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What are your views on Secure Boot?
I'm the middle one
like steel toes?
I use Steel Toes on all my computers.
>Turning secure boot off because you can't be bothered with MOK keys every time you want to make a new virtual machine
but muh evil maids!! an evil maid attack has actually been performed on a non-government target at least once in the history of computing right?? right???
There's nothing secure about it and it's glorified DRM malware.
It's secure for Microsoft, not you.
considering the nsa regularly leaks their old tools on the darknet, intentionally or not, yes attacks happen many many many times a day
>he doesn't run his computers on crocs
I turn secure boot off to attract evil maids to my house.
I have 138 evil maids.
The NSA acting like a cartel using it's leveraged access for profit?
Well I'll never...

It's actually worse than that btw, they use backdoors to perve on you through your cameras. This is COMMON there.
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I turn it on and self sign because big green check mark make me feel good
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My computer is an evil maid, it is ruining my life.
luckily my laptop came with a shutter that closes the camera when not in use
I imagine a large laptop maker wouldn't implement something like that without a real threat being present, it's enough confirmation
It's the first step of turning desktop into phones where everything, including installing software all has to be authorized by Microsoft.

They call it the "chain of trust". Secure boot is the start of that with signed OS kernel, then you get signed drivers that Windows had for a while, then on top of the signed kernel and drivers your signed apps from the Microsoft Store run on.

Currently you can still break that chain since Windows allows you to install unsigned drivers and software but not for long. Microsoft wants desktops to be as locked down as an iOS device so it can stop hearing complaints from retarded users downloading spyware.
The existence of secureboot has resulted in devs totally giving up on making encrypted boot work well across the board in the Linux world. All of this while not providing a decent secureboot toolset. It's pretty strictly a bad thing.
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>All of this while not providing a decent secureboot toolset
what do you mean?
Dude, are the many many NSA whistleblowers coming out about this time and time again out of sheer disgust at the state of affairs not prove that this happens?
The media is even blatantly critical of this shit and people pretend it just doesn't happen.

Hell your own governments are critical of this shit. Most people in these sorts of orgs are not cops. They don't give a shit about protecting your ass. They just like hacking you for lulz. And they get paid to do it.
Hell, any enforcement that likely cracks on this shit probably gets fucked with nowadays and eventually they are forced to stop trying to stop it
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This, even LEDs are not to be trusted because even if its wired to power they can just take a picture really fast, before you can even notice the LED/it gets enough current to light up
There's also picrel, funny if on purpose, concerning otherwise
UEFI is a tool of the antichrist
It really bothers me that the NSA often tells about the dangers of webcams, and yet the public calls it conspiracy.
I just don't even. What are they meant to do? Hack into their browser and show them the live webcam and say "please stop allowing this to happen lol".

I think the number 1 net detriment to our economy nowadays is surveillance and data collection. All it does is give people the wrong idea about what markets need targeting and it probably leads to severe economic inefficiency and stockpiling issues. People just get the data from the data black hole and just assume it's gospel and not misleading.

There's a reason courts have largely avoided using this shit as evidence. Of course, the government works around that too in order to eliminate threats nowadays. You don't even need to be doing illegal shit nowadays. I'll bet it's now as bad as a "rating system" or "social credit" system with these data systems nowadays. Only it's with regards to how you're impacting the economy or impeding some corporation's efforts now. Or some government department's.
lmao the NSA logo on the cover
it does fucking nothing.
absolutely pointless for anything other than fucking over linuxkeks
Unironically, yes. There are several stories of programmers going to China and having their computers backdoored when they stepped out of their hotel room for a while.
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>What are your views on Secure Boot?
Works on my machine.

Unless you are providing field computers for defense/intelligence agencies or lobbing your computer into a hostile country, secure boots only purpose is to make it harder to pirate windows.

If you care about your data getting stolen encrypt the drive. That's good enough for most people.

I don't have anything on my computers worth such an elaborate attack. It'd be more cost effective bribing or beating the shit out of me for the password.
>DRM malware
How so? You can nuke the Microsoft keys and install your own if you want. That may prevent Windows from booting, but it's not like you use Windows, right?

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