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Cameraphone edition

>What phone has X and Y feature?
Don't ask, use these!

Good Resources:

>Frequency Checkers

>Visual Phone Size Comparison

>Everything rooting and custom ROM related
>Beware carrier variants with locked bootloaders

>Debloat your stock ROM

>Open source Android applications

>Android App compatibility list for de-googled phones

>Custom ROMs suggestions, privacy guides

>Recommended phones

>Try out Android on your iToy

>Post a mini-review of your phone
>Anyone aggressively promoting iPhone is an underage micropenis shill who should be ignored
>Discuss upcoming and current models
>Ask for help related to phones
>Tell us how many shekels you spent on a good/bad phone

Previous thread: >>102382390
is buying a xiaomi from ali express (to australia) safe? how do I avoid getting scammed and deal with warranty issues? or do I buy from an australian reseller based here?
They're great phones for people who will make use of their features like playing demanding 3D chinkslop gachas like ZZZ or WuWa, fully using the impressive camera software to take good photos and great videos or being comfy with the whole ecosystem thing and sharing files between their devices seamlessly.
The average iPhone user here just uses it for social media, calls and music. You know, the basics that you can do smoothly even on a 3-4 year old refurbished iPhone or a 250 euro midrange chinkphone. They overpay for features they don't need and that's why I'm upset.
good post.

yeah I am balkan too that's why I understand the poorfag 85-90 IQ mentality of these people

> You know, the basics that you can do smoothly even on a 3-4 year old refurbished iPhone or a 250 euro midrange chinkphone
yeah, avg iq of bulgaria and entire region is 90, and most smart people are in EU or America, so the people over there do shit like this. And again I don't think there's anything wrong with buying nice stuff, you know buy nice or buy twice as they say, its just funny because an a-series samsung is plenty good as you said for basic shit like that.
NOT smartphone related, but I wanna buy or plan to buy a new wearable that will synchronise with my current phone or the next phone I might buy.

What fitness wearable is good enough to measure hiit workouts very closely?
My current smartwatch has once, while recording, jumped from 152 bpm to 172.
That*s bullshit and we all know it.

So is there a wearable that can track something like this:
- 3 exercises back to back with no rest unless I get to my goal reps within the minute. The remainder is for rest and moving to the next exercise.
- These 3 exercises are a cycle. I train to do 10 cycles.
- if I mange 10 cycles, I increase the reps by 1 and start at 5 cycles.
- if I do not, I abort the workout at that point.
- if I manage the full reps for 10 cycles, I progress on weights and start at 5 reps per cycle at 3 cycles.

the average bpm is either 150-182 by the watch, but since witnessing the real life monitoring, I got very frustrated.
My aim is to save up money to buy a garmin watch with the next generation of sensors.
How does the ram expansion change the long term usability of a phone?
I am currently trying to save up 200€ for a new phone to buy and replace my redmi phone that has gone down to 80% battery capacity.
However, I am working with a company that is using Microsoft authenticator and their products and I need to keep up the supported android version that intune accepts.
>go to big city
>immediately hit by RCE by asshole who is impossible to find
>lose datas and moneys
What do?
>ram expansion
You mean that feature where you use the storage as a pagefile? Doesn;t help at all, it's just a meme, even on UFS4 devices. Don't skimp on actual RAM if you can.
Got it. I will make sure I get the most ram for my money.
Are there any spiritual successors to the A52s or is it still the go-to?
Do you guys know if there's any senior phone out there (physical keys), with contact picture support?
Something like pic related but portable.
It's for a lady with dementia.
>With dementia
How the fuck is she supposed to recognize anyone's face?
t. grandma had dementia. Didn't know who any of us were, saw crocodiles in the hallway, chickens under her bed, had conversations with people on TV, thought the shit in her diaper was chocolate
Is this the best phone for like 600 bucks? Or is there something even better? I aim for the 16GB RAM + 512GB Storage combo for the GT6, but I guess 12GB RAM could be enough too. I wouldn't however skimp on Storage.
Also, how easy is to rice an Android phone nowadays? Is KLWP and similar still used? Any updated guide on this?
>7 inch chinkphone
Get a Samsung.
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Forgot pic
Why? For what I can gather from KiMovil a GT6 and a S24 are essentially comparable. Is it the cameras? Or just averison to chink shit?
I wouldn't trust a chinese brand to have stable software and provide timely updoots. Also it's fucking huge, but that's more of a personal preference.
Why can't I buy a smartphone without a camera or a fingerprint sensor anymore?
because (you) and like 3 other guys on /g/ are the only people who would ever want a camera-less phone
I have a six years old chinkphone (huawei mate 10 pro) that still works and has Google shit I need for study, Is that bad security-wise?
And? I'd pay more for a phone will less features if it was actually what I wanted.
Not good enough for work.
Yes. That phone is probably old enough to have a lockscreen bypass and will definitely have RCE risk.
What do you have against Fingerprint sensors, my guy?
>thought the shit in her diaper was chocolate
holy shit that's horrifying
Work doesn't allow them. They are a "security risk" and they said I can get my own smartphone without a camera or fingerprint sensor, or they'll supply me a non-smart phone.
They are either deliberately messing with you then or the person making the decisions has the iq of room temerature because absolutely every single smartphone has a camera in it
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samshit bros, thank you for making this glorious smartphone!
godspeed glowie
>retard places phone on strong magnetic stand
>magnetometer goes insane
it's as if you are retarded or something. either set the phone to not use magnetic north or don't use strong magnets near it, retard

posted from my pixel 7a
Factually untrue.
You're the anon who posted on /k/ yesterday about the new suppressor job that has govt contracts, aren't you?
>hurr durr your powerful magnetic stand is interfering with the magnetometer sensor in your $1000 smartphone.

I think you're a bus rider or retard lmao
Cleaning it up after is was smeared all over was even more horrifying.
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samsung is buggin out with their pricing rn, just ordered a 1Tb navy blue Fold6 for $1087+tax with no trade-in. would have been 824$ if i traded in my pixel fold so I decided to keep it, will probably bless one of my friends with it for 300$
Yep, checks out. Godspeed brother and don't fuck up the new job.
You're wrong, sorry.
you're not making sense anon, have you really never played with a compass and magnet when you were a kid? with the way you responded, i wouldn't be surprised if you were one of those dullard kids with no spark or creativity
so can you provide a youtube video or something that shows this issue?
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Chkd digits of dumbassery
you literally told the phone to read the magnetic field around it in order to determine the north pole, and then placed the phpne near a stromg magmet, you absolute troglodyte. either don't tell it to use the magneometer, since ypu have that as a zetting, or get rid of that shitty magnetic stand.
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Why did you screenshot your post?
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ahhhhhhhhhhh help me my strong magnetic stand is fucking up my phone
For some reason newfags are proud when they don't have to enter a captcha, even tho all it means is you've been on 4chan for hours and hours today.


source btw
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>yrw Mona, Dehya, Kafka and Frieren use Galaxy
you've been told already, retard. either move the phone away from. the magnet, or don't use the magnetic north detection.
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can't wait for this shit
>Not good enough for work.
what do you work in? why can't they give you a work phone?
buy a cheap amazfit or fitbit.
>budget friendly phone
>$500 plus tip
>single camera
>fuckhuge notch
i work as a camgirl(male)
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>600 EUR in europoorland (thanks amerifags)
>"affordable budget" iPhone
You can get the latest flagship Galaxy S for this price half a year after it launches, brand new.
wtf I just downloaded iOS 18 and now my phone is making me pudding and blowing me
Americans didn't make you have ~18% VAT.
Good point about the depreciation of Android phones though.
The fact it has a single back camera will destroy your potential relationships with shallow women. Sure, you iMessage with her, but when she sees that single camera she'll know you're a LARPING POORFAG!
Safari feels snappier
I never understood why americans are so obsessed with iMessage. What's wrong with good ol' Facebook Messenger, Whatsapp, Viber, etc.?
It stems from US and Canada having unlimited texting on most plans for a loooong time. In EU it was (is?) more common to pay per text so data driven messaging became popular.
>In EU it was (is?) more common to pay per text
Yeah, it makes sense when you put it this way.
Reminder that those shitty XRs you all mock are getting iOS 18 today while your Xianxhing 460 Ultra HD will stop getting software support in two years
Yes, but without Apple AI. Need a 15 Pro or above for that.
NTA but the AI "features" they put on phones are pure drivel. Call me back when they can generate huge titty anime girls in skimpy outfits in pinup poses, until then I'll be on my desktop PC and generating those in Stable Diffusion.
I find some of the Pixel features (Samsung copies then) like holding the gesture bar for circle to search are quite useful. Not revolutionary but a minor thing I missed on Graphene OS.
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wtf i thought people were memeing
iOS18 feels really fucking good, probably best update they made in years
>circle to search
That's just a very cool and convenient implementation of the existing google lens image search feature. I like it too, but it's not "AI" like the message rewriting and the photo editing things.
Any best tutorials/guides for the best control center etc. setup?
are these niggas really still making phones with ivan forehead notch
What's the base storage though? It can't be 64GB at this point.
Just download ios18 and I'm trying to send an image to an android user with my WiFi but it keeps saying failed to send? I thought RCS update was supposed to fix this?
kek imagine if it is, and someone buys the base 64GB model and ends up being unable to install Genshin after setting up all their other apps
i like Dynamic Island
if apps utilize it well it's really great, basically irreplaceable when i have my workout app + spotify on at the same time
You know the same can be achieved even without a pill-shaped cutout?
>muh face ID
Fingerprints are much better and Apple is retarded for insisting on their face recognition bullshit that only makes the camera cutout bigger and takes up screen space.
FaceID is way faster.
It's definitely not faster than the newer fingerprint scanners that takes barely a second, but it's more consistent (it's easy to miss the scanner when the screen is off) and I like how you unlock the messages on the lock screen (I with android allowed face unlock for message only that doesn't require much safety). I don't enjoy the tradeoff of covering the screen though (plus that lower bar that you can't remove).
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Guess the pahone, /g/ee :^)
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Thoughts on Nokia / HMD smartphones?
Nokia distanced themselves frfom HMD, so it's only HMD right now.
>Thoughts on HMD smartphones?
Genuine e-waste. No point in a repairable smartphone, if it comes with low-end, bottom of the barrel trash mediakek helio, 1 years of software updates and costs over 500 Euroshekels.
I think HMD still have the rights to make Nokia phones (and they still sell Nokia phones) but they're also making phones with their own HMD brand, presumably because they want to stop paying Nokia to licence the brand.

Anyway, I think their phones get 3 years of software updates and a few models cost a lot less than 500 euros.
A couple of months ago Nokia cut their ties with HMD completely. It's back to being a finnish company, although no longer producing smartphones. The 105 is the last phone to be sold both as HMD and Nokia, depending on the market.
Samsung's looking into acquiring them.
HMD and Nokia were ALWAYS Finnish companies so I don't know what you're talking about

And if I go on the HMD website they're still selling Nokia phones alongside HMD ones, so again, I don't know what you're talking about

Maybe the licensing deal has ended and they're just selling through old stock, I dunno
The Sony Xperia One Mark Four is absolutely the best financial decision ive made since buying PLTR at 6. There's no competition. Literally.
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Should I buy the new iPhone 16 pro max? Or stick to the 15 pro max?
post more webms of them
from your brand new iPhone 16 Pro Max of course
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Holy shit bros, I love online putas so hecking much!!!!
The companies just split mate. HMD has its HQ in China. Anyway, feel free to buy your HMD smartphone, but you're literally getting scammed woth such inferior hardware.
Why has Apple lost the chip race? Qualcomm is finally beating them.

Are you sure they are using RCS? It's a sad reality that many Android users think RCS is bad. My dad and two sisters don't use it despite it being built into Samsung Messages. If I encourage them to use it they just say they'll send images on FB Messenger. It's super annoying.
My new roomie (uni dorms) and my father are the only people I've met who use RCS. My father because he doesn't like having profiles in apps/websites and my roomie because I haven't added him on FB yet kek
>add taxes
>blame everyone else
classic euro
My 71 year old friend has asked me how to turn off RCS like 5 times and I have to talk him out of it each time. He thinks people aren't getting his messages, but they wouldn't get them with SMS either.
>>Recommended phones
Too many options!
I don't play games and don't care about camera quality.
I DO care about having tons of memory.
And my phone needs to remain fast even after years.
So which phone from the list should I buy for under 325€ / 350$ ?
What am I in for anons?
Xiaomi phones face scan is faster than any fingerprint reader or faceid.
i don't understand how you can pre-order a phone that you don't know anything about
wait for a review from someone competent you fucking drones
>Why has Apple lost the chip race? Qualcomm is finally beating them.
Who cares? I just moved back from my 8gen3 s24 Ultra to some random mediatek dimension midrange soc and it feels almost the same to use. Pointless giving a shit about high end processors in a phone when they drain so fast and get crazy hot if you actually utilize their power with winlator or something similar. Better to just use geforce now on a budget phone if you want a proper gaming experience
>iOS18 finally has RCS
>My retarded nigger carrier doesn't support it.
It's time to change i guess even though i use them only for few months.
Because in the past Qualcomm was very stingy with the CPU cache. When apploo gave their CPU 16MB of cache, Qualcomm had 6MB on 8g1. This was literally the only advantage apploo ever had. SD 8g3 finally has 12MB, and I assume 8g4 probably has 16MB, if not more. Apploo does have 24MB nowadays, but their core architecture is getting a bit long in the tooth, since they still use modified A78 cores to this day.
>And my phone needs to remain fast even after years.
Which is dependent on the exact same spec that games care about - the chip. For 350EUR you're getting a midrange phone, which will stop getting updated in 3-4 years and turn slow somewhere around that point as well.
Best option at that price point is probably the Galaxy A55.
If you're not willing to buy a used S22U, then probably A55 (make sure you get the 8GB variant) or whatever Pixel a series you can afford between 8a and 7a.
I see, many thanks.
One more thing: second option?
Forgive me, it's just that I really hate Samsung because of negative previous experiences.
The other anon recommended some older Pixels, that and Samsung are your only non-chink options. If you're fine with chinese phones then Xiaomi has a ton of options in that price range.
>Poco X6/Redmi Note 13 Pro
>Poco X6 Pro/Redmi Note 13 Pro Plus
>Poco F6 (maybe? unsure if it's listed this low in other places, it's around 350 euro here)
Note that these might potentially have better hardware than same price Samsung phones, but will have worse software and get less timely updates, and less years of updates in general.
between Poco X6 Pro and Poco F6 ?
(they cost almost the same)
even with the housefire chip?
Is that the Aquos R6?
I remember that phone having a ridiculously wide lens, like less than 20mm. And that's the ONLY lens, so if you want to get something normal looking out of it you're cropping.
>geekbench scores
>X6 Pro: 4696 multi; 1498 single
>F6: 4313 multi; 1453 single
I'm actually really surprised that the 8s Gen 3 in the F6 scores less in benchmarks than the Mediakek CPU in the X6 Pro. It's a small difference, and Snapdragon is a more trusted chip series than Dimensity, so it's up to you on the performance front. I also looked at other benchmarks and those rate the F6 slightly higher than the X6 Pro, so I guess you could argue they're basically the same within a small margin of error.
X6 Pro also gets slightly better battery life, but with slower charging. F6 is slightly lighter by a few grams and has a newer model of glass on the screen. Their body sizes seem to be almost exactly the same.
Apple needs to bring back minis.
If the Mini had 120Hz and a decent battery life I would've gotten one.
market research disagrees
Dang no I'm not I guess I assumed everyone used it on android. That's probably why. Thanks.
NTA but I can only imagine someone has to manually turn it off on Android? It seems to come automatically with Google Messages, which is preinstalled on all androids. Even my mom with a very old very budget Poco has RCS and received images I sent her on google messages no problem.
Anal leakage
It had decent battery life. Literally just needed 120hz ltpo display and it would have been golden
>It had decent battery life.
With a 60Hz screen. 120Hz would remove 1 hour from the SoT, even with LTPO.
The problem was people werent convinced to buy it. Everyone who had it, loved it.
the "problem" is that people generally enjoy larger screens.
mini could work if it was new SE version
that would be the best option
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Sucks when these fragile formfactor phones break, but it is what it is. The candybard phones are sturdy nowadays at least.


Now imagine just how shit the company whose candybar style phones cannot survive a basic durability tes must be!
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If I'm buying brand new should I just wait for Cyber Monday? Do Android phones even go on sale the way other shit does? Sony Xperia 5 Mark IV if that matters
There are sales during Black Friday/Cyber Monday, but usually on the base storage models. If you want a 256/512GB/1TB phone, then don't bother waiting.
Us Burgerstanis only ever got the 5-IV in a base-model 128GB so that works for me
Ios 18 is heating up my shitty XR wtf
Yeah they turn it off to "save data" or something. I told my sister to turn it on and she just sent the picture via FB messenger. There's literally no reason to turn it off, it is just better in every way.
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What are some good Z Fold 6 covers thst can be found on Amazon?
>is buying a xiaomi from ali express (to australia) safe?
yes, pay with Paypal
>how do I avoid getting scammed and deal with warranty issues?
avoid obvious scams (product named i15 Phone instead of iPhone 15, or S23 instead of Galaxy S23), warranty is a gamble
>do I buy from an australian reseller based here?
it's fine but the product variety and prices will be worse
any modern Garmin will do
it degrades memory faster, irrelevant if you have 8Gb+ RAM or/and UFS memory, absolutely avoid on low end EMMC devices if you intend to use them for a long time
A55 if you don't mind the lack of a headphone jack, otherwise get the Xperia 10 VI
get a Fairphone and unplug the camera and FP modules yourself
worthless chink shit
>Sony's nonexistent thermal management
stick with the 15PM, don't be a consoomer
Apple just cares about raw power, they don't give a fuck about thermals, pretty much every iPhone but the Pro Max models are housefires after 3 minutes of 4K recording
F6 as it has a Snapdragon CPU so you can replace shitty MIUI with an AOSP custom ROM
import a japanese 1 V
probably anything by Spigen, Tudia or Nillkin as they're all quality chinkshit, otherwise buy a Samsung one
Does an iPhone 14 Pro still practical in 2024? I’d like to get another year out of mine.
Nah. Get a S23.
Moto G Stylus 2024
Zenfone Flip 8.
Yeah it comes with an SD card slot. And no need for thermal management. Its not a playstation.
yes but I recommend the iPhone 16 Pro
Is there any way from my iPhone to tell if they have it turned off?

I had to send someone else a pic with android today and it sent very quickly so I assume they had their RCS on. It's hard to tell because I keep mobile on at my house but service is so shit it usually won't send images through mms
does it come with microSD slot?
They have done studies and found that Android users are, on average, more intelligent and more financially successful than iPhone users. Don't hate me for the numbers, they are what they are.
>They have done studies and found that Android users are, on average, more intelligent and more financially successful than iPhone users.

How real of a problem is the screen issue on Pixel 8 phones? Have any Pixel 8 owners here had it occur to them? Is it an inherent design flaw? Will it inevitably happen to every Pixel 8?
my ass
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Yikes. How do I fix my iPhone?
is 8gb ram for a phone enough? what about with grapheneOS?
if its enough right now, is it futureprood?
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applesbros... how do we keep winning?

>if its enough right now, is it futureprood?
No. Literally everyone even apple is upping the RAM because of all the AI. Even without AI, 8GB is the bare minimum, ideally lpddr5x
Doja cat lost all her appeal, grim
the reason i ask is because sony has the budget xperia 5 iv, but it only has 8gigs
worth it to shell out for the 1 vi 512gb 16gb?
>1 vi 512gb 16gb?
I'm pretty sure there isn't a 16GB RAM version, just 12GB which is enough. But are you sure you need 512GB internal? It has microsd support after all.
Sony's budget phone line is the 10, the 5 is just the 1 with a smaller screen
>With a 60Hz screen. 120Hz would remove 1 hour from the SoT, even with LTPO.
That depends on usage. There is barely any difference between 60 and 120hz unless you play gayms
Sat and broke my S-Pen. Is there any way to disconnect/unpair it from S23U? Or do I just let the battery on it die. It still works perfectly fine but its bent to shit and I don't want to reinsert it.
Go to settings > advanced > spen, and look in that menu.
Yeah I did, didn't see anything that let me reset/disconnect/turn off etc the s-pen.
greedy fuck with a prepaid line here, I think I may be stupid, I just discovered I can send texts using RCS without data or wifi, only celullar reception, how wonderful
just realized that
mid range then i guess
Why are apple haters so obsessed with anal sex?
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Found a tutorial if a phone/manufacturer is made for sirs

Search market share of smartphones in a named country, then just compare it to japan or another tech-conservative country

have a good morning sirs
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Whats the lowest snapdragon for minimum switch emulation? What can be the lowest snap dragon something like yuzu and skyline can properly run? Im talking about games like the gen 8 pokemon games, mario kart or even something like Mario Odyssey or Persona 5. And by running properly I do not mean the smooth as butter kind of thing, something that can run it, frame drops and all, on a respectable fps count.
That image is worth keeping in mind next time someone here recommends you a Xiaomi/Poco/Redmi phone.
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Not that bad for the money.
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The problem is that ONLY Xiaomi is that bad.

Vivo is good only as premium manufacturer, their budget phones are overpriced shit. Quite similar to A, series of Samsung, and Samsung situation overall.
Realme is just good for the money. Their UI is mkay, at least they don't have ads and MIUI bugs.
Oppo is vivo, I don't know why BBK have 2 similar brands.
OnePlus is just good, but they don't have "true flagship". Doesn't matter anyway, op12 is a beast.
Infinix and techno are still better than Xiaomi, lol. They making only budget to mid tier phones, not that good.

t. Living in non western county, having s24 ultra.

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