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Which is better, and why?

No "because it's not proprietary" arguments please. Functionality only.

Also, is the Plex Pass worth it?
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Tried jellyfin on my synology nas, streaming to my shield pro, did not work as well as plex does, iirc the Dolby vision didn't work either.
I got lifetime plex pass a while ago when it was on sale and I've never regretted it
I can't compare because I have only used Jellyfin. All I can say is that it just works. Easy to set up, easy to maintain, relatively fast, just a few minor playback bugs (e.g. double subtitles when watching an episode after another, fixed by refreshing the tab).
Jellyfin is a program for browsing and streaming your own videos over the network.

Plex is a cloud service for steaming live TV and paid movies.
not sure why would anyone use them in the first place
Jellyfin actually worked for me and my friends unlike Plex. An added bonus is that I can choose any username I like on my own server and have hardware transcoding built-in.
havent use anything other than plex. tried jellyfin and emby but both ui suck balls. so im sticking with plex in the meantime
I was in a situation where I didn't have internet during a move for about 2 weeks and Plex couldn't load the media I have stored locally because I didn't have a connection. Fuck right off. Anyone here who has used Jellyfin will know what I mean when I say that it has some "FOSS jank", but overall it's been fine. It feels like a barebones client that just reads, tags and plays media whereas Plex feels like a subscription service for some reason,.
what a waste
just use Kodi from a network share and local playback
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fucking nightmare
Skill issue, I've been without internet more than a few times and was able to access my plex server from my TV or phone
Plex is supported on more hardware, jellyfin supports more codecs.
>Plex is a cloud service for steaming live TV and paid movies.
You are such an idiot it's funny.
jellyfin is better if you prefer not having weird shit added every month also you dont wanna pay for intro skipper. You can put up with some shit just not working some subtitles just won't work.

Plex if you want things to just run and are willing to pay for extra features. Runs on everything and is supported on basically everything. Jellyfin is not. Oh and the file naming for jellyfin is very strict as opposed to plex where you have some play.
Never had any issues with my shield pro running jellyfin with DV stuff at all. Only issue I ever had was subtitles crashing jellyfin or not using the subtitles at all.
I like Jellyfin better, but I had to switch to Plex for compatibility with devices.
No issues with Plex, but I prefer Jellyfin.
>Plex Pass
What's that?
>durrr your wrong and your dumb too
so how exactly is he wrong?
>paying for the same thing
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Holy digits batman!
Plex is not worth it.
Imagine actually paying to run a software on your own hardware that requires you to be online, can at any point cut off your access to it, shoves ads on your face and collects your data
Why would you need to pay for it?
Because you can't even run basic plugins on Plex without paying for it. The free version of Plex is god awful.
Plex just werks, barring some transcoding issues that are fixed by simply re-encoding problem videos to mkv. I suspect this is due to old hardware
Jellyfin didn’t quite do it for me. Their tagging system isn’t as robust and their UI on Roku is useless. Not only that but it straight up refuses to play some video on certain devices.
I recommend giving both a shot. Would use Jellyfin in a heartbeat if I could get it working nice with my devices.
>Because you can't even run basic plugins on Plex without paying for it
Such as? I've not noticed a lack of anything yet so I'm all ears.
Jellyfin if you're white and at least average IQ, Plex if you arent.
how do i install jellyfin in distrobox or docker
I've used jellyfin since the launch. Before jellyfin I used kodi since xbox og times.

Still, sometimes the subtitles lose sync with jellyfin. And sometimes some hevc multichannel shit dont work on some devices, like on my android. But I can live with it. I quite overall like it.
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Neither. The forced naming scheme breaks down when it comes to anime. I never found a good way around it.
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Works for me
just add the imdb id
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Rtfm Anon...

Plex makes you sign in to their server with a Plex account to access your own media library. Jellyfin uses local user accounts. That's the only reason I will ever need to stay the fuck away from Plex.
>re-encoding problem videos to mkv
Isn't hardware encoding limited to paypig version?
Plex cause it was easy to install in my old af samsung tv from the store and didn't know there was a jellyfin for orsay till recently and i'm to lazy to sideload it to my tv as I barely use it anyway.
If someone knows if the old orsay client still works with the current jellyfin server I might give it a try.
Checked 'em.
>Which is better, and why?
Unless things have changed drastically with Jellyfin/Emby, their device support's pretty lackluster. I can walk my mom through using Plex on her TV; I can't do that for the others.

'Better' or 'worse' doesn't come into play if we can't get out the gate due to lack of usability.
using jellyfin+sonarr for mostly anime
runs on a pi, i watch on an lg with the tv app
works pretty great desu
but i think one subtitle format doesnt work
>which is better for your usecase
Nothing else to say?
I run jellyfin. It was easy to set up and does what I need.
tried both plex and jellyfin and prefer jellyfin.
plex is good but a lot of its functionalities sre locked behind a monthly subscription, beating the idea of hosting your own media.
portainer makes it easier to pull an image
Plex has nicer/sleeker official clients overall, but
>Centralized auth server to access a selfhosted service on my local network.
I know you can disable it but the fact that it's the default behaviour is worrying to say the least
>Features locked behind a monthly subscription (or insanely pricey one-time fee) on a self-hosted application.
lol. lmao even.
>Increasingly pushing for Live TV shit and integration with streaming services.
So far it's possible to keep those out of the way but it does indicate the mindset of the developers, which is to try to sell you subscription-service bullshit, rather than just a selfhosted application.

I prefer Jellyfin because it doesn't have any of this nonsense, and in my experience has better performance. At least I see less buffering time when I start playing a video. The only downsides in my experience are
>Official clients are not as polished as Plex, but I use Infuse for video and Manet for music anyway so not an issue
>No way to set audio and subtitle language per-series, which is a nice convenience feature on Plex.
I've been setting up the *arr apps, Jellyseerr and Jellyfin for my first foray into home server shit, I haven't tried Plex since I don't see any appeal in paying to run a program that just plays my own shit I am hosting locally.

Jellyfin has been fine for me, it is super easy to just slap onto docker and it works very well with a detailed enough table on what machines support what codecs, the community is large enough that when I have a problem I can google it and figure out what the solution is.
For example, I was trying to get a video working (Joker 2019, 2160p 4K Dolby Vision HDR10+) and the browser just kept saying "Fatal playback error" and stopping the playback before it even started which led me to discover the codec isn't supported on browsers.
Then I found that the Amazon Firestick model I have doesn't support Dolby Vision on Jellyfin but it doesn't really know it so it just plays a black video with audio like nothing is wrong.
I can just use my TV to chromecast instead so its a non-issue (only have the firestick because it was super cheap and works better than the smart shit in the TV) and on my main Linux Mint machine the app runs every codec no problem.

Jellyfin could be a tiny bit clearer about some errors and figure out a way to communicate EXACTLY what codecs are going wrong in its errors up front, but thats something thats very clear cut once you learn it so I can't complain, it runs everything with no buffering while being hosted on a N100 processor mini PC if you're using the right hardware to receive the stream.
95% of my time has been spent sorting out the rest of the arrs so that jellyseerr just works, I've used it to download some stuff with my current tracker so I think I'm mostly sorted at this point.
I've only used jellyfin because I don't want to be at the behest of plex's servers to play my own media or pay them to use my own hardware. That said, I've had a fair number of problems with jellyfin that I'm not sure if plex would solve.

I believe a few of these issues are due to the specific client (LG webos), but all they're still annoyances I've had with jellyfin.
>Some subtitle formats don't render properly
>If there are subtitles in the first couple seconds they may not appear (even with the subtitle extract plugin)
>Unable to seek when transcoding - some default setting was broken and I had to disable it
>Playlists are useless garbage
>Intro skipper plugin rarely works
>When you start a series "Specials" are played before season 1
>"Upcoming" tab is often wrong and has duplicates
>No easy way to disable community ratings
>Sometimes shows are detected as something else
>Can't have more than one preferred audio language
>"Smart" subtitle mode is shit
Plex is trash. Everything besides the bare bones requires their cloud service. Jellyfin just works, is actually free and open source, and I was able to find an APK for an old android tv that actually worked, unlike plex.
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What are you using for torrent? I was running qbittorrent-nox (headless), but I took the server down when I noticed it began downloading chinese stuff by itself and mining bitcoin. Under the qbittorrent user.
>No "because it's not proprietary" arguments please. Functionality only.
Unsure if retarded or bait. The proprietary nature of software is always an antifeature as they will just take away features if they want.
Same, but with Transmission. Whatever the torrent client, just use a biglist.p2p to filter most annoying ip's.
where are the subs? probably broken as usual. dont get me wrong i use jellyfin but its got a lot of issues and for every bug they squash seems like they make two or three more. hopefully will change when they finish refactoring or whatever
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Honestly my only complaint with Jellyfin is all the clients except maybe Infuse which I haven't tried suck. They all need to catch up with the browser and the main team needs to create some recommended guidelines for UI consistency because right now it's a clusterfuck. Like why can't I have titles shown on the poster art in the Android TV client like the way every single other client does. I'm hoping all of this will happen with the Vue UI overhaul whenever the hell that happens.
>probably broken as usual. dont get me wrong i

Skill issue.
curious that youre in the middle of the episode instead of the start
oh no plex knows what my burner email address is
For the family TV I pay someone in some discord for access to a pirate emby server. They used to use plex but had to change for whatever reason.
Paying for piracy feels weird, but it's worth it when the end result is basically all the streaming services and more combined into one. The rest of the household is very happy with it.

For my own viewing though I actually don't use it. I torrent an .mkv from a public tracker the old fashioned way (ideally a BR remux) and watch it with mpv.
Just edit metadata dumbass
I never used Jellyfin because I got Plex for my boomer parents that aren't technologically literate. From my experience, it just works. There are definitely privacy concerns regarding it tho.
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I've just started using only Jellyfin.
Everything is encoded in mp4, h264, 1080p, aac stereo, single language, no subs, real-time encoding disabled.
Works like a charm.
>just manually edit hundreds if not thousands of shows metadata
kill yourself
Read >>102415365
based spic
I have no why this happens to people, maybe I changed a setting a long time ago but I use it offline all the time without issue (while on the same LAN of course).
Because they don't have the iq to just change a single setting to make it work(add the Lan ip of the client to the allowed connection list)
Shouldn't that be a default feature?
Going into the settings and adding your ip is absolutely a default feature, it's not like you have to dig through files to find it
Your retarted
Never had any issues with Jellyfin also easy to watch with other people, I remember having to use some additional frontend for a Plex watch party that was dogshit, also accounts/spying/don't own anything etc.
when the fuck are they gonna get their shit together
>I pay someone in some discord for access to a pirate emby server
lmao you need to kill yourself zoomie
I went from Kodi to jellyfin to plex to jellyfin to plex pass lifetime. It really does just work. I also like the fact I have plexamp for my music library.

I dont like that it connects to their servers, but I do kind of like that nobody has direct access to my server since I share it with 15-20 people at a time.
I install my TV stuff on a firestick because then it's TV agnostic, was trivial and works flawlessly but I can understand why normies might prefer an easier install but what normies are using plex anyway
>hardware encoding behind paywall
So how secure is the Jellyfin login? Should I just put it behind OpenVPN at the expense of teaching friends how to use the goddam client and making them turn it off when they're done?
I guess that answers my question.
Yep, that's the difference between open source and a black box.

>Open source : We know there is some issues, we know there will be issues, the community is there to provide some patchs to the code.
>Black box : Move along, there's nothing to see, trust us, our code is the safest.
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Jellyfin is open source, Plex is not. Plex is owned and operated for profit by jews, Jellyfin is not.
Isn't there some plugin or addon for Jellyfin to have Plex like UI?
>95% of my time has been spent sorting out the rest of the arrs so that jellyseerr just works,
Any tutorial that has been helpful in that regard?
Poor ayylmao.

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