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>try to build Rust program
>pulls in 700 dependencies
>brings even a modern computer to its knees
>cargo folder is 25 GB when it's done
This is worse than fucking npm. There's no excuse for having this many dependencies. Are Rust programmers just incompetent webshitters who decided to move to a compiled language but keep all of their webshit habits?
Why are you pulling a million libraries like a fucking jeet? Write your own stuff like a white man.
>be retarded
>tell program to do retarded thing
>program does retarded thing
>"Ehm, why is this heckin allowed???"
>dont use libraries
this is how i know you have never worked on a real project in your entire life
rust is the ultimate nocoder language and it shows every time one of its troon advocates tries to cope with how shit it us lmfao
"No Way to Prevent This," Say Users of One of the Only Two Languages Where This Regularly Happens.
>UGH why does my Rust program need so many external libraries?
Why don't you just not use external libraries?
>Um, have you ever worked on a real project sweaty? Everyone uses external libraries.
>try a shit shill language
>it's shit
This cannot be...
>repeats non-argument like a retard
concession noted
Sounds like you have a skill issue. Have you tried learning how to code?
I don't understand what your complaint is. You told cargo to download 700 dependencies and it downloaded 700 dependencies. What should cargo have done differently in this scenario?
if you don't like dependencies, don't use libraries. pretty straightforward anon.
you think this shit doesn't happen everywhere else?
>you think this shit doesn't happen everywhere else?
It doesn't. There are only two communities where this regularly happens: Rust and JavaScript. Nobody else is retarded enough to think that pulling in hundreds of microlibraries is a good idea.
>try to build Rust program
what program so we can try to replicate "your" experience, which you totally didn't steel from a comment in another thread.
>cargo folder is 25 GB when it's done
share output of `du -sh` of the "cargo folder" so we know that this totally happened.
you're a delusional retard, but I don't care anymore. believe whatever retarded bullshit you want.
>There are only two communities where this regularly happens
What is "this"? Having dependencies? Yes anon, that happens in every programming language with a package manager.
Way to tell on yourself that you're total morons with no experience outside Rust and webshit. The typical C or Python program has a number of dependencies in the single or low double digits.
>two digits programmer
>The typical C or Python program has a number of dependencies in the single or low double digits.
no they literally do not and unlike you I actually had a job dealing with million LoC C++ shitware. Just because your build system is pure shit doesn't mean you have low dependencies, you just literally do not see them.
All the dependencies for the project I worked with were effectively opaque and handled by the buildroot builds which included compiler + dependency headers and linkable artifacts.

this board is fucking retarded.
Pip is a fucking nightmare when it comes to this shit, I don't know what you're talking about.
And C? Forget about it. What a fucking disaster of an ecosystem C has.
Thank you all for revealing to the board that you have no idea how rust's dependencies work, and how they differ from other (read: good) languages, such as C.
Before answering with incomprehensible copege and seethege, I suggest you research what rust does when handling dependencies which makes it take so long and get so big. Until you do so, you have no right to utter your opinions on the matter as you're too oblivious to form valuable stances.
Have you ever programmed anything in C more complex than fizzbuzz?
>Thank you all for revealing to the board that you have no idea how rust's dependencies work, and how they differ from other (read: good) languages, such as C.
In C you have the same dependencies except (You) need hideous shell scripts and makefiles to do it.
Really? You had 700 dependencies in a C++ project? I find that hard to believe. Usually it's just a few, like Qt, Boost, and a few helper libraries, that's it. Each of these have 0-10 dependencies, so that's a double digit number transitively.
>Pip is a fucking nightmare when it comes to this shit
Yet, even Python programmers are not dumb enough to use tons of microlibraries. Rust may have a better package manager, but just because you can doesn't mean you should.
Not true, nocoder moron. Nobody in C takes on hundreds of dependencies. We have a smaller number of larger libraries.
>Yet, even Python programmers are not dumb enough to use tons of microlibraries.
You're a fucking retard who doesn't know what the hell he's talking about. Otherwise you would have realized just how laughable that statement is.
I program in Python, you worthless moron. Show me the popular Python programs that have 700 transitive dependencies.
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The fact that you're actually trying this heap of fucking shit is more of a (you) problem than anything, faggot troon.
>let's replicate the npm clusterfuck of an ecosystem exactly
>this is good because... muh unix philosophy!
really all you need to know that rust users shouldn't be allowed to touch anything important
man, I got dissed at in Odin thread because Odin did not have a package manager like Rust did. Imagine thinking doing things the bloated way is the right way and considering everything other way to be inferior and not-the-right-way. I don't think I can ever get a rust person to understand how minimal and clear things would be by managing libraries inside the code base manually instead of leaving everything to npm or cargo.
People should at least now realize that manually managing packages of your code base is the most efficient way to do things and stay away from package managers. I have all libraries that I use within a single folder and I just include that folder whenever I need to use any library. I hardly needed to worry about managing the packages and I was fortunate that I never had a need to use a different version of the same library till now.
anyone who interacts with >>102410707 before he responds to >>102411083 is a retard
>Are Rust programmers just incompetent webshitters who decided to move to a compiled language but keep all of their webshit habits?
Kill yourself pythonjeet, your opinion is worth nothing and you should know it
>I don't think I can ever get a rust person to understand how minimal and clear things would be by managing libraries inside the code base manually instead of leaving everything to npm or cargo.
You can do that in Rust too, by just not using the package manager.
It seems that your issue is not with the tool itself but with how other people use it. Which is especially weird since if you don't use external packages, the code that other people write shouldn't affect you in any way.
>just not using the package manager.
actually, all you have to do is run `cargo vendor`. lol.
although, you need to do a little bit more if you plan to modify vendored code. but it's still all trivial.
>It seems that your issue is not with the tool itself but with how other people use it
My issues is the tool itself. Something like cargo shouldn't exist and even if it did, people should not be using it. Despite solving the problem of automatically grabbing dependencies for you, package managers create several other shit ton of serious issues. Imaging accidentally pulling in a GPL library. Using a package manager is one way of doing things and it is fine to use it to run on a virtual environment like a web browser.
I think its fine to use npm as that web dev ecosystem is fucked up to begin with or pip as python is more about getting shit done with minimal care about performance and efficiency in general but using a package manager for something like systems programming is a big blunder. You'll never know how large the dependencies of a library are until you try and build it which makes this entire thing terrible by design.
>>It seems that your issue is not with the tool itself but with how other people use it
>people should not be using it.
Comedy gold
>Write your own stuff like a white man.
Then why not just use C?
Because C is Worse is Better.
>nonfree propriecuck butthurt people can actually (re)use code written by others
why? I'm legitimately floored.
Are you retards just jealous or something because vcpkg and nuget are pure shit?
Isn't "writing your own stuff" worse, technically? And it's better considering you do gain understanding of what your shitware is doing. Only difference is you're not waiting three days for things to compile (unless that's part of the retro C experience Rust is emulating)
>dependencies and code reuse is... le bad!
why are they so big tho
and why does everything take weeks to compile?
I've never had trouble compiling anything until I tried with ungoogled chromium
I went to sleep and it wasn't finished...on a 2500k...
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>What a fucking disaster of an ecosystem C has.
filtered by tarballs and your own operating system. you can't make this shit up.
distro packages can't even do basic shit like provide correct pkg-config info. you're a fucking clown.
>Are you retards just jealous or something because vcpkg and nuget are pure shit?
who said code code reuse is bad?
What is bad is having shit ton of dependencies. If there is a package manager, people will not hold back with introducing new dependencies and that is where bloat primarily settles in. If the project grows, the bloat either stays and grows along with it. cargo is just as shit as vcpkg and nuget. Any package manager for a systems programming language will be shit by default.
Skill issue
>Isn't "writing your own stuff" worse, technically?
It depends on what already exists. If it's Unix and C, your own stuff is almost always better. This is why C programmers hate the idea of languages having features like strings and arrays. They know they can do better than C, so they have this idea that the people making compilers and languages are all stupid.
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this is why niggas gotta install gentoo
It's all 1s and 0s thoughbeit.
Gentoo is domed, with all those new languages you get easy 10 compilers and 4 web engines installed, the amount of compilation times are insane
this only really happens with web browsers and some other shitware though
I hate mozilla so fucking much it's insane
you don't have any business calling other anons clowns
>distro packages can't even do basic shit like <some-irrelevant-shit>
noooo!!! i need my bloated to fuck meta-build system integrated into my microlibrary that's 5000 loc!
>apt install libxt-dev
truly terrifying
Cheap cpus with heaps of cache more than compensate. Ryzen 3600 is like $70 and has 6c/12t and 32MB cache.
no they don't
it takes 3.75 hours to compile Chromium with LTO on R9 5950X with every single source file already loaded into RAM and 99% of the build happening in parallel
does single and multi-core performance go up by an order of magnitude every 7 years or so?
if not, CPUs don't compensate for shit
ok, now how do you use it retard? the fact you call pkg-config irrelevant is proof you're a nocoder retard.
holy fucking shit.
>the fact you call <actually-irrelevant-shit> irrelevant is proof you're a nocoder retard
>t. actual nocoder retard trying to LARP on /g/
>no argument
You know I'm right.
he's right though. you're a pyjeet. I think you're lost. check the OP again.
>It depends on what already exists. If it's Unix and C, your own stuff is almost always better.
funny but true
>distro packages can't even do basic shit like provide correct pkg-config info.
Always works for me on Debian. No problems with pkg-config or CMake.
I do agree that Rust's build tooling is way better. It's just their community that's retarded with their microlibraries.

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