching it periodically throughout the day, every day if you need a question answered or to be pointed in the right direction.

And since it's been a while, here's a quick poll asking how the board feels about roster changes that may need to be made to keep up with the board as it is today: https://forms.gle/xieQMwaxpGKTRWcD9
im sending my best microkernel
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man that roster sucks balls
>no ebussy
>no Noa
>no 'ick on 'eck
>no saar
>no Xue
>no Konqi
Yeah, the teams been basically dead for 4 years, so really it's long past time to get an overhaul.
I almost forgot
>no poettering
>no uooooh
go back
Replace the arch user with Mitsuba-sama.
desu its perfect
Thoughts on setting up an RSS feed or some shit for game day reminders?
good idea
nigger who?
I fucking love this shit for some reason.
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was looking for old clips
found this unfortunate gem
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Fucking stallman
Fair play to the ponyfaggots tho that was some skills
>9 years since this critical fuckup
>/g/ trying to return in the /mlp/ hosted babby
Do I smell a storyline?
okay, but where? vagene?
To whichever hole you crawled from, disgusting newfag.
ah shit, I remembered just now. I was actually cut out of the belly. so is that the way for me to go back then?
>Reply in the thread if you're interested in seeing us come back.
Man it's been a while.
Regarding roster changes, as long as you identify AIggers as the subhuman niggers they are then feel free to add them, else don't bother.
To the surprise of absolutely nobody, ebussy is the most requested add-on to the roster, in case anyone was curious.
>captcha: HYP3
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mock AI's inability to count R's in the word 'strawberry'
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>What's the usecase for scoring?
Do it.
could even be one of those changes-per-opponent names
"what's the usecase for anime", "what's the usecase for 9mm", "what's the usecase for dice rolls", etc.
surely something witty can be come-upped with for each board
bumping for interest. will fill out form later.
>no saar
it is time we do the needful saars.
Same. I get strangely invested in the cup whenever it's on. I guess we're all autists here. But yes, I'd love to see /g/ make a return.
the update readme jeets from expressjs repo
or the jeet that pinged 500k people on epic games repo

enterprise schizo from /hsg/
strawberry or robophile from /aicg/
miku from /lmg/
honey bear from /cyb/

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The pajeet who pinged 400k people could be added as "perfect for gorgeous looks"
Maybe drew segfault as well
i suggested drew in the form too, dunno what his description would be

is techblogger the new species?
vaxry kind?
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Stallman needs a new look now that he's a cancer patient
What's the appropriate response to Hare shilling threads on the board?
I coulda sworn he got a little better... still miss the flowing hippie locks, though.
this is what sports feel like for normalfags btw. I like watching it too.
He's been growing his hair back just fine since his cancer went into remission.
Bump for interest. Add Noa.
add enterprise schizo we need his powers to identify non enterprise players
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Yes we NEED /g/ back
It has Mr Sir Nagoor Babu, weapon of Durgasoft.
stallman should require you to accept the gpl before passing to you
yesss >>102416841
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