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Do you think most people actually benefit from rolling release distros vs stable release?
>latest car vs one from 2010
basically. we don't have people anymore. just retards.
Static linking so I can use whatever version I want.
It doesn't matter.
except software is changing every day unlike cars
My computer -> rolling release
My moms computer -> stable release
It's actually arch and debian
Linux will never be mainstream unless it takes an immutable approach with an easy GUI installer and app store.

We already have this with KDE Discover and Flatpak. It has all the normie apps.

Even linux mint realizes this, which is why they enabled flatpak in the store to encourage people to use flatpak as its the standard. Linux Mint is the most downloaded linux distro.

I think linux mint is the best linux distro to date because X11 just werks. Maybe in the future when wayland and nvidia becomes opensource and widespread we'll see a wayland only linux mint.

Linux gaming just werks with mint though and for normies it works.
If you have newer hardware, it might not be compatible with an older stable release.
and not always for the better. i hate having to change my computer every fucking update. i hate updates so much that i use debian 8 btw
You can use a rolling release and just not update.
You can use stable but updoot every day.
Completely irrelevant variable.
I use debian because I don't want to fuck myself in the ass whenever I upgrade
>You can use a rolling release and just not update.
The Debian vs Arch dichotomy is an extreme one, Debian is built moreso for servers and workstations than the desktop, while Arch is built for home desktop users who are willing to compile from source and make their own packages.
It's actually a little maddening there's no true community distro that follows a stable release but with more up to date packages that benefit home users. Closest I can think of is Debian with only flatpaks, but you are still limited to graphical applications, and if your desktop environment lacks some feature you want, and is currently working on implementing them, you might end up spending years waiting for your system to receive the updates you want.
Fedora manages it almost perfectly but I would say that's due to the Red Hat sponsorship, and I was still basically forced to use Flatpaks during my time with it.
Why the fuck would you change your computer every update? Is this a Debian thing I am too rolling release to understand?
ok here's an example I've experienced personally. every major update i perform weekly, some faggot somewhere developing one of the packages will do something "new" or "unique" to one of the packages which then fucks up its interaction with the other packages basically cascading in a total system failure. happened to me many times on parabola, artix, arch with shit i just want to work and i do NOT want to debug this gay nigger shit every update. maybe YOU want to, but I don't. that's why when i switched to debian. i run a lot of different computers in my LAN and i need them to work 24/7/365 without failure or bugs
sorry for bad grammar, am zigger esl
>both just werks
Just use linux mint

There's a reason why it's #1 on distro watch not counting MX linux because thats botted.

The current state of linux is still X11 and a custom tailored desktop.

KDE is still kinda bloated and buggy and wayland isn't ready yet for gaming performance. Maybe in 2-3 years
You might want to elaborate what is meant by "new" and "unique" here. I have been on Arch for like 3 years and it has never borked on me even once.
>The current state of linux is still X11 and a custom tailored desktop.
I agree with this part. god I fucking love xfce
This is a retard world and you're living in it.
For windows users
I've been using Arch with Gnome Wayland and it works just fine. I don't game much though so I don't know how your modern garbage handles.
I want to use wayland, but its performance is still 10-15% worse and source games perform worse in wayland too.

X11 just werks, and mints cinnamon is the only desktop that still looks good and is stable so everyone is using that.

Flatpaks are a step in the right direction for unifying linux and making distros package agnostic but desktop and drivers are still a long way to go.
I avoid wayland because it's still too new and a lot of shit doesn't work on it
>X11 just werks
>and mints cinnamon is the only desktop that still looks good and is stable
haven't tried cinnamon in a long time but xfce is pretty much that as well. doesn't look that great by default but all you need to do is install a theme (cinnamon on mint comes with one pre-installed, it doesn't look good without it either). xfce is also super customizable and is perfect for tinkering and getting someone you really like using
>Flatpaks are a step in the right direction
I don't use them because I'm on an Arch-based distro (Artix) and pretty much everything I could ever want to install is on the AUR. I have a single program installed as an appimage because that's the only format it's released as, though
>and getting someone you really like using
something* kek
to elaborate, let's say the dev found a new way for the program to interact with other programs. like upgrading from python 3.10 to 3.11 (i do not use python but i'm just using it as example) the python dev would eventually deprecate the legacy method of how the program interacts in favor of the new method instead. and as a result, the programs that rely on the old method break because they cannot communicate until their devs either update them too or i have to go in and find a fix myself, this sometimes snowballs where other programs which rely on the programs that just broke as a result of the python update now cannot communicate and error out too. maybe to you this has never happened and that's good to hear, but it doesn't mean this is not a problem.
cars only got worse
>not counting MX linux because thats botted
empty accusation
It would've been a very edge case for it to happen on any maintained package manager with dependency management, although it certainly sounds plausible. It hasn't happened with me though, and I can only say that truthfully.
At least I update my arch installation regularly
Do you use MX Linux?
>Arch with Gnome Wayland
Best distro + best de, the REAL linux experience
The haters will try to sabotage me, but nothing happens if you don't update for months.
oh yeah obviously for very modern systems this problem has likely been fixed, i've dealt with this back in the early 2010s before switching to debian and never looking back in 2016. besides i guess it was implied but i'll just say it straight that i'm perfectly ok with you guys using rolling release distrobutions, just that i cannot tolerate them myself. i cannot risk breakages and besides nowadays my systems work flawlessly and i am not fixing what's not broken
>Do you think most people actually benefit from rolling release distros vs stable release?
people who see their distro as a penis extension want rolling release

People who see a distro as an extension of their mind want stable
are you unable to prove your accusation?
I am not the guy who said MX Linux is botted. Do you use MX Linux?
>car analogy
you're supposed to make a food analogy here, like that:

>rotten meat vs fresh meat
rolling release trannies btfo.
This. I use arch on my computer but Debian on absolutely everything else. I honestly never have an issue with either.
would that be an issue?
>My computer -> rolling release
>My moms computer -> stable release
I'll add:
My server -> stable release
My business PC -> immutable
I use Debian everywhere (server, desktop, laptop). But there is one thing that sometimes makes me want to switch to Arch:
Bluetooth is fucked on Debian. I have tried basically everything, but I cannot get my bluetooth controller to not randomly disconnect sometimes.
I know this is not a problem on Arch, but I don't want to mess with rolling release.
If anybody has any idea why this is happening, it would be appreciated. I have tried disabling wifi, disabling ertm, disabling power save (autosuspend). Nothing has helped so far.
Surely the most popular distro shows up in steam survey?
Post-distro box existing, I don't know what truly matters anymore. Either way you go there's a no compromise solution.
Stable releases like Debian have this problem where users who try to upgrade to the newer version end up breaking their install effectively forcing them to reinstall their OS. If you use external repos, your install breaking on an upgrade to the new distro version is almost guaranteed. Stability is an illusion on "stable" distros and you are effectively delaying breakages and when you do upgrade to the new version, you could face a cluster of breakages that are too much to handle and most would just reinstall their distro.

If you use a rolling release like Arch, the obvious drawback is the "breakages", but it's because the breakages are more upfront and are by one package so fixing it is not a huge problem if you know what you are doing. If you keep this up, you can hold the same installation of Arch for longer than the span of support for a version of Debian. Because you collect less tech debt when using Arch because you are basically paying it off upfront rather than just letting it fester up and get larger to the point that so much breaks. You can of course do that with Arch by not updating for months and so much will break on the next update. But on Debian, unless you're using Sid, which Debians unreliable rolling release version, you have no other option.
Debian + distrobox is kino. Base system + apps from repos stable as shit. Anything you need that is not covered by Debian stable --> distrobox.
Stable as fuck OS, with new apps when needed. Literally the best of both worlds.
If you don't make a franken debian, version upgrades are smooth as shit and you don't really have to do much, other than edit your sources.list.
Cars from 2010 had less pozz than the latest cars
Arch is not a tesla cumtruck or the latest prius. It's more boutique cars, like a "mass" production body kit (e.g RUF) or the latest mclaren which has less AIDS.
Fedora has two major stopper preventing it from taking the spot: can't ship codecs cause muh patents but can't be bothered to stay on sync with RPMFusion cause they're so special (also probably cause they offer LTS builds of the Kernel, can't predate too much on the niche of EL i guess), and repos being slow as fuck while also dropping packages whenever it doesn't fit Red Hat.
tried to install Debian. After the installation finished, i only had a cli because the installer didn't find my network card. will i have the same issues with Arch?
arch connects automatically but you need to tick the "keep installer network settings" box
Supra Mk.3 & 4 > Supra Mk.5
Also, no old car needs a subcription to use seat heaters. Simple as.
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>normie apps
Why can't we ever fucking have NICE INTERFACING + BLANK SLATE?
What distro even tries to double down on that?

A normie benefit more from Debian testing branch or Appimage/Flatpak/Snap packages over Debian stable than Debian Stable alone or Archlinux.

Debian Stable is more for servers and appliances (voip, iptv, ...), Archlinux is more for developpers and skilled users but gains are overall negligibles.
then rolling releases are more like planes
slightest changes fuck everything up, you constantly need to do checks and fixes on your system, and it'll fail horribly if you dont
rolling release only benefit is that you can try the most up to date packages without waiting for someone. otherwise good luck if you ended up updating and didn't check if your other packages didn't want that.
or just don't use archinstall.
With Debian you can have both.
>You can use stable but updoot every day.
Retard, i have 2000 packages on debian stable and it only updates something once every week at most
If you have a bunch of AUR garbage it might break something when you do a full system upgrade with 400 packages
> testing is not a rolling release
> unstable is not a rolling release
The Two distros in your pic are the best of the best and each shine in their own distinct ways.

For my gaming PC I'm absolutely using Arch, or maybe Fedora. For LITERALLY anything else, I'm slapping debian stable on so it works in a year when I next fuck with it.

Both are excellent, and both have their own distinct usecases. For a NAS server, debian all day, For a gaming PC Arch for the latest gfx drivers.
All you need is Pop or Mint. That's it. Nothing more, nothing less.
kill yourself poettering
it's more like latest car vs one from a year and a half ago
I use debian because I don't want to have to do a clean reinstall 3-4 times a year when something gets gigafucked. Especially when I'm in the middle of something.
Debian Sid is a rolling release.
Unstable is a rolling release.
>debian10% of windows performance in games
>arch nearly identical to windows performance in games
I love Debian but the facts speak for themselves.
How is CachyOS compared to Arch? I want to move on from W11 but would like the fastest possible linux distro. ClearLinux seems to top all the charts but isn't for daily driving?
Why would you want rolling release? I installed Ubuntu 20.04 on the PC I'm using now it still works great.
Close; Debian Sid+Experimental IS rolling release. My beloved GNOME 47 is already in Experimental, and just werks.
People that like being beta test monkeys and have nothing better to do.
>It is not a "rolling release", as no release-like quality assurance and integration testing is done on it.
So...just like a rolling release then. I'll submit a request to update the wiki since I'm right.
Idk man I installed cachy after so much shilling, had a few slight issues that I solved with 3 commands and now my main game runs with near windows performance, give it a try
such a silly goober. you're wrong again.
> we're just upgrading our software to the latest without quality control
under that definition, any fuckin testing program is in a rolling release, let alone a distro that just has a driver that hasn't been throughly tested
Actually may could have corrected me. I'll keep this posted but is it rolling if it's just experimental packages that the other packages themselves can't access. i,e, browser opens a file manager, or automation to RGB software
>under that definition, any fuckin testing program is in a rolling release, let alone a distro that just has a driver that hasn't been throughly tested
Fuck flatpak and fuck normies. Why do linux users care about who else uses linux? It's not going anywhere.
why is mx linux botted though i dont get it
im not arguing whether it is or isnt. it clearly isn't genuine traffic.
t. mx linux user
No, just because it is the latest doesn't mean it's rolling release. it still isn't in the repo.

Say you're sped and you update twice a day.
If you're on a rolling release, you're fucked. They are not gonna be checking dependencies cause it's whatever you download. You'll maybe get separate problems from your peers cause steam wants vulkan-radeon-1.6.7 but you got vulkan-radeon-1.6.8. Sorry, this was just released.
Now if you're on point release, you're still an airhead for updating that frequently, but you'll get whatever is on the point plus security fixes, and whatnot. But you cry "I WANT THE LATEST" so there has delivered. A point with the latest software. How is it added? probably not through a micro update but something closer to an alpha release. It may be the same version, but it's not released at the same time. It's not cause audit, just gotta make the point.

May I hear why you think getting the point where the software is new and just getting the new software is different

Which is why I question experimental
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>For my gaming PC I'm absolutely using Arch, or maybe Fedora.
don't be a retard. Use windows for gaming PC. Yes, Windows sucks, Microsoft bad
but if your goal is to play video games on your computer and you don't use Windows you're a fuckin retard
>muh proton
don't be poor and have enough money for multiple computers
you and I both know that Linux pales in comparison for playing video games, because every video game from the last 40 years will work on Windows much better than Linux
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Anything other than this is just using shittier distros to feel special and unique.
you mean like Fedora with KDE Plasma? Roflmao... you just described Fedora.
How much does sid actually break on you? Been considering testing for a while myself
idk man but if people wanna do it then whatever its their machine and their time
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>call me a retard
>proves me right in the next sentence
I use Debian KDE on my T480, works great for programming and browsing the web.
It's not botted, Distrowatch just counts it terribly. Actually go through the list and you'll realize it makes no sense, none of the really really popular distros are even close to the top
It is botted. There is no way MX could be at the top and stay there FOR YEARS.
you're all so fucking retarded. I'm a genius compared to y'all.
Dude, almost all of the reviews of it on the website were ai generated.
I use a stable release on my laptop that I use a couple of times per week tops so I don't have to install a gazillion updates every time
It can, by attracting more people to click on it as the first distro on the list.
I just checked this myself, I didn't see any.
Bro, MX has been at the top every year consecutively since 2019. People just clicking the first link does not explain this serious anomaly by a long shot.
>arch KDE
>krashes, bugs out
>debian KDE
>doesn't krash, doesn't bug out
Can't krash if it got no features!

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